Royal Bastards MC: Blayze's Inferno Los Angeles Chapter

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Royal Bastards MC: Blayze's Inferno Los Angeles Chapter Page 8

by J. Lynn Lombard

  “OK, Dagger will be there waiting. You and I will be having a little conversation when I get there.” He growls.

  “Xander, I have Danyella. But it’s bad. I mean really bad. Bloody Scorpions have all those women in a cage, handcuffed to beds. I’ve never seen anything like it before in my life. We have to help them.” My voice trembles.

  “What you need to do is get the girls back to the clubhouse now. We’ll handle the Bloody Scorpions.” Blayze is still so pissed off right now.

  “I’m on my way. And in case I haven’t told you, I love you, Xander.”

  “I love you too, Bug. Don’t ever pull this shit again.” He hangs up the phone before I can say anything else.

  “How is she?” I ask, looking in my rearview mirror.

  Danyella has tears rolling down her cheeks and she shakes her head. “I’m so sorry, Daisy. I’m so sorry. This shouldn’t have happened to you.” Danyella sobs. She hugs Daisy’s limp body to her chest. The little girl holds Danyella around her neck, soothing her.

  Bright lights gain their way behind me. “Shit, hang on,” I shout. The lights get brighter and closer until they’re right on my bumper. I push the gas harder, trying to outrun them. Traffic ahead of me hits their brakes for a red light and I know if I stop, we’re all dead. I gun the gas and cut into the other lane. Horns blare and lights glare at me as I weave in and out of oncoming traffic. I let off the gas at the next intersection, brake hard and crank the wheel hard to the left, drifting around the corner.

  Another car comes up to the driver’s side of me once I pull out of the drift. This one is a silver Ford Shelby GT 500. The driver is a stunning blonde-haired woman I’ve seen before. She gives me a wink before falling back and cutting the car off trying to ram me. Another car appears on my right. This one is a dark red Nissan GT-R. The man driving has dark skin and dark hair with blonde highlights. He too offers me a wink and points to a silver Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat in front of me. He then drops back and stays side by side with the Shelby, blocking the other car chasing me from passing them. I follow the Dodge Challenger into the night, flying down the highway. I don’t know these people, but they just saved my life and for that, I’ll be forever grateful.

  Once we reach the safety of the clubhouse, the gates immediately roll open. The Silver Hellcat I was following enters first. Then me, the silver Shelby and the dark red Nissan. I pull into a parking spot and shut the car off. The others do the same. They climb out of their cars and wait for direction. The driver of the Hellcat is a little Mexican woman with dark hair and deep brown eyes. The man driving the Nissan stays next to her. Danyella is still crying in the back seat, holding onto Daisy and the little girl. The side door Daisy and I came out of a few hours ago flies open and Dagger comes running in our direction followed by the prospect who was hitting on Daisy.

  “I’ll be right back,” I say to Danyella. She nods her head and doesn’t say a word. I open the door and meet Dagger and the prospect in the middle of the parking lot. “There’s no point.” Tears fall rapidly down my face and I don’t wipe them away. I hold my head high and grieve for a young lady who lost her life all too soon. God gained an angel today while we lost a beautiful soul.

  Dagger ignores me and hurries to the waiting car. The woman driving the Shelby approaches me as I watch Dagger carefully remove Daisy’s limp body from the back seat. When she gets close enough, I realize who she is. She’s one of the most stunning women I’ve ever seen. I was immediately envious of her when she came to my studio with The Savage Saints. Her California kissed skin and blonde hair would make anyone jealous. The man standing behind her crosses his arms. He’s tall and built like a fighter. He doesn’t say much, but he has the same haunted expression in his eyes I’ve had in mine before.

  “Are you OK?” her sweet voice has me in more tears.

  “Thank you for saving me.” I choke out.

  “It was no problem. I live for that shit.” She shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly.

  “I’m Monica.” I offer her my hand. “I owe you a debt for saving my life.”

  She takes my hand and gives it a firm shake. “I look forward to it. Name’s Krimson.”

  Chapter 9


  Riding with my brothers is the best feeling in the world. The wind whipping around me. The power of my Harley vibrating with every twist of my wrist. The way I can let go of all the shit happening and focus on the open road. It centers my mind. Centers my soul.

  We’re riding in formation down the PCH. Some of us will be heading into downtown LA while the rest of us go to the Bloody Scorpions clubhouse. The sun has set fully over the ocean view to my right. Time is ticking down. Capone is in the lead. I’m right behind him to his left and Torch is next to me. Behind me are Bear and Trigger, followed by Tiny, Red and Derange. Two prospects are behind them driving the vans to export the girls to our clubhouse. The traffic isn’t as heavy as normal. It’s like commuters know something’s up and decided to stay home. They’d be right. A war is brewing and we’re the bombs ticking down, ready to explode.

  Capone lifts his right hand in the air, holding up three fingers. Signaling to our brothers this is where we part. Bear speeds up and gets next to me while Torch slows down to ride with the rest. We turn left and put two fingers facing down as our brothers pass. It’s a sign of respect and good luck to keep two wheels on the ground at all times. Once the vans catch up to the three of us, Capone signals to pull off in an empty parking lot. I check the time we have left until the auction. There’s a little over two hours to go.

  Capone pulls into a parking spot at the way back of the lot and turns his bike off. Bear and I follow. The prospects driving the vans cage us in and block us from the view of the road. Capone climbs off his bike, removes his brain bucket and lights up a smoke. The ticking of our cooling bikes is the only noise in the quiet night.

  “Prez, what’s going on?” I ask as I climb off my bike and remove my brain bucket. I really want to get to the old warehouse to scope it out before it’s too late. My nerves are on the edge of exploding and taking my frustration out on my Prez and best friend.

  “I got a text before we left. The instructions said to meet here.” Capone responds.

  “Text? From who? What the hell, Prez?” I growl. I suck in a breath when the words leave my lips. Fuck I just screwed up.

  Capone levels me with a glare and inhales his cigarette. He blows the smoke out before addressing my disrespect. “First, I’m going to let that fucking slide because I know how stressed you are. Second, my decisions are not to be questioned. Krimson asked me to stay here until we get the all clear to move forward. Remember your place Blayze. My fucking Club. My decisions. End of fucking discussion. Are we clear VP?” Capone drops his cigarette and grinds it out with his boot.

  “Aye, Prez. Sorry about that. It won’t happen again.” Shit, I’m lucky on that one. I have to learn how to pick my battles with him and this wasn’t one of them.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket and I yank it out of my jeans. Capone’s does the same. It’s the gate alarm at the clubhouse. Someone either just arrived or left. I pull up the camera and what I see makes my blood boil. My girl is hurrying back to the black Dodge Charger and exiting the clubhouse.

  “What the fuck is she doing?” I ask no one in particular. I knew we should’ve hidden all the car keys. I look up to Capone and he’s watching the same video. The slight tick in his jaw is the only sign he’s pissed.

  I close out of the security app and dial her number. It rings a few times before sending me to voicemail. “Bug. Answer your damn phone.” I growl when it beeps to leave a message. My fingers tighten on my phone causing it to crack under the pressure.

  Capone dials her number and the same thing happens. “Monica, get back into the clubhouse. Now.” He hangs up and I dial again.

  “Voicemail, again.” Motherfucker.

  We both try a few more times until it now goes directly to voicemail. What in the hell is she doing?
I will blister that ass so hard; she’ll be able to feel me for a week when she sits down.

  “What do we do now Prez?” Rage settles deep into my bones. I need my President to guide me before I go off the rails.

  “We continue with the plans and wait for my contact to show up and give us the all clear.” Capone levels me with a stare so cold, I shiver. “I don’t know what my sister is up to, but she’s a big girl and can handle herself. I need you to focus on what we’re doing, not worry about what she’s doing. Can you do that, Blayze? Because if you can’t, hop on your bike and head back to the clubhouse. We’re going to war and need all your attention before one of us gets killed.”

  I close my eyes and inhale a deep breath, centering my mind. Capone is right. I can’t control Monica no matter how much I want to. She can handle whatever she’s doing and if she can’t, she’ll call. I have to trust that. Trust her. Opening my eyes, I nod at my Prez, “Aye. I’m here and ready to take these fuckers down. You have my word.” I reply. “Good. I know this isn’t your strong suit, but now we wait.” He turns to Bear still sitting on his bike. I forgot he was even here. “You good with that Bear?” Capone asks. “Aye, Prez. I’m ready to move forward on your word.” Bear responds.

  We sit in silence and wait. Capone paces back and forth in front of his bike, checking his phone every few steps. Bear remains on his bike, not saying much or moving. He’s focused on the mission. I keep checking my cracked phone every few minutes, hoping Bug is safe. The heat from the day radiating off the pavement, wrapping itself around me. That’s one thing I love about California. The heat. Some days it can be down right sweltering outside where your skin will fall off from sweating and a few days later you need jeans and a hoodie. Capone’s right, this isn’t my strong suit. Waiting sucks. All I want to do is go in there and slice every motherfucker around from groin to throat and watch their insides tumble out. That’s the reason I earned the road name Blayze. I head into danger with my guns blazing. I shoot first and ask questions later.

  I’ve always been a stubborn ass and will continue that way until the day I die. It’s ingrained in my DNA. My father was a member of the old Royal Bastards MC when Chains was the Prez. He was killed during the war. A casualty that sucked but it’s the way this life goes. Once you choose your side, you choose what happens next. And his betrayal to Capone ended his life. I have no idea where my mother is. She high tailed it out of this life when me and my sister were preteens. Leaving us with the club whores and Ol’ Ladies to look after us. My dad tried his best raising us. Danyella and I are only ten months apart and what some people call Irish twins. I wasn’t even a month old when my father knocked my mother up for the second time. One thing I remember from him is that he liked to fuck. He enjoyed getting his dick wet any way he could. He was one of the most unfaithful bastards around. I think that’s one reason why my mother left. She just one day up and disappeared without a word or a trace of where she went.

  “Any idea how much longer?” I ask.

  Capone looks at his phone for the hundredth time. “Should be soon. It’s getting closer to midnight. Krimson said she’d have us in there before the auction starts.”

  My phone vibrates in my hand. Monica’s name appears on the screen. I quickly swipe accept and put the phone up to my ear. “Monica, what the fuck?”

  “Blayze, I need help. Daisy’s been shot.” Monica’s voice trembles with every word. I can hear her driving fast.

  “Where are you?” I signal to Capone and put the phone on speaker.

  “I’m on the corner of 6th and Lambert and heading back to the clubhouse.” Monica is on the verge of a breakdown and I need to keep her calm.

  “OK, Dagger will be there waiting. You and I will be having a little conversation when I get there.” I growl.

  “Xander, I have Danyella. But it’s bad. I mean really bad. Bloody Scorpions have all those women in a cage, handcuffed to beds. I’ve never seen anything like it before in my life. We have to help them.” Her voice is a quivering mess.

  I do my best to keep her sane. “What you need to do is get the girls back to the clubhouse now. We’ll handle the Bloody Scorpions.” I’m so pissed off right now. She put herself in danger and now that little girl is hurt.

  “I’m on my way. And in case I haven’t told you, I love you, Xander.” She sighs into the phone.

  “I love you too, Bug. Don’t ever pull this shit again.” I hang up the phone before she can say anything else.

  I throw my brain bucket on and look at Capone. He’s on the phone pacing back and forth nodding every few seconds. I’m sure he doesn’t realize he’s doing that. Whoever he’s talking to can’t see him nod. Capone hangs up the phone after a few beats and hurries over to his bike. He throws his helmet on and starts his bike.

  “We’re going in hard, boys. Take out anyone standing in our way. Krimson and her crew will get the girls back to the clubhouse safely. We need to focus on what we’re doing.” He shouts over the rumble of his bike. I confirm with a nod and fire up my bike. Bear does the same. Capone peels out of the parking lot. Bear and I are right behind him, shifting gears hard. The vans with the prospects are right behind us, not giving anyone room on either side of the two-lane roads. The five of us fly through the streets of L.A. not stopping for red lights or slowing down for anything.

  We make it to the old warehouse and Capone pulls down an alley next to a backdoor that’s left wide open. I shut my bike off, dismount and pull my .40 caliber out of my cut, ready to blow any motherfucker up that gets in my way. I quickly remove my helmet. Capone and Bear are doing the same. The two prospects driving the vans approach us.

  Capone turns his attention to them, “Prospects, we need you both with us. Once we start letting the girls out, then you take off and head right for the clubhouse. Don’t stop for anything or anyone.”

  “Got it.” They say in unison.

  “Be ready to shed some blood boys. If you can’t do that then pack your shit and get the fuck out of my Club.” Capone is ready to take these fuckers down. “This separates the men from the boys. There’s no turning back once we enter. You all ready?” Capone looks to each of us, waiting to see who’s going to back out.

  I already have my gun drawn and a knife in my other hand. I’m ready. Bear has his gun ready and a whip in his other hand. The two prospects have their guns out and each has their own knife. I give Capone a nod.

  “Take each fucker out silently unless it’s absolutely necessary to use your gun. I don’t care if you break their necks, slice them open or however you need to. Do it quietly.”

  “Aye, Prez. We’re ready. Let’s get these motherfuckers.” I answer. Bear and the two prospects nod in agreement. My adrenaline is pumping through my veins. I live for this shit.

  Capone is the first one through the metal door. I follow close behind, searching for a sign someone is in the stairwell. Capone points to the stairs and we head down to the basement at a rapid pace. We come to the first door and it’s locked. Capone steps off to the side and I pick the lock. Once the tumblers release, I slowly open the door my gun aimed out. It’s silent down the long corridor.

  “What the fuck?” I whisper to Capone. My voice echoes down the dirty hallway. He shushes me with his hand and walks straight down the hallway, keeping to the walls. I see a light at the end and hear people talking. Once we reach it, it’s another metal door. There’s a small hallway to the right and another door that’s slightly ajar where the voices are coming from.

  Capone points me to the open door and I sneak down that way. I press my back against the wall and push the door open a little wider. The television is at a loud volume playing some sitcom. I don’t pay attention to what’s on. I’m looking at a Bloody Scorpions member sitting in a chair, his back to me, groping a girl dancing for him. Her moves are choppy and her body is trembling. She’s wearing a dirty tank top, short shorts and nothing else on her malnourished frame. He grabs her hips and yanks her down onto his lap.

“That’s enough teasing you little slut. Now suck me off.” He sends her to her knees on the dirty carpet. She has tears in her eyes when he unbuckles his pants and pulls his cock out stroking it. “Real deep and dirty, slut. You know how I like it.”

  Before the girl can even blink, I’m behind him. I hold my knife to his throat and yank his head back so he can see who’s ending his life.

  “You can’t do this,” the Bloody Scorpion grunts. His hand is still on his dick.

  “I wish I could take the time to play with you like you were playing with her, but I won’t. Tell me where the rest of them are.” My voice is low and deadly when I glare into his eyes and press my knife into his throat. Just enough to break the skin.

  “Fuck you. You’re all dead.” He spits out.

  “No, you’re dead.” I sink my knife into his throat and cover his mouth with my free hand so he can’t scream and alert the others. I watch as his blood spills down his shirt and the life drains from his eyes. Once he stops moving, staring up lifelessly, I remove my hand. I wipe his blood off my knife on his jeans and drag his body to the corner. The girl is still kneeling on the carpet, watching everything I’m doing. She hasn’t said a word.

  I approach her slowly, my hands out in front of me to show I’m not a threat, “Are you OK?” She nods her head but doesn’t move. “Do you know where the others are? We’re here to help.”

  She nods her head and rises. “I can show you if you promise to get us out of here. There are only four of those men here tonight.” The girls voice is quiet and timid.

  “Yes, we’re going to get you all out. How many girls?” I lead the way back to where Capone, Bear and the two Prospects are.

  “There’s at least twenty of us down here. There used to be more, but some have disappeared and never returned.” Sadness laces her voice.

  Capone steps forward, “We’re going to get you all out. Can you show us where everyone is?”

  “Yes. Follow me.” She takes off to the left and we hurry to keep up with her. She walks a few more paces and turns right. There’s an open door in front of us. “Through that door is the cage. There’s one guard.” She points to the open door.


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