Living in Sin (The Escort Series)

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Living in Sin (The Escort Series) Page 16

by Lucero, Isabel

  I walk into the office and Jace is picking up the papers from the floor, putting them back on the desk.

  “Let me help,” I say as I round the desk and start collecting papers. “I hope nothing got messed up.”

  “I’m not worried about it,” he says, looking up and giving me a smile.

  Once the papers are all put away, he drops into the chair behind the desk and pats his knee. I grin and happily go sit on his lap.

  “As much fun as this was, I feel like I need to take you on a proper date,” he says.

  “We’ve been on a date before.”

  “No. The first time was because you wanted your phone, not because you willingly wanted to go out with me. The second time was as friends.” He says friends like it disgusts him.

  “Okay, you’re right.”

  “I know,” he says with a smile.

  “Whatever,” I say with a laugh. “So, what does a proper date consist of?”

  “What would you like to do?”

  “It doesn’t matter to me,” I respond.

  “That’s not helpful. Are you a dinner and a movie type girl, or a picnic in the park type girl, or a stay indoors, preferably in the bedroom type girl?” he asks with a roguish smile.

  “Any of those work for me,” I respond.

  “What about something you haven’t done before? Is there anything you want to do that you haven’t?”

  “There’s tons of things I want to do but haven’t, but those aren’t really date type things.”

  “Well, tell them to me anyway,” he says as he runs his hand up and down my thigh.

  “I’d like to leave Las Vegas. Not forever, but I’ve never been anywhere else, so seeing something new would be nice. I’d like to go snorkeling; I’d like to have dinner outside at night under the stars. Oh, and go on a treasure hunt. I know that probably sounds lame, but I’ve always wanted to do it.”

  “A treasure hunt, huh?” he asks with a small laugh.

  “Hey! No judging,” I say, playfully shoving him.

  “I’m not. That’s a good little bucket list.”

  “So what’s yours?” I ask.

  “My bucket list?”

  I nod in response.

  “Haven’t really thought about it before.”

  “Come on. There has to be something you haven’t done.”

  “Well, I’ve been out of Vegas, and I’ve been snorkeling. I haven’t done a treasure hunt, so I’ll say that,” he says with a smirk.

  “You suck.”

  “No, but you do, and very good,” he says, bringing his mouth to mine and giving me a couple of kisses.

  Deciding to not comment on my sucking capabilities, I go back to our previous topic.

  “I’ll give you some time, but I want you to tell me a few things that you’d like to do, too.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he responds. “So when are you going to be free for a date?”

  “Well, since I go back to work tomorrow, probably not till next weekend. Does that work?”

  “That’s perfect actually. It gives me time to figure out what we’re gonna do.”

  “Great. So it’s a date then.”


  I look at the clock on his wall, and realize I was supposed to meet Emilie thirty minutes ago.

  “I gotta go,” I say as I jump off his lap.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks.

  “Oh nothing. I just forgot I was supposed to meet Emilie. I left all my stuff in the car, because I was just planning on dropping off some papers and leaving. My phone’s in the car and I’m sure she’s been blowing it up.”

  “Well, I’m glad you stuck around after dropping off the papers,” he replies.

  “Me too,” I respond with a smile. “I’ll text you later, okay?”

  “Sounds good.”

  He stands up, gives me a kiss, and then spanks me as I walk away. I turn and playfully scowl at him. I hear him chuckle as I walk down the hallway.

  When I got to my car, I texted Em, ignoring all her texts that were cussing me out, and told her to just meet me at home. So now I’m getting ready to walk into my apartment building, and hoping she isn’t too mad. I’m confident once she hears my reason for being late, she’ll be fine.

  As I round the corner that leads down the hall to my door, I see Em leaning against my door with her arms crossed at her chest.

  “What the hell happened? You better have a good fucking excuse for just leaving me hanging like that. I called and called. I texted you a million times and you just ignored me. So what is it?” she rambles, not letting me get a word in edgewise.

  “I fucked Jace,” I blurt out, hoping to shut her up.

  She blanches, her jaw drops and her eyebrows shoot up into her hairline. “What? Who? What?” she exclaims.

  “Yeah, that’s right. Let’s go inside please,” I say as I push her away from the door and open it.

  “Start from the beginning. How did this happen?” she asks as she throws her purse on my table and moves to the couch.

  I go over the entire story with her, starting from how I thought I was just dropping papers off to Troy, to eating with Jace, and then to working up the nerve to making my move. She gasps, laughs, exclaims, begs for details, and then finally leaves me alone to go use the bathroom.

  “So what does this mean?” she asks as soon as she steps into the room.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Are y’all like in a relationship now?”

  “I don’t know…I think. I really don’t know.”

  “How do you not know?” she asks, bewilderingly.

  “He did say for me not to disappear on him. That means he wants me around, right?”

  “I think that means he wants to know where your ass is. You can’t talk to him one night and then not talk to him for weeks. You said he’s planning a date now, right? I think that’s your answer right there, but if you need more clarification, just talk to him about it.”

  “Yeah, I’m gonna text him later anyway.”


  “So what have you been up to?” I ask.

  “You mean before I was stood up? Oh, I was out with someone,” she says slyly.

  “Who is this someone?” I ask, instantly curious.


  “Emilie Mae! You better not even think about keeping this from me, knowing damn well I always tell you everything!”

  “Okay, okay. Chill. I just don’t really know what it is yet.”

  “Uh huh, go on.”

  “I was out with Troy,” she says, biting her fingernail.

  “Troy?” I squeal.

  “Yeah,” she drags out.

  “What’s goin’ on there?”

  “Well, I spent some time talking to him at the wedding.”

  “Was he the one in the janitor’s closet with you?” I screech.

  “Yeah,” she answers shyly.

  “Y’all have been talking since then and you haven’t told me?”

  “No. I gave him my number and he only just called last week. That’s when we made the date for today.”

  “Do you like him?”

  “I do. He’s so funny, and he isn’t offended by the crazy shit I say. He’s also very gentlemanly. He pulled out my chair, opened doors, stuff like that. We’ll see what happens. We didn’t kiss or anything, it was just a nice date.”

  “Awww,” I say with a big cheesy smile.

  “Oh shush,” she replies, fighting her own smile.

  We talk for a couple more hours about Troy and Jace, amongst other things, and once she leaves, I jump in the shower. After I get out, I throw on a large comfortable shirt, grab my phone and jump in the bed.

  With the phone in my hand, I instantly get giddy. It’s like I’m in Jr. High all over again.

  Me: Hey

  I know. Hey is a pretty lame way to start off a text conversation, but I wasn’t sure what else to say. I wait a few minutes, getting antsier as time goes by. It’s
still fairly early, so I doubt he’s asleep already. Finally my phone dings.

  GLC: Hey, gorgeous. What are you doin?

  A huge smile spreads across my face. With one term of endearment, I’m putty.

  Me: Just lying in bed. What about you?

  GLC: Would it be cheesy if I asked what you were wearing? If not, what are you wearing? And, I’m just on the couch, watching TV.

  I let out a laugh when I read his text. Of course he’d ask that.

  Me: Would it be a tease if I said nothing?

  GLC: Yes. It is a tease.

  I laugh again, and decide to have some fun with Mr. Jamison.

  Me: No, that wasn’t a tease. It’s not like I said my pussy is wet just thinking about everything we did earlier.

  GLC: Great. Now I have to adjust myself.

  Me: Sorry

  GLC: I doubt it. Keep it up and you’ll have to come take care of this problem you’re causing.

  Me: Don’t tempt me with a good time.

  GLC: You have no idea just how much of a good time we could have. We have plenty of things to try out still.

  Me: Oh really? Care to share?

  GLC: Not really. I need to make sure you’re interested enough to keep coming back.

  Me: I’ll definitely be coming…back. ;)

  GLC: Good. I’d hate to have to turn into a stalker and hunt you down.

  Me: Won’t be necessary.

  GLC: So, Saturday, all of Saturday. You’re mine and only mine.

  I let out a squeaky noise, and do little flutter kicks with my feet after I read his text. You’re mine and only mine. Eeek!

  Me: I think I’m okay with that.

  GLC: Oh, there’s no thinking about it. That’s just the way it is. I hope you’re ready.

  Me: I think I’m ready now.

  GLC: Don’t tempt me…I don’t have to get up early tomorrow, you do.

  I think about it briefly. Part of me wants him to come over, but I also would need to clean up my messy apartment, and make myself look less like a bum. Plus, I do have to go to stupid work tomorrow.

  Me: Rain check?

  GLC: Most definitely. I’ll let you get some rest. Talk to you soon.

  Me: Okay. Good night, Jace

  GLC: Good night, Adrienne

  After I read through all of our texts again, I change his name from GLC to Jace in my phone. I plug my phone in, curl into the fetal position under the covers, and go to sleep with a smile on my face.

  Every day this week leading up to my date with Adrienne, I’ve sent her flowers with two cards. One that goes with the flowers and the other that was marked do not open until I tell her. She’s been asking every day what I’m up to, and why I would send her something she couldn’t open. She doesn’t realize it’s all a part of a bigger plan.

  This past week has been eye opening for me. Not only have I realized that I actually enjoy having someone to talk to on the phone, or text late at night, but I’ve found out that it’s nice to be able to be myself with someone. Well, I’m able to be myself with the guys, but I’ve never been myself with a woman before. It’s like I’ve been role playing for the past several years. Adrienne has made me recognize that I haven’t been living. Living isn’t working, coming home and going to sleep, and working again. That’s all I’ve ever done. Sure I’ve hung out with Troy, Marc and Nico from time to time, but I could have done more.

  Just in this week alone, Adrienne has had me try new restaurants when we’ve met for lunch. She’s made me think about what I want in my future by just asking simple questions that have nothing to do with work, which is all I thought about before. I’ve been so worried about making sure I didn’t live pay check to pay check, that I did what I had to do to get plenty of money, and didn’t think twice about having a family, or possibly moving out of the city, or even getting a pet.

  Knowing that I can be myself around Adrienne, and feeling like she’s a trustworthy and loyal person based on her relationships with her father and her best friend, I feel terrible about keeping stuff from her. Her friend Emilie has accompanied us on a couple of lunch dates, and I can tell they are more like sisters. They care about each other so much, and I know they’d do anything to protect one another. Emilie surprised me when she said she’s been talking to Troy. He’s never mentioned anything about it, but I figure it’s because of his past, and I won’t push him on it. I worry, though, that he’ll actually tell Emilie what he does, and then if Adrienne finds out through her or anyone else, it will be bad.

  I know she at least knows of the blonde I fucked a while back in the hotel, which coincidentally enough was the first time I had seen Adrienne. She says they aren’t friends, but I don’t put it past her to tell Adrienne what happened between us and the two other girls.

  Fuck, it’s so bad. I know she needs to know the truth. She needs to know about my past and what I’ve done, and she needs to hear it from me, but I can’t help but think she won’t be able to handle it. No other woman has handled it.

  Opting to not think about it right now, I push it aside and worry about the date with Adrienne that I’ve spent so much time coming up with. Hopefully she won’t think it’s too much. I just wanted it to be unique and something she’d remember. After what she told me about her ex-boyfriend, and everything he did or didn’t do, I can’t help but want to treat her the way she deserves to be treated.

  Making a few more phone calls to make sure everything is set up and in place; I text Adrienne to make sure she’s ready for the day.

  I hear a dinging going off, but I know I didn’t set my alarm for this morning, so I look around the room, still half asleep. Once I wake up a little more, I figure out that it’s my phone. I flop onto my stomach, stretching across the bed to get to the phone on the nightstand. My fingers find the cord and I pull it closer to me. I try getting my eyes to focus completely, and when they do I see that I have three messages from Jace.

  Jace: Rise and shine. It’s time to get up.

  Jace: Adrienne, I have plans for you. You’re all mine today, remember? I’d call and annoy you, but I’m in a meeting. Wake up!

  Jace: Who ignores a king?

  I can’t help but laugh at his last message. Looking at the time stamps, I notice he’s been trying to wake me up for half an hour. I type out a quick respond and send it.

  Me: I’m so sorry, King Jace, please forgive me. I’m awake and at your beck and call now, sir.

  Jace: I know you’re being sarcastic, but I like it. Please continue to have such behavior throughout the day. It pleases the king, and the king may be willing to please you. Now, get up and make your way to 1070 Sahara Ave. You have an appointment in forty minutes.

  Jace: And don’t even think about responding and asking questions. Just do as the king says. Text me when you’re done there, and I’ll give you further instructions. Enjoy.

  I make a ‘hmph’ sound after reading his message. Don’t ask questions? I hate not knowing what I’m walking into. Although, I will admit this is exciting. He’s planned something for me, and I don’t think it would be anything bad.

  With a spring in my step, I rush to get ready and elect to stick with simple and comfortable. I doubt I’m going anywhere fancy this early in the morning.

  When I arrive to the building I’m shocked to see that it looks like a mini castle. I’m instantly dreading my decision of cut off shorts, flip flops and an off-the-shoulder shirt. They are going to look at me like the store workers looked at Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. If I had enough time to go back home and change, I would.

  Getting out of my car, I make my way to the front door, and as soon as I step inside I’m greeted by two women behind a huge semi-circle black desk. The lobby is spacious and there are a few other women in robes walking through to a door on the other side. They look at me like I definitely don’t belong.

  Arriving at the desk, the workers don’t look to be judging me, so that’s good.

  “Hi, I have an appointment. My name is Adrienne

  After a few clicks on her keyboard she looks up and smiles. “Yes. Welcome, Ms. Miller. Is this your first time here?”

  “Yes, can you tell?” I ask with an embarrassed smile.

  She smiles but doesn’t say anything. “We have you set up for the Ultimate Spa Experience Package. You’ll be getting a body scrub, body wrap, Swedish massage, and an energizing oxygen facial. So you’ll be here with us for a little while,” she finishes with another smile.

  “Wow. How long is all of that going to take?” I ask.

  “A little over three hours.”

  Holy shit. Talk about relaxation. She comes around the desk and escorts me to a locker room that puts my high school locker room to shame. The room is as big as my apartment and glossy, wooden lockers line the walls. There are large, leather ottomans placed in the middle, and long counters that hold everything from towels and tissue, to body lotions and body mist.

  “You can put your things in one of the lockers and the robes and slippers are in this closet over here,” she says with a gesture. “Once you’re ready, come on out and I’ll lead you to where you need to be.”

  “Great. Thank you.”

  After inspecting every inch of the locker room, I get my robe and slippers on and meet the woman in the hall. I notice her name tag says Maureen.

  Maureen takes me through the hall and we walk pass signs for the Jacuzzi room, a restaurant, a VIP resting room, and some red clay room. After making a few turns, we reach another hall with several doors on each side. She opens one of the doors, and I follow her in.


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