Texting Box Set: The Complete Series

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Texting Box Set: The Complete Series Page 35

by Teagan Hunter

  Caleb: Now come home already. I’m getting bored myself. I’ve already watched three movies and started and stopped two shows.

  Me: So you’ve been a bum on the couch all day.

  Caleb: Hey, I get like one good day off every couple weeks. I’ll be lazy when I can be lazy.

  Me: Okay, okay. You got me there. I’ll allow it.

  Caleb: *rolls eyes* I’m SO glad I have your permission to relax.

  Me: Yeah, me too.


  Me: Is that your masturbating hand?

  Caleb: Well, yes.

  Caleb: But it’s also my right hand…

  Me: Cool?

  Me: WAIT.

  Me: You got your brace off! YAY!

  Caleb: Kind of. I have to do physical therapy.

  Me: Seriously? Well that part blows.

  Caleb: Tell me about it.

  Me: What did we learn from all of this?

  Caleb: Fracturing your hand isn’t a good idea.

  Me: True. And what else?

  Caleb: I know you want me to say not to fight, but it was a necessary evil.

  Me: Are you ever going to tell me the story?

  Caleb: You don’t want to hear this tale.

  Me: You don’t get to tell me what I do and don’t want, Caleb.


  Caleb: You’re right. That’d make this whole us-making-out-all-the-time thing pretty awkward.

  Me: And gross. Let’s not forget gross.

  Caleb: I thought that was obvious.

  Me: It is.

  Me: But Caleb? I’d really like to hear the story some time. Even if it’s a sordid tale, I want to know more about you. I want to learn about your past and your aspirations for the future. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve kind of taken a liking to you.

  Caleb: Do you give all the people you like black eyes?

  Me: Oh my god. How many times do I have to apologize? I was asleep when I elbowed you!

  Caleb: “Asleep”

  Caleb: I’ll tell you one of these days, Zoe.

  Me: Thank you. <3

  Caleb: Did you just less than three me?

  Me: Shut up.

  Me: What do you think about these throw pillows?


  Caleb: I try very hard not to think about throw pillows at all.


  Me: Give me your opinion.

  Caleb: Funny. Last time I tried to give you my opinion, you told me how they’re just like assholes.

  Me: I’m sorry. I mean, I was right, but I’m saying sorry now because I want your help.

  Caleb: I like your honesty.

  Me: Great. So, what do you think about the pillows?

  Caleb: They’re fine.

  Me: Fine as in “they look good” or fine as in “ew no”? Because there are two very different things, you know.

  Caleb: Oh, I know. I’ve lived with you long enough now to know the many, MANY different meanings certain words and phrases have.

  Caleb: And they are fine as in they look good. Sky blue fits us.

  Me: Back the truck up. What exactly do you mean by “many different meanings”? Elaborate.

  Caleb: No, because you know exactly what I’m talking about, and I know if I “elaborate” I’m somehow incriminating myself, allowing this conversation to be used against me in the future.

  Me: Oh wow. Is THAT how you think of me? That I’ll just hold on to one tiny conversation for ages and ages and then BAM! Bring it up when you least expect it and throw it in your face?

  Caleb: Yes.

  Me: Smart man.

  Caleb: SEE!

  Me: HEY! I was kidding. Mostly.

  Caleb: MOSTLY she says.

  Me: So, sky blue then?

  Caleb: Sky blue is fine with me.

  Me: Like FINE fine or…?

  Me: ;-)

  Caleb: Goddammit, Zoe.

  Caleb: Well, it’s done. I officially sold my bike.


  Me: Why?

  Caleb: I have to pay for physical therapy and these fucking medical bills somehow.

  Caleb: Bike had to go. I got a pretty penny, so it’ll help.

  Me: And what are you going to do for transportation now?

  Caleb: Bus. Walk. Exchange kisses for rides.

  Me: Well hell. That really sucks. I’m sorry you had to get rid of it.

  Me: But I hope you’re only exchanging those kisses with me…

  Caleb: We’ll see.

  Me: Uh huh. I’ll remember that tonight when you try to kiss me or get fresh with me.

  Caleb: Is that what the kids are calling it these days? Getting fresh?

  Me: It’s what I call it. Like father, like daughter. Get over it.

  Caleb: I think you were born in the wrong decade. You should have been born in the mid 80s so you could have grown up as a true 90s child. That would have been a good decade for you. You and your weirdness and those fucking denim coveralls you wear when you paint would fit in just fine.


  Caleb: Make fuck of?

  Me: FUN OF.

  Me: You knew what I meant, you ass.

  Caleb: Sometimes with you it can be quite the guessing game.

  Me: Are you saying I’m difficult? *cracks knuckles*

  Caleb: Yes, but in, like, a good way.

  Me: That’s what I thought. Kisses! Gotta run!

  Caleb: She threatens me and then runs off. Da fuck.

  Me: You love it.

  Caleb: I thought you were leaving?

  Me: I would if you’d shut up already!

  Caleb: So sassy today.

  Me: SHHH!

  Caleb: Fine, fine. I’m being quiet now.

  Me: Doesn’t seem like it to me.

  Caleb: Stop answering me then!

  Me: Never. I love having the last word.

  Caleb: You don’t say.

  Me: I do.

  Me: ;-)

  Me: Hey Caleb…

  Caleb: What do you want?

  Me: How’d you know I wanted something?

  Caleb: Your tone suggested it.

  Me: Ah, yes, I forgot all about that superpower of yours.

  Caleb: Well, spill it.

  Me: Can you do me a solid and pick up a pizza on the way home?

  Caleb: Pizza? You want PIZZA?!

  Me: Pleeeeeeease? *bats lashes*

  Caleb: Sigh. Fine. We can have pizza.

  Me: YES! Double cheese and pepperoni and green peppers.

  Caleb: Ham and pineapple or no deal.

  Me: You’re going to make me barf.

  Caleb: Then no deal.

  Me: Caleb…

  Caleb: FINE. Just this once.

  Me: You’re the best.

  Caleb: BUT, I’m going to knock on the door and pretend I’m the pizza man. You have to answer in your sexiest pair of pajamas. Deal?

  Me: Deal.

  A knock sounds at the door and I grin.

  Game on, Caleb.

  “Who is it?” I say in the huskiest voice I can manage.

  Caleb chokes out a laugh. “Pizza boy, ma’am!”

  I wait five seconds before swinging open the apartment door.

  “My, a special delivery just for me?”

  His mouth drops open. “That’s your sexiest pair of pajamas?”


  “Well played, Zoe.” He shakes his head, amused. “Well played.”

  I do a curtsy and grab the pizza he’s holding. “Thank you.”

  He did the say the sexiest pair of pajamas, not the pair I look sexiest in. Wearing jammies with a topless Captain America on them is technically me wearing my sexiest set.

  “I’m going to need to watch my words with you, huh?”

  “It wouldn’t hurt.” I stand on my tiptoes and place a quick peck on his lips before grabbing his shirt and pulling him inside.

  There’s a flash of su
rprise on his face, which is understandable since this is one of the first times I’ve initiated a kiss between us, but he quickly brushes it off and closes the door behind him, trailing behind me as I make my way to the kitchen counter.

  I drop the pizza and open a cabinet, pulling down two plates before grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge. I set everything down in the front of where Caleb’s seated.

  “Dig in.”

  We each grab two pieces and stuff our mouths full of gooey cheese and pepperoni.

  “So,” Caleb starts, “I talked with my manager about that little Outer Banks trip we discussed the other day.”


  “He’s cool with me taking the time off. They had only planned to schedule me for one day while we plan to be gone and one of the other women who works there just happens to need a few extra hours.”

  “Does this mean we’re going?”

  “If you promise me that meeting your parents isn’t going to be an awkward nightmare, then yes.”

  “I make no promises.” I clap my hands together and squeal. “Eep! I am so excited! This is going to be so much fun!”

  “What are we going to do besides each other?” He waggles his brows up and down. “Kidding. But really.”

  “First, no bangin’. Second, we can shop or get facials or—”

  “I have a feeling your version of a facial isn’t my version of a facial.”

  I wink his way. “Guess we’ll find out, huh?”


  “What! You started it!”

  “Yeah, but I was kidding.”

  I feign surprise. “Oh, uh, yeah, me too.” He nearly chokes on his pizza. “Kidding, kidding! You’re the one being pervy. I didn’t know you were so dirty, Caleb.”

  “I’m not. Well, maybe a little, but not like creepy pervy.”

  “Well that’s good to hear. No one likes creepy pervy.”

  I take another bite of my pizza and think about how I want to approach what I need to tell Caleb next.



  “I, um, I went to visit Delia the other day.”

  He grabs for another slice of pizza. “Cool. How’d that go?”

  “It was good. We talked.”

  “About what?”

  I don’t say anything, instead grabbing for my water and downing nearly half the bottle.

  “Zoe,” he presses after several moments of silence.

  “We talked about you.”

  “About me?”

  I nod. “And my blossoming, um…feelings for you.”

  His eyes sparkle with amused mischief as he runs a hand across the stubble on his face, pretending to be perplexed. “You have feelings for me, huh? And here I thought you just wanted me for my good looks. I wasn’t aware it ran deeper.”

  “You know damn well it’s about more than your looks, Caleb.”

  He grins. “I was hoping so.”

  I turn my head, not wanting him to see the blush creeping up my face, but he seeks me out, reaching for my chin and pulling my attention back to him. His midnight blue eyes flick between my hazel ones and my lips.

  “Because it runs deeper for me, Zoe—a lot deeper.”

  I swallow the lump in my throat and dart my tongue out to wet my dry lips. “Good.”

  He closes the distance between us, stretching over the counter to press a soft, sweet kiss to my waiting lips.

  That’s all it is, one small kiss, and then he’s settling back into his seat, bringing his slice of pizza back to his mouth.

  So why does it feel like so much more?

  Mittens jumps onto the counter, somewhere he’s not usually allowed, and begins to rub against me.

  “What about him?” Caleb asks. “Is he going with us?”

  “Oh definitely. There’s no way I’d leave the little guy here.”

  “And your parents are cool with bringing him?”

  “Are you kidding? My mom is half in love with him already and she hates cats, and my dad cannot wait to snuggle the little guy.”

  Caleb tilts his head at me. “Have you been sending your parents pictures of my cat?”

  “Hell yeah I have. He’s adorable as shit!”

  “You’re not wrong.” He dips his head down. “You also know he’s sniffing at your pizza, right?”

  I glance down. “Shit! Mittens!” I shoo him off the counter. “Get!”

  He takes off, his paws slipping against the counter, causing his legs to catch my plate and flip it up. My pizza goes flying into the air and makes a loud smack against the kitchen floor.

  I look down at it, annoyed. “Guess I should just be glad it’s not on the carpet.”

  Caleb smiles at me sheepishly. “Sorry. He’s really cute though.”

  “Argh. I know.”

  I pick up the slice of pizza and deposit it in the trash before pulling off a paper towel and wiping up the mess on the floor.

  “So, uh, what did Delia say?” Caleb asks.

  I peek his way and notice how he’s not looking mine. He’s curious, but he’s also scared. He doesn’t want her to hate us either.

  I rest against the counter, staring at him. “She wants me to be happy.”

  “And are you?” He finally looks at me. “Are you happy, Zoe?”

  “I’m well on my way there.”


  “We need to head to bed. We’re going to have a long day tomorrow.”


  The word rolls off his tongue so easily, and I love the way it sounds.

  Caleb and I have been sharing a bed for a few weeks now and, much to my surprise, it’s been tame. We’ve spent several nights kissing until our lips are numb, but it’s not moved any further than that.

  He clicks off the TV and stands, holding his hand out to me. “Come on.”

  I place my hand in his and let him pull me up. “But I’m not sleepy.”

  “If you at least come lie down, I’ll make sure to wear you out.”

  He sends me a saucy wink, and I barely hold in my laugh as we make our way down the hall to my bedroom.

  Our nighttime routine is habit now. Caleb pees then brushes his teeth while I slip off my bra. Then I brush my teeth while he changes into his sleep pants, moves all the pillows off the bed, and folds the covers down.

  Coming back into the bedroom from the bathroom, I click off the light just as Caleb’s pulling the blanket up and around his neck.

  “Ugh. Am I going to have to fight you for the covers all night long again?”

  “Maybe…but you secretly like it.”

  “How could I possibly like it?” I say, climbing into bed and nestling down next to him.

  “Because then I’m all warm and cozy and you get to snuggle up close to me.”

  “Is that what you think? That I like sleeping plastered to your side so your boner pokes me in the back all night long?”


  I laugh at his honesty. “You’re only half right.”

  “That’s good enough for me.” Caleb stretches an arm around me and pulls me closer to him. “Hi,” he says on an exhalation.


  He presses a feather-light kiss against my forehead and I sigh.

  “Did you just sigh?”

  I stiffen at his question, self-conscious. “No.”

  His body shakes with laughter. “Liar.”

  “You are so annoying.”

  “But you like me.”

  “That’s highly debate—”

  Caleb’s lips capture my own, and suddenly we’re lost in a kiss.

  The way he moves his mouth over mine, the way his soft lips feel, it’s all so…noteworthy, and I can’t seem to get enough of him. I want more—so much more.

  We roll until he’s lying on top of me, our lips never once disconnecting. I’m pressed against all his good parts as his mouth continues to work mine over, his tongue pushing against the seam of my lips. I open for him and nearly sigh again as he invades my

  His movements are so slow, calculated. It’s like he’s making love to my mouth. His hips are rolling into me just as his tongue sweeps over mine. He knows exactly what he’s doing to me.

  He pulls his mouth from mine, running his lips down my chin and over my throat before blazing a path down to my chest. His hands snake under the t-shirt I’m wearing, slowly climbing higher and higher until I can feel his fingers graze the undersides of my breasts.

  We’ve never gone this far before. He knows, and I know it too.

  His eyes find mine, seeking permission, and I nod.

  Gently, he cups my breasts, and he’s delightfully surprised when he finds what’s waiting for him.

  “Your nipples are pierced?”

  “They are.”

  He drops his head into the crook of my neck, groaning. “Oh fuck, Zoe.” He rocks his hips against me again. “Fuuuuuuck. You’re killing me here.”


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