ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance) Page 69

by Jane Price

  He looked over at Emma who was smiling. He could feel himself getting nervous as he looked down at her. Her light blonde hair was fluttering in the wind and the way she was laying her head on his shoulder just made her look so beautiful. He had to ask. “Hey… Emma…. Can I ask you something?” Nolan’s voice was barely a whisper. He was terrified of rejection, but this was something he had to do.

  Emma looked up at Nolan, wondering what he wanted. She nodded at him before blushing a bit. Their faces were so close. All she needed to do was lean up, just a tiny bit, and she would be able to kiss him. Despite this thought, she restrained herself from kissing him and instead waited for him to continue.

  “Would you… you… be my girlfriend?” Nolan asked nervously, as he looked into Emma’s beautiful eyes. Her eyes widened. Nolan couldn’t help but stare into those beautiful oceans. He started to look nervous the longer she took to answer. He could feel his heart race in his chest.

  Emma’s heart was racing just as fast. Had he just asked her out? Was this real? Was she dreaming? Emma couldn’t believe it. Had Nolan liked her all along? Yes, there was the night at the hospital, but they had never spoken of feelings again, so Emma had assumed they were nonexistent. Emma suddenly started to smile like an idiot before nodding. She lunged forward and hugged him tightly.

  “Yes… of course I want to be your girlfriend!” She squealed excitedly.

  Chapter 7

  Nolan couldn’t believe it. She had said yes. Emma was now his girlfriend. How lucky could he be? He could now call the gorgeous mother of his child his girlfriend as well. He smiled before wrapping his arms around her in a deep hug. He leaned down and kissed her tenderly.

  It was a different sort of kiss than their first kiss. Their first kiss had been sloppy from the alcohol. This kiss was much different. This one was meaningful and passionate. Their lips were gently caressing together, not pressed hard into one another. This felt right. This was love, not lust.

  They continued to kiss for what felt like an eternity, neither one of them wanting to stop. They didn’t care that they were in the park and that other people could see them. All they cared about was expressing the emotions they had held back for so long. They continued to kiss and eventually it became passionate but stayed loving all the same.

  Nolan held onto Emma’s face gently as he caressed her cheeks with his thumbs. He felt like he could have kissed her for an eternity. As a popular jock, he had kissed plenty of girls but none of them had ever felt like this. This was different. This was love.

  Finally, when they ran out of breath, they pulled away and looked at each other. Their eyes locked onto each other’s. It was as if there was nothing else around them. Then they both smiled like idiots, knowing they would have a flawless relationship together.

  Chapter 8

  And in fact, their relationship was flawless. They were faithful and loyal to each other at all times. They treated each other with the utmost respect and care. They were perfect for each other. Best of all, they were great parents.

  By the time the two of them had finished their junior year of college, Sophia was already six months old and thriving. She was growing up fast and Nolan and Emma were wondering where the time had gone. It felt like just the other day Nolan was freaking out about a text message, the onslaught of sudden fatherhood, and now she was already six months old. He couldn’t believe it. He thought that having this baby in his life would ruin it, but actually Sophia had made his life a thousand times better.

  Emma was a genius and with her help Nolan was able to ace all of his classes. He had also matured greatly in the last six months. He was just generally much happier lately since he knew there was always two people on Earth that were happy to see him.

  The only problem the couple had was support. Their parents were irate at first about the baby. Both sets lived far away and so the pregnancy and baby were a complete surprise. Angry they were left out of the loop and disappointed that their children had been so irresponsible. They came to visit and of course love their grandchild but there is definitely a rift at the moment. Friends are of little help. Who can blame them? They are in party college mode.

  This was hard at first, especially for Emma. She had always been so close to her parents and she felt betrayed they were so unaccepting. However, after a while, the dust settled and hurt feelings seemed to subside.


  During the summer months, the couple grew closer. Without school, they had more time to spend together as both parents and lovers. They would watch movies together, go on dates, cook dinner together, or just spend a day cuddled in bed with Sophia between them. It wasn’t the life they had planned, but it was still a good life.

  By the time their senior year approached, they were sure that they were soul mates. They knew they wouldn’t be happy with anyone else. So Nolan made a big decision.

  Professional football scouts had contacted him early in the summer, telling him that he needed to make up his mind about joining by the fall season or he would lose the possibility of being drafted into the league. However, Nolan knew he couldn’t just abandon his family to play in New England; that wouldn’t be fair to Emma or Sophia. It had been a difficult decision, but Nolan knew, in the end, that he had made the right one.

  Nolan knew he had to tell Emma. He planned it all out well in advance. He had called a babysitter and with some extra money he made fixing up some houses around the neighborhood, he was able to get the sitter to stay with Sophia overnight. Then when Sophia was gone, he went to work preparing everything for Emma.

  He started with dinner. He took his time following the recipe to the T, wanting it to come out perfect. He hummed and sang happily as he cooked, knowing Emma wouldn’t be home for a while since she had picked up a double shift. She would work until eight which meant he had plenty of time to prepare everything. Nolan didn’t know why he was putting so much effort into all this, but for some reason he wanted to give Emma something she could remember.

  After dinner was done, he left it in the oven so that it could stay warm until Emma was home. Then, he went into the living room and set up the couch with copious amounts of pillows and blankets in order for optimal cuddling. Next, he went over to the TV and prepared a romantic movie. He looked around and placed some candles around the room, before lighting them.

  Nolan looked around the apartment, wondering if he had missed any important detail. He smiled, satisfied before sitting down. A moment later his eyes went big, and he shot out of his seat, remembering the one part of his plan that he had forgotten: the bedroom.

  It was already seven o’clock and so he rushed up the stairs and started to prepare everything as fast as he could. He popped a CD into the stereo before making the bed and setting up some candles. He grabbed some rose petals and sprinkled them over the bed and floor with care. Rushing back downstairs, Nolan grabbed a bottle of champagne and placed it on the nightstand.

  He looked around the bedroom, smiling at his handiwork. If this wasn’t enough to impress Emma, he didn’t know what would. Okay, maybe the whole set up was a little cliché with the candles and rose petals but surely she would appreciate all the effort he was putting into this. Nolan hoped she would.

  Now, looking around Nolan was finally convinced he hadn’t missed anything. He sighed in relief, going down stairs and sitting on the couch. He was exhausted and decided to close his eyes, only for a few minutes. He didn’t realize it was 7:59.


  Emma was exhausted. She had worked a double at the nursing home. She was a registered CNA and worked at the local nursing home. It was hard work, but at least it was rewarding to see her residents happy and well cared for.

  However, tonight she was happy when her shift was finally over. She was eager to go home and be with Nolan and Sophia for the night. She knew that they would be waiting for her at home, eager to see her, and she smiled at the thought.

  Emma got home around 8:15 and opened the front door, stepping inside.
She instantly saw all the candles and gasped. She looked around and saw the living room decorated with blankets and pillows, a movie ready to be played, and a sleeping Nolan on the couch. She moved to the kitchen in a state of awe. She was blown away when she saw the table set up for a romantic candlelit dinner. She checked the oven and saw the spaghetti, her favorite meal. Emma smiled happily.

  She went into the living room before shaking Nolan awake. He woke up, disoriented and looked at her, confused. Emma? He sat up quickly before looking at the time. Crap it’s 8:30. He looked at her and frowned. “Emma… you’re home.” He said, looking at her, a little disappointed in himself. She grinned and nodded.

  “Were you expecting a mistress while I was gone or is all this for me?” Emma teased him playfully. Nolan blushed at the comment.

  “I’m so sorry I fell asleep. I had planned to surprise you and make this all romantic for you, but I ruined that idea. I’m sorry.” Nolan apologized as he got up, a disappointed look on his face. Emma chuckled and smiled at how cute he was.

  “Do you want me to go outside and pretend to come home again?” Nolan nodded awkwardly. It felt a little weird asking her to do it, but he wanted to make this night absolutely perfect. He wanted her to enjoy herself. So he watched as she left and smiled as he heard the door close behind her.

  Nolan looked at himself in the mirror before taking a quick look at his surroundings, making sure everything was in place. He fixed a pillow just for good measure. After that, everything seemed perfect and he smiled, praying that tonight would be a good night.

  Chapter 9

  Emma reentered the apartment with a smile on her face. “Honey, I’m home,” she said, teasingly. Nolan glared at her a bit before suddenly pulling her into his arms and kissing her passionately. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, kissing her with a red hot passion. He could feel all of his emotion escape into the kiss.

  Finally, Nolan pulled away, grinning at his beautiful girlfriend. With a smirk on his lips he said, “I planned something special for us tonight, I hope you like it, babe.” He said sweetly as he took off her jacket and hung it up for her. He then moved toward the table, where he pulled out a chair for her. He smiled as she sat down before pushing in her chair for her.

  Emma couldn’t help but smile at all the effort Nolan was going through for her. It made her feel really special and loved, something Nolan always did so easily. Emma, did, however, wonder what the occasion was since it wasn’t their anniversary or anything like that. But, hey, she wasn’t about to complain about a romantic night.

  She looked at the table and decided to pour herself a glass of wine as Nolan removed the spaghetti out of the oven and divided it into plates for them. As they ate, they sat across from each other, gazing into one another’s eyes, the table light making each person look significantly more beautiful, until they were falling deeper and deeper in love with each other. Emma couldn’t help but laugh as Nolan got tomato sauce on his shirt. Typical Nolan.

  After dinner, they migrated into the living room where Nolan turned on the movie. He then grabbed Emma in his arms and cuddled her tightly. He cocooned her, squeezing her tight as if he had no intention of ever letting her go. Emma smiled happily before laying on top of him. He held her tight against his chest, smiling as he kissed the top of her head.

  Emma was so cute. Even in her work uniform, she managed to look cute at all times. Even now, she was so freaking adorable. Nolan squeezed his arms around her, never wanting to let go. He loved her more than words could describe. In the end, he settled for rubbing her back soothingly as they watched the movie.

  The movie was a romantic comedy, so they ended up laughing and smiling the whole time. However, even as the movie ended there was something about Nolan that told Emma this was not the end of their night. There was still more to come if Emma was willing of course. Emma was excited.

  Ever since Sophia had been born, the couple struggled to make time for intimacy. It felt like there was never a right time to do it and when they did try something would always interrupt them at the worst possible time. Today, Nolan hoped would be different. With Sophia and other concerns out of the house, hopefully, tonight all would go well.

  Nolan suddenly grabbed a scarf that he had been hiding before slowly blindfolding Emma. “This is the last surprise for the night, okay baby?” Nolan grinned as he tied the scarf around her head.

  “Can you see?” He asked, checking the blindfold.

  Emma shook her head, giggling with excitement. She wondered what the surprise would be. What else could Nolan have planned for her, the night was already so amazing; Emma could scarcely picture anything else that would make it better. He had already made the night so special to her, what else could he include? Even though Emma was having a hard time coming up with an explanation, she was still eager to find out what he had planned. Knowing Nolan it would be something special and sweet.

  Nolan then took her hand and guided up her the stairs, slowly, making sure to keep her safe since she couldn’t see where she was going. He then eagerly led her down the hallway and into their bedroom. He opened the door and brought her inside. “Stay here, don’t move,” he told her as he left her standing in the middle of the room. Nolan walked over to the stereo and hit play. Sweet, romantic music started to play throughout the bedroom. Emma smiled big.

  With music filling the air, Nolan walked over to her and took off her blindfold. Emma gasped as she saw the room. Nolan, however, didn’t give her enough time to process the room, before he took her hands in his and started to dance around the room with her. Nolan had always been romantic, but never this romantic before. It felt amazing. Emma and Nolan floated around the room, giggling happily.

  At the end of the song, Emma frowned, thinking it was the end of their romantic night. However, to her surprise, there seemed to be more as Nolan picked her up and carried her to the bed. In one grand gesture, he tossed her onto it. She looked up at him as he crawled into bed with her, pulling her close. She smiled and kissed his cheek.

  Nolan, wanting to loosen them up, popped open the bottle of champagne. “To us baby!” He exclaimed as their glasses chimed together.

  “To us!” Emma responded in agreement, smiling as they sat there enjoying each other’s company as they sipped their champagne. Even though a lot of people looked down at their lifestyle, in the end they were happy and that’s all that mattered.

  When they were done with their drinks they smiled at each other. Nolan leaned toward her and kissed her lips, gently at first and then passionately. Emma returned the favor by kissing him hard.

  It had been so long. She wanted him like she had never wanted someone in her life before. She pulled him closer and whispered, “I want you.”

  Nolan couldn’t believe his ears. Had Emma really said that? Nolan didn’t expect her to be so blunt about it, but he wasn’t about to complain. He kissed her harder before pulling her closer to his chest. His true intentions came out as clothes started to come off. Unlike the first time, they took their time undressing.

  Piece by piece, they caressed each other’s skin as they went. Their lips trailed each other’s intimate spots as articles of clothing left the body. After considerable foreplay in the form of undressing they were both finally naked. Emma looked at Nolan, blushing.

  Nolan looked at her naked body, awestruck by her beauty. He couldn’t wait to feel himself deep inside her. The mere thought causing his dick to throb.

  Nolan smiled at her before reaching into his nightstand drawer and pulling out a condom. He chuckled a bit, “As much as I love Sophia, one baby is enough for me right now.” Emma giggled, nodding.

  Once Nolan was sure he was fully protected from the threat of another baby, he moved so he was laying on top of Emma. He grinned down at her as he started to kiss and nip at her neck teasingly. He giggled as he heard her moan. He hadn’t heard them in so long, he had forgotten how sexy they were. Nolan grinned, pulling her closer.

  Nolan suddenly plun
ged deep inside of her. Once he was balls deep inside of her, he moved her onto his lap, making her ride his dick. She grinned at him, liking this new position as she wrapped her arms around his neck and started to kiss him. Nolan grabbed hold of her hips and started to bounce her tiny frame up and down on his dick. They started to moan, loving the sensations.

  They continued to go harder and harder until Nolan could feel Emma’s nails on his chest, digging into it, indicating she was getting close. Wanting to make her feel good he leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Cum for me…”

  His voice was low and sexy in her ear. Emma couldn’t handle it. She started to cum hard. Nolan could feel her excitement all over him and smirked. He started to thrust even harder into her and bounced her faster on him. He quickly exploded in pleasure before falling back, wrapping his arms around her.


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