Amane of Teravinea - The Crown (The Teravinea Series Book 3)

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Amane of Teravinea - The Crown (The Teravinea Series Book 3) Page 26

by D. Maria Trimble

  I turned my face from the pain below me to join my parents. A sound halted my movement. It reverberate around me, an utterance as surreal as this place in which I found myself. It was Ansel, crying out in despair.

  “A–má–ne! Don’t leave me, please.”

  The three dragons joined their keening to his.

  A pang of regret found its way to my heart. Would I miss his kiss, his warm embrace? Would I even be able to remember?

  The white light was before me. But I couldn’t see my parents any longer.

  “Mother, Father!” I called out.


  A warm hand enclosed mine. I was pleased my sense of touch remained. “Father, I can’t see you.”

  “Amáne, it’s not your father. It’s me, Ansel.”

  “Ansel? What are you doing here? What about your kingdom, your people?” A wave of anguish flowed through me as I ached for Teravinea.

  “You’re not with your ancestors. You live, Amáne.” His voice broke.

  It took me a moment to understand what he had said. I reached out and touched his face. He kissed my hand and an unbelievable warmth spread through me.


  “Yes. I’m here, my love.”

  At once my whole being was filled with another presence.

  “Eshshah!” I called out.

  “I’m with you Amáne.” The emotion in her voice was as near a sob as I’d ever heard. “You should never have done what you did, but I thank you. I am indebted to you for my life.”

  “No, Eshshah, you are my dragon. There is no debt.”

  I tried to open my eyes. Panic filled me.

  “I can’t see. Why can’t I see you, Eshshah? Ansel?”

  Ansel soothed me with soft whispers as he stroked my hand. Eshshah hummed to calm me.

  Then I heard the Healer’s voice, “Your eyes were burned, Amáne. The dragons poured themselves into your healing. We can only hope your sight was not lost. Let me remove the bandages.”

  My head was gently lifted off the pillow. I caught the scent of Ansel’s musky/spicy aroma near me. The Healer’s loving hands unwrapped the linens. I felt their tension.

  Slowly, I opened my eyes to the most magnificent sight I could ever have imagined. The beautiful eyes of all those I loved most in the world. The golden eyes of my dragon, the brown of the Healer, the blue eyes of Gallen, and the deep green eyes of Ansel.

  I had, in fact, kept Eshshah alive by a small thread. The three dragons, Sovann, Sitara and Dinesh used that gossamer fiber to call her back.

  As for myself, I went to the farthest edge of the Shadows. One more step and I would now be with my mother and father. The dragons’ keening along with Ansel’s love and strength, had stopped me from that last step to the Other Side. They called me back.

  In the three days I was unconscious, work had already been started to repair Castle Teravinea. People are pouring into the city to assist. Stone masons, woodworkers, experts from every field. All traces of Galtero will be purged. The castle will be restored to its glory, as when occupied by Ansel’s parents.

  The dragon eggs have already been moved from the Hatching Chamber. The chamber is being cleansed from Galtero’s caustic effects. Once it is decontaminated, it will be rebuilt. I look forward to dragons hatching and linking at the next ceremony.

  Charna now lives in the forest on the other side of the river. I visit him when I can.

  The battlefield is still being cleared. Tears mix with the blood that was shed. Funeral pyres still burn. Springtime will bring a special Life Celebration Gathering to honor all those who fell.

  Ansel told me a thorough search had not turned up any trace of Galtero. I revealed he had ridden off, with my glaive in his back. I was the last to have seen him alive. I couldn’t verify if he lived.

  My hair had been singed so badly, Eulalia had to crop it short. Ansel dried my tears and comforted me. He assured me he loved me just as much with short hair as with my long tresses. He smiled as he added he may even love me more, as now he can always see my face. If I ever need to impersonate a male again, I should be more successful.

  Eulalia visited me one day with her hair cropped as short as mine. She said the younger girls have taken a liking to short locks. I’m amused she joined them in the new fashion.

  It will be at least a fortnight before Eshshah will be allowed to fly with me. Her ribs had been broken. Sovann, along with Dinesh and Sitara give her daily treatments. We are thankful, her wings had not been permanently damaged in that fateful crash. She’s expected to make a full recovery.

  I am set up in a rather well-furnished pavilion. The Healer is negotiating for an apartment inside the city walls where I’ll live with her and Gallen until the castle apartments are ready.

  The Healer allows me to move about the camp as long as I take it slowly. I spend a lot of time visiting the wounded. She restricts me from using my gift of healing. I don’t protest too vehemently because we now have quite a few dragons who attend to the injured.

  The dragons that stayed from the Valley of Dragons chose riders from among our brotherhood. Sitara and Dinesh bonded with the Healer and Gallen. Bonding is not the same as linking. Nothing could replace a linked pair, but for the riders to share with a dragon again, well, it can’t be explained.

  Dragons and riders now fly over Teravinea.

  Fiona’s beloved, Kail, has headed home to Dorsal with his brothers.

  Eben was found alive on the battlefield. He remains in convalescence, but after several more treatments from his new winged companion, he will continue to enjoy the long life of a dragon rider.

  Bern ... he is with his ancestors, but will always occupy a special place in my heart, as will Quinian.

  Ansel and I have a royal wedding to plan. We will combine it with his coronation. If I had my way, I would have a private betrothal ceremony and be done with it. I know I’ll have to concede defeat on that subject. No one seems to see it my way. Ansel gives me a stunning smile each time I suggest a less extravagant affair. He says I need to get used to the life of a royal.

  I plan on convincing Fiona to move to the City of Teravinea. I don’t think it will be difficult. I’ll pass the social affairs of the castle into her skillful hands.

  My mother’s, Ansel’s mother’s and Senolis’ words still echo in my mind. We have persevered through the flames of loss and misfortune, by which our lives have been formed and enriched.

  Who would have thought my dreams and aspirations as a small girl would be woven into such a colorful tapestry — dark as well as bright? I am a dragon rider, linked to the most beautiful dragon ever hatched. I will be marrying the most handsome and caring man, my best friend, the King of Teravinea. I used to think that only happened in children’s stories.

  Ride over! Or is it? Hmm, we may have to attend a Royal Teravinean wedding. There may finally be a hatching and linking at the next Hatching Ceremony. Did Galtero survive Amáne’s last effort to run her glaive through his black heart?

  Nevertheless, the fight for the crown has ended — in victory. I have many people to thank for their support along the way. My husband, Lloyd, a Vietnam Vet, offered his input when I ran some of my battle plans by him. My daughters April and Alanna, always supportive. Alanna has given valuable ideas and opinions. Rio, Mila and now Kira (possibly future dragon riders) still inspire. I can’t wait until they can read. Son-in-law, Jason, number one dragon fan. My sister, Doreen, always encouraging and spreading the word.

  A big thank you goes out to my beta-readers. Scott Saunders, my go-to for weapons and battle advice. My fight scenes passed his scrutiny, except for one of his pet peeves ... I’m not telling. Michael Clark once again offered his opinions and suggestions, which I drank up. Katherine and Melanie Arthur, Allison Ashworth, Clementyne Vega, dancers of Linda Armstrong’s School of Highland Dance, passed around my manuscript again and shared their excitement. Forrest Vess spurred me to change up the cover a bit. He patiently endured more of my boo
k banter. Tattoo artist, Pete Walker, from Allegory Tattoo, worked patiently with me to come up with Sovann’s awesome linking mark. Thanks to Alea Ferrier for allowing me to use her striking photo of Windsor Castle. My writing was held to a high standard with the input and critiquing I received from my Tuesday night writer’s meet-up group, including, but not limited to Bree, Candace, Craig, Devon, Donna.

  Thanks to all whose enthusiasm and attachment to my characters make all the hours spent worth it.

  - Water - derived from Native American

  - Protector - German; Drekinn - Dragon - Icelandic

  - Brave - Malay

  - Brave and Gallant - German. Formerly known as Koen (Brave - French) - Rider of the late Heulwen

  - Sorrow/Tear Drop - Irish/Gaelic. Formerly known as Yaron (to sing or shout - Hebrew) - Rider of the late Volkan

  - Violent Stream - Welsh. Formerly known as Vahe (strong - Armenian) - Rider of the late Bade

  - Pure - Old Greek

  - Angry - Azerbaijani

  - Dark Man - Hungarian. Formerly known as Ruiter (Rider - Afrikaan) - Rider of the late Unule

  - Heroic - Scottish

  - Rock - Hebrew. Formerly known as Haldis (Stone Spirit - Greek) - Rider of the late Salama

  - Leader - German. Ansel’s father.

  - (Pronounced ESHA) Fire - Hebrew

  - To Talk Well - Greek

  - Young Warrior - Celtic/Gaelic

  - Bad/Foul Smell, Stink - Latin

  - Guardian. Formerly known as Kei (sand - African) - Rider of the late Okeanos

  - Violet - Czechoslovakian

  - White/Fair - Gaelic

  - derived from Galen - Healer/Calm - Greek. Formerly known as Kaelem (honest) - Rider of the late Gyan

  - Ruler of the Army - German

  - Formerly known as Nara - Happy - Greek. Rider of the late Torin

  - Battle and Counsel - Old English

  - Meaning Unknown - English

  - Mighty One - Celtic/Gaelic

  - Dark Lady Celtic/Gaelic

  - Favor, Glory - Slavic

  - Clever Trickster - Celtic/Gaelic

  - Very Strong - Scottish. Formerly known as Qurban (martyr sacrificed - African) Rider of the late Alcyone

  - Strong Ruler - Nordic form of Richard. Ansel’s Grandfather

  - Water - Spanish

  - (T added) Young Royalty - Celtic/Gaelic

  - Dark - Gaelic

  D. María Trimble lives in Carlsbad, California with her husband. Her days are spent as a graphic artist at a local company. She has been a student of dragonology from a very young age.




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