I Remember You

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I Remember You Page 13

by Mairsile Leabhair

  “What’s going on, Paul?” She asked breathlessly.

  “Can we go to your office, ma’am? I don’t want to say anything in the hallway.”

  “Of course,” she thought it must be something big, for Paul to be so secretive.

  “And ma’am, this is for your ears only,” Paul nodded toward Aidan.

  “Paul, this is Aidan Cassidy. She’s my partner..., understand? Anything you say to me, you can say in front of her.” She wanted to get that out of the way, right off. They walked into her office, and as soon as the door closed behind them, she demanded, “Okay, Paul, what the hell is going on?”

  “Ma’am, President Trenton has been brought in by ambulance. The EMT’s say it looks like it was a heart attack.”

  President Jackson Trenton was born and raised in Arkansas. A popular President, he was elected to two terms, and was very instrumental in getting President Sherman elected to office. Trenton often came back home, just for some good southern cooking, and laid back conversations. But this time, he was in town for a fundraiser at his presidential library. A party that Vicky had planned to attend, before she became otherwise indisposed…, with Aidan.

  Vicky, who personally knew President Trenton, put on her CEO face and demanded, “Take me to him.”

  Paul began to explain, “Ma’am, I don’t think the Secret Service will let‒‒”

  “I said, take me to him, Paul. I’ll handle the Secret Service, I have before.”

  It was towards the end of Trenton’s second term in office, that his mother was admitted to the hospital, for much the same problem her son was now experiencing. Vicky, fresh out of college, was assigned as her day nurse. She had to quickly adapt to the requirements of the Secret Service Agents, protecting the First Family, in order to perform her daily tasks. She even became somewhat familiar with a few of those agents, and could call them by name. During the First Mother’s stay at the hospital, she had spent a lot of time talking with President Trenton, who practically ran the country from his mother’s bedside. Though she was only twenty‒two at the time, Vicky had impressed the President with her caring, her intelligence, and a somber maturity, well beyond her years. So much so, that when she was handed the CEO position, Trenton had sent her flowers of congratulations. Through the years, they had socialized at fundraisers, and dinners, and considered each other friends.

  As the elevator doors closed, with just them and Paul in the car, Aidan found her lover’s hand, and squeezed it, then let it go, just as quickly. Vicky looked up at her and smiled, but Aidan was staring straight ahead. Still, her warm touch, her closeness, helped to calm her nerves. She would need that connection, now, more than ever. She knew from experience, that chaos was about to rain down on them. It was important to Vicky that she personally, made sure the President received the best care possible. She just wished she could have had one more day, one more hour, alone with Aidan. They had barely begun their long awaited reunion. Now, it had to be put on hold, for God knows how long, while she saw to the President’s needs, and the media’s demands. For the first time since becoming the CEO, she hated her job.

  Reaching the MRI hallway, she knew instantly that the men dressed in dark suits, scattered strategically throughout the area, were Secret Service Agents. She also knew that the agents wouldn’t allow anyone to approach the President, without prior knowledge, so she advised Aidan and Paul to wait for her, at the nurses’ station.

  Recognizing one of the agents, Vicky greeted him by name. “Steve, good to see you again,” then asked, “May I approach?”

  He waved her over, “Ms. Montgomery, good to see you, too.” Steve Hayden, lead agent on the President’s detail, never took his eyes off the president, lying on the MRI table. Steve had been put in charge of the President’s detail during his second re-election, and was with him when the President’s mother was a patient at the hospital. Loyal to the President, Steve would be his lead agent for the rest of his career, if he was allowed to be. Trenton was the last president to receive round the clock security, for his lifetime. That law was changed after his tenure.

  “What’s going on, Steve?”

  Normally, the President would have gone to the trauma center, down the street. But since his longtime friend, and personal cardiologist, had made the move over to St. Frances, thanks to Vicky’s skill at negotiating, and her hospital had the new hybrid cath lab, the decision was made to bring him to her hospital.

  “Ma’am, I think it best if he told you, himself.”

  She knew he wouldn’t give any details about the man he was protecting, but she had to ask, just the same.

  “Have they started yet?”

  “No ma’am.”

  “I’m going to speak with him.” Not waiting for a reply, she made her way past the techs and nurses, and up to the table where the President lay. She took his hand in hers, and asked, “President Trenton, can you hear me?”

  “Victoria, are you my nurse again?” He joked, hoarsely.

  “Absolutely, if you want me to be, Mr. President.”

  Feeling a strong need to voice what was foremost in his thoughts, the President looked intently at her and somberly requested, “My wife, my daughters, please tell them, I love them.”

  “Of course I will, but it won’t be necessary, I assure you. Mr. President, if I could have your permission, I’d like to call in Dr. Joyce McMillan, from New York, to confer with your cardiologist. She’s the best cardiovascular surgeon in the nation, and should it become necessary, I want nothing but the best for you, sir.”

  “I trust your judgment, Vicky, if you think I need her, then let’s make it happen. Ask Steve to come in please,” She waved at Steve, who immediately rushed to his side, “Steve, please arrange to have my private jet sent to New York, to pick up…,” he looked at Vicky, who finished his sentence for him.

  “Dr. Joyce McMillan, Cardiovascular Surgeon, at New York Cardiology. I’ll have her waiting for them.”

  She squeezed Trenton’s hand, then left the room, saying a Hail Mary as she went. As soon as she exited the room, she pulled out her phone and dialed Joyce. Giving her a quick explanation for the call, she listened to the list of things that her friend would need. Top of the list was to have the MRI results sent to her handheld, as soon as possible. Neither women wasted time with small talk, they each had things they needed to take care of, immediately.

  Walking down the hallway, back to Aidan and Paul, Vicky called the Chief Nursing Officer, and conferenced in the Chief of Cardiac Surgery, giving them the details. In order not to upset her own surgeons, she explained it in such a way that it sounded like the President, himself, had requested Joyce be flown in. Not that she wanted to lie to them, even if it was a little white lie. She just felt that strongly about who was the best person for the job. And it wasn’t because they were best friends, and she was giving Joyce the spotlight. It was her belief that Joyce was the best, period. Vicky advised them that, as soon as the President’s tests were evaluated, they would meet to determine if he even had the time to wait on Joyce. Vicky was not going to leave anything to chance, she wanted all her bases covered, on this one.

  Once she was done with that call, she immediately called Breda in the Marketing Department, “Breda, its Victoria, President Trenton has been admitted to St. Frances, so please let Doris know that, I personally, will be handling the press, on this one. Route all inquiries to me, please. Thanks.” Unless warranted, Vicky didn’t cover the PR for the hospital, she had people like Doris, who saw to that. But for this VIP, it was important to her, both professionally and personally, that she represent the health system.

  She didn’t wait for Breda to respond. She had already hung up, and was dialing another number. “Tom, it’s Victoria, What? Oh I’m sorry to wake you, but I need a podium and microphone set up in the Center for Health Education’s lobby. I’m expecting a lot of news media here, at any moment, so if you could hurry, I’d appreciate it. Thanks.”

  Again hanging up quickly, she t
urned to Paul, “Let’s herd the media into the education lobby. We need to keep them from wandering around the hospital, unescorted, understand?”

  “Yes, ma’am, I’m on it.”

  “Oh, and Paul, I want a police escort to meet Joyce at the plane. Can’t have her stuck in traffic, at a time like this.”

  “I’ll call Med Flight, and have them copter her to our helipad. That will save time.”

  “Good idea, Paul. And while you’re at it, ask the LRPD to get some help over here. We can’t have patients turned away, because they can’t get past the TV trucks. Have them park those trucks in the back, where the doctors park. Luckily it’s still early and the main shift hasn’t arrived yet. Ask the doctors to park in the administration parking lot. I will send out a text message to leadership, notifying them to move their cars to the employee parking lot. The President will be here for a few days, at least, so we can expect that the news media will be too. Make sure they are treated well, and accommodate them as much as you can, Paul.”

  “Understood, ma’am. And ma’am, permission to bring in off duty personnel for the duration of the President’s stay? It will require overtime.”

  He and Aidan sound just alike. “Permission granted, Paul, but coordinate with the Secret Service. They get very territorial about people in their perceived space.”

  “Roger that, ma’am.”

  Just like Aidan. Using her phone again, she called catering. “Darlene, it’s Vicky. I’m glad that you’re here early. Would you please take two dozen assorted cookies and some drinks up to the MRI unit, employee lounge, this morning? And also send the same thing up to the cardio floor, unit B, this afternoon. Yes, on my tab, and with my compliments, as usual. Also, we will be host to some very high level guests, so ask the chef to prepare something special. They will be arriving in the next few hours. Thanks.”

  Aidan thought with pride, damn, what a dynamo. She would make a very good drill sergeant, or better yet, a general.

  Finally, walking into her office, Vicky closed the door behind Aidan, and leaned against it, at last closing her eyes and exhaling. When she opened them again, she was looking into Aidan’s sparkling green eyes. Aidan wrapped her arms around Vicky and kissed her, not in a sensual way, but in a supportive way. Even so, it left Vicky weak in the knees.

  “Thanks, I needed that. And I’m so sorry this interrupted us, Aidan. Just when we were getting so close‒‒”

  “Listen, this is much more important. I can wait, I’m not going anywhere. Well, I am going to get out of your way, for now, and let you work. I’ll be just down the hallway, if you need me.” She reached for the door.

  “You’re not in my way, sweetheart, and you are much more important to me.”

  “Thanks for that, but I’m still going to leave you to it.” As much to restrain myself, as to let you work. “I imagine you have a thousand more things yet, to take care of.”

  “But when will I see you again?” Vicky asked nervously. She needed Aidan’s strength, more than she realized, and though she wouldn’t voice it, a fear lingered in the back of her head, that she may not see her again, like before. If she had the power, she would never let Aidan out of her sight again. But she knew that was being impractical.

  “Well, I’ll be at the news conference later, taking your picture,” Aidan wryly grinned.

  “That’s not what I meant, and you know it. As long as the President is here, I’ll be here.” She felt honor bound to take care of the President, and Aidan understood that, better than anyone.

  “And as long as you are here, Vick, I’ll be here. I promise, kid. I’ll be here.” Aidan paused, looking around, she saw the venetian blinds, that she knew Vicky never closed. Vicky was all about transparency at the hospital, and open blinds was one way to show that. “Okay, how about this? When I see the blinds closed in this office, I’ll know to come to you.” She was joking, but Vicky took her seriously.

  “Oh, that’s perfect.” She walked over to the venetian blinds in her office window, and began closing them.

  “Ha, ha, very funny. Uh, that was a joke, kid. Seriously, baby, just text me, and I’ll come running.”

  She sighed, “Well, okay, but that’s not near as romantic as the blinds were.”

  Aidan smiled and popped her on the butt before she left.

  Sighing, Vicky got back on the phone, “Becky, its Vicky.”

  Becky Phillips, RN, BSN, charge nurse for the post-anesthesia care unit, better known as PACU, answered, “Yes, ma’am.”

  “President Trenton will be coming your way soon, and I want him moved to the solarium suite on Cardiology, when he’s out of surgery. I’m going to call that unit next, and have them clear out the hallway, and then I’ll alert the Secret Service. Yes, thank you.”

  She hung up with Becky, and called the second floor charge nurse. “Kevin, this is Victoria Montgomery. I see from the reports, that we have a few empty beds up there today. I’m having them move the President‒‒, what? Yes, President Trenton will be staying with us for a few days, and he will be moved to the solarium suite on the second floor, when he gets out of PACU. I need you to move the other patients from that hallway, immediately.” She was remembering how, the Secret Service felt it was imperative that their protectee be placed on a vacant hallway, thereby making it somewhat easier to guard the perimeter. “The Secret Service will be up there shortly, to oversee the area. Try your best to stay out of their way, unless they specifically ask for something, and then accommodate them with all haste.”

  Normally, it was not up to the CEO to decide how and where patients were placed. But the employees knew that Vicky had a hands‒on approach to her management style, especially during unexpected situations. She had proven herself in the past, and they trusted her. And besides that, she was the CEO.

  “And Kevin, I expect that Mrs. Trenton will be spending the night, at least for tonight, so please, make sure you have everything stocked and ready to go. Thanks so much.”

  Her cell phone vibrated. She pulled it out of her inside pocket, and looked at it. There was a text with a picture attached. It was a picture of Joyce sitting on the plane, with the president’s seal behind her. She had a cocky smile on her face, and the text read, Now this is the style to which I am accustom. Vicky laughed and texted her back, Lucky you! Then she got back to business and called Ken Hobbs, Director of Environmental Services. She explained the situation, asking him to make sure the solarium suite, and the unit its self, were cleaned thoroughly, in anticipation of Mrs. Trenton’s arrival.

  That’s done, what’s next? “Oh, Yvonne, is that you?” she called out her office door.

  Yvonne had just arrived, and immediately came to her door, “Yes, Vicky, what’s going on?”

  Vicky explain the situation, then asked, “Cancel all appointments for today, and please call the executive team. Ask them to drop everything, and come to my office, immediately. No exceptions.”

  “I’ll get right on it.”

  The executive team consisted of the hospital administrator, and specialty administrators from Cardiology, Orthopedics, Women’s, and Neurology. Vicky needed to have the impromptu meeting, to apprise them of the situation, and enlist their help in making sure that the President’s stay at the hospital went smoothly.

  “Oh and Yvonne, would you mind driving Aidan to pick up her car this morning? I don’t want her to be stranded without a car.”

  “No problem.”

  What else am I forgetting to do? She looked at the venetian blinds in her office windows, and then smiled. Pulling out her cell phone again, she sent Aidan a three word text, ‘miss you already’. Just being able to reach out to Aidan again, calmed her nerves more than anything else. Aidan’s reply consisted of one word, ‘S.E.X.’. Vicky was laughing out loud, just as the executive team dutifully began to file through her office door.

  Stuffing her cell phone back in her jean pocket, Aidan sat at her desk, changing out the batteries in her camera. A sweet memory of them playi
ng together as children, floated up unexpectedly, and she smiled as she grabbed hold of it. It was like a bridge that stretched from her childhood to now, but in between, the two was a bottomless pit of nothingness. Shrugging it off, she reflected back on their night together, and felt a twinge of disappointment. Just as a big chunk of her world had opened up, ready to be explored again with her best friend, the door was suddenly slammed shut. She didn’t begrudge Vicky taking care of business, especially for someone as important as the President. But she did feel annoyed that it had to happen now, when she could still feel the warm embrace of Vicky’s body next to hers. The touch of her soft skin, the sound of her giggle, as she climax. These were things Aidan wanted to explore more, much more, but couldn’t, not until the President is discharged. Aidan told herself that being able to learn more about Vicky, like how she handles this crisis, was just as important. The problem with that, though, was having just seen her in action, made her lust for her even more.


  “Relay this message. Tell him we need to revise the time‒table. I just got word that an eagle has landed here, and our leader may want to change his plans. I will be on standby, until I hear back.” He hung up the phone and thought, this is even better than what we had planned. He picked up a tarp and covered the cylinder tanks. Satisfied that no one would find them, he pulled his ring full of keys from his belt, and unlocked the elevator doors. This will escalate our timetable, but I am up to the challenge. He felt the small of his back, and adjusted the bulge under his shirt, then covered it with his jacket. We will not be silent.


  It was late in the afternoon, before the first news conference was held. Trenton was still in surgery, so Joyce was not available to answer questions, which left Vicky to face the hungry media, on her own. She scanned the crowd, until she found Aidan in the back, standing on a chair, towering over everyone else. Aidan winked at her, bringing a smile to Vicky’s face that was more than just professional.


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