Wrangled Mess

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Wrangled Mess Page 5

by Reese Madison

  How is this possible when I’ve only known him for a little over a day?

  I spent the morning at Verizon getting a new phone. Trace was my first text on my new phone. When he didn’t reply right away I assumed he was on a call and focused on the email from Suzanne about the next catering job.

  It’s a wedding reception. No surprise there, we get a lot of those. Bits was so happy to see me he tinkled on us both when I took him from his carrier. Because he’s so small I don’t want to leave him outside by himself. A Harris Hawk could carry his little butt away for a snack in a heartbeat.

  My shirt stinks like pee so I took it off. There’s nobody here yet, so I should be okay. In fact, maybe I’ll soak up a little vitamin D while I’m out here with no shirt on. My bra works as a bikini top.

  Not that I wear bikinis anymore. I tell people I was born a size seven. It’s kind of true. I went from kids clothes straight into adult sizes. I’ve never had the hips for the Junior sizes.

  My weight bothers me if I let it. I don’t consider myself fat, and I could use some time in the gym, but that’s never going to happen. Just because I’m a psychologist, doesn’t mean I’m perfect. I have my insecurities and flaws like the rest of the world.

  Keeping it real is a good part of the reason I’m famous. Not Hollywood famous, just within the circle of shrinks. I’ve talked at seminars, done interviews with Dr. Phil, who by the way is as intimidating as he is smart.

  I like the man, and his lovely wife, but he scares the shit out of me. He’s a living breathing talking lie detector. Even if he doesn’t sense you’re lying, he has this look about him that makes you think he knows everything just by reading your face and body language. Maybe he can. People tend to say more when their mouths aren’t moving.

  I closed my eyes and let the cool air battle the warmth of the sun’s rays on my skin. Like a Roman bath, only this is the same hot to cold sensation all at once. I should do this more often.

  Little hooves made rapids taps on the Spanish tile so I figured he was after another bird from around the feeder.

  It turns out he was running to greet Wrangler. “Hey buddy. What’s your mommy doing out here half naked?”

  I laughed without moving. Bathing suit tops cover just as much. “He peed on my shirt, and I can’t leave him alone out here. We have hawks in the area. I decided to get some sun.”

  “Don’t get too much.” I feel his hands trying to gather my hair so I dropped my chin to my chest.

  “Mm hmm.” Whatever. Don’t stop playing with my hair.

  “I talked to Joe. Looks like we’re going to have some problems with Jackson.”

  “Surprise surprise.”

  “He stole a large amount of money from you, and put false numbers on your tax forms. I’m going to guess you trusted him with all your financials.”

  “Something I’m regretting more and more by the minute. I’ll call my lawyer today. There has to be a way to prove he was manipulating me.”

  “Yeah, well, we’re going to fix that, but first we need to get you out of hot water. If the IRS catches up to this, you could end up in jail before it gets straightened out.”

  “Tell me about the money he stole.”

  “It looks like Eddie just hands him the checks to be deposited. I don’t think Eddie is side-stepping you. He looks clean. I think he figures he’s saving you a step of looking at the check and then handing it to Jackson anyway.”

  “Eddie wouldn’t steal from me, he’s already got more money than he knows how to spend.” Not really, Eddie is a flamboyant gay man. He’d buy every costume in the world if he could. He loves Halloween because the drag queen, aka his alter ego, can go anywhere she wants without ridicule, at least that’s what he tells me.

  Trace’s hands cupped my shoulders and gently massaged the tension away. Wow. I’m stiff and lean back into him.

  “Joe is working on gathering information. I wouldn’t recommend calling the cops until he can dig something up that will get them a warrant. Otherwise you draw attention to yourself without a safety net. I can’t have the IRS looking at you with jail in their eyes. We’d have to go on the run, and we both have too much family for that.”

  I laughed leaning my head back far enough I thought I might be able to see him from under the goatee, but the sun is too bright, so I kept my eyes closed, “We’re not running away. This is what lawyers are for. I should get dressed. Maybe take a shower.”

  “I like the shower idea. I can do your back… or your front. A bath would be nice with you settled down between my legs.”



  “We’re not taking a shower together.”

  “Can’t blame a guy for trying. Did you say something about pizza?”

  “Oh yeah.” I tore myself away from his hands reluctantly. Maybe I should buy a massage at some spa. That felt good. I picked up my shirt and used it as a shield while we went inside.

  “Let me go put a clean shirt on and I’ll start the pizza. Can you have Joe email me what he’s found so far? I’d like to see what I’m dealing with.”

  “He’s working on it now for me. I’ll forward it to you when it comes in.”

  “Thank you.” I deposited my dirty shirt in the laundry room and went to find another more comfortable one. The nice thing about the radio show is not having to dress up for work.

  On my way back I went to the garage and fished out two pizzas. Along the way my mind wandered to how my life is changing so quickly.

  One minute Jackson and I are considering marriage, the next I’m entertaining a tall dark stranger in my house. Except Trace really isn’t a stranger anymore.

  If I had known he was a Colson from the beginning I would have written him a check and told him not to come back unless it was professional. Thank God I didn’t know then what I know now. Trace is a welcome force in my life, and a force he is.

  He’s a big man, like all the Colson’s from what I understand. Joe is wide compared to the leaner build of Trace. I’d be willing to bet they rival each other in upper body strength.

  While I put the pizzas in the oven Trace wrestled with Bits on the kitchen floor. “You can sit in a chair.”

  “Then I can’t reach him. He’s full of energy from being alone all morning. Did you get a new phone?”

  “I did. That’s how I was able to text you.” I teased closing the oven door. I slid to the floor to get in on the wrestling match.

  “I knew that. My head is full of a lot of shit right now. I’m not thinking before I speak.” He admitted sounding a little hard on himself.

  “Want to tell me about it?”

  “You know about Jackson, that bothers me. Then I have some issues with my company. We need more space like I said. There’s a few different ways I can work that, but all of them require a loan. Right now I’m debt free and would rather stay that way.”

  He reached over and touched my chin so I’d look up at him, “Then there’s you. My sweet little Cookie. Someday I’ll explain why I’m so drawn to you. Right now I hope you’ll trust me enough to let me into your life.”

  “You’re already in my life.” I leaned into his hand.

  “What did you think when you opened the door the day we met, and saw me standing there?”

  “I couldn’t think. My mind went blank. I remember forcing myself to be cool, and not drool all over my shoes.” I smiled remembering how hot he’d made the room before he left.

  “I love your smile.” He leaned over and kissed along my jaw.

  “Aren’t we moving a little fast here?”

  “I’ve waited for you all my life.” Oh God, he’s kissing my neck again. “Touch me Celeste. Touch me all you want. Stop being shy. I’m yours.”

  The butterflies in my stomach took off like jets leaving a carrier, One right after another, circling, chasing
each other as if in a dog fight. Tiny explosions are now erupting sending echos of pure sensation. Suddenly I need to touch him. To feel him. To make sure he’s real, and not some fantastic dream.

  I dared to step outside my comfort zone and drove my fingers into his hair dislodging the loose tie he keeps it in.

  His mouth found mine with the frenzy those butterflies are feeling. Whiskers brushed my lips as our tongues met. The need to crush him to me was so overwhelming I found myself opening to him for further exploration.

  Long capable arms came around my middle and gently worked me to my back. I never thought in a million years I’d be making out with such a man on my kitchen floor.

  He kept his hands PG while our mouths made slow sweet love to each other. He tastes like sweet coffee and a hint of mint. The flavors are giving me dessert ideas somewhere in the recesses of my brain. He’s busy consuming all my other brain cells with his expert kisses.

  The buzzer went off making us both groan as we parted.

  He took my hand and helped me up, “What do you do with Bits while you do your show?”

  “He’s in there with me. Knocking over his water dish every five seconds.” I stood and turned the buzzer off.

  “Here, let me get that.” He took the potholders from my hand and used his body to nudge me out of the way. “Do you have anything to drink?”

  “I have water, iced tea, orange juice, some sodas in the garage fridge, and the rest is booze.” I took two glasses down from the cabinet.

  “Iced tea please.” He set the pizzas on the extra wide stove top. I had semi-professional equipment installed in the kitchen when I bought this place. The old kitchen appliances were brand new, so I made an upgrade deal with a local electronics store. Worked out well for me because he was able to get discounts I couldn’t get on my own.

  I poured two iced teas and pulled a couple plates from another cabinet. We loaded our plates and sat at the dining room table to enjoy some small talk over lunch.

  There’s not enough time before I need to get started on the show to talk about Jackson, and how that will be handled. I need to talk to my lawyer before I can speak intelligently about it anyway.

  Pretending all was right with the world is easy in Trace’s company. He ate one whole pizza, and drank the rest of the pitcher of iced tea, before we parted ways for the day.

  This time I walked him to his truck, and got one hell of a goodbye kiss as a result. My neighbors are going to be over here soon. I can hear Gail now, “She’s kissing the snake guy in the driveway!!”


  It’s been a while since I’ve dressed up because I wanted to. Jackson used to drag me to all those boring corporate meetings all the time, but I stopped putting the effort forth when I caught him drooling over the skinny chicks. I just wore simple pant suits and comfortable shoes for him since he didn’t seem to notice anyway.

  I opened the door hoping for an approving nod. Instead we both stood like deer in headlights looking each other over.

  He’s in a clean crisp long sleeve white dress shirt with a chunk of turquoise for a tie, and black jeans. These boots are polished, and the hat is MIA. If he takes his hair out of the ponytail holder, I’m taking a picture. Not that I don’t want to take a picture right now.

  “Celeste, you’re stunning. Maybe we should stay in after all.”

  I stepped towards him putting my hand on his chest to back him up. “No. You promised me a nice dinner.” I turned and locked the door before dropping my keys in his hand. “What are you going to do if you get a call while we’re out?”

  “Hang on Cookie, I’ll explain how it works on the way there.” He came around the front of my car giving me another perspective view of the man I’m oddly drawn to.

  He drove my car like it was built around him as he explained. “If I get a call it’ll be from Renee. She’s aware I don’t want to be disturbed tonight, especially the first few hours. If she calls, then I know it’s an emergency, and we’ll have to split.”


  He glanced at me, “Yes. We. Did you think I’d leave you there?? Forget that. In tonight’s case I know the owner, so we can split and come back if necessary. I’m hoping it’s not. When we go out other places I’ll warn the staff. Shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Do you date a lot?”

  “Does is matter?”

  “Only if you plan to continue dating me. I don’t share.” I can be blunt. I can also be alone a lot better than I can be his Tuesday night gig.

  “I don’t plan to date anyone else.”

  “You don’t plan to, or you’re not going to, there’s a difference.”

  “Evidently you’ve missed a few things since we met. I don’t plan to date anyone else, ever. I didn’t want to get married again, but you changed that when you opened the door Sunday morning. Did I date before you? Occasionally, but not seriously.”

  “Do you keep in touch with your ex-wife?”

  He looked over at me, “Jealous?”


  He looked uncomfortable and shifted in his seat as he looked back to the road. “It’s a long story.”

  “It’s an even longer road to get under this skirt if you don’t start talking.”

  He glanced at me twice as he pulled onto Hwy. 60. “Sexual blackmail doc?”

  “I’m all out of cookies.”

  He ran his hand over his whiskers, “Well played love.”

  Love?? Term of endearment. Move along. Move along. “Well? Do you keep in touch with the ex?”

  “Not directly. Her brother was my best friend.”



  “I’m sorry.”

  “I call his mother now and then. Send her money. The ex, Lindsay, rears her ugly head now and then. I try to ignore it until it passes.”

  “What does she want when she pops up?”


  I nodded. If he’s sending money to his ex and the family of his best friend, that’s his business. Not mine.


  “Nothing. Just processing.”

  “No you weren’t. You were thinking the exact same thing my mother tells me.”

  “Which is?”

  “Stop sending them money.”

  “Not word for word, but close enough. Look, it’s your business. I’m here for the dinner, and to thank you for opening my eyes about Jackson, that’s all. I didn’t realize what a creep he was until yesterday.”

  “It was purely selfish on my part. I set out to steal you from him. The only one that could have stopped me from pursuing you, gave me the thumbs up. Jason never stood a chance.”


  “Really Celeste? You haven’t figured that one out yet?” He teased taking my hand and bringing my knuckles to his lips.

  “I have this perverse need to scold you.”

  “We’re going to explore this later.”

  “Ha ha. Speaking of discipline. Your pig is not going to be happy with you when we get home.”

  “‘We get home’. I like that.”

  “Focus Wrangler.”

  “Trace. Wrangler is more what I do, than who I am.”

  “Would you rather everyone called you Trace?”

  “No, just you and my mother.”

  “Too personal?”

  “My mother would never call me Wrangler. She says that’s not the name she gave me. My best friend Lee gave me the nickname. I honor him by using it.”

  “But, you don’t want me to use it?”



  “You and your ‘why?’s. Figures I’d fall in love with a woman who wants inside my screwed up head.” He teased kissing my palm this time.

  “You’re not in love with me, and don’t avoid a
nswering the question. Why do you want me to call you Trace?”

  “Because I like the way you say it.”

  “Was that so difficult to say?”

  “Yes. Did you put any cookies in that purse?”

  “No. I’m smuggling all my cookies under this dress.” I bit my lip and grabbed the ‘oh shit’ handle as he swerved.

  “Keep it up I’m going to hijack those cookies and we’ll both miss dinner.”

  “How was your show today?” He asked once we placed our food order to sit back with our drinks.

  “It was good. One thing about radio is you never really know if you’re helping these people or not. Sometimes I wonder if some calls aren’t jokes at my expense. I can’t call people out without risking pissing them off.” I waved it off. “Sorry. It can be a balancing act.”

  “Makes sense. Do you see clients outside the show?”

  “Video chats, some in person, like Slider. I do seminars and hold some group sessions too. What about you? I know you’re rebuilding your house. Do you have any hobbies outside work?”

  “I ride with the club when I can. A couple years ago I did shows at the zoo. Reptile educational stuff for field trips. Budget cuts threatened to kill the program, so I do it for free now.”

  “That’s very generous of you.”

  “I like doing the shows. Gets my collection out of their cages for a change. I’m hoping when I sell the house to have enough money to buy a real habitat for them, and the ones we foster.”

  “I hope you get to do that. I have some property out here in Gold Canyon. It’s not for sale, but that’s because I haven’t felt like messing with it. I was going to wait it out about ten years, then lease or sell it. Maybe you can make use of it while I’m waiting for values to go up.”

  He dipped his head to the side and hooked his thumb under the hem of my dress. “Are you wearing a garter?” Looks like he wants to change the subject.

  I smacked his hand away. “They’re cooler than hose. Stop that.”

  He bit his knuckle before looking away. “That’s cruel and unusual punishment.”

  “Tell me how you got into snake charming.”


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