ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance) Page 67

by Jane Price

  “I want you inside me.”

  Ben positioned himself above me so his cock was lined up with my opening. He gently inserted himself as I hoisted up my hips in pleasure wanting him to go deeper, filling me. He was thick, the pleasure was almost unbearable.

  “You’re so wet.”

  He leaned in and nibbled my bottom lip as he continued to pump his dick into me. Ecstasy was taking over. I moaned indicating I was close. Everything was aching for release. My pussy, my clit, I just wanted him harder and faster. Ben started pumping harder inching his way to release himself. In union we came. Breathing heavy and hard Ben fell on top of me. He kissed me sweetly.

  “I missed you so much. You have no idea.”

  Ben went quiet, and looked towards my open bedroom door towards where our daughter lay. I fell quiet too as we lay together and touched and melded our bodies. I had been thoughtless, perhaps, thinking Ben would put his career before his child. Insecure that I or we weren’t worth it to him. I had been wrong to keep Zoe a secret.

  I reached for him and said, “Will you forgive me?”

  Ben looked me in the eyes and said, “I do, May. I understand the position you were in. I just wish it hadn’t been that way. I hope I never treated you like just a fling that I didn’t care about, that you walked away for your own reasons, not because I made you feel unwelcome in my life.”

  I replied, “Oh Ben, I think it was all just in my head. Maybe I was so crazy with pregnancy hormones I didn’t think straight. I just wanted to protect everyone in my life. You, Zoe, the research time. I got it wrong and I am sorry.”

  I felt vulnerable in his arms, naked and under the duvet as we worked our bodies up to being together. As Ben kept me talking the whole time his fingers wouldn’t stop exploring. This was a man who could balance a sensitive discussion with a single minded pursuit of being with his woman again.

  Ben sighed and replied, “It was probably me, I’m so focused I can sometimes make those around me feel they don’t have a place in my life. You always did and do, and Zoe most certainly does too. Looking down at her face and holding you now I know nothing is more important.”

  I smiled and we kissed again and our hands entwined on our sexes as the hurt and pain of the last few months was forgotten and our bodies got to know each other again. It was different, yet the same. His body hadn’t changed, still strong and muscular but a little imperfect in a way that made a girl feel good about herself. Especially a girl who was softer, rounder than before.

  Ben began to kiss me, he sat up on his elbow. My new body and curves seemed to be driving him wild as he couldn’t stop running his hands over me as he shifted my legs apart easily with a strong hand. He was an insistent lover, dominant, in control. He leads, I follow. He shifted his body onto mine, less careful of me now, needing me too bad to concern himself with the impact of every move he made on me.

  Thrusting his cock up into me with a moan we were one again. Ben brought his face to mine and began to kiss me and speak softly as he controlled his thrusts into me, “You are the mother of my child, I love you.”

  I reached for him, grabbing his strong back, his firm butt and pulling him into me more and more. His cock plunged confidently in and out of me. I felt womanly, less the girl grad student and more the mature woman. I felt his equal. He may be the super successful former CEO, but I had birthed a child and raised it alone for months. I had strength, too.

  His body rose and fell on mine and I arched up to meet his thrusts, wanting him to fill me again. He was the perfect fit for me. His cock sheathed into my private places like it was meant to be there, like we were made for each other. Ben kissed me hard as his body picked up speed, needing me, his thrusts became shallower and more urgent. I knew from our time before that he was losing control, losing himself in me, loving it.

  Our bodies moved in urgency now, faster together. Ben cried out my name as he thrust in and out of me harder and harder, bringing me closer and closer. The pressure became too much inside me, such a damn of forgotten desire welling up after months alone and I exploded into blissful release. I held Ben tight as I cried out his name and felt a wave of pleasure wash over me.

  My needs taken care of, Ben let himself orgasm. He took me hard and harder until his own release became close and his face screwed up tight. He let out a long moan of my name and released his seed inside me, the same act that had created our child, torn us apart and now brought us back together again.

  Afterwards we didn’t fall right into each other’s arms. After carefully moving himself off, Ben was up and away, to Zoe’s room. Throwing on his underwear but otherwise naked Ben went to check on his daughter. I went to get up to, to show him how, but stopped myself. This was his moment, his time. He was her father, he could care for her too.

  I sat anxiously until Ben walked back in with Zoe in his arms, wrapped in a yellow blanket and sleeping peacefully. He held her perfectly, like he just knew. My heart soared at the sight of my strong, handsome naked lover holding our daughter so carefully in his arms. They were so different, she was tiny in his arms, and so fragile looking yet so carefully cared for. I knew she was safe, that we would be safe.

  Ben spoke as he moved carefully to the bed and said, “She’s ours, May, I can’t believe it. So tiny and perfect.”

  I smiled down at our daughter and stroked her little cheek. I couldn’t help myself, I didn’t want to wake her but I also wanted to touch her, to share in what we had created.

  I said, “She looks like you.”

  Ben shook his head and laughed, “She has your nose and your hair, and thank god she doesn’t have my looks.”

  I laughed and fell back onto the covers for a moment as Ben held Zoe in our bed, grinning.

  “You must be joking,” I said, “Mr. Former Male Model.”

  Ben winced and joked back, “Hey now, she is never going to know about that. If there is one thing she will never do that is model or work in fashion.”

  I grinned and teased him, “Will you be a strict Daddy, Ben?”

  Ben looked affronted, and for real, and replied, “Of course! She’s not leaving the house until she graduates from college and that’s only to get married to a man of my choosing.”

  I laughed again, pleased. I had worried about how I was going to raise a daughter on my own. I’m a strong woman but I wanted her to have a great male role model. Ben was that man, someone who had principles and acted on them, quitting his career at its peak to improve the industry we both love. Someone who believed in the rights of people, from consumers to daughters and fought for that. A rebel with a cause. And, looking at him looking down at Zoe adoringly, a rebel with a soft heart.

  “Look,” Ben breathed, “She’s awake.”

  I smiled, “She does that.”

  “It’s amazing,” Ben said in awe as his daughter’s big eyes fixed on him.

  He rubbed her tummy under the blanket she was wrapped in and Zoe let out a string of giggles much more easily than she ever did with me.

  “Sucker,” I said with affection, “She’s already got you wrapped around her finger.”

  Ben looked over at me snuggled under the covers and smiled a rueful open faced smile, “Well,” he said, “I think that was always going to be a given.”

  I protested, “Hey! I am not going to be the bad guy in this partnership. Promise me I get to be fun mom too sometimes.”

  Ben laughed and kissed Zoe on the head, “Oh don’t worry, Zoe will know her mom is the most fun. I can teach her never to drink but telling her how you used to choke on whiskey in bars and wind up with strange, strange men in your life.”

  I snorted with laughter, “Oh really, are you going to hold my past against me? Two can play that game. I will teach her to play by the rules lest she nearly lose her career and future to a handsome Professor who likes to throw rules out the window.”

  Ben stopped suddenly and covered Zoe’s ears, “Don’t let her hear that, she has to know the only way is to be a good girl.”

  I laughed again, wanting to throw a pillow at him like I used to but this time he held our daughter in his arms as a shield, “Hypocrite!”

  Ben defended himself with a lazy smile as he rocked Zoe in his arms, “Aren’t all good parent’s hypocrites? We don’t want our kids to repeat our mistakes.”

  I looked at Zoe and at Ben, “Perhaps we should teach her sometimes mistakes lead to something great.”

  Ben smiled at me and the three of us shared a moment as a family, “The best mistakes,” he said, “are all right here in this room.”

  Something hit me then and I clutched the duvet to my breasts, “Ben! Speaking of mistakes. We didn’t use protection again.”

  Ben smiled at me, “I didn’t care about it. Zoe is so perfect I thought what would be would be. Why not run full tilt at our family? There’s always room for more.”

  I fell back into the bed and ran a hand over my stomach, wondering if new life was bring created. This time, though, this new life wouldn’t be a secret. Not that that my secret baby had turned out so bad after all, I thought with a happy look around at my family.


  College Star’s Secret

  Chapter 1

  While studying for his economy final, Nolan Moore’s phone suddenly started to buzz on his desk. It was not unusual for the popular football player to be bombarded with text messages. He was a star football player and incredibly handsome why wouldn’t he have a large social group? Nolan leaned back on his chair and stretched, wondering which of his friends were texting him now. He wondered if they were worth breaking away from his studying.

  As Nolan thought about it, he convinced himself that he had been studying for his final ever since dinner time, which was five hours ago and that he deserved a break. Plus, he was hungry, so he agreed to take a fifteen-minute break, answer the text, and make a peanut butter sandwich.

  Nolan picked up his phone and his eyes opened up wide as he read the message. He stared at it as his phone started to shake in his hand. He could feel his heart racing in his chest and a cold sweat broke out all over his body as he struggled to stay standing. No… this couldn’t be right. This was some sort of joke. It had to be. Nolan tried to convince himself it was just some cruel joke but as he reread the words, over and over again, he couldn’t shake the feeling that this was real:

  “Hey Nolan… I know you don’t want to hear this especially not at midnight on a weekday but… I have to tell u something… well… I don’t really know how to say this… but you have a baby… Congrats dad!” Nolan stared at the text. It had to be a joke. How could this be real?

  Nolan sat down, unable to stand. He looked around and grabbed his water bottle, taking a chug, trying to calm down and breath. When he finally stopped shaking he looked at his phone again before typing a response:

  “Hey… This is a joke… right? You guys are funny haha you got me! But it’s a little early for April Fools… It’s not even Christmas yet…”. His phone buzzed again as his friend responded:

  “I wish it was man… I’m sorry… but do you remember a girl by the name of Emma Jones? She just gave birth to a little girl that looks just like you… she says she remembers fucking around with you during spring weekend… something about fancy whiskey… You should come here… Trinity Hospital. Pls she needs you…” Nolan read over the text slowly, digesting every word. Emma Jones? Fancy whiskey?

  Why couldn’t he remember? This was important, why couldn’t he remember? Shouldn’t he remember the mother of his apparent child? This is if she was even the mother of his child. This could all be some sort of misunderstanding. Nolan desperately tried to remember spring weekend, but it was all such a big blur. Nolan sighed, wondering what to do.

  The right thing to do would be to drive to the hospital and see her. However, a part of him was petrified. Was he ready to be a father? Nolan was lucky if he knew how to take care of himself at times, let alone another human life, who would depend on him for everything. Nolan sighed before picking up his phone and texting back, “Okay. I’ll be there ASAP.”

  With a pale face and a shaking body, Nolan got up. As he did, his roommate walked into the room, noticing his appearance. “Nol… are you okay? You don’t look so good…” Nolan shook his head in response but said nothing before grabbing his jacket and leaving. As he walked through the door he passed a calendar. It was four days until Christmas.

  Chapter 2

  Nolan was surprised when he made it to the hospital safely. Even though his mind was running a mile a minute and his hands were shaking with nerves, he had somehow managed to stay in his lane and drive to the hospital without incident. Either way, however, the drive to the hospital had been the longest forty minutes of his life.

  When Nolan reached the hospital, his shaky condition only got worse. He was about to meet his child. This couldn’t be real. He was too young to be having a child. This had to be some sort of cruel joke. This was like something out of a soap opera. It was four days before Christmas for Pete’s sake. It just seemed so unreal.

  If this Emma girl was really having his baby why hadn’t she tried to contact him before? Nothing made any sense to Nolan. Nonetheless, he walked through the automatic doors entering the sterile environment of Trinity Hospital.

  Nolan looked around, immediately feeling intimidated. Everyone around him was rushing around and there were beeping sounds everywhere, piercing his skull. He didn’t know what to do, where to go, or what to look for. Was he even in the right hospital?

  He looked around and spotted the general waiting room, the most inviting environment he could find. He retreated into it slowly, spotting the refreshment table. He gravitated toward it, his eyes distant as he tried to figure out what to do. He was about to make himself a cup of coffee when everything hit him. He remembered everything.


  It was spring weekend, just like Emma had said. It had been a crazy time with booze, girls, and boobs everywhere. Nolan had been drinking the whole time, showing off his masculinity to anyone who cared to notice. He was in a constant state of drunkenness, and he had met Emma in this state.

  It was a Saturday. He had met her during a beer pong competition. The winner would receive a very expensive bottle of whiskey. The bottle, prettily labeled and refined through its age was calling Nolan’s name. He needed the bottle in his life so he entered the competition, plowing his way through all of his competitors until he found himself in the finals.

  To his surprise, his last rival was a girl, a very beautiful girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She had a delicate look to her as if she could shatter at any moment. He could feel himself become distracted by her beauty and, for this reason, he ended up losing the competition. At the end of the night, she was the one walking away with the whiskey bottle in her hands.

  Chapter 3

  Luckily, whiskey was not the only thing the girl walked away with. She decided to take not only the booze but also the boy as her prize. Emma had loved the look of him from the moment she laid eyes on him. Maybe it was the liquor talking but if she didn’t know any better she would have called it love at first sight. So, when she ended up winning the competition (a feat of pure luck) she decided to take a chance and invite him to go home with her.

  He had, of course, said yes. So, after the tournament the two of them stumbled their way back to Emma’s home. Well, not exactly home, she like many others, lived in a dorm room, but the tiny prison cell by another name had become home for her. Either way, in their state it didn’t matter much. They were both smashingly drunk from their game of beer pong and were now holding each other and falling over as they walked.

  Eventually, after fumbling with the lock, Emma finally succeeded in entering her dorm room. They were nothing more than balls of giggles at this point. The moment they entered the room they had stumbled and collapsed onto Emma’s bed. Luckily for them, Emma lived in a single room and therefore, from the moment they locked the door they were free to do whatever they

  If they wanted to they could drink the entire bottle of whiskey in one sitting, or they could get more booze and just get completely wasted, or they could do something totally unrelated to booze. They could take off all their clothes and go at it all night if they wanted to. It wasn’t like they were virgins. They were both experienced at sleeping around and fucking and tonight would just be adding another notch to their belts. What would be the risk?

  With these thoughts in mind, Nolan smiled to himself. Emma was really pretty, and he wondered if he would get lucky tonight. But, was there anything stopping him from going at it with her? Fueled by this possibility, Nolan chugged his shot of whiskey, feeling the warm sensation spread through his whole body, giving him the courage he needed in order to do something he might later regret.

  Nolan leaned forward and kissed her. Of course, in his intoxicated state, it was a very sloppy kiss, but it was a kiss nonetheless. He pressed their heads together, his fingers tangled into her long hair, keeping her close. He was already addicted to her. He could taste the whiskey on her lips and somehow the mixture of the two made the booze taste even better. Who needed a bottle when Emma was around?


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