by Gil Reavill
For Rich Procter, a dedicated toiler in the fields of the word
Richard Jaccoma pitched in with a vital early read of the manuscript. Jean Zimmerman and Maud Reavill provided invaluable support. Dan Azulay provided a crucial line in casual conversation. I’d like to express my special gratitude to Luzmarie Alvarez for her expertise and to Todd Allen for his forbearance. Kate Miciak, Julia Maguire, and the whole team at Alibi have been great.
13 Hollywood Apes
13 Stolen Girls
13 Under the Wire
GIL REAVILL is an author, screenwriter, and playwright. Widely featured in magazines, Reavill is the author of Aftermath, Inc.: Cleaning Up After CSI Goes Home, and the co-author of Beyond All Reason: My Life with Susan Smith and the screenplay that became the 2006 film Dirty, starring Cuba Gooding, Jr. He lives in Westchester County, New York, with his wife, the writer Jean Zimmerman.
Every great mystery needs an Alibi
eOriginal mystery and suspense from Random House
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