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Untouched Page 8

by Sara Humphreys

  He let out a sound of frustration and opened his eyes to look at his mate. “Beautiful” and “mysterious” were the two words that came to mind whenever he looked at her. He pulled the covers up gently and brushed her cheek gently with his thumb. She murmured something and sighed, but did not wake up. He needed a healer. He had to be absolutely certain she was alright.

  He closed his eyes and reached out for Steven, the only doctor—human or Amoveo—Dante could trust with Kerry’s life. After what felt like an eternity, Steven materialized in the room wearing a pair of green scrubs, looking relatively unkempt.

  “What’s up?” He let out a huge yawn and ran a hand through his shaggy hair. “I was catching a few winks after my shift at the clinic.”

  “I’m sorry to wake you, but I need you have a look at Kerry,” he said, gesturing to his mate.

  Steven’s eyebrows shot up. “Whoa. She’s even prettier up close.”

  “I didn’t ask you here to ogle her.” Dante knew he sounded like a jealous moron, and the smirk on Steven’s face only confirmed it. He cleared his throat in an effort to maintain his composure. “She fainted and hasn’t woken up since.”

  “I see,” he said moving to the side of her bed. “What happened before she fainted?” He pulled a chair over and sat down next to her.

  “She touched someone, or rather, someone touched her.” His face grew dark at the memory. Dante could swear that woman had known exactly what her touch would do. He’d scanned her mind, but it was like stumbling upon a mess of wires that were all tangled up. He sensed a lot going on but couldn’t decipher exactly what.

  “Uh-huh. You mentioned earlier today that she has a psychic touch, correct? She receives images and so forth. Doesn’t pain usually accompany these visions?”

  “Yes.” Dante nodded. “When she touches a human. But it’s different when she touches another Amoveo. She can touch us without pain, and from what I can tell so far, the only image she sees is our clan animal.”

  “No pain.” He nodded and made a sound of understanding. “Well, I guess that’s good news for you, isn’t it?” He threw a teasing glance to Dante and then looked back down at his still unconscious patient. “Does she normally pass out like this?”

  Dante shook his head. “No. At least I don’t think so. Besides, when Jacqueline touched her, I don’t believe she felt pain. Her energy waves increased in their intensity, but it wasn’t pain. It felt more like fear or confusion.”

  Her suffering weighed heavily on him. Dante cursed softly and sat in the other chair on the opposite side of her bed. Helplessness washed over him as he watched Steven examine Kerry. He placed one hand on her forehead and the other on her hands, which were folded on her stomach. He closed his eyes and his face became a mask of concentration.

  The energy in the room hummed as Steven joined his energy signature with Kerry’s. His energy flowed through her body the way a car would travel a highway, taking note of the electrical impulses of her brain and the steady pumping of her heart. He didn’t move a muscle for close to twenty minutes, and if Dante didn’t know better, he might think Steven had fallen asleep. Dante watched intensely. His hands grasped the arms of the chair, turning his knuckles white. Why wasn’t she waking up? Steven’s voice gratefully broke the silence.

  “Relax, big guy,” Steven said with a crooked smile. He opened his eyes, his connection to Kerry now broken. “She’s going to be fine.”

  “Thank God.” Dante let out a sigh of relief.

  “Whatever caused her to faint wasn’t a physical problem.” He sat back in his chair while keeping his eyes on Kerry. “It’s as though she’s shut herself down.” He continued with caution. “Whatever she saw, it upset her so much she’s withdrawn into the dream realm.” He looked up at Dante, his face filled with concern. “She’s in deep too. I don’t think she’ll come out on her own. Have you connected with her in the dream realm yet? I mean really connected to the point where she’s actually seen you.”

  “Yes,” Dante said softly. “Only in the form of my fox, but we have connected there.”

  Steven stood up and adjusted the covers over Kerry. “You have to connect with her tonight and reveal yourself to her in your human form. It’s the only way she’s going to come out of it. Whatever she saw frightened her, and she’s hiding in the dream. I doubt she even realizes she’s doing it.”

  Dante nodded his understanding and stood up. “Thank you, Steven.”

  “Don’t thank me yet,” he cautioned. “Let’s make sure this idea works before you buy me a drink. Which, by the way, you’ll be doing, right? Because you did interrupt my nap.”

  Dante laughed softly and shook Steven’s extended hand. “You got it.”

  “Do you want me to stay while you’re in the dream realm with Kerry? Make sure you both come out alright?”

  “No. I’ll contact you again if I can’t get her to come out with me. I can count on you tomorrow if I need your help?”

  Steven nodded his acceptance. “Absolutely.” He whispered the ancient language, “Verto,” and vanished.

  Dante turned out the lights and went over to the bed. He removed both his jacket and tie and laid them across the chair. He unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt, and as gently as possible, lay down on the bed next to Kerry. Dante stretched out, folded his hands on his stomach, closed his eyes, and focused on his breathing.

  His focus didn’t come easily. The weight and warmth of her body next to his provided more distraction than he thought possible. Dante shook his head and sharpened his focus. Deep focused breathing was the quickest way to fall asleep and get to the dream realm. He concentrated on Kerry. Her scent, her energy, the sound of her breathing, all of it brought him closer to her. He drifted, softly and gratefully, into the cradling arms of sleep.

  The darkness soon gave way to dense lavender mist that swirled madly around him. She was here. Her soft sobs whisked past him, and he could feel her anxiety within the mist that enveloped him, but he still couldn’t see her. Her psychic shield held strong and continued to keep her hidden. Dante redoubled his efforts and called out to Kerry. She had to be willing to let him in.

  Kerry, can you hear me? He kept his voice quiet and did his best to keep his own fear at bay. The mist, thick and stormy, began to change, and darkness was soon replaced by pale lavender dappled with pink streaks of light. It was working. She heard him. Come on, princess, you can’t hide from me all night. Let me in.

  Don’t call me princess. The irritation in her voice cut through the mist, parting it like a curtain leading him straight to her. Bingo.

  The mist dissipated, and the dream realm she’d created revealed itself. Dante had to admit it wasn’t what he’d expected. He thought for sure it would be the beach or some other natural surroundings, but it couldn’t have been more different. They were in the midst of a rooftop garden overlooking New York City. The jet black sky glinted thickly with stars like diamonds. Warm winds blew softly, and the lights of the city twinkled brightly around them. The most significant difference that separated it from the real world was the glaring absence of noise. There were no honking horns, no sirens in the distance, no noise of any kind, but there was music. A song he couldn’t quite identify drifted around him and blanketed the realm she’d designed.

  Kerry sat in the center of it all on top of huge rock, arms hugging her legs with her back to Dante. Her long black hair hung loosely down her back and blew gently in the wind. Her cheek rested on the top of her knees. Barefoot and clad in a simple white tank top and pants, she seemed to glow in the middle of the darkness. She reminded Dante of a fairy, and he thought for a moment she might just sprout wings and fly away from him before he could reach her.

  He moved toward her cautiously, knowing that she controlled the environment of this dream and could leave him alone in the mist once again. He heard her sniffle softly, and the winds gusted briefly in response. Dante walked up to Kerry and looked out over the city, silently beside her. They stayed ther
e side by side for what seemed like an eternity before she finally spoke.

  I’m so tired, Dante. Sadness edged her voice and cut through him like a knife. She sighed softly. I like it here. It’s peaceful. I don’t have to touch anyone or worry about anyone touching me. No visions. No pain. Just… peace.

  You can have that in the material world too, he said.

  She shook her head and rubbed her chin on her knees. Do you have any idea what happens when I touch people? She looked up at him, her tear-filled eyes searching his pleadingly. I see everything. Their innermost thoughts, deepest desires, buried secrets, and it hurts like hell. She let out a shuddering breath. She looked away from him and rubbed her upper arms as if trying to get warm.

  Dante turned to her and anything he wanted to say evaporated. He found himself speechless and completely lost in the sight of her. She looked up at him, her deep brown eyes swimming with tears.

  I see frightening things, she whispered softly. But not when I touch you. When I touch you… it’s the fox. Her lips trembled as though she had finally gathered the courage to say what she’d been thinking. I see the fox when I touch you.

  Dante reached out and brushed one large tear away with his thumb. Kerry’s eyes remained locked on his, searching them for answers to her unspoken questions. She closed her eyes and leaned into him, nuzzling her soft cheek tantalizingly against the palm of his hand. The winds blew harder and hotter around them.

  Is that all? His voice sounded gruff and strained. Keeping his desire for her at bay grew increasingly difficult.

  No, she whispered and shook her head softly. When you touch me it feels absolutely marvelous… and that scares the hell out of me. She took his hand in hers and turned it over, stroking his palm gently with the tip of her finger. She traced the deep lines in his hand as if committing every crease to memory. Dante kept his own needs in check and allowed her the freedom to explore and maintain all of the control.

  Touching people usually feels like acid is being poured in my brain and over my skin, but not with you. She looked up at him, her large brown eyes peeking out seductively beneath long dark lashes. She uncrossed her legs and rose off the rock to face him. Your touch is like honey, sweet and thick. Why, Dante? She took both of his hands, and holding them to her heart, she moved her soft body up against him. Her full lips hovered temptingly inches from his. Why can you touch me like this?

  The last of Dante’s resolve slipped away. He leaned in and captured her mouth with his. She moaned softly as he took her head in his hands and deepened the kiss. Her lips parted as his tongue demanded entrance and delved deeper into the velvety warmth of her mouth. If it felt this good to kiss her in the dream realm, he could only imagine how sweet it would be in the physical plane.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled her to him, her full breasts crushed tantalizingly against his chest. Bit by bit she opened up to him and broadened their connection on every level. She kissed him back with passionate fervor and allowed their energies to mix and mingle, deepening their connection moment by moment. The winds howled around them, and the music grew louder. He suckled on her bottom lip and pulled back from her reluctantly. Her face was flushed and her lips swollen from his kiss. They stood there for a moment, their breath heaving in unison, and he knew now was his chance.

  It’s time to wake up, princess.

  The fog of sleep lifted, and Kerry slowly became aware of her surroundings. She was in bed, and she wasn’t alone. Her eyes flew open, and she found herself looking up into Dante’s big reddish brown eyes. She grabbed the sheet and pulled it up to her chin, mentally taking note of the fact that she still wore her dress from their evening at the bar. She looked to the window and saw that it was still dark out. How long had she been here?

  Dante’s long muscular body was laid out next to hers. He laid there on his side, propped up on his elbow, with a satisfied smile, acting like lying in her bed was the most normal thing in the world for him to do. He still wore his suit pants and shirt, but he’d discarded the jacket and tie.

  His thick auburn hair stuck up in several directions like a little boy with bed head. Kerry had to fight the urge to reach out and run her fingers through it. Memories of kissing him in her dream flooded her mind, and her face burned with embarrassment. She clamored for a witty comment about how he didn’t belong in her bed, but her mouth and brain couldn’t seem to cooperate and form a sentence.

  “Nice to have you back in the land of the living.” The amusement in his voice made her want to smack him.

  “What the hell are you doing in my bed?” she bit out. Then she looked down at herself. “What the hell am I doing in my bed?” she said a bit more quietly.

  He said nothing, but his eyes spoke volumes as his gaze wandered slowly down the length of her body. Her heart thundered loudly in her ears, she held her breath, and suddenly it felt unbearably hot underneath the covers. Her skin felt too tight for her body and burned under the touch of his hot stare. She propped herself on her elbows in an effort to bring his attention back to her face, which she suspected glowed bright red.

  His eyes locked with hers. “You fainted, and I carried you up here,” he said with an all too sexy edge. His face remained a mask of calm arrogance.

  Kerry’s eyes narrowed, and she eyed him suspiciously. “And that’s all?”

  “That’s all that happened.” A crooked smile cracked his handsome face. “At least that’s all that happened here,” he said with a wave of his hand.

  Dread crept up her belly, and she swallowed hard. “What do you mean here?”

  “Well, the dream realm,” he breathed. “Now that’s a different story entirely. I quite enjoyed the oasis you created in the middle of New York City. It was incredibly beautiful and seductive.” He reached up and traced his finger along her quivering lower lip. “Just like you.”

  Kerry froze, and all the blood drained from her face. “What?” The word came out in a rush as every bit of air left her lungs.

  “Kerry,” he whispered her name seductively, took her face in his hand, and kept his eyes locked on hers. Warmth flooded her body, and desire coiled tightly deep inside of her. “Please let me in.” He leaned in and trailed delicate kisses along her jaw and down her neck. Kerry’s breathing came quickly, and she wasn’t sure if it was from fear or lust. “Tell me,” he murmured against her throat between butterfly kisses. “Tell me again. What do you see when I touch you?”

  Her mind raced frantically, unable to process the overwhelming pleasure and be logical at the same time. How could he know about her curse? She had told him in her dream. But that was just a dream, wasn’t it?

  She knew that she should get up and run out of this room and never look back. From the second she met him, her life had gotten more bizarre with every passing hour. But she was tired of being alone and keeping so much of herself a secret. Hope glimmered cruelly—all of that could be behind her.

  She closed her eyes and sank into the delicious sensation of his lips, soft and fluttering along her skin. He placed one last kiss at the corner of her mouth.

  “Tell me. What do you see when I touch you?” he asked in a voice gruff with desire. “Kerry, look at me.”

  Gathering her courage, Kerry opened her eyes and found herself looking into a pair of familiar glowing embers. They burned brightly, like fiery stars in a night sky. They were the very same eyes as the fox from her dream.

  “Your eyes,” she breathed softly as he held her gaze. Tears spilled freely down her cheeks. “The fox,” she said with a mixture of relief and wonder. “I see the fox.”

  Before she could say more his mouth crashed down on hers with a savage intensity that sent bolts of pleasure throughout her body. The fox image burst into her mind, and years of pent up passion bubbled inside and boiled over. She opened up to him and reveled in the feel of his lips melding with hers.

  Kerry wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her, relishing the weight of his hard masculine body on top o
f her. It felt so good to touch and be touched. A delicious tingling spread across her skin, and heat pooled low in her belly. She moaned softly as he kissed her with devilishly talented lips.

  Kerry felt more alive in these last few moments than she had her entire life. She loved the way his muscles moved in his back—rippling, raw power pulsed beneath her fingertips. He shifted and settled his rock-hard body between her legs. Kerry wrapped one long leg around his in an effort to get even closer. He kissed her thoroughly, his tongue sweeping velvet strokes along the roof of her mouth. She responded feverishly, exploring his lips with hers, and thought she might lose herself in the pleasure. His hands tangled in her hair; his fingers massaged her scalp. Instinctively, she moved her hips against him, the evidence of his arousal pressed insistently against her feminine core. Sizzling, carnal pleasure shot through her and stole the breath from her lungs.

  One hand wandered downward and ran along her rib cage, leaving trails of honeyed warmth on every spot he touched. His knuckles grazed the underside of her breast through the silk of her dress, and all the while he paid thorough attention to her mouth. Gently, he pulled down the blue material and filled his hand with one full breast. Her nipples tingled and peaked in response to his touch. Her heart beat a mile a minute, and her breath came in ragged gasps.

  Too fast. This was all going too fast.

  Her head spun, and her body burned out of control. Her brain, the voice of reason, started screaming at her to put on the brakes. She reached out to him with her mind, hoping he would hear her. I’ve never done this before. I’m sorry.

  Dante’s body stilled, and his touch became softer. Gently, tenderly, he suckled on her bottom lip and placed a chaste kiss at the tip of her nose. He closed his eyes, let out low growl, and rested his forehead against hers. They stayed there for several minutes, bodies intertwined, clothes askew, and his mouth hovering temptingly just above hers.


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