
Home > Other > Untouched > Page 15
Untouched Page 15

by Sara Humphreys

  As they walked up the creaking wooden stairs, Dante took note of the pictures that lined the wall. There were several shots of famous people who’d stopped in and taken photos with Boris or Pasha. They were remarkably similar, and both gorgeous. They looked to be in their midtwenties, which meant time was running out. It was disturbing that neither had connected with mates.

  Dante sympathized with them. Not too long ago, he had been in their situation. No mate and an uncertain future. He shuddered at the memory and instinctively reached for Kerry’s hand. He tangled his fingers in hers as she climbed the steps in front of him. He needed to touch her, to make sure she was actually there. He made a mental note to never take her for granted, to always remember how fortunate he was to have found her.

  When they reached the landing, they found William and Steven at a table against the back wall. As they approached, Kerry gripped his hand tightly. Are you sure we can trust them?

  Smiling, Steven stood up and gestured to the empty chairs. “You can trust us. I promise. Please. Have a seat.”

  Kerry flushed with embarrassment. “I’m sorry. I’m still getting used to things.”

  Steven laughed heartily as they all sat down. “No problem. Besides I can’t blame you with Willie over here. He always looks that way. Don’t worry. It’s nothing personal.”

  William shot him a look of disdain and eyed his ripped jeans and heavy metal T-shirt. “Me? You’re the one who looks like you just rolled out of bed. Perhaps these two beautiful women are disgusted at the sight of you.” He straightened his tie and smoothed the lapels on his jacket. William then turned his serious dark eyes on Sam and Kerry. “I am at your service, ladies,” he said with curt nod of his head.

  The four sat at the table as Steven poured everyone a beer from the icy pitchers on the table. Dante drew a long sip and relished the cold crisp beer as it slid down his throat. Silence hung awkwardly in the air, and it became glaringly clear that no one quite knew where to start.

  Dante cleared his throat and raised his glass. “I suppose I should begin with a toast to my beautiful mate Kerry, and the lovely Samantha. Without you two ladies, Malcolm and I would surely be lost.”

  Everyone raised their classes and amid the clinking came Boris’s deep voice. “Here’s to finding our mates as well and ensuring the future of our race.”

  Dante and Malcolm eyed him cautiously as he walked over with his glass raised. Boris immediately tapped his glass with everyone at the table before making himself comfortable next to William.

  “I have to say, I am very happy to meet you all. You must understand that until recently, there had only been rumors about the existence of hybrids. It is truly a miracle for those of us that still haven’t found our mates,” he said, gesturing to William and Steven. “My sister and I have been unsuccessful in connecting with our mates. When you’re in your teens, thirty seems so far away,” he said wistfully. “But in your twenties… well, without a mate… it’s too close for comfort.”

  “You do realize that not everyone in our race is as excited about this as you are, don’t you, Boris?” Malcolm asked.

  Dante could tell he was testing the waters with Boris, looking to see if he was as genuinely happy as he claimed to be. Dante couldn’t detect any deception or darkness in his energy signature. So far, he seemed to be on the up and up. His gaze flicked to Kerry’s tense face. She smiled briefly, but quickly turned her attention to the drink in her hand.

  “What?” Boris cast a confused look back at him and scooped up some bar mix from the bowl on the table. “Why would you think that? If we can’t find our mates, then we’re in big trouble.” He popped the snacks in his mouth.

  “I realize that, but—” Malcolm exchanged a knowing look with Steven. “There are rumblings that some of our people look down upon the cross-mating with humans.”

  Boris scoffed and brushed some crumbs off his shirt. “That’s ridiculous.” He took a pull off his beer and leaned back in his chair. “We are at the point that if we don’t mate with humans we’re going to die out. Our entire race will disappear.”

  “True, Boris,” William interrupted. “It’s not as if we have a choice. Fate is fate, and we are at its mercy.”

  Dante felt Kerry’s body shiver at the mention of fate. He couldn’t blame her. It seemed as though none of them had very much control over their futures, but to hell with it. She was his future, he was hers, and no one had better try and get in the way of that.

  He reached over, rubbed the back of her neck reassuringly, and connected his mind with hers. Are you alright? He glanced at her, and she nodded almost imperceptibly. She obviously didn’t want to risk using her telepathy around the others.

  “Does anyone know anything about Joseph Vasullus?” Malcolm asked.

  “Yes.” Boris nodded, and a hint of sadness lined his eyes. “He is Vasullus, but he’s not like most of them.”

  Kerry raised her hand as if she was in school, and all eyes landed on her. “Excuse me? Can someone please take pity on the newbie over here?” she said, pointing at herself. “And please explain to me who or what a Vasullus is?”

  “Nuts,” Sam said with a snap of her fingers. “I’m sorry.” She made an apologetic face. “I forgot to tell you about them in our chat today. They are the only humans other than the Caedo family who know all about our race. They’re kind of like our protectors. Generations of them have helped to keep us hidden from the human world. They’re on Team Amoveo basically,” she said with a big smile. “I guess you could say it’s their family legacy.”

  “Uh-huh,” Kerry said slowly. “So, wait a second.” She put her hands up as if she were stopping traffic and narrowed her eyes. “You mean to tell me that the location for my photo shoot, which is the whole reason I’m in New Orleans in the first place, just so happens to be at a house owned by one of these Vasullus guys.” She turned to Dante. “You knew about this?” Realization came over her features. “No wonder you were acting so hinky.”

  Dante felt Kerry’s apprehension rise. I didn’t want to overwhelm you with information. I’m sorry.

  Kerry rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Don’t do that again. From now on, it’s full disclosure. Got it?

  Dante nodded, took her hand in his, and squeezed it. Got it, princess.

  The others eyed the two of them warily. The tension between them was palpable, and silence hung thickly in the air. William shifted uncomfortably in his seat and straightened his tie. They knew that the two of them were communicating telepathically, even if they couldn’t hear what was being said. It was obvious Kerry was irked. Awkward.

  Steven was the first to break the silence. “So Kerry’s photo shoot just happens to be taking place at a house owned by a Vasullus?” He took a sip of his beer and looked expectantly at the rest of them. “That does seem to be too much a coincidence. Doesn’t it?”

  “Unfortunately, yes,” Boris nodded somberly. “It wouldn’t bother me if he was a traditional Vasullus family member, but as I was saying, he’s not exactly one of the boys.”

  “How do you mean?” Malcolm asked quietly. “I’ve never heard of a Vasullus family member who was not devoted to our people.”

  “Well, he doesn’t work within the fold, so to speak. He’s made it perfectly clear to Pasha and I that he wants nothing do with us, or any other Amoveo, for that matter.” He leaned his elbows on the dark wooden table and poured himself another beer. “That’s fine with Pasha. She can’t stand him.”

  “So you’re saying he’s not on ‘Team Amoveo,’” Kerry said, making air quotes with her fingers. “Awesome.”

  “Do you know why he has chosen to reject his calling?” Malcolm asked with genuine concern. “Why he’s turned his back on our race?”

  “When I asked him once, he babbled on about how he didn’t choose to be in the Vasullus family and that he was sick and tired of fate forcing a future on him.” Boris shrugged and placed his pilsner glass on the scarred table. “Destiny could kiss his ass and so
on. Blah, blah, blah.” He sighed, laced his fingers behind his head, and leaned back in his chair.

  Malcolm turned to Samantha. “I should call Davis and see what he knows about Joseph. I didn’t realize the extent of the situation.”

  Kerry almost spit out her beer. “Wait. Davis? The old caretaker guy? Nonie’s boyfriend? Old Davis is one of these Vasullus people? You mean he knows about all this crazy shit?”

  Samantha smiled at her friend’s obvious surprise and nodded. “Yup. Davis Vasullus. Pretty cool, huh?”

  “I don’t think I can take any more surprises. Jeez.” Kerry shook her head in disbelief. “Nonie knows all about this stuff too, doesn’t she?”

  Sam smiled and leaned her head onto Malcolm’s shoulder. “She knew about this longer than I did. How’s that for crazy?”

  Do you think we can trust Boris? Malcolm’s voice cut into Dante’s mind. He glanced over at him and flicked a quick glance to their host.

  I don’t think we have much of a choice. He seems genuine enough. We have to tell him about the note at least. See if he’s ever heard of the “Punisher.” But we keep the Purist Conspiracy to ourselves.

  Malcolm nodded as Dante removed the red note from his pocket. He opened it up and slid it across the table for the other three men to see. “This was delivered to Kerry at the hotel this morning.”

  The three men leaned in and read the note in silence. Anger and frustration rippled off them in violent waves. The glasses and pitcher on the table vibrated and skittered in response to the volatile energy coming off the men. Kerry’s eyes widened. She gripped Dante’s hand and dug her fingernails into his palm. He had sensed her panic the instant their energy waves pulsed through the room. Dante reached out to her and reassuringly joined his mind with hers. Focus on your breathing, and filter it out. Her mouth set in a tight line, and she let out the breath she’d been holding. Slowly, her grip on his hand loosened, and her heart rate slowed down. She threw him a subtle glance of gratitude.

  “Who the hell is the ‘Punisher’?” Steven asked, breaking the tension. “It sounds like a bad comic book character.” He scoffed, shoved the note away, and chugged the rest of his beer.

  “We don’t know, and that’s part of our problem.” Dante kept his voice low.

  “Well, it’s obviously one of the Caedo,” Boris said. He turned his gaze to Samantha. “The story about the Caedo coming after you, Samantha, is quickly becoming legend. We’ve been very impressed by how quickly you have adapted to your abilities. We heard you gave that AJ character a run for his money.” His smile faded when he turned his attention to Dante. “We were very sorry to hear about the loss of your father. We’ve all heard about how bravely he fought. At least he died in battle, the death of a true warrior. You must be honored that he died in an effort to protect Malcolm’s mate.”

  Boris didn’t notice the look exchanged by William and Steven, who knew the true story of that night. Dante did his best to keep his feelings about his father’s betrayal at bay. They didn’t know if they could really trust Boris and Pasha yet, so for now, they would have to believe the lie. He wrestled with his conflicting emotions and struggled to keep his energy waves even.

  “You’ll never know how strongly I feel about what my father did,” Dante said through a strained smile.

  “Hey listen, on the way back to the hotel, why don’t you swing by Jackson Square. Joseph works there as a palm reader for the tourists. Look, he might be willing to help you two.” He shrugged. “Hey, who knows? Maybe he just has a thing against those of us in the Tiger Clan. It’s worth a shot, right?” He paused for a second and then gave Kerry a quizzical look. “What clan are you from anyway?”

  Kerry shrugged. “I have no idea.” She nodded toward Dante. “He’s convinced I’m from one of the cat clans.”

  Boris nodded as his intense gaze slid over her. Dante didn’t like the way he seemed to be inspecting his mate and fought the urge to break his nose. Boris glanced at Dante and smiled. He shook his head and popped some more snack mix in his mouth.

  “Shit,” he said between crunches. “You are one jealous and protective guy. Relax, brother. I’m just trying to see if she’s from our clan.”

  Dante shifted in his seat, embarrassed for being so bloody transparent. “Well?” Kerry squeezed his fingers reassuringly and winked at him playfully.

  “You’re a cat alright,” he said to Kerry. “But not the Tiger Clan. I’d bet my hide on it. So, maybe you should give old Joseph a chance to help you out.”

  “I doubt it.” Dante shook his head somberly. “I met the old goat today—out at the house in Braithwaite. He was less than welcoming. But he might respond differently to one of you,” he said with a nod to Kerry, Malcolm, and Sam.

  “You approached him at his place?” Boris let out a low whistle. “He’s got a reputation throughout the city for being less than social. I’m surprised you didn’t wind up with a shotgun blast up your ass.” Boris scoffed, but then his face grew serious. “You’ve got to find out more about Joseph. But watch your back.” He sat thoughtfully for a moment, and his brow furrowed. “I think we should talk to that designer, Jacqueline. From what I hear, she’s the only one in town he will speak to with any civility.”

  Kerry let out a sigh, squeezed her eyes shut, and rubbed her temples. “This whole situation is getting more twisted by the second.”

  William glanced at his watch and stood abruptly. “I have other business to attend to. If you need me, do not hesitate to call on me.”

  “You’ve been disappearing quite a bit lately, William.” Surprised by William’s sudden departure, Dante looked at him through narrowed eyes. “Steven said you took off today at the shoot too. Is everything alright?”

  “You are not the only one with pressing business, Dante, or with a mate to find,” he shot back sharply. He turned to the others and bowed his head. “Good night.” Then he whispered the ancient language and disappeared into the air.

  Kerry shook her head. “I am never going to get used to that disappearing act.”

  Steven waved off her concern. “Ah, William’s always been a bit of a loner. He keeps it close to the vest. Who knows? Maybe his favorite men’s store got in more of those nifty suits he likes so much.”

  Steven’s teasing comment had the desired effect and got them all laughing. The tension in the room dissipated, and he poured himself another beer. “Okay,” he began. “So the game plan is the four of you are going to go down to Jackson Square and try to talk to the cranky old goat Joseph. Boris and I are going to see if we can sniff out more information from Jacqueline, and see what we can find out about this Punisher guy,” he said.

  Dante stood up from the table with Kerry’s hand firmly in his. “That sounds about right. I can count on you tomorrow? We’ll need extra eyes out at the shoot again.”

  Steven nodded. “Absolutely.” Then he rose from the chair and elbowed Boris in the ribs. “First I’m gonna go downstairs and flirt with Pasha,” he said with a cheeky grin.

  “She’s not your mate.” Boris rolled his eyes and sighed. “You’re wasting your time.”

  “I know,” Steven said. “But dude, she’s hot!”

  Boris held up his hand and made a face of disgust. “Okay, enough. That’s my sister we’re talking about.”

  Steven laughed and slapped Boris on the shoulder on his way back downstairs. The others followed him down to the bar, which had gathered a few more patrons since they first went upstairs. Steven had, as promised, sidled up to the bar in an immediate attempt to lure Pasha into becoming his Miss Right Now. She smiled at them as they walked out and rolled her big green eyes as Steven began to flirt with her relentlessly. Boris, of course, went over in an effort to rescue his twin sister from her persistent suitor.

  The two couples stepped into the warm night and began the walk over to Jackson Square. Dante enjoyed the feel of Kerry’s hand in his as they made their way back up Ursulines Street. Malcolm and Samantha walked in front of them, their a
rms wrapped around one another as if they’d been together for years, as opposed to weeks. Fate may be a cruel bitch sometimes, but it sure did know what it was doing.

  He stole a glance at Kerry and smiled as she moved in sync with him. Her long ebony hair blew off her face in the soft breeze, and he noted how perfectly chiseled her features were. Even her profile turned him on.

  She turned and captured his eyes with her inquisitive brown ones. “What are you staring at?”

  “You better get used to me staring at you. I plan on enjoying the sight of you for the rest of our lives.” He brought her hand to his lips and placed a tender kiss on her fingers. Her flesh shivered under his touch, which only served to make him want her all the more. This woman had him completely bewitched.

  They made the turn onto Chartres Street and walked the next couple of blocks to Jackson Square. Within a few minutes the narrow street opened into the lively, bustling square. St. Louis Cathedral loomed largely to the right, oozing with history and spectacular beauty. The square itself thrived with tourists and artists alike. Beautiful, colorful artwork hung along the wrought-iron fence that lined the square, and each artist sat proudly and patiently as tourists wandered by inspecting the various treasures.

  Malcolm turned to Dante, who stood completely still as he scanned the crowds. “Do you see him?”

  “I do,” Kerry whispered and pointed to the walkway on the left side of the square.

  “How could you know? You didn’t meet him,” Dante said quietly.

  “I’m not sure,” she said softly. “I just know.”

  Kerry walked in the direction that she had pointed to. At the very end of the stone wall was an old man. He sat at a card table draped with brightly colored scarves. A red bandana was tied around his head, and a long gray ponytail was tied loosely at the nape of his neck. As they got closer, Dante saw that she was right. The man at the table was indeed Joseph Vasullus.



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