ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance) Page 113

by Jane Price

  He flicked her nipple with his tongue and continued to move down her body, hesitating over her stomach, kissing her in a circle around her navel. She giggled and she looked down to see him looking up at her smiling. He didn’t stop and continued to kiss, shifting his body further and further down until he was practically back into the hole he had originally climbed in from.

  He slowly adjust himself by slipping beneath her legs so that her thighs were nestled by his ears. He started gently and passionately and kissed her womanhood. She gasped at the feeling. She had only ever teased herself before and had never had anyone so close. She closed her eyes and felt them roll back as he continued to kiss at her pussy, his tongue creeping in closer and closer. Maura could feel it just on the cusp of her lips.

  Just then he broke her sexual spirit open. His tongue flicked and massaged her pussy and she immediately felt herself cum, as if a dam had been broken of years spent avoiding this very moment. One hand shot down and grabbed onto the back of his head, her fingers tangled themselves up into his hair. The other hand shot up and grabbed onto the pillow. She bit her lower lip with such force she swore she had broken the skin.

  He was gentle with his tongue, but was not scared of hesitating over the areas that were clearly getting the best response out of her. Alistair also clearly didn’t mind his hair being pulled as she could hear him moan into her pussy every time she tugged at his hair. Maura forced him and guided him around her womanhood as he worked until she felt her body begin to spasm again. But unlike before, this spasm was so intense she tried to pull away.

  Alistair didn’t let her though, his hands and arms seemed to lock her in place as she writhed and contorted under his muscles. She felt the goosebumps crash like a wave over her body again and her body went limp and Maura felt herself shudder as a warmth rushed to her face. Then, Alistair worked his way back up to her face, kissing her along the way. She had never experienced anything like that before and couldn’t wait for more.


  Alistair and Maura didn’t have long to revel in their lovemaking because shortly after the both collapsed into each other they heard a tap coming from the back of the carriage. Alistair swore under his breath and began to dress, helping Maura into her own clothes. She looked at him and asked what the plan was.

  “Well, we’re going to very quickly open that door,” he pointed to the side of the carriage, “and you’re going to jump onto the horse that will be riding there.” Maura looked up at him in a slight panic and he placed a hand on her back to calm her. “And I will be right behind you, so there is nothing to worry about.” He waited a moment until she had finished tying everything into place. “So, ready?”

  Alistair shifted towards the door and swung it open. Just as he had said, there was a horse that was patiently riding alongside the carriage. Something that Alistair hadn’t mentioned though was that there were also shouts coming from the front of the carriage. He motioned for her to jump and she quickly shuffled over to the door and jumped.

  She felt her legs hit the horse and scrambled to grab ahold of the reins as the horse buckled under the sudden addition of weight. Without a moment's hesitation Alistair was out the door and had landed more gracefully onto the back of the horse, his arms carefully sliding under her own and taking ahold of the reins.

  “Have you done this before, Sir Alistair,” she shouted over the rush of the wind. She felt his chest heave behind her as he laughed and responded.

  “Once or twice, but never with anyone else, I swear it.” He clicked his heels and turned the horse. She noticed that the two soldiers that she saw before were also sitting together on the same horse, but their horse was clearly having a harder time keeping up with Alistair and Maura. They turned as well and peeled off from the convoy.

  The shouts trailed after them and the carriage pulled over on the side of the road. However, by the time the rest of the soldiers had been alerted, they were long gone.


  They rode for a few hours straight to make sure no one had followed them. Maura was surprised that no one had and it was clear that Alistair and his two brothers were as well. After the few hours they pulled off into a small forest and decided to set up camp. While Alistair set up camp with one of the brothers and Maura, the second brother rode off and decided to circle his way back to see that there was no one following them at a distance.

  She was surprised to find that the two brothers were actually twins. Alistair told her how they were all orphaned very young by a band of soldiers and the soldier that killed their mother was none other than the current King George. It was apparently the single campaign that showed the commanders in charge that he was ready for leadership. Maura didn’t understand how the killing of innocent people proved that and Alistair did his best to explain it to her.

  “You see,” his eyes were focusing on knocking the flint and steel together to attempt to light a fire. “Leadership is all about making difficult decisions. I don’t doubt that George didn’t want to kill my mother and abandon us, but the fact is he did. It gave him favor in one place and took it away in another. That is how leadership works.” A spark jumped from the flint and landed on his small pile of kindling and he looked up at her. “Favor changing from hand to hand.”

  Alistair stood up and walked over to where his brother was standing, staring out at the horizon between the trees, clearly waiting for the return of his brother. Alistair reached him and tapped him on the shoulder. He spun around because he was in deep thought and was startled. “Is everything alright?” His brother shook his head slowly and responded.

  “I don’t know, something feels strange.” Just then a shout could be heard from the deep woods. It sounded like their brother and their hunch was proved to be true when he yelled for them to come and help him. Both brothers, and even Maura, ran towards the sound of his voice and reached him in no time. They came upon him in a clearing and he was holding a small man by the scruff of the neck.

  “Look what I caught crawling through the trees towards camp.” He forced the man down to his knees, both hands were held up and in surrender and it was clear from the smell and the large stain in his trousers that he had pissed himself. He began to sputter and cried for mercy.

  “Please, sirs. I meant no harm, I was merely following the orders of the King.” Alistair stepped forward and drew his sword. He placed the tip of the blade under the man’s chin and lifted it up so that he was looking up at Alistair. His sniveling continued as Alistair began to speak.

  “And now, have you gotten word back to him somehow?” Alistair looked the man in the eyes, but the man looked away into the distance. Alistair looked up at his brother who now had a fistful of the man’s hair clenched in his fist, his own dagger drawn.

  “No, sir. Nothing at all left my lips.” He continued to shake and both brothers, but not Alistair, spat into the dirt where the man cowered. The man shook even more and began to stutter and continued. “I mean that I didn’t have time to ride back myself, you see. I sent word via raven though.” Alistair squatted down so that he was eye level with the man, his sword now pressed firmly into his throat. A small bead of blood formed on the tip of his blade.

  “So you tried to lie to me and my brothers. That can be forgiven, I have lied to them as well.” Both of the brothers laughed menacingly. “However, what cannot be forgiven is the fact that you just lied to your future Queen.” He shifted slightly so that the man was now looking up into the eyes of Maura. She watched as his eyes shifted from fear to begging. Alistair clearly noticed the same shift. He stood up, cutting the man slightly with the sword. “So, future Queen Maura. What is your edict?”

  Alistair handed her the sword and she looked down at the blade. It was heavy and chipped with use, small divots cut out of the blade from all of the lives that he had taken. She pondered to think of all the times he had spared people to get such a reputation. His face and eyes were so gentle and welcoming, they couldn’t possibly be the eyes of a killer. She
looked up from the sword and saw his face, the hard jawline and soft cheekbones, his eyes searching her face for her emotions. She handed the blade back to him.

  “The raven has already been sent. There is no reason to kill this man.” She looked at Alistair and saw him smile. The two brothers groaned and the one holding the man threw him forward into the ground where he began to grovel at Maura’s feet. However, Maura was overcome by anger by this and stamped down firmly on the man’s hand. He let out a smell yelp and stopped. “Do not confuse my kindness today as weakness. I expect to never see your cowardly face again.” With that, the man scrambled away and disappeared into the forest.

  Both brothers began to make their way back to their camp and whispered to Alistair in hushed tones. He nodded and watched as they walked away, but stood until they were outside of earshot. He stepped towards Maura and reached out, grabbing her hands. She looked up from the dirt and met his gaze.

  “You did well, you will be a good Queen one day.” He let go of her hands and turned back towards the camp and began to walk away. Maura stood confused and thought she understood what he meant. King George would stop at nothing to kill them. By letting that man free, she had solidified their deaths.


  By the time she found her way back to the camp both of the twins had left. She looked out towards the horizon and saw that both brothers were standing on the outskirts of the forest in full armor staring out, clearly looking out for the advancing army that was coming to take Maura back. She came into the clearing and Alistair was sitting in one of the tents with the flap open.

  He was lounging back with his shirt off and she began to walk towards him. His eyes were closed and he was clenching his fist, then he would relax it, after a moment he would clench it again. He did this for a few moments until Maura walked forward and a twig snapped under her feet. His eyes shot open and he sat up to greet her. However, he noticed that she was looking nervous. He looked over at his brothers and laughed.

  “Don’t worry about them, they worry too much. I’m not worried.” Maura didn’t seem to be comforted by that. He sat forward and pulled her down into the tent with her. His arms wrapped around her and she could feel the tension releasing in her shoulders and back. “You truly have nothing to worry about. George will send troops, but he’s done that in the past.” He thought for a moment and continued. “The only way he could kill us was if he firebombed the whole area, which he would never do because you’re here.” She fought against his arms and tried to pull away.

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better?” Alistair laughed once again, but this time it didn’t seem very comforting. She continued to fight against him, but just as before she couldn’t pull away from his muscular arms. “No, Alistair, this is not a laughing matter.” She said that and he relaxed his arms and she pulled away. His laughing stopped as well and he stared at her intently.

  “Are you actually worried?” She nodded without saying anything. “Well then, I doubt there is anything I can say that will help with that.” She shook her head and didn’t say anything again. “Huh, what to do then?” Maura reached up and released the tent flap so that it fell and covered the opening.


  Maura hadn’t forgotten what Alistair had done for her back in the carriage, let alone rescuing her, and she planned to return the favor the best she knew how. So, as the flap hit the ground, she turned her attention to Alistair as he leaned back into the camp pillow that he had rested in the corner.

  She crawled towards him on all fours and seductively moved her shapely hips as she got closer to him. There was his usual smile etched on his face but this was one of an anticipated pleasure, which had a bit of a smirk quality to it. Maura had always thought that people could read her true emotions, but she could read this man like a book.

  As she reached him her fingers deftly reached up towards his jaw line and they traced his face. His smile relaxed into a look of concentration and he closed his eyes as her fingers walked over his face. She smiled at him and allowed her hands to slip down to his neck and shoulders where she began to massage him as he had done for her.

  If she had truly signed away their lives, she wanted to make sure that Alistair entered into the afterlife with a memory that would keep him happy through all of eternity. So, she leaned down and began to kiss his exposed chest and gently pushed him so that he was lying down fully in the tent.

  Her lips traveled over his chest and abdominal and she began to unfasten his pants with her mouth. He chuckled as he looked down at her and watched as she worked them off slowly. He went to reach up to help, but her hands which had been feeling his body shot out and held his hands down. He allowed his head to fall and she felt his whole body relax under her.

  After a moment or two she finally tore the knot undone and Alistair slightly lifted himself off the ground so that she could more easily get the pants off. She smiled as he laid back down, his eyes closed and the smile returned to his face. She looked down and let out a small gasp at the size of his manhood.

  She had never really experienced one herself, but she had heard other girls in the town talk and most seemed rather unimpressed by the men and boys in the village. She couldn’t imagine how those girls would gossip about this one. Maura shook their voices from her head and began just as he had begun.

  Maura leaned down and began to kiss his dick, which began to pulse and throb with each kiss, his dick getting harder with each peck. After a few kisses Alistair was fully erect and Maura let go of his hands and began to search it with her hands and tongue. She began to lick and flick at the tip of his dick, imitating what he had done with her clit and listened as he moaned with each light touch.

  With one hand she cupped his balls and allowed them to gently roll in her hand. She looked up to see his back arching and his hands grasping at the bed roll that they were laying out on. She smiled and continued to work his balls as her tongue teased his tip. One hand reached out and he began to stroke his shaft as she licked his head.

  She looked up at him and met his gaze and without saying a word she allowed him to guide her. His free hand reached out and slipped his fingers between her curls and brought her lips down onto his dick. She opened her mouth and throat wide as he stroked his shaft while gently guiding her to suck and lick the head of his cock. Maura continued to fondle his balls as he moaned her name.

  After a few minutes of doing this, his hands grabbing at her hair and breasts while she took his dick deeper and deeper into her mouth she felt him shifting under her. In a blindingly fast motion he flipped her so that she was on her back and he was on top of her. His eyes were piercing as he thrust forward, sliding himself inside her.

  Maura threw her head back and moaned as his dick throbbed and pulsated inside her. Her body was immediately covered in goosebumps as he continued to thrust. She moaned with each pulse and she felt her body spasm after a few moments. She grabbed at his back and felt her nails scratching him as he twisted and thrusted.

  Maura felt him beginning to shudder as well and with one final thrust they both spasmed together and she felt his muscles seemingly go limp under her arms and they collapsed together into a tangle of sweat, sex, and sleep.


  They were woken from their post-sex revere by a shot that came from the direction of the twins that stood on the edge of the tree line. Alistair once again swore under his breath as he put on his clothes and leaned over, kissing Maura. He turned back away towards the flap of the tent and shouts out at his brothers.

  “What is it? What could you possibly need us to do?” There was a brief pause, and a gruff voice shouted out from the distance.

  “An army approaches. Or would you rather sleep through that?” Alistair stared at Maura with an unimpressed look on his face and opened the flap, grabbing his chainmail off the ground. He pulled it over his head and snagged a piece of armor off the ground and shouted back at the twin that answered him.

  “How many do you see?” Th
ere was a pause and he continued to put on armor piece by piece. Maura had slipped back into her clothes and was helping him with a few of the straps and harnesses as he slung his belt with his sword around his waist.

  “Probably close to one hundred. Nothing we can’t handle. No cavalry or archers from what we can see. We sent a raven to King Henry alerting him that there was most likely going to be a fight in which King George would be present, so I’m certain he’ll be bringing someone along shortly. Maura let out a light gasp when he alerted them to their numbers, but Alistair merely shrugged at her.

  “It’ll be just like the time we took down that Duke. It was the three of us as well as few extra men who we hadn’t known for very long. It took a day, but we came out on top in the end.” Maura didn’t know what to say, so she asked the first question on her mind.


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