Children of Destiny

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Children of Destiny Page 9

by Nicole R. Stevens

  “You should.” He whispered. “Tori tells me Heather was detained for spreading conspiracy. Her son taken by an ambassador of his father’s. There he will be safe, but the boy is not our concern. We have to make sure our daughter is safely away from this city by tomorrow night.”

  “The prophecy never gave a date.” She argued.

  “Tomorrow night, if not sooner.” placing his hand on his wife’s pale cheek and caressed the apples of her cheeks with his rough thumbs. “We must be brave, for her.”

  * * *

  Hours ticked by as the group traveled through the forest. If their map was accurate, they should have been there by now. Around them trees and shrubs seemed to blossom and grow more dense and darker as they hiked.

  “Are you sure we’re going the right way?” Adriana cried, walking behind the boys.

  Owen, deciding it was better to ignore her, did not answer. Leaping into the air, she landed in front of her fyssh comrade, her feet making not a sound upon landing. Reaching her petite fingers out, she snatched the map out of his hands.

  “Okay, we landed, if you can call it that, here. If we continue further east, we should be there in about five minutes.” She said, holding the map back out to Owen. “Or five years. Give or take.”

  He grabbed the map from her with a scowl on his face. “Why do you always have to get in the way?”

  “Not my fault you’re not doing it right.” She said.

  “Will you guys shut up? One more word out of either of you and I will tie that person to a tree and leave them.” Braian growled. They turned to face him. It was a rare occurrence for him to shout in anger. With Phoebe gone, the cork that kept them all in line had popped.

  Corbin cleared his throat, “I don’t want to interrupt this sharing is caring moment, but we are standing in the middle of a forest that has things in it that kill you.”

  “How would you know?” Braian asked. “You’ve lived your whole life inside castle walls. How do you know what is dangerous and what is not?”

  “Because there is something in that brush behind you.” He whispered.

  They turned their heads towards the direction the prince was looking. In between the trees a large figure stood. Dusty black wire fur encompassed the creature. Standing on four legs, the being was over seven feet tall, and eyes that reflected the group with no white.

  “A kip,” Owen muttered. “Must be a female. I don’t see any horns on her head. The kip’s head was down in the grass, grazing as it watched them, “She’s trying to determine if we are a threat.”

  “What happens when it thinks we are a threat?” the prince asked, pivoting his back leg for a better view of the creature. His foot landed on a twig, snapping it in half.

  The sound echoed through the small clearing, reaching the kip’s ears. She lifted her head; ears pinned behind her, and eyes glowing yellow.

  “That.” Adriana gulped. “That is what happens when she thinks we are a threat.”

  “Shall we kill it, or just let it disembowel us?” He grabbed both the broadswords.

  “Kill. We will kill it.” Braian whispered.

  Before a dancer takes flight, they take a stabilizing breath. The same can be said for warriors. A moment’s peace before the fight.

  Together, they charged towards the enormous creature, drawing their sword. They started a waltz.

  A howl of anger escaped from their lips as the sharp steel of a blade came down across their face, another along its flank. Cries turned to pain, and pain turned to nothingness as a sword touched the heart of the beast.

  They cleaned off the blades on fallen leaves, Adriana walked to the fallen kip. “Did you hear something?”

  “No, its dead come on.” Braian insisted grabbing her arm.

  She ignored his pleas and pulling her arms from him as she made her way closer to the animal. Pushing the dead animal’s leg to the side, she exposed a small ash colored kip. The baby was giving away their location by tiny cries and gasps for air.

  “Oh dear Gods forgive us. We killed a mother.”

  “What did you say?” the prince asked as he walked towards her.

  She picked up the helpless kip, “She was protecting her young,” Her voice tightened, water danced in her eyes. “It’s only a baby.”

  “Leave it, maybe another one might come around and take care of it.” Braian said.

  “How can you be so sure?” She asked cradling the shaking animal. “We should take it with us.”

  “Are you going to name it too?” Owen spat as she walked towards Braian. They both laughed.

  “I might.” She said.

  Reaching his hand out Corbin patted the small creature on his head, “I have a feeling that this creature has a family. If I am not mistaken my tutors told me many of the animals in the forest are pack animals. That means that when one becomes injured or passes on, they will rally together to fill the void of one of their own being gone. Even to go as far as adopting the orphaned babies.” He took a deep breath, “We are not so different. When one of our loved ones is hurt, or they leave us, others are there to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves. Whether that be a wet nurse, an orphanage, or even a man that could not bear to see small children without a family. We take care of each other.”

  Cries came faster from the animal, flailing itself against her forearms until she could not contain him anymore and placed him on the ground. Together they watched as it scurried through the trees, following the sound of a faint howl in the distance.

  Adriana turned to meet the prince’s gaze. With a small smile, she reached her hand out to touch his shoulder.

  “Thank you.” She whispered, giving him a faint squeeze. No one but him could see the tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

  Taking a step closer to her, he whispered, “Always.”

  * * *

  The guard set his jaw forward, and the veins in his neck popped through his skin as he hastily scribbled notes on the sheet of paper in front of him.

  “State your name for the record.” The ogre gruffed at Phoebe through the bars. She was too afraid to ask where the elderly man went, in case she would be joining him.

  “Phoebe.” She said leaning against the wall. Her shoulders jumped when she registered the coolness.

  “Surname?” He barked.

  Phoebe had not spoken her birth name in years. The name belonged to a family that she did not belong to anymore.

  “Lagin.” It came out as a whisper. The last time she spoke that name was during a mission. She could get her way in some situations, with the right people just by dropping her last name.

  “Lagin? As in Raymond Lagin?” He asked. The name of her father caught in her throat, unable to repeat it.

  “No, I said Larsen. You misheard me Ogre.” She lied.

  Raymond Lagin, a man who had been known as a kind and gentle soul. Who worked tirelessly to put food on the table and clothes on their backs. Even though he worked many hours each day, he would still spend time with his family after the day’s work in the field. Until one day, he was just at the right place, at the right time. A rare bulge in the ground caught his attention. Pulling out the pick he used in the mines, he struck into the earth. He made a small crater with his pick and then sliced into the middle of the hole. That is when the oil pooled.

  “Age?” The guard continued. His voice brought her back to reality.

  “22.” She said.

  “Date of birth?”

  “During the third cycle. I do not know the specifics.” That was the truth, she was never told the date of her birth.

  “You don’t know? Then how do you know you are 22?” He questioned further.

  “I’m good at math.” She sneered. “Do you have more questions for me?”

  “That will be all.” He closed a large book and turned to face a man who had come in wearing gold plated armor. “Sorry to keep you waitin
g, Commander?”

  “Sergeant First Class Omar of the 1st Division Eskorgan Army.” He stated. I am looking for a woman with long blonde hair, a tail and cat-like ears.”

  “Oh no.” Phoebe whispered. Standing there was the Eskorgan guard she had put under her sleeping spell. She shuffled herself closer to the wall, but realized she not matter how hard she tried she would be seen. No magic existed for that. Even if one did, she discovered a glyph on the wall that worked like a magic deterrent. One spell cast could mean injury to her or even death.

  “That is specific. No, we have no women here with ears or tail as you describe. I think I would remember something abnormal such as that. However, I do have an Elflan. She came in last night during a raid in the forest. It wouldn’t surprise me if this one was wanted in more than one city.” He pointed behind him to a startled Phoebe.

  The man looked her over a few times and sighed. “I do not recognize her. I am looking for a girl with long blonde hair, tall and pointy ears on top of head, and a tail.”

  Air hissed from Phoebe’s lungs. Relieved for a moment that he had not remembered her. Even if it was only a temporary reprieve.

  * * *

  The force of Braian’s hand as it made contact with Corbin’s back propelled the prince forward. Almost causing him to collide into the wooden door of the jail.

  “Time to shine. Show us what you got, Prince. Owen and I will come with you.” He said. Giving Adriana a smile, he handed her all the coin in his pocket. “Why don’t you go buy some food? It was a long trek and we’ll have an even longer one tonight.”

  “Yes, thank you. I was just thinking to myself I wanted to stuff my face full of food.” She waited for Braian to laugh at her sarcasm, but no laughter emitted from his throat. “I guess I’ll go get something to eat and stuff my face with it. Yell if you need me.” She turned from the group and made her way towards the brightly colored tents of the market in the distance.

  “Maybe she shouldn’t go too far. Just in case we need her.” Corbin said.

  Owen pulled the solid wooden door open and gave a somber look to the prince, “You never know. Busting us out of jail has always been one of her strengths.”

  “It’s because when she was little no one wanted to tell a little girl looking for her siblings ‘no’.” Braian stated. “You would have to be heartless to say to a little girl. After you.” He pushed the prince in through the front door.

  “I’m going.” He said.

  The entryway of the jail had no one waiting to point them in the direction they needed to go. Were they visitors or were they dropping off? Instead, a small wooden sign with two arrows carved in opposite directions greeted them. One had a “V” carved on top and the other had the word, “Intake”.

  “I assume ‘v’ is for ‘visitor’?” The prince asked, raising his eyebrow.

  “I think that’s a safe assumption.” Braian nodded shoving him towards the hallway.

  The hallway had metal torches lining the walls. Whether it be laziness or for aesthetic, only one out of eight were aflame. The hallway opened to a room made of stone walls. Two men were talking, one sitting at a desk, and the other standing over the desk.

  “Excuse me gentlemen. I am Prince Corbin of the Kingdom of Eskorgan I was wondering if you could assist me with something.”

  Turning to look at him the soldier in the golden armor spun on his heels.

  “Your Royal Highness.” He cried.

  “Sergeant Omar? What are you doing here?” He demanded.

  Bowing his head as a sign of respect the guard stammered, “Your Royal Highness.”

  “You already called him that.” Braian snorted.

  “I was just seeing if this man had seen that horrible girl that stole the staff from our Kingdom.” He lifted his head. “Sire, if you don’t mind me asking, but, um, what are you doing here?”

  He turned to Owen who was pointing to Phoebe in the cell in front.

  “I have been searching for that prisoner there.” He pointed to the cell. Gathering herself Phoebe stood up, wiping the grime and dust from her legs and behind.” She is a prisoner of Eskorgan.” He croaked. “She needs to come with me.”

  “What is her crime?” The guard asked. Movement from the corner of his eye caught his attention.

  The prince looked at his guard, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. “For a forceful attack on my top guard.”

  “By putting a sleeping spell on him.” Braian interjected.

  “That’s right.” the prince said with a smile, snapping his fingers.

  Omar looked over the group with a confused look on his face. “Your Highness, who are these men?”

  Owen stepped out from the shadows. He smiled at Omar and the Keylaran guard. “Your worst nightmares.”

  * * *

  On closer inspection, the tents surrounding the Keyla Market were tan. She had thought them more yellow and orange, but she now realized that the sun was playing a trick on her. Each hut was selling different wares and food. The smell wafted through the marketplace and to Adriana’s pointed nose. She passed a man who called out to her, asking if she would try on one of his silk scarves. With a small smile, she waved and shook her head.

  Farther down she caught the scent of fresh bread coming from a tent that had a column of white smoke coming from it. A small elderly woman was kneading dough on a countertop. Flour covered her hands as she sprinkled the powder on the dough. Those same hands were peppered with wrinkles and her joints were bulbous with set in arthritis but this did not stop her from creating a fist to pound the concoction flat. Adriana watched the woman continuing the process until the dough was the right consistency.

  “Excuse me, ma’am? How much are the hot buns?” she asked.

  “Ten copper coins for two dozen love.” She answered.

  That was cheap, for food at least. Maybe Adriana had become accustomed to the prices at Belleza’s market, where one bun cost ten copper coins. Without a second thought, she handed over the coins and the woman gave her a sack of warm buns.

  “Honey for sale. Come get your fresh honey.” A man called out from his tent. Everyone knew honey and hot buns belonged together.

  “One jar please.” She passed the coins over the man who handed her a small jar. “Thank you.”

  Following along the path through the market, the tents were becoming sparse and opened to a courtyard. A fountain crafted of a dark marble sat in the center of the yard. The sun overhead hit the statue just right, giving off a glow in the sunlight. The main population of Keyla was humans, but there was a small Elflan population that had commissioned the statue that sat atop of the fountain of two children, one was human and the other Elfan. Together they held hands and at the point where their fingers intertwined, the clearest water cascaded down to the basin below.

  The fountain’s creation was to mark the friendship between the two races. Looking around the market it appeared this relationship existed without a problem. Adriana knew underneath this facade, the Elfan were like cattle. Herded every evening into the ghetto.

  Sitting herself down on a wooden bench close to the fountain, she pulled her legs up and sat with them folded under her. Her stomach growled and her mouth watered, food was near.

  “I guess I will stuff my face.” Pulling out the now warm bun, she tore off the lid to the honey jar. Once she had slathered the bread in enough honey, she tried to put the whole pastry into her waiting mouth. The honey dripped from her fingers and lips and she chewed. The sweet taste of the honey covered her taste buds. If they could, they would sing.

  Coldness grabbed her arm, “How did you survive?” Adriana startled when an icy hand pulled hers from the bag of buns. A woman was standing over her, her arm held above her head. The woman’s hair was a dark yellow. It peaked through a crimson hat that had feathers sprouting from around the brim. Her skin was tan with blotchy red marks across her face, and her eyes appeared to be almost bl
ack. “Answer me child, how did you survive?”

  Adriana wretched her arm from the woman’s grasp. “Survived what?” She asked rubbing her arm. Purple bruises were starting to appear. Anger sparked like flames in her eyes. “I don’t know what you are talking about. I don’t even know who you are.”

  “Do you even know who you are?” The woman asked. Standing she glared at the women. “If one still survives? The prophecy.” The woman scurried off.

  “What a strange frail woman.” She whispered. Not wasting another moment, she gathered the rolls, honey into her bag, and took off towards the jail.

  * * *

  Metallic keys slammed against the floor. “Dammit. None of these keys are working.” Owen growled. Turning to the Keylaran guard tied to his chair he grabbed his shoulders and shoved him into the back wall. “Which one of these opens this door?” The guard spit in his face. “Son of a bitch.”

  “So, you guys can tackle a few guards, but can’t open a door?” Corbin said leaning against the wall.

  Braian pushed him, “If you don’t shut up, you’re next.”

  “You can try.” He said, narrowing his eyes.

  “Oh nothing will give me more pleasure than tying you up and beating the crap out of you.” He threatened. His violet eyes bore into the prince.

  “Not another word out of the two of you.” Owen said. “I don’t want to get to violent in front of the lady.”

  “A lady? Since when have you considered me a lady?” Phoebe asked.

  “I was trying to be polite!” He yelled.

  “Aw, isn’t that cute? Owen has manners.” Everyone turned around to see Adriana standing in the doorway.

  “That’s her! That’s the one that attacked me!” Omar accused.

  “Did I hurt your ego, sir knight?” She asked kneeling in front of him. She wiped a strand of his hair off his forehead.


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