Rescue Me (Sunset Bay Book 1)

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Rescue Me (Sunset Bay Book 1) Page 1

by Christine Kingsley


  By Christine Kingsley

  Copyright © 2015 by Christine Kingsley

  Cover Design © 2015 by Resplendent Media

  Kindle Edition

  All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, locations, and events in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons or places is purely coincidental. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form without the express consent of the author.

  From Rescue Me…

  Cole wrapped his fingers around her wrist, pulling her in closer. "You're incredible. Beautiful. Alive," he said softly, his eyes never leaving her face.

  Suddenly Meredith's breath was ragged again, her heart pounding so hard she was certain Cole could feel her erratic pulse where he maintained his grip on her wrist. She didn't know what to say to that, so she just stared into his face, waiting.

  "I knew there was something different about you when I first saw you tonight, but now I know what it is. You don't wait around letting life pass you by. You grab it with both hands and make the most of it."

  Meredith melted. This was too much. Here she was lying on the beach next to the most gorgeous man she'd ever met while he spouted off words that had her going to pieces. He didn't even know her, but he saw straight through her carefully constructed facade right to who she really was. And liked what he saw. She must be dreaming.

  But the heat of his breath as he sat up and leaned in close gave her body a jolt that proved she was indeed awake. Cole reached for her, wrapping one arm around her waist and the other behind her neck, and lowered her slowly to the sand until she was looking up as he hovered over her.

  Time stood still and all she heard was the crash of the waves and the beating of her heart as he traced a finger over her mouth, down her neck and across her shoulder before he bent his and touched his lips to hers.















  Also by Christine Kingsley


  About the Author


  Meredith Jacobs held two little dresses up in the air, debating which to wear. The white one was soft and breezy, perfect for a night out at the beach resort. But the red one. The red one screamed sexy temptress with its deep halter neckline and low-cut back. She looked at them for half a second longer, then tossed the white one back in her suitcase.

  Taking a deep breath, she dressed quickly then moved on to the next decision. Hair up or down? She really didn't think it should be this hard to get ready for a night out, but she was out of practice. Years out of practice. She may have the occasional dinner or cocktail with friends, but it had been so long since she'd gone out with the sole purpose of enjoying the possibilities of the evening, perhaps even having a harmless flirtation, that she wanted to take extra care with her preparations.

  That's what happens when you put your career ahead of everything else.

  Sighing and shaking off the heavy weight that thoughts of work tended to bring, she tousled her dark curls and let them hang down her back. Might as well let her hair down figuratively and literally.

  Ready to get the evening started, she slipped on her red heeled sandals and was about to walk out of her room when she heard a knock on her door. A huge smile spread across her face as she ran to answer it.

  "Brandon!" She threw herself into her brother's arms. "I was starting to think I was at the wrong resort." She'd arrived at his beach resort, Sunset Bay, earlier in the day, but this was the first time she'd seen him.

  Brandon laughed as he placed a kiss on the top of her head. "I'm sorry, but it's been a crazy week. I've spent nearly every waking moment putting out one fire or another." He pulled back and glanced down at her, frowning. "What are you wearing?"

  Meredith twirled around, her face the picture of innocence. "Just a dress. I'm going dancing."

  He made a guttural sound in his throat. "Do I need to assign security to keep an eye on you?"

  Meredith swatted him on the arm as he passed her to take a seat in the living area. He had set her up in a swanky suite. "I'll be fine. It's been ages since I've danced. I miss it." She tried to keep the wistful look hidden from her brother. "I have an idea. Why don't you join me?"

  "Nice as that sounds, I have work to do."

  "At nine o'clock? Don't you ever take a break?"

  "You're one to talk," he said, lifting his eyebrows. "It only took how many years to get you to take some time off and come down here? Besides, I'm on the verge of really taking this place to the next level. Can't slack off now." Brandon had worked so hard to build up the Florida resort, having been hired on to manage straight after college. It had all paid off as he was now a partial owner with plans to eventually buy it out entirely.

  "And you wonder why I never take time off?" Meredith arched an eyebrow. "You set the bar pretty high." She regretted not coming to see her brother more often, but just like Brandon, she spent all her time working harder, needing to prove herself. To show him just how much she appreciated all he'd done for her. Now she was on the verge of all her personal sacrifices paying off as well, so she'd finally given in to his request that she come relax for a few weeks while she waited to hear back about a major promotion at her New York brokerage firm.

  Brandon stood, still eying her dress warily. "Go have fun. But not too much fun. I'll come by in the morning to show you around. I have some activities lined up for you. Don't worry, you'll like them," he added, laughing at the skeptical look on her face as he turned to leave.

  Meredith gave herself a final once-over in the mirror then headed out the door and down the path that led to the dance club. Tropical flowers and lush foliage lined the walkway, filling Meredith's nose with their fragrant floral scent and causing her to smile. She was determined to make the most of her time here.

  Picking up the pace, Meredith rounded the corner and found herself facing the dance club. One side didn't have a wall, opening right out to the beach, and the driving beat of the music poured out. Choosing to take the paved side path versus the beach entrance in her stilettos, she pushed down the sudden tightness in her throat and squared her shoulders as she pushed open the carved wooden door to reveal a tiki-inspired motif in the club.

  You can do this.

  She'd had plenty of experience living a carefree life back in college. Just because she'd become a stick in the mud workaholic over the past few years didn't mean she'd forgotten how to have a good time. And if she happened to meet someone to dance with while she was there, even better.

  Scanning the dim room, her eyes settled on the bar running the length of the back wall. Its thatched awning resembled a cabana, complete with a canopy of brightly twinkling lights. First things first. She was going to need a drink. The music pulsed through her body as she made her way around the swaying crush of bodies on the dance floor, and she found herself swinging her hips to the rhythm. Judging from the way some of the men ran their eyes over her and sent suggestive smiles her way, she thought maybe she did still have it after all. She allowed a small smile to spread across her lips. This could be fun.

  Meredith found an empty space at the bar and leaned in to get the attention of the bartender. When he met her gaze, she felt the nerves return with full force. The guy was a major ho
ttie in his tight black tee and jeans.

  "What can I get you?"

  Meredith swallowed hard. Maybe she wasn't as comfortable as she thought when it came to actually interacting with sexy men. Irritated at herself, she stood tall and offered him the full force of her megawatt smile.

  "Lemon drop. And a beer," she added as an afterthought. The shot would calm her nerves, but the beer would give her something to do with her hands while she figured out what to do next. The bartender handed her the drinks and gave her one last appreciative glance before moving on to the other customers.

  Meredith stared into the bright yellow liquid courage then knocked it back before she could think twice. The combination of sweet and sour masked the burn of the alcohol and she set the glass down and turned to take in the scene before her, a little less on edge, but still having to force herself to let go.

  It used to be so easy to just have a good time. She almost didn't recognize herself anymore. But that's what this trip was about. Enjoying the break, being herself and letting loose. And that's just what she intended to do.

  Perching on a barstool, Meredith crossed her legs and sipped her drink, eyes moving slowly around the dance floor. A lifetime of dance training had her aching to get out there. Now she just needed to find a partner. She tilted her head, noting how one of the guys she'd passed on the way in kept glancing her way. He was definitely attractive but in a yuppie kind of way. Not exactly what she was looking for. The bartender kept flashing a sexy half-smile every time he came near her, but he was working and she certainly didn't want to sit at the bar all night.

  There was no shortage of hotness in the room, but whether it was her own inhibitions or just being out of practice, Meredith couldn't bring herself to approach anyone. Maybe it just wasn't her style anymore. She should pay for her drinks and go back to her room. She could spend the next two weeks lying on the beach and reading books. She didn't have to try so hard to get in touch with her long lost free spirit.

  She sighed and spun on the barstool, about to ask for her tab, when her gaze passed over and immediately snapped back to a man sitting on one of the plush sofas lining the corners of the room. Her mouth went dry and the sudden pull in her belly felt like much more than nerves. Something she hadn't felt in a very long time. Shocked and somewhat excited by the heightened awareness of her body, she couldn't tear her eyes away from him.

  He was leaning back, legs stretched out in front of him, an incredibly tight-muscled arm slung casually across the back of the sofa. Meredith continued to stare. This was a man that could inspire a woman to let go of her inhibitions. His honey hair was just slightly grown out from what looked like had recently been a close cut, the sun-streaked strands splaying out messily. She couldn't make out the color of his eyes from where she was sitting, but they were perfectly framed by thick, dark lashes and sharply angled brows. The way he held himself screamed confidence. Every woman that passed him vied for his attention, and he graced a select few with appraising smiles. He looked good and knew it. While that particular brand of cockiness might be a red flag for some women, Meredith found it irresistible. That kind of man knew what women wanted.

  Just as she was gathering the courage to go introduce herself, he turned in her direction and their eyes locked for what felt like an electrified eternity. She couldn't have looked away if she'd wanted to. It was as if the space between them closed in, and there were only the two of them in the room. A lazy smile spread slowly across his lips and Meredith felt a shiver race down her spine as an image of what he could do to her with those lips flashed through her head.

  She had to take a steadying breath. Was she seriously reacting like this to a man she didn't even know?

  "You look like you could use this." The smooth voice of the bartender broke into her thoughts, shattering the surreal moment as Meredith's attention was diverted.

  "What?" She shook her head to clear it, confused by his words.

  He gestured to the freshly made lemon drop he'd just set before her, then smiled and leaned forward against the bar that separated them. "It's on me."

  Meredith tried to focus, but her mind was a world away. Or at least a room's length. Her eyes shifted back of their own accord only to find him still watching her. Suddenly she felt too out of her element. Who was she kidding? She wanted to have a good time, but this guy had her on edge from thirty feet away. The night would be a lot safer with someone like Yuppie Boy on the dance floor.

  Safer. And duller.

  Just go say hi. It's not brain surgery.

  She was just reaching for her glass, determined to get over herself and go for it, when a platinum blonde in a black leather skirt and sheer top materialized next to the man and leaned down, curling a hand around his neck and whispering something in his ear.

  Meredith stopped short. Of course he was here with someone. He was too damned sexy for his own good, and for hers. Turning back to the bartender she raised her glass and drained it in one swift motion. So much for that bright idea. She hopped off the barstool and pushed herself into the crushing throng of dancers. Looked like it was Yuppie Boy for her.


  Cole Phillips flinched. The woman's too hot breath and razor sharp nails brought him firmly back to reality. In the span of a few moments, he'd fallen into a fantasy of grabbing the woman in red and finding out if she tasted as good as she looked. He'd been sucked in and completely lost track of everything else around him.

  Turning his attention to the giggly blonde beside him he realized he wasn't interested. She was sexy, but in a too-obvious way. All it would take was a slight indication of attraction on his part and she'd be his for the night. That may have been what he'd gone for in the past—hell, even a week ago—but since he'd arrived at his friend's resort to disconnect and just focus on the water, he'd decided to take it easy and give his playboy reputation a much-needed rest.

  That had been working fine for him right up until he'd seen the legs on the raven-haired bombshell as she'd swiveled on her barstool. Now he couldn't think of anything else but what he'd find at the top of those legs. Cole shook his head, disgusted at himself. Could he not spend a couple nights without someone new in his bed? It seemed the answer was no based on his current train of thought. Brandon would say it was his way of not facing his own inner demons, but Cole never let himself go down that particular rabbit hole.

  You aren't here for that. He was there to help Brandon out for a few weeks before getting his new Coast Guard assignment, most likely somewhere further up the Florida Gulf.

  "Come on, let's dance," the blonde pouted, pulling on his hand.

  "Sorry," he declined, shaking his head and trying his best to sound sincere. Despite his reputation, he wasn't actually a jerk. He'd let her know he wasn't interested and five minutes later he was certain he'd see her with her next target. He knew the game. He was the best at the game. But he was damned tired of it.

  "Your loss," she shrugged, strutting off toward the dance floor. Cole chuckled. He'd be just fine.

  He let his gaze wander back to the bar but sat up with a start when he noticed that the woman was gone, an empty shot glass sitting where she'd been only moments before. Down, boy. Had he really been about to jump out of his seat? It wasn't like him to get unhinged by a woman, but she'd grabbed his attention the minute he'd seen her and now she was gone.

  He leaned back again, scanning the crowded dance floor, but it was pointless. There were too many people and it was too dark to make anyone out. Normally he'd just wait and see who else came his way. Tonight he should just enjoy the music and not worry about any of it. That had been his intention on coming to the club. Have a drink, observe and take it easy.

  Which was why he was surprised to find himself walking up to the bar to get another drink, hoping he'd have a better vantage point of the dance floor. He ordered and knocked back what was left of his beer while he waited on the next one.

  He really should just forget about her. While he wasn't technically a
n employee of the resort, he was helping out in that capacity and was pretty sure fraternizing with the guests was frowned upon. He was here as a favor to Brandon, and he wasn't going to cause problems with anyone.

  The bartender handed Cole his beer and he took a large swig of it and leaned his back against the bar.

  A flash of red caught his eye and he saw dark curls swing around as the woman suddenly reappeared on the dance floor not twenty feet from him. His jaw clenched involuntarily as she tossed her hair, throwing her head back and laughing. Her body moved with a fluidity that mesmerized him. Holy hell, she was sexy. It was all he could do to keep himself from joining her on the dance floor and make her forget about anyone but him. He followed her gaze to the man she was dancing with.


  The guy looked like he could grace the cover of Trust Fund Weekly. Cole scoffed out loud. He didn't think he'd have to try too hard to make her forget about him. What was she doing with him anyway? He didn't think the guy would know what to do with someone like her. He drained the rest of his beer and slammed it down on the bar, gesturing at the bartender that he was ready to pay his tab. Time to get the hell out of the place.

  This woman was making him crazy and all he'd done was make eye contact for a split second. He didn't have time for this. Simple, quick, easy. That was his idea of a good time. He had no interest in a woman who made things complicated and caused him to forget everything but her. While he may be trying to take a break from his habits with women, he'd be damned if he did a complete one eighty and got roped in by one.

  Tearing his eyes away from her, Cole shouldered his way through the crowd toward the open beach exit. He was easily one of the bigger men in the room thanks to a body strengthened by years of working on ships growing up, and later as part of his Coast Guard training. He had to be in top shape to command rescue missions. It came in handy now, the crowd parting for him as he rounded the other side of the dance floor.


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