ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance) Page 33

by Jane Price

  “Thank you for coming. I don’t know what I would do without you, Steven.” Steven blushed slightly when a call came through over his walkie talkie.

  “We’re in position, sir. ETA?” Steven listened intently and held down the talk button on his receiver.

  “Should be here soon. He’s mad, so be safe everyone. No heroes.” He put the walkie talkie down on the bed and placed his gun beside it. “I know this is terrible timing, but I’ve wanted to do this for a long time.” Steven leaned forward and kissed Rachel. Immediately she felt the tension and fear in her body melt away. Her shaking stopped and she reached up and grabbed his face, still bearded.

  They were stuck in this embrace for a few moments and it got much more passionate. His hands tore at her clothes and hiked up the dress that she was wearing so that he could grab her ass. Her fingers tangled in his hair as their lips were locked, their tongues fumbling over the other. Rachel began to take off Steven’s jacket, unable to stop herself when a gunshot rang out.

  Screaming, Rachel jumped away from Steven and listened as a short burst of a submachine gun tore out. Steven sprang to his feet, shushing Rachel. He grabbed his gun from the bed in one hand and the walkie talkie in the other. He called out for a status report as he peeked out the window.

  “Ten men. Six with assault weapons, one with shotgun, three with handguns. Have not I.D.’d Jimmy yet.” Another voice cut through.

  “Officer down, I repeat, officer down.” Steven crouched low to the floor and aimed his gun at the door. Rachel sat in the corner of the room cowering as they listened to the gunshots ring out, getting closer and closer to them. Floor by floor they listened as assault rifles and shotgun blasts sounded out. Steven shifted so that he would be completely hidden to anyone opening the door. There was silence for a moment and then from right outside the door the sound of a handgun rang out.

  Steven clicked the volume on the walkie talkie so that it would make no noise as he listened to the yells of his men. A shotgun went off and he heard a groan from the other side of the door. There was a soft crying and begging for a mother until a single round from a handgun went off, ending the cries.

  Rachel wept softly into her knees as a key slid into the handle on the door. The key turned with a creak and the door swung open. Without saying a word, Jimmy walked into the room and spun around looking for Rachel. After a moment he saw her and began to walk towards her. There was blood splattered on his jacket and Rachel honestly couldn’t tell if it was his or someone else's. Jimmy staggered across the room until he was feet away from Rachel.

  Jimmy raised his gun awkwardly and aimed it at her head. He coughed and a bit of blood splattered down onto the floor. He shook his head and chuckled lightly to himself.

  “When did I eat blood?” He looked down at Rachel and smiled. “I really loved yo-” a gunshot from the other side of the room shook the room and Jimmy’s body slumped to the ground. Rachel looked over and saw Steven turning the volume back on the walkie talkie. The room was immediately filled with the sound of other police sweeping into the area due to the number of gunshots.

  Rachel, still shaking, leaned over and turned Jimmy over on the floor. She looked down into his smiling face and whispered: “I loved you too,” touching her lower abdomen remembering there was life growing inside of her. Tears streamed down her face as police rushed into the room to take control of the situation.


  Naughty Professor

  Chapter 1

  It was senior year for Monica and Eric. As they moved into their apartment together they were excited for the year to come. They were excited to finally graduate and venture into the real world. They were excited to start careers they could be proud of for years to come.

  “What the hell did you put in this box? Bricks?” Eric huffed as he climbed the stairs to the top floor.

  Their rent was cheap but, of course, they lived on the fourth floor with no elevator. Eric was exhausted since he was responsible for carrying all the heavy items.

  “No. Close. Textbooks.” Monica responded as she sat in the middle of the living room unpacking a box labeled “kitchen stuff.” She smiled as she stacked multiple pots and pans into a precarious pile.

  “I don’t even understand why you keep all your textbooks in the first place. Plus, why the hell do you even still have textbooks. C’mon babe it’s the 21st century; everyone uses PDFs now.” Eric looked at her, exasperated. Why did she always get to do the easy stuff? She smiled at him innocently, her cute face radiating at him. He grinned. That’s why. She was too damn cute.

  Eric dropped the box of textbooks on the ground with a thud. He sat down on top of it taking a break as sweat dripped down his face.

  “I’m hot,” Eric whined before grabbing a cup of icy water. He chugged it down greedily.

  “Damn right you are!” Monica winked at her boyfriend. They had been dating ever since freshman year and Monica felt like Eric was the one. Their relationship seemed perfect. They complemented each other well. Monica was the playful flirt and Eric played right along.

  Eric winked at his girlfriend.

  He walked toward her as she got up. His arms wrapped around her as he picked up her up spinning her around. Their lips met naturally as they kissed in the middle of their apartment. The kiss quickly gained momentum as they kissed harder and harder. Soon enough Monica’s legs were wrapped around Eric’s waist. Suddenly, he slammed her into the wall.

  He pinned her arms above her head and continued to kiss her lips. She moaned softly as his lips trailed down her neck. She tilted her head back, exposing her flesh as if wanting more attention. She wanted his lips on her skin. She wanted him all over her. Her moans filled the room.

  Eric grinned as he heard his girlfriend’s moans. He swore he loved this girl like he had loved none other before. Their four year anniversary was coming up and Eric couldn’t imagine life without her. He was sure she was the one. With the pleasant thoughts of marriage, honeymoons, kids, and much more he continued to kiss her neck.

  He moved his lips to the side of her neck as if searching for the perfect spot. Finding the desired spot he latched down, biting her delicate skin. Monica moaned softly as she felt him suck her neck just the way she liked it. In the end, Eric only moved away once he had marked his territory. He eyed the hickey he had just created with pride and smirked.

  “Marking your territory, huh? You know Penny won’t let me live it down when she sees it.” Monica teased lightly.

  “Screw her. She’s just jealous. Jealous she doesn’t have a boyfriend like me.” Eric retorted as a grin played on his lips. Monica grinned back.

  “Maybe I should give you one then…” Monica suggested as she leaned her head toward his neck. Eric smirked but set her down on the ground.

  “No, what you need to do is help me carry all our shit upstairs! Most of it is yours anyway!” Monica pouted and rolled her eyes. It was so typical of Eric to ruin fun with business. Sometimes she wished he wasn’t so much of a workaholic. Yes, it had saved her grades multiple times in the past but sometimes she wished he would loosen up and have some fun.

  Chapter 2

  After a full day of moving in and unpacking Monica and Eric did not have a moment to rest. Once classes were in session professors went full throttle from day one and it was hard to keep up. Both Monica and Eric had a heavy workload with their classes. While many of their classmates were goofing off Monica and Eric had high hopes for the future. They knew that the key to a successful future started with working hard in college.

  This did not mean, however, that they were all work and no play. They ended up registering for Human Sexuality 101 as a “fun” class they could take together. With Monica being a biology major and Eric being an engineering major they never had classes together. It was nice to finally take a class together and to help each other on assignments.

  However, much to their disappointment Human Sexuality 101 although interesting was far from an easy A. It was now a mon
th and a half into the semester. They had taken two exams and were on the brink of failing. Both Monica and Eric were regular dean list students and this sudden threat of failure horrified them. They knew they couldn’t fail. There was no way they would fail.

  By Thanksgiving they knew something had to be done.


  “Monica, I’m worried about Human Sexuality. I think we are legitimately at risk of failing. I can’t have that class blemishing my GPA. You know I have that big internship coming up…” Eric’s voice sounded panicked as he explained his situation to Monica who was in the same boat as her boyfriend.

  “I know, I know. We practically have the same grade… Why is this class so hard anyway? It’s an introductory class to human sexuality it should be a piece of cake.” Monica sounded exasperated almost as if she were on the brink of tears. “What are we going to do?”

  “We can try going to Professor Anderson’s office hours. I think if we talk to him and express our concerns he can help us. Going to office hours has helped me in the past.” Eric offered, looking at Monica. He wondered what she thought. Eric didn’t know why they had put off meeting with the professor until now. Maybe their pride had gotten in the way.

  “I mean we can give it a shot… what other choice do we have?” Monica asked looking at Eric. He nodded, realizing their situation. Opening up his laptop he pulled up the class website, finding the professor’s information.

  “It looks like he has office hours Fridays at 9 pm. That’s a weird time to have office hours. Most professors have it during the afternoons, right after classes. Why is he meeting with students that late at night?” Eric looked over at Monica who was laying down on the couch now.

  She was absentmindedly twirling a piece of her long dark hair on her finger, looking at the ceiling. She should have been studying for her genetics exam, but she didn’t have any motivation to look at evolutionary genes on a Sunday night. The exam wasn’t until Wednesday anyway. She would procrastinate for now.

  “Monica… any thoughts… babe?” Monica was a thousand miles away. She had a habit of heavy daydreaming. People literally had to snap her out of her trances. Eric sighed getting up. He suddenly pounced on her.

  Monica instantly snapped out of her fantasy, grinning at her boyfriend. She instantly wrapped her arms and legs around him before kissing him. Eric smirked into the kiss as he pressed his body into hers. Monica moaned softly as she felt his crotch press against hers. He wasn’t hard, but she could feel his large member pressing against her thigh. Maybe they could have some fun before the weekend was over.

  With that thought, Monica started to make out with Eric. Her tongue crept its way into his mouth, where it found his tongue and wrapped around it. She continued to make out with him hard and rough, trying to get him into the mood. Eric, however, wouldn’t bite. He pulled away.

  “Babe. Human Sexuality. We might fail. I know I am smoking hot and you can’t resist my sexiness, but c’mon please try to focus. We need to figure out what to do.” Eric propped himself up so that his torso hovered above hers. He looked down at her, peering into her eyes.

  “Weren’t you looking up his office hours?” Monica asked, frustrated. She just wanted to have some fun. She didn’t want to think about her grades. She just wanted Eric to pick her up and carry her to bed and have his way with her. Was that too much to ask?

  “I did, but you were off in Neverland.” Eric tapped her nose gently. At the beginning of their relationship, Monica’s constant daydreaming had often gotten on his nerves but now he found them an endearing part of her personality. He never got mad at her for daydreaming. He had learned to deal with them and had learned to have patience with her.

  “Oops sorry… I was just thinking about you… me… and the back of your car.” Monica smiled as she thought back to it, about to slip into another fantasy.

  “Oh? That silly fantasy again?” Eric teased. Monica pouted.

  “It’s not silly! You loved it the last time we did it!”

  “I’m not denying that, but that’s not the issue at hand. Professor Anderson’s office hours are on Fridays at 9 pm.” Eric reiterated.

  “Friday at 9? Are you kidding me?” Monica looked up at her boyfriend. What kind of professor had office hours that late on a Friday? No one went to office hours on Friday afternoons let alone Friday nights. Monica looked at Eric, waiting for clarification.

  “That’s what it says on the course website.”

  “That’s so weird.” Monica sighed. “Guess we’ll have to cancel our Friday plans for next Friday.” Monica pouted at the thought. Friday was half off drinks at her favorite club for anyone who arrived before ten. Homemade cosmos just weren’t as good.

  “Guess so.” The couple sighed together. Hopefully, it would be a small sacrifice for a better grade. At this point, they would do anything to get a passing grade. Their careers depended on it.

  Chapter 3

  “It’s so fucking cold. Let’s go home. I’ll take the F. Really. It’s okay. C’mon babe let’s go home. Please?” Monica whined as her teeth chattered. During the course of the week, the temperature had suddenly plummeted. It suddenly felt like it was winter and Monica hated it. She hated the cold. She clung to Eric, hoping to absorb some of his warmth, but it was useless. She was freezing.

  Eric chuckled. Despite being of African American descent, Eric preferred the cold. Maybe it was because he was a big guy, but he was never bothered by the cold. He would just toss on another jacket and be done with it. Monica, on the other hand, turned into a baby anytime the temperature dropped below 50.

  “Ericcccccc, c’mon, please! Anderson isn’t even going to show! It’s already 9:05! He is five minutes late that means we get to leave!” Monica continued to whine. She wanted to go home. She was cold and creeped out. Professor Anderson’s office hours were located in an old university building. All the lights were off, even the street light was off. They were standing in the dark and Monica was not happy. She just wanted to go home.

  Eric wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close before kissing the top of her head. “We will give him 10 more minutes and if he doesn’t show up then we can go home and I’ll make you some hot chocolate, okay?”

  “Ten minutes!? That’s like forever!” Monica’s voice rose in pitch as the cold made her more and more into a child. Eric just continued to chuckle at his girlfriend’s antics. She could be such a child sometimes. He wondered where he got the patience to deal with her sometimes.

  “Yes. Be a good girl, okay?” Monica pouted. She crossed her arms across her chest and shivered. They continued to wait. It really did seem like Anderson wasn’t going to show up. Eric sighed, about to give up when he noticed a car pull up on the street.

  He tightened his grip on Monica, protective instincts coming into effect. He held her close. Monica’s heart sped up as she watched the car. The night was too dark and the windows too tinted to be able to see who it was. The logical explanation was that it was Professor Anderson but in this sketchy part of town, it could be anyone.

  At that moment, the street light flickered to life. A man stepped into the halo it created, and Eric and Monica sighed in relief as they recognized their professor.

  He looked just like he did in lecture. He was a handsome, young professor, straight out of graduate school. He was tall and toned. His hair was in a modern cut, where it was longer on the top of his head, but close shaven on the sides, giving him an edgier look. However, this look was softened by the round rimmed glasses he wore. In a way, he was a hipster.

  A lot of his students thought he was hot and Monica couldn’t help but agree with the masses. If she didn’t have a boyfriend and if it was wasn’t unethical to date a professor then Monica would have loved to spend a night with Anderson.

  She watched him now as he approached them. He had his leather briefcase with him, just another accessory to complete his look. He walked toward them now with a purposeful step and smiled warmly when he was close e
nough to interact with them.

  “Sorry, I’m late! I got caught up with one thing and then another and next thing I knew it was already 8:50 but I did rush here as fast as I could. I am sorry you had to wait out here in the cold.” Anderson looked in Monica’s direction presenting her with an apologetic look. Professor Anderson was even more attractive up close. Human Sexuality 101 was a lecture based class and since Monica and Eric always sat in the back they never saw Anderson up close and personal.

  Monica could feel her heart beat quicken as Anderson got closer to her. Why was her body reacting this way to a professor? Yes, he was attractive but this man was at least ten years her senior. Why was she blushing? She held onto Eric’s hand, hoping it would bring her back to reality, but it didn’t.


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