The Doomsday Papers

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The Doomsday Papers Page 37

by JanJan Untamed

  “No. I’m not an Antonov. I am an acquaintance of the family.”

  “I think you should leave.”

  “I think you should listen to me first.”

  “Why should I? You speak of the devil’s business and you called me a demon. You raped me.”

  “Rape? You, lying bitch. You couldn’t get enough. You loved it.”

  “My husband is a pastor. I would never give myself to a stranger willingly.”

  “You, a bible thumper? You have one of the hottest pussy’s that I’ve ever fucked. Your husband is married to a slut. You are thinking about that night on the beach right now.” His smile is subtle but inwardly, he’s laughing at me. I blush with embarrassment.

  “Mindreading is satanic. I don’t need any bad energy around me.”

  “A paranoid and brainwashed, bible thumping, witch. Wait until the boys hear about you.” He’s still laughing at me. “It’s a good thing I came along to put your delusions to rest. There is no Satan, witch. I am the closest thing to the devil that you will ever see unless you are looking in a mirror. I haven’t killed you yet. Maybe you have a spell on me right now.”

  He looks like a killer. His wavy, hair was probably combed back at some point today. The killer is intoxicating. I don’t ask why he wants to kill me after he fucked me like that. I don’t care. I watch in fascination as his eyes change color from one second to the next. I am going to blame it on a trick of my imagination. I will pretend that none of this is real and he doesn’t have a pull on me like a rope. I am repelled by him and drawn to him with the same degree of passion. My stomach flutters. He really is the devil.

  “Kill me. Or, get out of here.” I tell him.

  “You aren’t what I expected.”

  “I’m not a common woman. I am a Saint.”

  “You are pathetic. You are more fragile and broken than a human woman.” The devil says softly. “Where is the heartless monster I hear was out there terrorizing the countryside? It can’t be this weak, sniveling, thing that lets humans butcher her and share her bed?”

  “It’s none of your concern who I share my bed with. And, I never killed a man that didn’t have it coming.”

  “Tsk, tsk, listen to yourself. It’s embarrassing. Why did you let them do this to you? Because of what I said to you that night? I was angry. No self-respecting witch would ever share her bed with a human who was less than a king. It’s disgusting. Anyway, I can’t kill you while you’re lying here crying like a human or enjoy my visit while I am feeling your pain.”

  “You are crazy. Take your meds.”

  “That’s cute. Your boyfriend will be back in about thirty minutes. Do you want my help or not? I can have you out of this bed tomorrow morning.”

  The devil is here to make me an offer for my soul. I should cross myself and pray. There is no way I will be out of this bed for weeks. Gavin said it himself.

  “How so?” I’m curious. I know it was curiosity that killed the cat.

  “You won’t like it but you’ll have to trust me.”

  “Are you going to take my soul as a trade?”

  “I doubt if you have one to trade, witch. I am not what I appear to be either.” He smiles knowingly. “You felt me too. Didn’t you?”

  “Stop calling me that.”

  “You don’t like to be called a witch? What do modern day sorceresses prefer to be called? Necromancer’s? Sluts?”

  “I grew up in the church. I serve the church, not the devil.”

  “That’s because you didn’t know any better. You’re a misguided, bible thumping fool.”

  “Stop calling me a fool, damn it. I am not a fool.”

  His eyes are dark right now. Black, blue, I can’t rightly tell. He shakes his head sympathetically. The way my mother did when I let her down.

  “You really didn’t know that you’re a witch, did you?” He looks sad for me. “The plot thickens but that isn’t my business. You heal faster than humans but it isn’t fast enough for me. I can hear your pitiful wailing in my head. I heard you the moment my jet landed. I won’t have any peace with you crying for Judea and thinking about my dick. It makes me hard.”

  I gasp aloud. Oh shit. How does he know that? Oh, my God. He is the devil. That’s why I am so taken with him. That’s why I’m comforted by his closeness right now. I am a sinner. Why wouldn’t I be taken with him?

  “Look, I don’t care which one of them you cry for. Your husband or the boy. I just want you to shut up. Open your mouth, witch.”

  I think he’s going to undo his pants but he doesn’t. I’m disappointed. He removes his jacket and unbuttons the wrist of his shirt. I watch in a mixture of horror and fascination as his lips pull back over the sharpest fangs I’ve ever seen. He bites into his flesh until he draws blood. So much blood that it drips onto me and the snowy white bed spread. The droplets are cold and red like a ripe cherry. When I open my mouth to scream, he presses his wrist against my lips.

  “Swallow, witch. Don’t fight it. Suck, drink, take as much as you want. Suck it the way you sucked my cock.”

  When I feel the first taste of blood on my tongue, logical thoughts go out the window. It’s delicious. I feel drunk and oh so warm when I swallow it. It’s strawberries and dark chocolate. It’s summer flowers and sunshine. The stunning man sits on the edge of the bed and cradles my head like a lover as I suck blood from his veins. His fingers dig in my hair and hold on. I am aching between my legs. The more I swallow, the more I want. I want him. When I finally let go the world is spinning and his thick erection is pressing against his pants. I think I’m in love. He lays me back on the pillows and wipes my lips with a silk handkerchief before he closes the wrist of his shirt. I am looking up at him like I am seeing the first coming of the devil and I am in love with him. I look up at him like a girl with her first crush. He smooths my hair back and smiles.

  “It is best if you don’t mention any of this to the Antonovs. I’d hate to have to kill one of them. They barely tolerate us as it is.”

  “What are you?”

  “I’m complicated, Dumani. That’s all you need to know. You will be fine now. Take care of yourself.”

  “You aren’t going to kill me?” Do I sound disappointed? His smile makes me happy.

  “I can think of ten things I’d like to do to you. Killing you isn’t one of them.”

  “I won’t tell him on one condition.” I can’t let him walk away like this. Not after that. I feel better already and I owe it to him.

  “Blackmail? You would blackmail me after I helped you?” He’s amused.

  “You said yourself that I am evil and untrustworthy. Tell me your name, satan.”

  The stranger cups my bandaged face tenderly. When he presses his lips to mine, my eyes close and I feel something so wonderfully familiar that I feel weepy. My lower belly is trembling. It isn’t a kiss between strangers. It is more. It deepens into something I can easily fall into. We are kissing like reunited lovers after a long absence. Maybe he is the devil. He feels like a sin. He breaks the kiss and adjusts my pillows. The devil tucks the blanket around me like he cares. He sighs wearily.

  “My name is Maximino Vitale.”

  “Why do you think I’m a demon?”

  “Because, I hunt your kind. It’s how I heard you and how you felt me.”

  “I would know if I was a witch.”

  “You are the weakling that your owners taught you to be. I should go. Dinner is being served soon. The boy is always in his lab. When he leaves you here tomorrow, I will stop in and see you.”

  “Do you promise?” I kiss his hand. He kisses the nub where my finger used to be.

  “I promise, witch.” He leaves as quietly as he came. Maximino Vitale. I can feel him in every cell. I want more. My wounds are uncomfortably hot. I’m healing. His blood is healing me. What is he? I’ve read fables and seen movies about things like him. That stuff isn’t real. Then, why do I feel him repairing me from the inside out? I dream about him instead of Judea
when I sleep. It’s hot, and wicked like him. I wake up sweating with my pussy trembling from my orgasm. I have to see him again. When Gavin comes in with my son, I don’t know if it’s the same day or the next. They’re both wearing new outfits. It’s been a day at least. Gavin lays him beside me and we snuggle. He touches the bandages.

  “Mommy’s okay.” I assure him. Judea lays his dark head on my chest. I close my eyes against the images his hair provokes. Images of his rugged father.

  “You look much better today. How are you feeling?”

  “I feel much better.” It’s true. Despite the itching.

  “You slept for two days. I was beginning to worry. I want to change the bandages tonight.”

  “I slept for two days?” That’s crazy.

  “You should get up and move around. Are you up for a short walk down the hallway?”

  “Yes.” I want out of this bed.

  The three of us crowd on the bed after my walk. Judi is one, his attention span won’t let him sit here for long and I let him down to play with the toys set up in the corner. Gavin is beside me typing lightning fast on his black computer. I’ve been idle since I got here. I don’t do anything. I care for Judi and that’s it. The house isn’t messy and I don’t do Gavin’s laundry. He teased me when he returned from his lab one day and found two of my dresses drying on the bushes outside. I am not an idle person. Being idle contributes to my twisted thoughts. The other women are content laying in the sun all day and dressing for dinner every night. They play with their children and drink wine. I don’t want to be idle. I should be running a household and taking care of my family. The thought of our untended fields and rotten grapes makes my heart hurt. I miss the tree covered mountains and watching my land produce. I miss fishing and hunting and being alone in the woods. I miss home.

  I am grateful for the hospitality but I don’t fit in here. I feel welcome, but I don’t feel at home. Especially after I fucked the stranger on the beach. I will thank them for everything and wish them well. I will hug Yves and go to the island with Gavin. The farther I am away from Judea and the stranger, the better. My husband won’t be as accessible if I’m on some island. Should I leave Judi with his father? A child should be with his mother but Judi is his first-born son. He will inherit Judea’s land, gold, and title. He will inherit everything. Am I rescuing him by taking him with me? I don’t want to be a part of the church. Why would I force it on my son? It’s fair to wait until he’s old enough to understand and let him decide if it is the life he wants to live. It’s natural for me to think about my husband. He’s my first love. I scratch the itchy sutures along the inside of my limbs. What was I thinking? It doesn’t matter anymore. It’s done. I scratch at the bandage on my face absently. It itches like hell. Gavin notices.

  “Does it hurt? I hope it isn’t infected.” He goes into doctor mode. He scrubs in and everything. I’m nervous. This is what I get for catering to vanity. An infection will probably kill me. More people die from infection than actual wounds. Gavin unwinds the soft gauze until the end falls away. It feels worse than it did before. I can tell from his silence that it isn’t good.

  “It looks good.” He sounds funny. I believe him when he says it looks good. I get a nagging feeling that it looks too good. His genius is trying to come up with explanations.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No, yes, I don’t know. It looks like it’s been healing for weeks, or months. Your cells repaired themselves inhumanly fast. I wonder if it has anything to do with your blood type? I’d like to take a fresh sample and run some more tests. It could be something I missed. Something important. This is scary and a little exciting.”

  “I am not going to be your guinea pig anymore, Gavin.” I snap at him. “I’ve been cut and bled enough. No more.”

  He looks hurt and ashamed as he apologizes. I gave my word to the monster who came into my room that day. I don’t need him running tests and finding things that I won’t explain. Thinking about Maximino makes me wish he were here. I can’t stop the thoughts no matter how I try and it makes me sick. I am thinking about something worse than a witch. Worse than the devil himself and I am thinking about him while Gavin is here. I shiver with lust. God help me. I want him. I want to be in his arms. I want him inside of me so bad it hurts like I’ve been kicked between my legs. I look up at Gavin and hope the feelings and the thoughts go away. I don’t want to fuck Gavin instead. I am possessed by the devil. God help me. I touch the scar with hesitant fingers. The ridge is no more. The skin feels flat under the stitches. Gavin removes them. He patiently removes them all. It takes a long time. My heart is pounding. The son of a bitch devil did it. He healed me like he said he would. Tears fall down my face when Gavin sticks a mirror in my hands. The scar is barely a line.

  “Even that will fade in time. A religious man would call it a miracle. A physician would call it fascinating. I call it impossible. I don’t want to scare you or treat you like an experiment. I want to be sure you aren’t infected with anything.”

  “Infected with something? Like what? Whatever it is can’t be hurting me if I am healing. I will take it as a miracle.”

  “The reign of man and religion is over, Duma. There are things out there that can’t be explained. Keep your eyes and your mind open.”

  I play naïve like I am half listening to him. He knows that there are things like Maximino out there. They probably know each other. When he leans over and kisses me, I kiss him back. Gavin goes back to his computer and I go back to my thoughts. The next morning, I get out of bed and stretch. I’ve never felt better. I walk back to the beach house on my own like I didn’t go through major surgery. I feel fine. More than fine. I feel like fucking. I’m not sagging all over anymore. The scar lines on the inside of my arms and legs are nothing compared to the way I was before. They will fade like the one on my face. He left a little around the middle to allow for future children. I blushed when he mentioned future children and my breast reconstruction.

  I open the closet with the common clothing in it. I feel nervous for even considering wearing something out of here. It is bursting with color and texture. My hands go to a bright red dress on their own accord. Its red like my lover’s blood. Red conjures immoral thoughts and wicked ideas. I want to look pretty for him. I want him to want me. I turn my face from side to side in the big mirror. I can’t believe it. I can smile and my lips don’t stay slightly curled on the right side when I stop. I feel brand-new. I feel like doing something stupid.


  “Reverend Judea Hamilton, Texas.”

  “Your call is connected.”

  “Thank you, Operator.”

  “You are very welcome.”


  “Have a good day, Miss.”

  Judea and the strange lady who connects my calls speak at the same time. My heart is pounding. He knows it’s me. I reach for the disconnect button.

  “Dumani! Wait, don’t hang up. Please, don’t hang up. How are you? How is Judea?”

  I am covering my mouth so I don’t tell him the truth. I am out of control. I am being a whore.

  “Duma? I’m sorry. I want to be with you and my son. Please, come home. I miss you so much.”

  Hearing him cry for me is tearing my heart out. I know he means the things he says but acting on them is his problem. He made me these promises before.

  “Duma, please tell me where you are? I am coming to get you.”

  I hang up on him before I do something crazy. Like tell him that I don’t want to go home with him. I take a moment to collect myself before I call Gavin’s lab. He picks up after I let it ring ten times.

  “What?” He snaps in irritation.

  “Gavin? It’s Duma.”

  “Oh, hey, sweetheart. I didn’t want to wake you when I left this morning.”

  Liar. You left last night. I bet you haven’t slept a wink or eaten a bite in days.

  “Judea was awake too so I dropped him off in the nurser
y. How are you feeling?”

  “I feel wonderful. When are you coming back?”

  “Not until sometime tonight unless you need me before then. I have so much work to catch up on. I hope you aren’t upset.”

  “No. I’m not upset. I’ll see you later.”

  “I love you.” It sounds like an afterthought. He wants to get off the phone.

  “I love you too.” I say absently as I hang up on his goodbye. I want to get off the phone too.

  “Would that be Judea or Gavin?” Maximino asks from behind me.

  Chapter Thirty-five

  I turn around and find him looking me over. I’m excited to see him.

  “You claim to read my thoughts but you don’t know who I was speaking to?” I tremble at the very sight of him. This man makes me feel the way Judea did before the wives and the caning. He makes me feel possessive and playful. I want to know him. I want to know everything about him. I feel innocent when I am around him. Maybe it’s because he’s a worse sinner than me. Maybe because we are both killers. I don’t know.

  “I can’t tell because all you think about is fucking me.”

  I smile instead of deny it as I let my eyes travel over his fine suit. He looks so good my heart skips. Those eyes change from blue to green and back to blue again. Amazing. His hair is not so neat this morning.

  “Why did you come?”

  “I’ve been thinking about you, witch. I couldn’t get a hard-on last night because I was thinking about fucking you. I had to send the poor woman away disappointed. You owe me a fuck. I am here to collect your debt.” He touches my hair and his cool fingers stroke my cheek. Touch me. Touch me all over. What am I thinking? What am I doing? His hands squeeze my new breasts through the thin material of my dress. I lean into his hand.

  “You look beautiful in red.” His lips brush against my ear. “This is why I never made a good witch hunter, Dumani. I enjoy fucking them too much.” Maximino kisses me hungrily. I don’t hold back. I don’t think about anyone else but him. I help him tear his clothes off. I am as eager to have him as he is to have me. I feel no pain. No discomfort. Only this. My red dress ends up thrown in the corner forgotten. Max pushes me down on the floor and enters me without delay. He is the foreplay. He takes what he wants and he doesn’t offer me anything more than his body in return. And his blood. Satan lets me swallow all I want while he grinds his hips between my thighs. There is no limit. No reservations. I scratch his back, bite his chest, and suck on his tongue. I suck on the head of his shiny cock when he pulls it out of my pussy. I suck on his fingers and his lips. I suck whatever he wants me to.


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