Abbey's Protectors [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Abbey's Protectors [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 7

by Lynnette Bernard

  Their mate’s moan of pleasure made him smile. He continued to pump his thumb in and out of her as his hips snapped to match Hunter’s rhythm. When he thought he might actually disintegrate from the pleasure, he leaned forward, his canines dropping, and he plunged into the soft skin of their woman’s right shoulder as Hunter did the same to her left. They claimed her, they loved her, they filled her with their seed, and they sent her their complete joy and happiness through their bond as the mating knots on their cocks formed and held them tightly within her body. Their seed erupted from them in waves of pleasure that drew another explosive orgasm from her, making her cry out their names as she tightened her hands and entwined her fingers with theirs.

  Licking at her shoulders and sealing the wounds, they kissed her tenderly. They silently thanked the Fates for giving them their perfect third and asked for the ultimate blessing that their seed would take hold and begin the life of their cub inside their mate’s loving womb.

  “I love you, Mates,” her sweet voice called to them as she lay sandwiched between them.

  Hunter and Clay jerked awake as they lay against their mate’s hips. They looked up and saw her struggling to catch her breath. The monitoring machine was beeping furiously as her heart rate raced. The hospital room door was pushed open and Nikki rushed inside, going over to the monitors quickly and assessing the situation.

  “What happened?” Nikki whispered, looking at both men as they stroked the woman’s arms as they tried to calm her.

  “We shared a vision,” Hunter told her softly.

  Nikki’s blue eyes widened in surprised then crinkled in amusement. She remembered how hot some of the visions she had shared with her mates had been. She completely understood.

  She waited a moment until she was sure Jane Doe was stable then turned to face the men of Jace Beckett’s pack. “I guess it’s starting for you,” she told them gently.

  Both men smiled broadly at her. They nodded, unable to form the words that would explain the happiness they felt that the bonding process was beginning for them. It made them beyond happy to have found their triad third.

  “I’ll leave the three of you to your privacy. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you, Nikki,” Clay answered for the both of them.

  They watched as Nikki left, turning to face the woman in the bed once they were alone. The vision they had shared had been so real it was overwhelming. And they knew that it had affected her the same way. After a moment, their woman’s heart rate had slowed, returning to normal, and she was breathing easily.

  A white ribbon of warmth suddenly surrounded all three of them, pulling tightly as it drew them together. The bonding process had begun with the shared vision, and the Fates were drawing them together. It was an amazing feeling. The warmth of the ribbon and the strength of the binding made the connection strong and sure. The surge of love and desire that raced through both men was instant and deep.

  “Hell, I’m so hard it hurts,” Hunter spoke up.

  “Me, too,” Clay admitted.

  “The vision sure was hot, wasn’t it?” Hunter asked, looking at Clay in surprise.

  “Yeah. And we were going to make our cub.”

  Hunter nodded, smiling. “She wanted us to make him—or her.”

  Clay sat down on the bed at her hip and reached up to touch her belly gently. “She’s going to be carrying very soon,” he whispered.

  Hunter sat beside her and reached out to place his hand beside Clay’s. “I hope so.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her belly tenderly, wishing he could push aside the sheets and the hospital gown so he could touch her warm skin. He breathed in deeply to take in her scent, needing it to settle him when he froze in fear as a new scent assailed him. He sat up and reached out to grab Clay’s forearm.

  “What’s wrong?” Clay asked, sensing the panic in his partner.

  “She’s bleeding.”

  “She is?” Clay leaned forward and inhaled, growling as he caught the scent of her blood. “Where the hell is she bleeding?”

  They both stood and reached out to touch her head and gently turn it to examine the bandages that covered her right temple. There didn’t seem to be any new bleed.

  Both men began a slow inspection of her body, placing their noses close to her as they scented every inch of her. When they reached her pelvis, both men stopped and breathed in deeply. They looked at each other and smiled at the intimacy of the knowledge that they shared.

  “She has her period,” Clay whispered, laughing softly at the instant golden glow that came to Hunter’s eyes.

  “Should we call for Nikki?”

  Clay nodded. “Why would you ask that?” He couldn’t help the frustration with his partner from coming through in his question.

  “Well, we could take care of her ourselves,” Hunter offered, smiling at the thought of sharing something so incredibly personal with their mate.

  “Hunter, do you really want to start off our relationship with our mate by invading her privacy before she’s accepted us and risk the chance that we’ll piss her off?” Clay’s words were firm and filled with caution.

  “No, but I want to begin our lives with her and share every intimate moment with her,” Hunter told him calmly. “I guess we’d better call Nikki to help her. Damn it.”

  Clay laughed and touched his triad partner’s shoulder. “You’re a good man, Hunter. You’re just a horny man.”

  “And you’re not?”

  “Oh, hell! You know I am! I can’t wait to strip her down and love her until she screams.”

  Hunter reached down and adjusted his hard shaft. “You’re not helping, Clay.”

  Clay reached for the call button and depressed it, reaching down and adjusting his own raging cock. “No shit.”

  Chapter 5

  Abbey fought through the haze of sleepiness that enveloped her. Her brows furrowed as she tried to focus. Sounds and touches filled her brain. She remembered running across the back lawn of her home and the small cove of trees that edged it—running away from Peter. She remembered hiding in the cave. Her father had been there, along with a beautiful woman who had told her something very important. The memory of it was just beyond her ability to recall.

  She remembered being very cold, and she remembered being held in strong, warm arms. Soft, brown eyes and twinkling, blue eyes looked down on her, smiling before turning completely golden. The picture of two wolves running toward her, circling her, and rubbing against her filled her mind. Instead of being afraid, she felt comforted. She didn’t understand it at all.

  She felt the soothing coolness of a cloth wiping across her forehead. Reaching up, she grabbed at the wrist of the person showing her such kindness and opened her eyes to see a young woman with stylish, black hair that feathered beautifully to her shoulders looking down at her with the kindest, most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen.

  It took a moment to realize that this woman was a nurse and she was in a hospital bed. The terror that grabbed her was instantaneous.

  “He doesn’t know I’m here, does he?” she whispered, fear in her voice and absolute terror in her eyes.

  “Who, honey?” the pretty nurse asked her as she sat on the bed at her hip. She smoothed the clean white sheets that covered her and tucked them gently beneath her arm.

  “Where am I?” Abbey asked her softly, her eyes searching the room as panic began to overtake her.

  “You’re at Denver Memorial Hospital,” the nurse answered calmly, reaching out to hold her hand gently between her own. “What’s your name?”

  “Abbey,” she whispered softly. “But you can’t tell anyone I’m here.”

  The nurse nodded and reached out to pet her long, dark brown hair gently. “I won’t tell anyone, Abbey,” she promised, gently placing the curling end of her hair against the pillow beneath her head.

  Abbey was quiet for a while, allowing the nurse to soothe her as she thought. She felt calm with this woman and was thankful that she
sat beside her quietly while she tried to sort things through.

  “Did I dream it, or did two men find me and take me here?” she asked carefully.

  The nurse nodded. “Hunter and Clay brought you in yesterday,” she told her calmly.

  “Where are they?”

  “Out in the waiting room. When the doctor came in to examine you just a minute ago, she made them leave.”

  “I remember them.” Abbey smiled hesitantly. “They seemed pretty nice. I didn’t feel afraid of them.”

  “You shouldn’t,” the nurse told her. “You’re safe with them, Abbey. They would never hurt you. In fact, they’ve set themselves up as your protectors. All of us have had to pass their inspection before any of us could get near you.”

  “When can I leave?”

  “I don’t know, honey,” she told her honestly. “If you want, I can get the doctor so she can talk to you.”


  “Do you want anything else?”

  “No, nothing else. I just need to leave.”

  “Where would you go?” a deep voice spoke from the doorway, startling them both.

  They turned to see Hunter and Clay walking toward them with concern and determination. The nurse patted Abbey’s hand reassuringly before standing and heading toward the door.

  “I’ll go get Dr. Harrison,” she offered. “Hunter and Clay will stay with you. Don’t worry, Abbey. They’ll make sure you’re safe. I promise.”

  Nikki made her way out of the room, smiling at Hunter and Clay as they passed her and walked to stand beside Abbey’s hospital bed. Closing the door quietly behind her, she walked down the hospital hallway, hoping all would be well for the newly forming triad.

  Abbey watched both men as they walked toward her. Despite the fact that she felt their goodness deep within her, she couldn’t help but be afraid as she saw how incredibly handsome they were. There was no way she was going to allow herself to give her trust to any other man—especially two men that she didn’t know. She could never take a chance and risk them betraying her.

  “Your name is Abbey?” Hunter asked her gently, sitting down beside her left hip and reaching out to take her hand in his. He saw the distrust in her eyes as she looked at him. The flicker of fear that flashed across her features as he touched her hurt his heart. He never wanted to cause her anything but pleasure when he touched her. “Do you remember me, Abbey? My name is Hunter Stewart.”

  He spoke softly as he would to a wounded animal. Before Abbey could answer, the other man sat at her right hip and took her free hand in his. “Abbey is a nice name. It suits you,” he told her, smiling, his blue eyes twinkling with happiness as he looked down at her. “My name is Clay Forest, honey.”

  A sudden warmth wove through her as both men held her hands gently, and she felt a shining, white light entering her soul. It was an amazing feeling. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the beautiful sensation that filled her. She felt the pull of warmth drawing the two men close to her heart. She didn’t understand how she could feel them being bound to her, but she did. With every beat of her heart, she felt them become more connected to her—their hearts syncing in rhythm with hers.

  Opening her eyes, she looked up at the two men, her brow furrowing in confusion as she tried to gather the memories from her hazy brain. “I remember you both,” she told them softly, pulling her hands free from theirs to place them on the mattress on either side of her and push her body up carefully to sit up and settle back as exhaustion pulled at her. When they both reached out to help her, she couldn’t help but shrink back in fear. “Please don’t touch me.”

  The surprise, then the hurt, that crossed both of the men’s faces caused her to experience a moment of guilt and pain, but she had to remain in control. She didn’t know these men. It didn’t matter that memories were tugging at her brain—even if the memories that pulled at her were good ones. She couldn’t let her guard down.

  “I’m really tired,” she told them softly, fighting the sedatives that she could feel running sluggishly through her system. “I don’t really do well with painkillers. Please don’t let them give me any more.”

  “Okay, sweetheart,” Hunter promised, sitting down on the chair beside her bed and reaching out to again hold her hand lightly within his.

  “We’ll make sure,” Clay added as he sat in the chair on the opposite side of the hospital bed and reached out to take her free hand in his. “Just rest. We’ll be here to watch over you.”

  Abbey’s eyelids slid closed despite her efforts to remain awake. “I’m sorry. I’m just so tired,” she apologized. “Will you stay here or do you need to go somewhere?” Her voice faded slightly as sleep called to her once again.

  “We won’t leave you, Abbey,” Hunter vowed. “You go on and go back to sleep, sweetheart. We’ll be here when you wake up and then we can have a long talk.”

  “About what?” Abbey whispered, squeezing their hands lightly before giving in to her exhaustion.

  Both men leaned forward and kissed her cheek before nuzzling into her neck, breathing in deeply and drawing in the sweet scent of their mate. Rumbling growls vibrated from their chests, the humming purrs that escaped them lost against the soft skin of her neck.

  Abbey’s sweet, soft laughter made them smile, the intensity of the love they already felt for her taking them by surprise. When she looked at them or they felt the softness of her touch, they could feel the promise of the love that was meant to be. When she touched them, the soft way she trailed her fingers through their hair gave them a sense of peace and contentment that was more powerful than any feeling either man had ever had.

  When she looked at them, there was deep longing and caring in her eyes. She didn’t know it yet, but she was destined to love them—and they would love her in return with all the magic that was in their hearts.

  * * * *

  Hunter and Clay watched their mate as she slept. She was relaxed and sighed often, squeezing their hands occasionally. Neither man could contain the smiles that covered their faces each time she reassured herself of their presence. When she pulled their hands up to press them against her face, their wolves growled possessively.

  “Hell,” Hunter whispered, looking at Clay with a desperation in his eyes. “Did you ever expect to feel so consumed with the need to claim our mate?”

  Clay shook his head, reaching out to touch Abbey’s hair and pet it gently with his free hand. “I didn’t,” he admitted. “Alexander and Butler told me that they were drawn to Nikki immediately, and they wanted to claim her quickly, but I didn’t realize how strong the mating urge would be.”

  “I’m fighting with my wolf for control,” Hunter admitted. “He wants to claim her and make her submit.”

  “You might want to cool it on the submission part,” Clay advised. “We should probably ease in to that need. Abbey may not be the type who wants to submit to us.”

  “Hell, I don’t care if she wants us to submit to her,” Hunter snapped in frustration. “It doesn’t matter as long as she belongs to us.”

  Clay laughed softly. “That might be interesting,” he said between chuckles. “I can’t imagine you being anything but in control.”

  Hunter smiled slowly, looking down at the woman he wanted to have laid out beneath him, accepting him completely. “I know, but all I want is for her to belong to us. I want to love her and take care of her. Does that make me a caveman?”

  “Well, if it does, then I’m one, too,” Clay admitted. Watching their woman, he was amazed by her strength. She was definitely a worthy mate. “She’s got to be strong. Just look at what she’s already survived. I have no doubt that she can take care of herself, but I want to be the one who makes her safe. I want to take care of her and love her, too.”

  Hunter looked at their mate, smiling at the picture of perfection that lay before them. Despite the injury and the bruises, she was absolutely beautiful. Her skin was soft and creamy with just a hint of color. He reached up and touched h
er cheek lightly, running the pad of his thumb across it, happiness filling him at the sigh that immediately left her lips. The pleasure he experienced quickly turned to concern as her face tightened with sudden fear.

  Abbey fought to control her worry as she ran toward their home. She ran up the front steps of the wide front porch and pushed open the door.

  “Where are you?” she called out, rushing inside as she searched out her mates.

  “We’re here, honey,” Clay called to her, stepping into the kitchen and opening his arms to accept her as she launched herself against him. “What’s wrong, Abbey?” His arms tightened around her, fear filling him as he felt the way her heart was pounding against his chest.

  “What happened, sweetheart?” Hunter asked her, leaning against her back and pinning her tightly between him and Clay.

  “You know damn well what happened,” Abbey told him angrily. “You and Clay cut me off.”

  “But, honey,” Clay started.

  “Don’t you even dare!” The anger flashed in Abbey’s eyes, letting both men know she was not in the mood for their excuses. “We had a deal. You promised you wouldn’t shield yourselves from me. I can’t handle it.”

  She reached up and ran her fingers through both men’s hair, rubbing at their scalps lightly before taking firm hold of their hair and pulling on it. She looked up at both men, worry filling her. Her expression softened considerably as the love she felt toward each man filled the ache in her heart. Her eyes were bright with unshed tears, and the pain that was in her heart was there for them to see.

  “You don’t know how empty I felt,” she told them softly. “I couldn’t feel you. I couldn’t tell if you were alive or dead.” She tugged on their hair as she tightened her hold. “I felt so alone. And I was afraid that something had happened to you. I need you to be in my heart all the time.”

  “Oh, sweetheart,” Hunter whispered, leaning down and kissing her forehead lightly. “We didn’t want you to see the accident we were called to today.”

  “We didn’t want you to be upset,” Clay added, kissing her temple and nuzzling into her hair.


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