I Had to Let You Go

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I Had to Let You Go Page 11

by Emma Quinn

  It looked as though Luca had really brought him out his shell.

  “Is he?” smiled Ethan. “That's great. I'll be there too! Hey, we'll have to share some hot dogs. Just the three of us.”

  “That sounds like fun, doesn't it boys?” said Jules.

  They both nodded in unison.

  I was aware of Ethan divert his gaze toward Jules, as though he was trying to signal something with his eyes. Then suddenly Jules jumped up off the couch and said, “Well it's great to know the case is going well. I think it's about time me and Sebastian got going.”

  Sebastian dragged himself out the the fort and slid his hand into Jules'.

  “Bye Luca,” he sang as they walked away. “Bye!” he waved at me.

  “Okay, see you at the picnic!” I said, waving back.

  Jules reached for the door and gave Ethan a wink as he left.

  “See you two later,” he grinned.

  Then he was gone and it was just the three of us in the room. The first time we had all been together as a family. Except Ethan had no idea we were a family at all.

  My eyes darted from Ethan to Luca then back to Ethan again. Why was he looking at Jules like that? Like he wanted to be alone with me. Didn't he realize I didn't want to talk to him?

  “You've got a great little kid here,” he said, nodding toward Luca. “You must be so proud of him.”

  “I am.”

  “And he's so smart too. And a talented artist.”

  “Yeah. He's a real bright kid. He's already jumped ahead a year at school.”

  “Impressive,” he said, turning to Luca. “And how old are you?” he asked him.

  “He's six!” I interjected. “Yeah... He's six.”

  Luca looked up at me, confused, but said nothing.

  “Six...” repeated Ethan as he thought it over. “Time flies, eh? Seems like it was just yesterday that I saw you last and now you're the mother of a six year old. It's crazy, right?”


  He shifted nervously and looked back down at Luca.

  “So...” he said. “Is his father still...”

  “In the picture? No. He's not.”

  My stomach tightened again. Please don't ask anymore. Just leave!

  “Oh...” said Ethan. “So you're raising him on your own?”


  “Must be a tough job being a working mother.”

  “It's the best job,” I said. “Wouldn't trade it for the world.”

  I waited for Ethan to leave, but by the looks of it, he was only making himself more comfortable. He picked up one of Luca's drawings and began to study it.

  “Anyway!” I said, eager to move the subject away from Luca. “What about yourself? How are your parents?”

  Ethan set down the drawing and looked regretfully out the window.

  “My mom passed away,” he said. “I thought you knew that.”

  “Oh my God I didn't! I knew she was sick but... Oh, God Ethan I'm so sorry. I had no idea.”

  “It's okay. I've come to terms with it,” he said, but his eyes betrayed him.

  The sadness and grief in them looked raw.

  “It was terrible,” he said. “She just... faded away to nothing in a hospital bed until there was nothing we could do but switch off the life support and... She died in my arms.”

  “That must have been terrible,” I said, watching the sadness on his face. “You must miss her so much.”

  “I do. She was the only person who really believed in me, you know. The only person who thought I could really be an actor.”

  “That's not true,” I replied. “I believed in you. I always thought you would become an actor just not...”

  “Not what?”

  “I had no idea you would be so famous.”

  He turned toward me and sniffed before swallowing hard as though he was trying to force down the urge to cry.

  “I did it all for Mom,” he said. “To make her proud of me.”

  “I'm sure she is proud of you.”

  “I hope so...”

  Looking down at Luca, I fought back the tears. I wasn't just sad for Ethan and what his mother went through, but for Luca too. Suddenly, I wondered what would happen if I died. Who would be there for Luca?

  Then another thought struck me. He had one less grandmother now. Even if he didn't know it.

  “What about your dad?” I asked, hoping he had cheerier news about him. “How is he?”

  “I have no idea. You know what he's like. He was always an asshole.”

  “Yeah, but weren't you his carer?”

  “Pffft. Nothing was ever good enough for that old crabby bastard. After Mom died he made it pretty clear he thought it was all my fault. That I didn't take good enough care of her.”

  “But that's not true!” I assured him. “I know how much you took care of both your parents. You were practically a slave to them.”

  “Yeah, well tell that to my old man. A few weeks after Mom's funeral we had a blazing row and he moved in with his sister. As far as I'm aware she's taking care of him now. I've not heard from him since.”

  “Aw, Ethan that's terrible. So you don't have either of your parents.”

  “Hey. I'm doing just fine, aren't I?”

  He pulled himself up straight and smoothed down his jacket.

  “I've got the best life in the world.”

  But I could tell he didn't really mean that. Because when I looked into his eyes, I may have seen a man that had everyone at his feet, but he was missing something. He was missing a family. What did all the fame and fortune in the world matter if you had no family to share it with?

  Despite the bitterness I felt for him over the last few years, I found myself warming to him. Or at least feeling some sympathy for him.

  “Look, I know there's a whole lot of history between us,” he said, “But I can't help but feel something's at play here.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Like... I dunno. Like fate brought us together again or something.”

  Luca looked up from his coloring book as though he was trying to figure out what was happening between us. But thankfully, he grew bored quickly of the grown up talk and turned back to his coloring.

  “I don't believe in fate,” I said. “We make our own destiny in life, don't we?”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so.”

  He smiled as though he was privy to a personal secret.

  “What?” I asked.


  “No, what? Why are you smirking like that?”

  “It's just that... I don't remember you being quite so feisty and argumentative. It suits you.”

  “It's my job to argue,” I reminded him. “I'm paid to think critically and logically. And believe me if you'd worked on the number of cases I'd had, you wouldn't believe in fate. Life is what you make of it.”

  “I wish I had your logic,” he said. “But I can't help believing in fate. I'm a dreamer.”

  “Well you can dream all you like but I'm telling you, fate didn't bring us together.”

  “Then what did?”

  “A coincidence. Nothing more. You grew up to be one of the most successful actors in the country. I became one of the most successful lawyers. I suppose it makes sense that it's possible our paths would cross at some point.”

  But he clearly didn't share my feelings.

  “Okay,” he said. “Let's forget about fate for a second. What about coffee?”

  “What about coffee?”

  “How about you and me grab a coffee and hang out sometime? Have a proper catch up.”

  “I dunno...”

  “I'm not trying to be a creep.”

  “I didn't say you were.”

  “It's just a cup of coffee,” he said. “Where's the harm? I mean come on. We've not seen each other in years.”

  “Hmmm... I'll think about it. Now if you don't mind, I have to get back to work.”

  “Are you t
hrowing me out?”

  “As politely as possible. Yes. I'm throwing you out.”

  “But we can hang out?”

  “I said I'll think about it!”



  “ S

  o... Are you going to tell me everything?”

  “Everything about what, Jules?”

  “The girl, obviously.”

  We were sitting in his lounge sipping brandies and looking out at the sunset through this patio windows. Upstairs, we could hear his wife, Helena playing with Sebastian. I wondered how Jules lucked out and got such a perfect family. I mean, I loved the dude. We'd worked together for years, but I knew he was a creep to women. A real lechy guy who couldn't keep his eyes off anything in a skirt.

  I never knew why Helena put up with it. She was beautiful too. Could have anyone she wanted, but she chose to settle down with greasy old Jules. Maybe it was because he got her pregnant soon after they met and she didn't want to split up the family. Or maybe it was just because she was nuts.

  “The girl?” I asked, tinkling the ice cubes around the bottom of my glass.

  “Yeah, Sophia.”

  “She's not a girl. She's a woman.”

  “Same thing. Anyway, she seems to really have her claws into you. I've never seen you get all gooey eyed over a girl like that before.”

  I sipped my drink and looked back out at the sun. It was turning scarlet over Rodeo Drive. The perfect color to cover the sinful city of Los Angeles.

  “We just have history,” I said, not wanting to elaborate.

  “You do?” he asked, raising one eyebrow then another. “Don't tell me she's your ex.”

  “She is,” I sighed, nostalgically. “She was my first love.”

  “Get outta here! Ain't that cute. Let me guess, she left you for the big shot quarterback and stood you up at prom?”

  “Actually I dumped her because I was a fucking idiot and I've been regretting it ever since.”

  He stood up and walked over to the drinks cabinet to pour himself something stronger. I noticed he was staring at me intently, studying my face.

  “You're really cut up about this chick, aren't you?”

  I said nothing, but my face answered the question for me.

  “Wow, I had no idea you were such a smushy guy,” laughed Jules, topping up his glass. “You actor types are usually the opposite. Keep your hearts in a cage and a different model in your bed every night, right.”

  “You make us sound like a right shallow bunch,” I said.

  “Well, aren't you?”


  “Whatever. You know who is shallow? That Mila...”

  “Urgh... Why did you have to bring her up?”

  “Because... I saw her earlier.”

  He topped up a second glass and handed it over to me. I couldn't help but notice this measure of brandy was significantly larger than the first one.

  “Why the hell did you see her earlier?” I asked.

  “Because she turned up at the studio looking for you.”

  “She what?”

  “Yeah, she kicked up quite a fuss too.”

  I felt my stress levels rise just thinking about her.

  “Please tell me you're joking.”

  “Wish I was, Ethan. But she turned up first thing this morning. Kicked up a total shitstorm as well. Demanded to see you. Said she was going to sue you for all you've got. That you were a total bastard yadda yadda yadda...”

  “Aw, Christ. This is just what I need.”

  I sunk myself down into the couch and dragged a hand down my face.

  “I always knew Mila was a nutjob,” I said. “But she's getting worse.”

  “Top of the chart on the crazy hot scale.”

  “Exactly. But since we broke up she's really shown her true colors. She's positively insane.”

  “Models, man. They're nothing but drama.”

  “Who's nothing but drama?” came Helena's soft voice from the stairs.

  We looked up and saw her standing with Sebastian hanging off her arm.

  “Mila,” I told her. “She's been causing a fuss.”

  “Oh, I saw her earlier!” said Helena.

  “You too?”

  “She was in my yoga class. Did you know we have the same instructor as Hilda? Anyway, she was telling all the girls about how you threw her out the house like some sort of cruel workhouse landlord from the Victorian era.”

  “You're damn right I threw her out. She's mental.”

  “I'm sure you did it for the right reasons,” said Helena, pulling Sebastian toward the kitchen. “But she's making out you tossed her out into the street and left her destitute. She's pleading poverty.”

  “While being at a yoga class with Hilda's yoga instructor? One of the most sought after expensive trainers in Hollywood. Right... She must be terrified worrying about where her next meal is coming from.”

  I rolled my eyes and knocked back my drink.

  “I'd be careful around Mila,” said Helena as she walked out the room. “I don't trust her one bit.”

  “Me neither,” I said. “Seriously. I'd rather risk my chances in a nest full of vipers. They don't hiss as much.”

  “And they're less venomous,” added Jules. “Honestly. The language on that girl this morning. Where did she learn her English from? Tarantino movies?”

  “Probably,” I laughed. “Anyway, I-”

  The sound of my phone interrupted me and, pulling it out my pocket, I was delighted to see Sophia's name flash up on my screen. Impatiently, I rushed to open her message.

  Maybe a coffee would be nice.

  That's all it said. But it was enough to make me feel as though I'd just been nominated for an Oscar.

  “Wow, what's got you so happy?” asked Jules. “You're smiling a real cheeser.”

  “Just got some good news,” I said, shoving my phone back in my pocket. “Some really good news.”



  “ M

  om will you hurry up! We're only going to a picnic on the beach! It's not like we're going anywhere fancy.”

  Luca groaned and threw himself on the bed.

  “I'm so bored!”

  “I won't be long, honey. Jules will be here soon with Sebastian and then we'll go, okay?”


  “Besides, I have to make an effort with my appearance. There are going to be lots of important people there today.”

  “Like Ethan,” said Luca, rolling over onto his back and facing me.

  “Why would you mention Ethan?” I asked, feeling my face grow hot.

  “I saw the way you both looked at each other in your office. I think he likes you.”

  “He likes me because I'm going to win his trial in court,” I said, trying to diffuse the conversation. “Anyway, go get your beach bag ready.”

  He rolled off the bed and ran down the hall toward his room.

  Shit... Luca's a clever boy. Of course he noticed something between you and Ethan!

  You've got to keep your distance today. Can't let him see anything between you.

  Returning to the mirror, I picked up one dress then another and held them up to me.

  Why are you trying so hard today? Is it to impress Ethan?

  No... Of course not.

  But you are dressing up for Ethan, aren't you?

  Will you shut, brain!

  It was like my mind split in two and was arguing with itself. But before I could have any more mental debate, the doorbell rang, and I quickly reached for my bath robe before answering it.

  “Luca! That'll be Jules and Sebastian!”

  Opening the door, I expected to see little Seb hanging off his dad's arm, but what I saw instead, was him standing beside a tall figure in a familiar leather jacket.

  “Ethan? What are you doing here? I thought Jules was bringing Sebastian.”

  “He called me last minute and asked me to pick up little Seb here,” he said, lightly
pinching the boy's pink cheek. “Apparently Jules got called into an emergency appointment with one of his other clients, but he'll be along later. Hope you don't mind but he said I could just come along and meet you and Luca here and...”

  My ears tuned out what he was saying as my eyes focused on his solid, tanned chest muscles bulging through his white shirt. I could feel my heart rate increase as I looked down his body to his abs. Then my heart beat even faster as I looked up to his face and met his eyes.

  He gets better looking every time I see him. It should be illegal to be that hot.

  “Please,” I said, “Come in. I was just getting ready but Luca is all set to go.”

  I led them both inside into the lounge where Lucas was running circles around the coffee table with his toy dinosaurs.

  “Hi, Ethan! Hi, Seb!” he yelled as he continued to run.

  “Hey, buddy!” called out Ethan as he walked over and picked up a dinosaur. “What you got here?”

  “T-rex. Raaaaar!”

  “Raarrr indeed.”

  I watched as Ethan held his toy and pretended to chase Luca's t-rex around the table.

  “I'm coming to get you. Raaaar!” he roared and the two of them exploded into fits of laughter as they ran around.

  It was uncanny how Ethan was such a natural with Luca. It was like he'd known him all his life. Like the two were instinctively meant to be buddies.

  “Okay, I'm just going to get dressed,” I said to the room, but on one was listening.

  Even little Sebastian had joined in roaring with the dinosaurs. I left the three of them to their fun and entered the bedroom. Looking at all my dresses, I wondered what to wear.

  Should I look fun and flirty or sultry and seductive? Or should I try to maintain my professional demeanor? Or was it possible to look like a combination of them all?

  “Why is this so hard?” I asked myself as I ransacked my wardrobe once again. “It's just a picnic on the beach. It's not like you're going to the freakin' Oscars or anything?”



  “ S

  o what's your favorite dinosaur?” I asked Luca.

  He had finally stopped running and was now sitting swinging his legs off the side of the couch.


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