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Revenge Page 22

by Sam Crescent

  “You’re never going to call him,” Lexie said.

  “I will.”

  “Don’t lie. It doesn’t become you.” She rested her head in her hand. “This is a nightmare.”

  “I’m not in any rush for you to see a dead body. You shouldn’t be either.” He tugged her into his arms. She snuggled up against him.

  Stroking her hair, he stared at the clinical walls around him.

  “I’m still going to talk with Eva. Is that okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah, it’s okay.” Devil knew if he refused she would find some way of getting what she wanted anyway.

  The door to their left opened.

  “Would you like to follow me?” the cop asked.

  He got to his feet and kept an arm around Lexie so she didn’t pass out. They entered a large, cool room. The inside looked like a morgue on the television.

  “I want to warn you both there was bruising to her face, but if you can’t confirm we can go through dental records instead. Please, take your time. I know this must be hard.”

  “I’m ready. Could you pull the blanket away?” Lexie asked.

  Devil tightened his hold around her body. If he could stop this, he would have. No woman should have to be witnessing a dead body of a relative.

  Staring at the woman, Devil recognized her right away from the tattoo near her collarbone. The woman on the table was Kayla Howard.

  From the sob Lexie gave out, she recognized her as well.

  Turning her away from the dead body, he pressed her face against his chest.

  “Yes, it’s her.”

  “Okay. The autopsy is complete. Will you sign here, and we’re going to release the body to you to handle the funeral arrangements.”

  Devil signed the necessary paperwork. “Call the club. We’ll handle everything and thank you.”

  The cop nodded and helped them to leave the room. Lexie held onto his jacket crying her eyes out.

  Moving out of the morgue, he didn’t release Lexie until he got to the car. He found Death, Pussy, and Ripper waiting for him.

  “Is it true?” Pussy asked.

  “Yeah, Kayla was beaten and raped.” He nodded at the cop across from him, who waved in his direction. “He told me everything the autopsy report said.” Devil lowered his voice so Lexie didn’t hear. “Everett did this,” Devil said.

  “How do you know?”

  “On the body he tattooed his name across her stomach. It was recent, and the bastard had to have been doing it to her during the torture. He killed Kayla then went after Eva. Gonzalez is going to kill all of us. It’s only a matter of time.”

  “You should call Tiny. Let him know what you’ve found out,” Ripper said.

  “Do you think the bastard deserves it?” Pussy asked. “He kicked us out of his town. I say let the fucker rot.”

  “What about your wedding” Devil asked.

  “Sasha wouldn’t mind getting married here. I don’t need to be in Fort Wills to make her mine.”

  Devil shook his head. “That wedding is the only place I see us getting Gonzalez at his weakest. We can take out every single fucker who threatens to take us out. I don’t like it, but we’ve got no choice.”

  Resting his hand against the car, Devil tapped his foot on the ground. “Call a meeting. I want us to talk this through, and I’ll put a call to Tiny, see where we stand.”

  “Do you want me to follow you back home?” Death asked.

  “No, it’ll be fine. Hopefully Gonzalez doesn’t know we’re home yet. I know it’s a leap seeing as he’s got men around, but I’m hoping I’m right. We’ll be safe for a day or so. I want to give Lexie that freedom at least before things start to go shit for us all.” Devil rounded the car and moved to the driver’s side. “Make sure you’re all safe.”

  Climbing into the car, he started up the engine.

  “What did they want?” Lexie asked, sniffling.

  “We’re going to talk with The Skulls and come up with a plan.”

  “Are you going to retaliate?” She stared at him. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

  “Do you want me to retaliate because of this?”

  “I don’t want you to be hurt, but she was my sister. I don’t want him to go without some form of punishment.”

  “We’re going to kill him, Lex. You’ve just got to give us time.”

  “I don’t care. He killed Kayla, and she wasn’t part of the club or you. She deserves to be retaliated for.” She slammed her palm along the dashboard. “Are you going to do it, or do I have to do it myself?” she asked, glaring at him. She wasn’t listening to him. Devil saw none of his words were getting through.

  Staring at her, he let out a sigh. “I’ll do it. You’ve got to give me a day or so before I do. I need to make sure when I do retaliate we’re strong enough to take any backlash he dishes out.”

  She nodded. “Good. Phone Tiny. I think it’s time for us all to plan the wedding.”

  Pulling out of the hospital, Devil travelled to Vincent and Phoebe’s house.

  “I want to pick up the kids before we go home.”

  “I don’t like the thought of you being alone,” he said.

  “I’m not in the mood for company, and Phoebe shouldn’t be the one to deal with me right now. I’ll take care of our kids and bake a little. I’m going to call Eva. I don’t give a fuck what Tiny said. She’s my friend, and I’m not going to stop talking to her just because he’s being a prick.”

  His wife didn’t sound like herself. Driving to Phoebe and Vincent’s house, he picked up the kids.

  “How is she doing?” Vincent asked.

  “Not good. She’s angry, and she wants me to retaliate because of Kayla’s death.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I had no choice but to agree. She threatened to do it on her own if I didn’t.”

  Vincent shook his head. “You shouldn’t have taken her to see her dead sister.”

  “Again, I didn’t have a choice. I’ve still got to live with my wife.”

  “Still, this could change Lexie, and you may not like what she turns into.”

  Devil watched as Lexie cuddled Josh to her as Phoebe walked with Elizabeth and Simon. Lexie wasn’t going to change. He knew his woman, and she was hurting right now. It would only be a matter of time before she was back to her old ways.

  “We’re meeting at the club,” he said. “I suggest you be there.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it.”

  Nodding, Devil climbed back behind the wheel as Lexie secured Josh into his car seat. Driving the short distance to his own house, he picked up Elizabeth and walked with Simon indoors.

  In the kitchen he’d set up a play area for all three kids.

  Lexie wasn’t talking, not even to her kids.

  Placing them safely in the play area he gave an order to Simon to be good.

  Grabbing her arm, Devil tugged her out of the kitchen.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” she asked.

  He pressed her against the wall.

  “You better get your fucking act together.”


  “You heard me. I don’t give a fuck that you just saw your sister lying on a slab of fucking metal. She was willing to let you die when she dropped Simon off.” She went to mouth off to him. He covered her mouth with his hand. “I don’t give a fuck what you’ve got to say. You can be silent as I talk, and if you’ve got a problem with that, then tough.” He stopped, seeing her eyes were wide. Good, she was listening. “I’m going to retaliate regardless of what the club thinks. Kayla was not a club whore or even an old lady. She was a bitch of the highest order. No one liked her. They do not need to retaliate unless I order them to.”

  Removing his hand, he was surprised she didn’t start arguing with him.

  “Those are our kids in there, and you’ve not spoken to them. You want to turn into a bitch, fine, but you’ll do it without them.”

  “You wouldn’t take me away from the

  “Until you got your shit together I’d do it. I’d make sure you didn’t see them until all of this was over. Get your shit together before it’s taken out of my hands. Be Lexie, be the woman I love.”

  She blew out a breath. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. Be strong. Nothing is going to happen. I won’t let it.” He leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers.

  “Okay.” She offered him a small smile.

  When he was satisfied that she was back, he let her go.

  Staying in the doorway he watched her kiss their kids one by one. Losing someone you cared about could easily change a person. He wasn’t going to let Lexie have the chance to change. She was the only woman he loved.

  Pulling out his cell phone, he pressed Tiny’s number and let it ring.

  “Hello,” Tiny said.

  “I’m not in your town anymore, but we’ve still got a fucking problem.” Devil turned away from his woman and made his way toward his office.


  “We’ve still got Gonzalez to deal with together. If you think you’re over this then think again. Everett took out Kayla, Lexie’s sister, before he went after Eva. Gonzalez is going to take us out.”


  They were silent for several minutes. “Lexie wants the weddings to continue, and I agree with her. Gonzalez will be present, and all of us could be there for when the real shit goes down.”

  “Eva’s already organizing the wedding.”

  “I need your permission to come back to town. I’m not entering Fort Wills unless I have your agreement that nothing bad is going to happen. I’ve got to take care of my boys before I take care of myself.” Devil opened up the safe where he found his gun along with a stack of money.

  “My woman will make the arrangements, and you’ll need to come back to Fort Wills before the wedding goes down. Butch got a call from Gonzalez last night. They talked, and the bastard knows you’re back in Piston County.”

  Devil paused. “What?”

  “You heard me. Butch let him know you were back in Piston County. I had nothing to do with it. I didn’t know until it was too late. Be careful, and we’ll talk soon.”

  Fences weren’t mended, but Devil dropped his phone onto this desk.

  How long had Gonzalez known he was in Fort Wills? Moving to the window he looked out over his front yard.

  There was so much to be done.


  Lexie felt guilty for the way she treated her kids. They didn’t deserve her anger or her pain. Kayla was dead, and Devil was right. Her sister would have gladly left her for dead before helping her out. She had no reason to trust her sister then or now.

  Seeing her dead with bruises all over had been a horrific sight to take in. Staring at her children, Lexie was relieved that they were alive, healthy, and safe. She didn’t want anything to happen to them.

  Turning away, she started to set up the oven so she could do some baking. Being in the kitchen was the only way she could get past the pain and heartache of losing her sister.

  “Mommy?” Simon said.

  She was about to look toward him when an arm banded around her waist and something metal was pressed to her neck.

  “I wouldn’t move if I was you,” the male voice said. She stared at the oven in front of her as his arm didn’t move.

  “Lexie, we’ve got a problem.” This voice didn’t come from directly behind her.

  The man holding her around her waist turned her to face Gonzalez. He sat at the kitchen counter, wiping his hands on a cloth.

  “What are you doing in my house?” she asked, gritting her teeth. She couldn’t look toward her kids, and she was too scared to call out to her man.

  “This is Devil’s house, and you’re Devil’s woman. You’re not your own person. The Chaos Bleeds crew is owned by Devil.”

  “What’s your point?”

  “I don’t have a point, but I’m letting you know that this isn’t about you. This is because of Devil.”

  He was looking at his nails and occasionally glancing at her. She hated the way he looked at her. The planning and scheming were easy to see in his eyes.

  “Why are you here?”

  “I’m here because you and Devil are, and I can’t find one of my men. He was working for me.”

  “Do you mean the man who was supposed to hurt and kill Eva?” she asked.

  “Yes, the very one.”

  “I’ve never seen him.” She glared at him, wishing there was more she could do.

  “You know, Lexie, you’re not in any position to argue with me. I could get Ronald there to put a bullet in any of your children and wait to kill you last.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes at the threat he delivered. She couldn’t do it. There was no way she could fail her children.

  “What do you want?”

  “Where’s Devil?” he asked.

  “He’s right fucking here.” Devil rounded the corner, holding a gun out that was aimed at Gonzalez.

  Relief swamped her, followed by fear.

  “Devil, I didn’t expect you home so soon.”

  “I didn’t leave home, fucker!”

  Ronald still held her against him. His breath fanned her neck, leaving her feeling sick.

  “Well, this is a pleasant surprise. I heard you and Tiny are no longer on speaking terms.”

  “Yeah, we’re having a spat right now, but the wedding is still going ahead as fucking planned. Now, tell me why you’re in my fucking house, near my babies, and have got a man holding a gun to my woman?”

  She saw the anger in Devil. He was barely holding it together.

  “It’s simple, really. I’ve not heard from my man, so I’ve come here to find out the truth. It’s what anyone else would do.”

  “Then go back to Fort Wills and you’ll find him somewhere. I can’t guarantee you’ll find all the pieces. Wait, you don’t have a problem with that, seeing as he was going to kill Eva?” Devil’s finger that was poised at the trigger looked ready to shoot.

  Gonzalez chuckled. “You’re angry because I wanted to get Eva out of the picture. She’s vital to all my plans. Tiny won’t do anything unless she’s dead.”

  “Tiny was doing exactly what you wanted. You didn’t like it and decided to take out Eva. Let me warn you, you kill Eva, Tate, or anyone else in that club and you’ve lost any chance of gaining ground in Fort Wills.” Devil didn’t move, but the gun was trained on Gonzalez and it was unwavering.


  “The only shot you’ve got of Tiny cooperating is with Eva alive. You take the people he cares about away from him, and you’ve lost all your leverage and you’re on your own.”

  The tears that filled her eyes spilled down her cheeks. She was so scared. This warning was the same for Devil. They killed her or their kids, it was over. Devil wouldn’t stop until he hurt everything related to Gonzalez.

  “Now, why do you have a gun pointed at my woman?”

  “I wanted some answers to some questions.”

  “Lexie is not part of the deal. You let her go.”

  “No, you think I’m going to let the one woman go that’s making sure I walk out of here alive?” Gonzalez rested his hands against his head.

  “I could kill you right now.”

  “You could, and that will be over.” Gonzalez turned his gaze to look at her. “But take a look at that beautiful face. She used to be a stripper, right? Lexie took her clothes off in order to take care of your kid? Look at her face. She’s beautiful, I’ll give you that. Sexy, hot, I’d fuck her given the chance.”

  Devil scowled.

  “If you put a bullet inside me and kill me, Devil, then you can kiss your woman goodbye. Ronald will put a bullet inside her head before you kill him.” Gonzalez stopped to take out a handkerchief. “You can live with killing me and even Ronald. Can you live with the last memory of your wife being without a face?”

  She started to shake from fear.
Devil looked close to the edge as it was.

  “I’ve seen what women look like without their faces. Close range bullet taking out their face. You couldn’t have an open casket for people to remember her.”

  The tears were falling thick and fast.

  “What would you tell your kids, your son? That you killed their mother because you couldn’t help but pull the trigger. Hey, at least the world is gone of one bad guy, but I can tell you, Devil, there are over a thousand more bad guys out there who are willing to take my place. All it takes is one of us to go down for another one to rise. It’s a kind of a sad world we live in.”

  “Why did you kill my sister?” Lexie asked, needing to change the subject.

  All the talk of bullets entering her head scared her. She had no choice but to focus on something else. Lexie didn’t want to die. She wanted to live.

  “Kayla, you know she was living good? She was off the drugs and studying to be a nurse. It was the irony of it all. The bad sister turned good. No, she was just a little test for Everett. I wanted to make sure he was willing to do whatever it took to get the job done. Guess what? He passed.”

  Gonzalez was a sick man. Nothing he did ever made sense, and the only reason he’d survived this long was because of his ability to be unpredictable. She hated him and didn’t want him to live.

  He had to die at the right time, in the right moment. This wasn’t that time or that moment.

  “Devil, please?” she asked, begging. She knew all he wanted to do was kill the bastard, but it wouldn’t serve any purpose. Today, the only purpose killing Gonzalez would serve was to kill her.

  “I’m not going to kill you. I want you out of my fucking house,” Devil said.

  He didn’t look toward her as he spoke.

  “Really? You don’t want to take a shot at me. I’m sitting right here. I’m out in the open, and you could kill me now. It would all be over.” Gonzalez opened his jacket to reveal his chest. “You’re not going to do it?”

  “No, get the fuck out of my house.”

  “Devil, stopped from taking what he wants because of a woman. I’m disappointed. Lexie really is the deciding vote for you? You won’t do anything unless she gives you consent?” Gonzalez looked toward her.


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