I Remember You

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I Remember You Page 6

by Mairsile Leabhair

  “Well damn, that sucks. That must be really hard for you?”

  “It is so damned unfair! I’m in love with her, Joyce. In love, all over again.”

  “Whoa, slow down now. Be careful hon… you haven’t seen her in what, ten or twelve years?”

  “Fifteen, actually.”

  “You don’t know what kind of person she is now. She could be a serial killer, for all you know. For all she knows, for that matter.”

  “Oh Joyce, you’re just being silly.”

  “Seriously, Vicky. Don’t just dive in, because you think you know her. Without her memories, how can you? She doesn’t even know herself. The shell that you met, is a temporary persona, not the war weary soldier who watched her friends die.” Everything about the situation was telling Joyce that Vicky needed to be cautious.

  Vicky knew Joyce had a point, but this was Aidan she was talking about. How much could she have changed, in that short period of time? Still, things suddenly weren’t rational between them, and she didn’t know why. Maybe Aidan had changed…, maybe she was more like her father now? Vicky shivered at the thought. But maybe, maybe I could reach her…?

  “Vicky,” Joyce added her last appeal, “I know what you’re thinking, but I’m here to tell you, you cannot change her. You can only accept who she is now, and that may not be the person you fell in love with fifteen years ago.”

  Aidan watched the two women for quite a while, mainly because she just couldn’t pull herself away. She watched as they laughed and talked and laughed some more. She began to believe they were more than just friends. They obviously were very familiar with each other. The way Vicky’s eyes lit up, when she looked at the woman, said it all. She watched helplessly as Vicky and Joyce walked arm-in-arm, out the door. Well that settles it then, she’s off limits for good. The woman is spoken for, and Aidan Marie Cassidy does not come between two lovers. At least, not that I remember. But damn it, I think I’m falling for her.

  Chapter 4

  Dressed out in shorts, and a t‒shirt that read St. Frances across the chest, she grabbed a towel from her gym bag and jumped on the treadmill. Like a woman on a mission, Vicky revved up the machine and started jogging. She was running off her frustrations, which were becoming more rowdy by the minute. She was determined to get her control back, where Aidan was concerned. Easier said than done, as eight minutes into the run, Aidan strolled in. Vicky smiled at her, admiring her tight sweats, and the black sports bra she wore under a floppy t‒shirt, with the collar torn out. Aidan only nodded her head, and walked over to the weight bench. Disappointed, though not surprised, at her meager acknowledgement, Vicky watched as Aidan picked up two, twenty‒pound dumbbells, and began working out. Averting her eyes, so she wouldn’t be obvious, Vicky couldn’t help but take quick glances at those tight muscles, pumping iron. When Aidan progressed over to the heavier barbell, shoulder press weights, and began to squat and lift, grunting from the strain, Vicky’s arousal grew, and her pace on the treadmill quickened.

  She gingerly pulled the tie string lose from around her waist and watched, as the soft cotton slid easily over her hard‒rock ass, and down her long, sinewy legs. She slid her hands up under the lose t‒shirt, and caressed her sweaty, hungry breasts. “Oh!” Vicky misstepped, almost losing her balance. Returning her concentration to what she was doing, she hoped Aidan had not seen her, or the lust in her heart.

  This is ridiculous. In the business world, Vicky knew she wouldn’t get very far playing coy. After all, it was only those who had the guts to reach for the brass ring, that actually had a chance of grabbing it… right? She made up her mind. She was going to corner Aidan, and find out what was going on. Grabbing a towel from her gym bag, she patted herself dry, while reinforcing her courage. But when she turned toward Aidan, she stopped, furrowing her brow into a frown. Kate Moore, the executive assistant to the finance director, better known around the water cooler as Kitty‒Kat‒Kate, was sauntering toward her next tryst. Aidan. Vicky thought she walked like she had to pee. That woman is always on the prowl, and she doesn’t care what sex they are. When Vicky saw Aidan smile at Kate, her resolve flew out the window. She grabbed her gym bag, and left in a huff.


  Vicky saw her first, and caught her breath. Her eyes locked on to Aidan, as everything else in the room, blurred around her. The only thing in focus was Aidan’s form fitting, black and brown plaid shirt, caressing her muscular curves, just above her tight black jeans, hugging those long, voluptuous legs‒‒

  “Hi, Victoria, are you ready for tonight?” A cardiologist had walked up, jolting Vicky from her licentious thoughts.

  Feeling guilty for acting like a prepubescent teenager, Vicky adjusted her jacket, and turned to the doctor, “Oh yes, this is going to be so important for our continued growth and development.”

  “It was your vision, Victoria.”

  “No, Jim, it was you, and the other cardiologist, who brought your dream to me. I just helped bring it to fruition.”

  “How about a picture?”

  Startled, Vicky turned to find Aidan standing behind them. She looked into her eyes, willing her thoughts to be heard, please talk to me, but the passiveness reflected back at her, demanded that reality interfere, “Oh, um, good idea. Thank you, Aidan,” she positioned herself beside the doctor, “how’s this?”

  “Perfect. Thank you, Ms. Montgomery.” Aidan snapped their photo, then walked away.

  Well shit! She only wanted to see her, talk to her, maybe touch her. Watching Aidan walk away, left her more lonely than she had felt in years. But what could she do? Vicky put on her corporate face again, and began working the room.

  If only she had been aware of Aidan’s constant covert glances, she would have known there was a spark still smoldering inside for her. A strong spark that grew like wildfire, each time Aidan looked at her, in her tight fitting jacket with the gold necklace, adorning her soft, silky skin‒‒ Wait… what the hell? Something caught Aidan’s eye, grating at her for attention. Someone has their hand on her butt, as if it belongs there. It was a young nurse, standing very close to Vicky, with her hand resting on her hip. What is it about Vicky’s butt, that people keep wanting to put their hand on it…, Aidan shook her head, well that was a stupid question. Stealthily, she moved closer, watching, waiting for the nurse, and her hand, to move on. When the woman didn’t move fast enough to suit her jealous indignation, Aidan took matters into her own hands. She purposely backed into the nurse, pushing her to the side, effectively dislodging the hand.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, how clumsy of me.” Now move on, bitch.

  The young nurse seemed unaware, and replied, “No problem. Would you take my picture with Ms. Montgomery?”

  Without looking at Vicky, Aidan snapped the picture. As she walked away, she smiled, and hit the delete button, erasing the picture from her camera. This one’s for your lover, she mused. Momentarily distracted, she didn’t see the maintenance worker, until she ran into him. “Damn, I’m sorry about that.”

  “Infidel! Watch where you’re going,” he huffed and walked off.

  You don’t have to be a prick about it, jeez. The ceremony was about to begin, so she shrugged it off, and positioned herself in front of the audience, to be sure she had a clear view for taking pictures.

  The blessing ceremony began with Monsignor Moncrieff reading the liturgy, followed by several speakers, including Vicky. She spoke first, reflecting on the expertise of the physicians, the quality of the equipment, and the commitment of the health system.

  Aidan moved in close, and snapped her picture, checking to make sure it was the right light setting. Satisfied, she snapped a few more.

  After Vicky finished, several more physicians got up and said a few words, all of them praising Vicky, for her hard work and dedication. Finally, the Monsignor came back up, follow by an altar boy. He proceeded to sprinkle the crowd, and ended the ceremony with a prayer.

  As Vicky held her hands together, awaiting her blessin
g, Aidan trained the camera on her. As unobtrusively as she could, she took several profile shots, then backed away. As soon as the prayer was finished and she heard, ‘Amen’, she checked her work. Damn! She knew she had captured the perfect portrait of Vicky. The illumination behind Vicky made her hair glow, as if it were a halo. Her luminescent blue eyes were looking towards heaven, asking God's blessing through the cross of Christ. Sparkling on her cheek was a single drop of holy water. To Aidan, it was a confirmation of Vicky’s inner goodness. Aidan had to remind herself to breathe.

  At last, the festivities were over, and it was time to call it a night. Aidan caught up to Vicky, more so to make sure she got back to her office safely, because of the late hour, than anything else that she would allow herself to consider. She shuffled up beside her, “Is there anything else for tonight, ma’am?”

  “No, that’s it, so I thought I’d do some paper work, make a few phone calls, and do some more paperwork.”

  “All right then, good night, ma’am.”

  “Oh, no, um,” Vicky placed her hand on Aidan’s arm to stop her, desperately wanting to keep her talking, “I was thinking, why don’t we go get a bite to eat, and let the paperwork keep until tomorrow?”

  Aidan stepped back, but it was too late. Vicky’s small, warm hand, sent a tingly fire up her arm, and straight down to her thighs. Fight it, damn it. “Thank you, ma’am, but I can’t.”

  Irritated, Vicky snarked, “Aidan, I asked you not to call me ma’am.”

  “It’s out of respect, ma’am.”

  “But I thought we were becoming friends. What changed that?”

  “Respectfully, ma’am, you’re my boss. We can’t be friends.”

  “That’s a load of crap and you know it. Now tell me what I did wrong.” Vicky was feeling a multitude of emotions, irritation being the strongest one.

  “You did nothing wrong, nothing at all.”

  “Then what is it? Why are you torturing me with your damn games?”

  Aidan’s jaw dropped. She hadn’t realize Vicky would perceived it as a game. That’s the last thing she wanted to do, and now she felt ashamed. But her instincts demanded that she protect Vicky from the gossip mongers, and this was the only way she knew how to do that. “Uh, I just think it is best if we keep it professional, okay?”

  Vicky couldn’t understand why Aidan had put up a wall, and why she was so fervently protecting it. Even as children, there was no use trying to break through Aidan’s pigheadedness. But they weren’t children anymore. This was different. She thought they were getting closer, with each interaction. Or was that just wishful thinking, on her part? No, she could feel the heat between them as they danced. She could feel that Aidan wanted her, even if she wasn’t aware of it at the time. Maybe Joyce was right, maybe this isn’t the Aidan I know. The Aidan I knew wouldn’t play these games. Maybe this isn’t an answer to my prayers, after all. Maybe the relationship is over, before it even starts. So many damn maybes. “All right, Ms. Cassidy, if that’s what you want. I won’t bother you again.”

  Chapter 5

  “Mom, dad, I’m home.”

  “We’re in here, dear.”

  Vicky sat her purse and keys down on the entry way table, and walked into her parents modest living room. Dressed casual, with her hair pulled back in a pony‒tail, she instantly transformed into the Montgomery’s little girl again.

  “You look tired, honey,” her mother stated, as she always did when Vicky came to visit.

  “I’m fine mother, just have a bad tummy this morning,” Alice looked at her curiously. “Daddy, how are you?”

  Leonard Montgomery grunted from his recliner, and returned to watching TV. Vicky thought he was the one that looked tired. He probably hadn’t moved from that raggedy old recliner, all weekend.

  Alice and Leonard Montgomery, were in their late fifties, and counting the days until they could retire. Leonard was a bookkeeper for a local department store, and Alice worked part time as a secretary at her church. When Vicky began making a high salary, she started an account for her parents retirement. There was enough in the account for them to retire right now, if they wanted. They did accept the money, but thought of it more as an emergency fund, and weren’t ready to touch it yet.

  “Here, come sit by me, and help fold these clothes, will you please?”

  Alice, plump and petite, was never‒the‒less striking, with her grayish blond hair, thin lips and high cheekbones. Her hazel eyes contrasted with her daughter’s blue eyes, a feature she got from her father.

  Leonard was also pudgy around the middle, but handsome, just the same, with his blond hair, blue eyes, and strong jawline. Vicky favored her father in every way, except for his height. That she begrudgingly attributed to her mother.

  “Of course, mom,” Vicky kissed her father’s forehead first. Then she kissed her mother’s cheek, and sat down beside her.

  “So, have you found a man yet?”

  Always the first question, used to begin the same conversation, on every visit. It was a prerequisite that Vicky knew she must endure, before she could enjoy her visit.

  “Don’t hold your breath on that one, mom.” Vicky didn’t see her father snicker.

  “Vicky, you’re twenty‒eight years old. It’s time you settled down and had babies, don’t you think? When was the last time you went out on a date, young lady?”

  “Well, for your information, mother, I was on one just the other night.”

  Alice looked at her daughter with hope, and a twinge of excitement, “Oh, do we know him?” She knew that Vicky was a lesbian, from the moment she caught her and Aidan necking in the tree house. She just couldn’t bring herself to accept it.

  “Yes, you know her, mom.” Vicky replied, watching the ridges roll up on her mother’s forehead.


  “Aidan is back.”

  “Aidan? You mean that little girl who use to live next door?”

  “Yes, isn’t it wonderful? We sort of found each other by accident. She is still just as beautiful and caring, as she was when we were kids…” Much to her mother’s relief, Vicky slowly tapered off, lost in thought about the way they parted, just a few hours ago.

  Leonard inquired, “Then why do you look so sad, honey?”

  She looked at her father, “Oh dad, I’ve made a horrible mess of things.”

  “Here, come with me, I need your help with something.” He loved his wife dearly, but he knew she would only upset Vicky further, if they had this conversation in front of her.

  Vicky followed him into their bedroom, and hopped up on her parent’s bed. Her father sat down beside her.

  “Tell me, what happened?” he asked empathetically.

  Vicky was a daddy’s girl through and through. Growing up, she told her father practically everything, and trusted his opinion, even on matters of the heart. She never came right out and said that she preferred girls, but he guessed as much when she never spoke of boys or brought a boy home. A ritual that he regretted not being a part of.

  She began by explaining about Aidan’s amnesia, and how she didn’t remember anything about their childhood friendship. She told him about how she felt they were becoming friends again, when Aidan suddenly put up a wall.

  Leonard listened intently, but didn’t say a word. Instead, he got up from the bed, and walked over to the closet. He pulled down a small shoe box from the top shelf, and carried it back to the bed. “I found these last year, and have been meaning to give them to you, but wasn’t sure, you know, whether I should or not. Your mother kept them hidden, all these years.”

  “Daddy, what is it?”

  “I want you to understand something, honey. Your mother just wants what’s best for you. When you were a child, it was a different time, a different way of doing things, and she did what she thought she was supposed to do. She hoped, she still hopes that you will marry a nice Catholic boy, and have babies.”

  “Oh daddy. She’s known for years that I’m not going to do
that. I love Aidan, always have, always will.”

  “I know Vicky, but you know your mother. You inherited your stubbornness from her.” He winked at her. “Anyway, I don’t know why she kept these, but I think perhaps she knew, deep down, that you would need them one day. I think today is that day.” Leonard handed Vicky the box, kissed her on the forehead, and left the room, closing the door behind him.

  Confused by their exchange, she very timidly, took the lid off the box, and set it to the side. Inside she found a box full of unopened letters. They were all from Aidan. “Oh my God!” She flipped through them and found that they were in chronologic order, spanning fifteen years. With hands that shook, she took out the first letter, dated one month after her best friend had run away.

  Hi Vick… uh, do you hate me? Well that’s okay, I wouldn’t blame you if you did. I’m so sorry I got you into trouble like that. Was it very bad for you, after I left? Gosh I hope not.

  I’m sorry it took me so long to write, but I didn’t have money to buy a stamp, or food or..., oh and I wanted to let you know I’m okay, I’m up in Little Rock now, working at a gas station (they thought I was 16, LOL). The manager put me up in a spare room in the back of the station, because I gave him a sad sack story. I’m on my way kid!

  Miss you, love ya more, Aidan

  Vicky sobbed as she held the letter to her heart, and said, “I’m fine Aidan. I didn’t get into trouble, and I miss you so much.” Brushing away her tears, she meticulously inserted the letter back into its envelope and set it aside. The next letter was dated two weeks after the first one.

  Hi Vick. You didn’t write back so I thought maybe you were either really mad at me, or you didn’t get my letter. Anyway, I sure am missing you. It’s hard out here, and I wish I could come home, even to that bastard father of mine. I am so homesick. I miss you so much. Oh, I said that already. Anyway, write me back when you get this, okay? Love you, kid.


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