Earth Rising (The Planets)

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Earth Rising (The Planets) Page 10

by James Garvey

  I awake in the dark with Samuel standing over me. "Hush," he whispers. "They're searching for us and they've still got Bets."

  "Eliza?" I ask. I sit up and my vision blurs. I'm so close to her. They can't stop me.

  "Amy, I know. You've been saying her name for the past couple of hours. Your leg's snapped and you have a nasty head wound. You ain't going nowhere. Theo'll get your girl back if she's there."

  I hear yells, explosions, and shots in the distance. Theo and English appear, winded but unharmed. Theo asks how I am and looks at me sadly. He whispers, "We tried to get Liza but those things eat all our weapon fire. We can't get close enough to hit any of the people."

  "Eliza's in there. You've got to go back." The pain's excruciating but my panic is worse.

  Theo kneels and touches my shoulder. "We'll try again tomorrow night, I promise. It's almost dawn and we need to find the horses and set up camp. They won't be leaving without us fighting them."

  As light returns, I drift in and out of sleep. English sets my leg - too eagerly, I think. The pain is almost welcome, temporarily erasing my thoughts of my daughter and the wicked woman holding her. While I drift in and out of exquisite anguish, I listen to the men’s conversation.

  Samuel coughs. "Do you really think the girl's in there?"

  Theo answers. "I got no idea. I believe there's a child in there. But I don't know if it’s my goddaughter. If they got her, I'm going to slaughter them."

  "Those are the same monsters that destroyed home," Samuel notes. “They done brush off our fire like its gnats.”

  English nods. "I can't even begin to imagine what them things are. It's like hell's opened and swallowing us whole."

  "Do you think Bets is still alive?" Samuel asks.

  "Don't know. I suppose they'll keep her around until they're sure they learned as much as they can from her." Theo pulls out the tablet. "Look all, I've something to show you. Don't know what to make of it." I look through the corner of my eye as an image of the area appears in full color. Theo motions with his fingers and the image zooms on the clearing. We can clearly see shadowy images of the grubs, tents, and people. "I'm pretty sure this thing's showing us what's happening all around us. I'm getting the hang of using it. From what we can see here, we've killed two of their people. There are about ten of those monster things over at the north side. They're expecting us to attack up there, near where we retreated. At nightfall, we attack from the south behind this tent." He zooms on one of the tents. A silhouette, undeniably female from the side, is standing, apparently bound to a pole. "This is likely Bets. So, it seems she's still with us. Samuel, English, you go and release her." He selects another tent and there, on a mat, is a miniature human. My heart races. "There's the kid. I'll go there first and release hell's fury. I'll grab her and run back to your position here on the map. We'll head back out where we came from, then track back to get the horses and Amy."

  "Nothing can go wrong with that plan," I say hoarsely, trying to be sarcastic but sounding sickly. The men continue talking as I drift back to sleep. I open my eyes to a ghastly brown haze. The men have disappeared and I realize that I must be dreaming again. But this feels strange to me, like I'm really awake. I'm hovering about fifteen feet above the ground and am so very famished. I look to my right and see one of the grubs next to me. Curiously, I'm not frightened. Rather, I feel nothing but cold, lifeless need. I look down and see a gnarled claw where my hand should be, a chunk of grey meat writhing with black beetles in its clutch. I bring the lump to my mouth and savor the rubbery flesh between my teeth, juices coursing down my throat. I should feel revulsion. Instead, my hunger's replaced by satisfaction and release.

  I drift back into darkness and find myself inside the tent I was in last night. Bets is there. I'm talking but it's not me forming the words.

  "Bets, I know how angry you must feel," the person who isn't me is saying. Bets is drinking shine and looking flush. "Have another drink, dear. Tell me about your companions and why they don't appreciate you."

  Bets rolls her eyes. "Thresh, I'm only traveling with them because of Theo. He saved me years ago and I owe him. The woman, Marksman, is unappreciative. I've no idea what he sees in her."

  This isn't a dream. I'm apparently inside of Thresh. The feeling I get from Thresh is strangely similar to that of the grub. Thresh is empty, desperately seeking a balm to soothe her. Bets intrigues Thresh, and Thresh wants her.

  Thresh shakes her head, "Bets, you owe them nothing. Stay with me. I can see it in your eyes. You belong here."

  "Thresh, why'd I stay with you? You're a killer. How much blood do you have on your hands?"

  "Does that really matter Bets? I'm going to open a door to something wonderful that makes death inconsequential. I'll be able to bring all those people back into a world where there is no pain, no toil. They will serve us. Worship us."

  "How's that possible? You must be as drunk as me."

  "You've seen what I can do. I control the grubs. I make the dead walk. You'd be a welcome commander in my army."

  "An army of freaks and deadmen. That sounds delightful, Thresh."

  I feel anger welling up inside of Thresh. She wants to throw her cup at Bets, beat her into submission with her staff. It seems that Thresh has no sense that I'm eavesdropping. I've no idea how I got here, so I guess I'm sticking around until I wake up.

  Thresh struggles to calm her voice. "Bets, we're sisters. I feel it. Can you tell me where you got those weapons? I've only seen those powerful things in my dreams, when the grubs show them to me. With those in my possession, I’d be unstoppable."

  "We found the guns and explosives in the uplands to the east. They were hidden in a cave."

  "Can you lead me to the cache?"

  Bets stands up. "Thresh, I've got to rest. I'll be happy to lead you to the weapons, later."

  Thresh points at a mat on the floor and walks out of the tent into waning daylight. A thick woman and a skinny man with ironwood staffs step in front of the entrance. The grubs turn toward Thresh and kneel. She motions, palms upward, and five of the creatures lumber toward the south side of the camp. This isn't good. Samuel and English will be pummeled when they attack. I try to pull away from Thresh to warn them, but the more I think about escaping, the more I'm trapped inside of her squirrely mind.

  Thresh walks toward two of her men eating something that looks like woodchuck. "Expect them to attack any time now. Drop your food and get on guard." They both throw their meat in the fire and grab large swords.

  Thresh feels different now. Perhaps elation? She's excited about killing, fighting, conflict. These emotions fill the void in her soul. I shudder at the sensation and something compelling happens - Thresh trembles slightly. I concentrate on lifting my left arm and Thresh's left arm rises nearly imperceptibly. With some practice, I might be able to really mess with this woman.

  Night's arrived. The men should be attacking soon. Thresh stands in the center of the clearing, surveying her crew. I'm assuming Bets is still in her tent under guard, although the tent isn't visible from where Thresh is standing. The air implodes and Thresh falls backwards. Smoke curls in from the south part of camp. Two rockets fly in from the woods and hit one of the grubs in the mouth. Rather than exploding, the rockets disappear with a wet, sucking sound. Moist, snot-like goo drips from the holes as they close up. Thresh stands up, dusts off her dress, and smiles. She yells, "Concentrate your effort to the south. Move."

  This means doom for Samuel, English, and Bets, but should allow Theo to easily reach Eliza. More explosions and screams punctuate the night. Thresh rushes for the tent where Bets is being held. She's about to pull back the flap when a sinewy arm wraps around her neck and forces her to the ground. "You'll not hold me captive," Bets growls, as she grinds her foot into Thresh's chest and then disappears into the dark. I feel myself lifting out of Thresh and I'm back in the tan haze of one of the grub's minds. It's lunging at English, who's on his back looking befuddled. If I could control T
hresh, I certainly should be able direct this thing. I tell it to back off, causing it to pause and then step back. English snaps out of his confusion, rolls, and rushes back into the wood line. I then order the thing to turn toward the nearest grub and attack. It obliges, tearing at the creature with its sharp claws. The other grub is clearly surprised, falling back. I tell it to bite the other grub's neck. It tears out its fellow grub's throat and the beast disintegrates into a pool of muddy slime. I guide the creature toward the next grub when I feel a strong tug and a painful throb in my head. For a moment, Thresh's angry face hovers before me and then I'm back in my own body, with Theo shaking me awake.

  "Amy, wake up. We've got to move. Now." He looks terrified, worse than the day the town was destroyed. Grunts and howls surround us. Trees snap like twigs. Bets, Samuel, and English are already atop their horses. I search frantically in my haze for any sign of Eliza. She's not here.

  "Theo, where's Eliza?"

  "Amy, I'm so, so sorry. She wasn't there." He yanks me onto Phineus, both my head and leg shrieking in protest. We're surrounded. I'm certain that we aren't going to make it out of our camp.

  "Theo, listen to me," I groan. "You have to knock me out."

  “Amy, what’s wrong with you?”

  “Trust me. I can’t explain now. But this is our only chance.”

  He pauses. I scream at him and the last thing I see is Bets swinging a staff at my head.

  I regain consciousness in the head of a grub in the dark forest. It takes me a minute to gain my bearings. The grub I’m possessing is a few hundred feet away from our camp. Three other grubs and five men are about to attack us. I see Theo and Bets arguing over my limp body. It seems to me that they have more pressing issues than my welfare. I command the grub to attack its brothers and it lunges forward, leaving large puddles of brown ooze in its wake.

  The grub’s actions have caught Samuel’s attention. He motions to the others and they advance toward the gap I created. Thresh’s men, obviously confused by the grub, regain their focus and run toward my companions, which includes Phineus and my body. I tell the grub to defend us. It grabs one of the men between its rock-like teeth and crushes him instantly. I’m about to push the grub forward when a painful tug pulls me out of its mind. I expect to emerge in my broken body, but instead I’m floating in a void.

  “Hello Amy. I see that you’ve learned how to control my children.” It’s Thresh, although it’s not her voice. Rather, it is an impression of her thoughts wrapping itself around the non-me. “Instead of forcing them, you need to learn to talk with them. Like the creatures you’ve known in the forest your whole life. They know so much. It’s unfair for you to treat them like blunt weapons.”

  “Thresh, you unholy wench.” Apparently I can talk back in this airless, lightless space. “What choice do I have when you attack and kill us? I want my child, now. Or I swear I’ll take a grub, hunt you down, and crush you slowly.”

  Thresh laughs. Or more accurately it is an echo of a laugh formed in her warped mind. “You won’t be bothering the grubs anymore, Amy. They’ve discovered your trick and are guarding themselves now. You’ve nowhere to go.”

  “I have many more tricks in my bag, Thresh. Watch yourself. I will kill you. That’s a promise.” I’m retreating now, falling down a black tunnel. I open my eyes and am slumped on Phineus, lashed to his saddle. We’re galloping through the woods, each impact of his hooves creating a burst of pain in my leg. I lift my head and see the others around me. Theo and Silius are flanking me, guiding Phineus.

  “Sprouter, what the hell happened back there?”

  “Theo, this doesn’t seem the best time for a long explanation. Where are we heading?”

  “South, as far away from that camp as possible.”

  “Do you think Eliza’s okay?”

  “From what I know, that woman, Thresh, can’t afford to do anything to her. Between you murmuring in your sleep and what Bets told me, I’d wager that you and Eliza are pretty damn special to her.”

  The horses slow. Theo looks toward me sympathetically. “Can you handle this pace for a while? We need to make more distance before morning. Bets learned that the monsters – grubs – can’t move well during daylight.”

  I nod my head uncertainly. Samuel trots up beside me. “Welcome back Amy. Why’d you want us to knock you out? That seemed stupid until one of the grubs turned on its own. I’d reckon you got something to do with that?”

  “Yes, Samuel. I did. I’ll explain later.”


  We finally settle in a sheltered spot at the crest of a subtle hill when the sun is high above the trees. We’re much further south and near the ocean. Gulls soar overhead and the air’s muggy. English and Bets head into the woods to search for breakfast. Samuel’s in the mood for fish and has fashioned a pole. Theo lifts me off of Phineus and gently sets my bruised, broken body into a bed of soft moss under a huge, gnarled willow tree.

  “Theo, find some pussy willow. There should be some growing near the stream where Samuel’s fishing. Strip the bark and steep it in hot water. That’ll help me get through some of this pain.”

  Theo returns about an hour later with a steaming cup. I sip it and the pain dulls somewhat- enough to allow me to think clearly. “Theo, how far are we from the vessel?”

  He pulls out his tablet. A brilliant image of the landscape pops up, even in the bright daylight. “If I read this correctly, I’d suspect that we’re about a two-day ride away.”

  “Well, we need to get going.” I try to lift myself up.

  Theo chuckles. “You ain’t going nowhere for a while. You’re broken up.”

  “Theo, I’ve got a bad feeling about Bets - I’m unsure we can trust her.”

  “What’re you talking about Sprouter? Bets did her share of killing last night.”

  “Don’t you think she escaped a bit too easily?”

  “Bets is one tough girl. She’s on our side.”

  “Correction, Theo. She’s on your side, not mine.”

  Theo doesn’t argue. “Amy, will you tell me what’s going on? Why’d you ask me to knock you out? The others think you possessed that grub and saved us. Is that true?”

  “Well, yes. I have no idea how I did it. But I only seem to be able to do it when I’m out cold. That wanked woman, Thresh, can do it too. And she’s better at it than me. I don’t know whether I’ll be able to pull it off again. Thresh’s figured out that I’m able to do it.”

  Theo whistles. “I knew you were special. But that’s damn near crazy. What other surprises have you in store Amy Marksman?”

  “I’d like to know Theo.”

  Samuel returns with three enormous trout on a stringer. He’s giddy as they sizzle on the fire. Bets and English return with a sack full of freshly picked oranges from a nearby grove. For the first time in ages, I’m genuinely hungry.

  “Well, good to see you Missus Marksman.” English sounds genuinely happy to see me up.

  “English, thanks for saving my ass once again. You too Bets and Samuel. I really appreciate all you’re doing. Believe me, after what we’ve just experienced, we’ve got an uphill battle.”

  Theo hands me a peeled orange. He remarks, “Once we find the others at the spaceship, we’ll have an advantage over Thresh and her goons. I hope we can find some towns that haven’t been destroyed. Or other folks wandering the woods like us who want to fight this evil.”

  English squeezes a couple of oranges over his cup. Clean, crisp citrus bursts into the air. “What exactly are we up against, Amy and Bets? You met this Thresh. Other than being completely wanked, what’s her goal?”

  The juice of the orange is lightning in my veins. Energy surges to my head. “She’s very powerful and completely dangerous. The fog that destroyed Flip’s village and almost killed you, English, is the same stuff that’s making the grubs. Best I can tell, the mist drifted down out of the mountains and landed in Thresh’s village. She discovered that she could control it and
bend it to her will. She may have been responsible for the dead rising in Flip’s village.”

  English looks at me warily. “Something’s telling me that you and Thresh got some things in common?”

  “Yes, English. I seem to be cut from the same cloth as that crazy woman. Gods help me. You all need to know that my ability as garden tender has always been more than growing things.” I stop to consider how much I should tell them. “All my life, I’ve seen – things. People, unlike us, in the woods around home. They’ve helped us. There were times we’d have starved during winter if it wasn’t for them.”

  “You’re telling me that you’ve seen grubs all your life?” Bets hisses.

  “No, not at all. They were little green people. Nevermind.”

  “Oh, this is intriguing,” Bets says. “Do continue Marksman.”

  Samuel jumps to my assistance. “Bets, Amy here’s got a special gift and it’d be best if we respect it. She saved us back there. I don’t know how, but she did. Thresh’s gonna kill us and lots more people if we let her. Amy’s the key.”

  “Well, thank you Samuel, although I hope that all the pressure isn’t just on me. My mother, grandmother, and other Marksman women back to the beginning have had this gift - or curse, depending on the way you look at it. It hasn’t helped any of us much lately. The grubs might come from the same place as the green ones. I don’t know. The way that I learned to communicate with the little people seems to work similarly as getting into the grubs’ heads. I also can talk with Thresh in there.”

  “What do you mean by in there?” English asks.

  “Right before I woke up, it was like I was dreaming, but Thresh was there, telling me that she’s going to stop us.”

  “She’s going to be sorely disappointed,” Bets comments.

  “I hope so.” I take a bite of orange and consider whether I should tell them about the god Fromer. A voice deep inside my skull says no.


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