Aaron's Fall

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Aaron's Fall Page 9

by Lee, Vivian Rose

  “I’ve been there also,” Brie admitted to Asia, “My ex-husband use to rape and beat me too. When I gave birth to Aaron, that’s when I decide it was time to get away, I didn’t want him to turn his abuse on my son, that’s when Trevet found me and brought me back to my family. Trevet isn’t Aaron natural father, but he’s the only father Aaron wants to know. when he turned thirteen we told him about is biological father, he didn’t want to know him. Trevet always been his father. So, you see Asia, I understand more than you know. Tears filled Asia eyes, and rolled down her cheeks.

  “Does the darkness ever go away?” she asked lowering her head.

  Brie reached over and lifted her face, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Yes it does, when you find that light in your life.”

  Asia nodded. Brie smiled. “I think you have that with my Aaron,” Brie replied.

  Asia blushed. Brie smiled. “You love him,” she stated.

  “Yes, very much.” Asia admitted.

  “Good.” Brie said smiling.

  Aaron returned. “Mom?”

  “Boy if you don’t get out of here, you better.” He turned and left. Asia and Brie laughed. Aaron peeked his head in the doorway.

  “Laughter, did I hear laughter?” he said standing behind Asia, touching her hair.

  “You have a wonderful young woman here Son, keep her,” Brie whispered kissing her son’s cheek, before leaving them alone.

  Aaron pulled Asia into his arms. “Thank you for this Asia,” he said sincerely.

  “Your welcome, shall we serve dinner now.”

  Everyone gathered at the large table. The couples were together, and the elder couples, Vessa and Lynwood and Brie and Trevet sat at head of the table. Trevet blessed the food and everyone begin to eat. Everyone laughed and talked, and seem to genuinely enjoy themselves. Martin and Eddie told the antics of Tia. Asia laughed more than she has ever in her life. Aaron noticed she was starting to lose some of her shyness.

  Aaron leaned to her. “You know what it does to me, when you smile,” he whispered in her ear. Asia blushed and looked at him smiling.

  “My God Asia, these greens are better then my Mom’s,” Eddie said serving himself more. Everyone enjoyed the food and the company. Brie and Trevet smiled at the attention Aaron was showing Asia.

  “She a beautiful girl,” Trevet said to his wife.

  Brie nodded. “She a lot like I was, she been though a lot, honey, she still very fragile, remember how I was.” Trevet nodded.

  “With her its more severe, it tragic, talk to Aaron, tell him to be careful with her, you know he tends to be a little inconsiderate with women, but Asia’s not his usual type, she different.” Trevet agreed.

  Everyone was in the den talking and sated.

  “Asia sing the song about your Mom,” Tia suggested.

  When Asia sang the beautiful song; the room fell silent as they all listened. When she finished, the women were teary eyed, as was Eddie. Tia looked at Eddie, and smiled.

  “Your just a big old teddy bear,” she said teasing her friend.

  Wayne stood up. “Asia my goodness girl, you got to let me produce you after the season.” Wayne requested.

  Aaron was sitting on the arm of the chair where Asia sat; she looked up at him.

  “I don’t know, Wayne,” she said shyly.

  Wayne looked at Aaron. “We’ll talk later.” Aaron told him. Wayne nodded.

  Asia lay in the bed, on her side; exhausted. Aaron lay behind her. She rubbed her nude body against him. He kissed the back of her neck.

  “Thank you Baby for tonight, you were great,”

  She rubbed her bottom against him. “You better stop that,” he whispered in her ear.

  Aaron was aroused; Asia smiled. With her back to him, she lifted her leg, as Aaron entered her. She moaned; her eyes closed slowly. He moved in and out of her; his hands on her breast caressing them gently. Aaron stroked his lip on her back, his hand caressing her core, making her orgasm more intense; her walls massaging his manhood, pulling from him his seed as she climax around him. Asia was breathless and drifting off to sleep. He kissed her neck.

  She purred. “I love you, she said softly before she fell asleep. Aaron rolled to his back, stunned.

  Love, she can’t love him, he didn’t want that from her. He wasn’t ready for a commitment from any women. He wanted the same love that his parents shared; he vowed that to himself a long time ago, if he couldn’t find that he didn’t want it. No, he thought to himself, he wasn’t ready for this. He rolled over. She was ruining what they had. He noticed the way she looked at him sometimes. Her eyes would light up like sparkling jewels when she looked at him, begging him to love her. Asia possessed so many wonderful qualities he discovered that he liked about her, once she opened up too him. Just being with her made him feel good. When she looked up at her with those beautiful trusting eyes he felt weak with longing for her. And when she smiled all he could think about is taking her in his arms holding her close to him. Aaron sighed. He wasn’t really for love, he repeated in his head. Somehow he had to break this thing off. He just hoped Asia understood why.

  The next morning Aaron quietly, drove Asia home. “I won’t be over tonight, practice in the morning,” he told her coldly.

  “Okay,” she said and kissed him.

  On the field of practice, Martin watched Aaron. He had been unusually quiet and moody all week. Something was up.

  “Hey Aaron what’s with you this week?” Martin asked.

  “Nothing.” he said brusquely.

  “How’s Asia?”

  “Okay, I guess.”

  Martin frowned. “You guess?”

  “I’m not her keeper Martin,” Aaron said sarcastically.

  “I know this attitude,” Martin said looking at Aaron incredulously, “You’re trying to drop her!”


  Martin grabbed the facemask of Aaron helmet.

  “Are you crazy, you can’t hurt her like that?” Martin said pushing him away.

  “Mind your business, Martin!”

  “She fragile, Aaron, you know that, you said you wouldn’t hurt her.”

  “I can’t deal with Asia right now, she needy, I can’t take that.”

  “What the hell do you mean she needy, you were the one who did everything in your power to help her, to bring some joy into her life, why did you do all that, were you just trying to get her in your bed, that would be even low for you Aaron,” Martin said irately.

  “She thinks she loves me, and I’m not ready for that, from any women.” Aaron admitted.

  “So now that you’ve used her she needy?”

  Martin and Aaron snatched off their helmets and threw them to the ground.

  “I don’t believe you Aaron; she’d do anything for you. You picked her up treat her like somebody, just to bed her and now your going to throw her back because she loves you!” Martin yelled.

  “I don’t want her to do anything for me, I can’t deal with this now, and she’ll get over it.” Aaron said nonchalantly.

  Martin pushed Aaron. “Your going to shatter her, you know that don’t you!”

  Aaron pushed Martin back. “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Asia stronger than you seem to think!”

  “I was there Aaron, you rescued her, you protected her, did anything for her, now that she says she loves you, she too needy, your incredible.” Martin said shaking his head.

  “Stay out of my business Martin; I don’t have time for this!” Aaron yelled back pushing Martin away from him.

  “Your coward Aaron, the minute someone genuinely care about you, you push them away, Asia’s not like the mud ducks that kiss your ass for your money that your use to, so like a punk, you hurt her to save your own heart!”

  “Shut up Martin!” Aaron yelled.

  Martin and Aaron were pushing each and arguing. Eddie and Wayne saw them and ran over standing between them.

  “What the hell is going on?” Eddie asked looking at one to
the other.

  “Aaron’s an asshole,” Martin said walking off.

  “Go to hell Martin!” Aaron yelled at him, as he turned and walked away.

  Asia hadn’t heard from Aaron for a couple of weeks, she had given him a key a few weeks ago, so he could come over anytime he wanted, but he hadn’t come nor called. Maybe he was just busy with practice, she thought. She and Tia rehearsed for the benefit, everyday. Asia wrote a song based on her feelings for Aaron. She sang it for Tia who loved the song and put it in the show as the finale. Tia suggested Asia sing to Aaron, Asia loved the idea.

  Asia was playing the piano when Aaron let himself into the loft. She smiled when she saw. He came to her pulling her from the piano stool and started kissing her hard. She pulled away.

  “Aaron,” she said frowning up at him.

  “Take off your clothes, I want you,” he demanded his tone was cold and gruff.

  Asia hesitate, as she watched him go to her bed and start removing his clothing. Something was wrong. Aaron pulled her on the bed without hesitation he entered her. He was above her, inside her, she was looking up at him, her green eyes confused. He looked down at her.

  My God why did she have to be so beautiful, his mind questioned. He could see her infatuation in her eyes; this was true love; he didn’t want this love she claim she felt for him, all he wanted to protect her and see that she’s happy but he didn’t want her love, he didn’t want the commitment love brought. He frowned pulling from her and lay on his back.

  “Ride me Asia, now!” he demanded. He pulled her on him entering her roughly.

  Asia rode him as he liked it, his eyes shut, and started getting caught up in the pleasure. He didn’t come here for pleasure; hell he didn’t know why he came.

  All he knew was he couldn’t look at her, and damn it, she was pleasing him, he didn’t want that, he didn’t want to hurt her; he wanted her to snap her back to reality. His heart pounded in his chest. He groaned. She felt so good; he could feel his resolve leaving him.

  “No!” he groaned, flipped her to her stomach, and entered her from behind.

  “Aaron what’s wrong?” she asked tears in her voice. He was moving in her, thrusting hard and deep, pushing himself to the brink, but he wouldn’t come, he had to, he needed to. The sensations he felt caused him to lean back as he moved in her, her body squeezing him, making him want to prolong himself, loving the way she felt. Aaron breath came hot and hard. He leaned up holding her waists, pressing her body into the bed, as he gyrated in her, pushing inside her wildly. He groaned loudly. He was there; he was ready to come. He exploded inside her, groaning loudly. Aaron wound his hand in her hair, pulling her head up, “You’re too needy Asia,” he whispered in her ear harshly and pulled himself from her body.

  Asia rolled to her back, confusing registered on her face.

  “What?” she asked frowning

  “Your needy, I don’t like it!”

  “What are you saying Aaron?” she asked still not understanding.

  “I can’t do this anymore,” he stated getting dressed.

  Aaron please,” she rose to her knees, “What do you want, I’ll do anything,” she said desperately. Her heart was breaking at his declaration until he clarified.

  “That’s just it, I don’t want you to do anything, you’re too easy,” He went to the door, turned and threw her keys on the bed.

  “I don’t want this anymore,” he repeated and turned to the door only to pause. “Look Asia you know I don’t do long term relationships, I thought you understood when it’s over it’s over.” He pulled the door open and was gone.

  Asia stared at the door for a minute. She sat with her head on her knees as the tears dropped on the blankets, confused. Aaron’s words had been so cold and blunt the blood in her body became icy. How many times had she heard about Aaron and the hearts Aaron had broken? She ignored them all. Aaron cared about her; she could feel his love whenever he held her. Was she wrong?


  Asia rehearsed long and hard as usual. She worked hard to disguise her distress from Tia, but Tia notice her quiet, distant ways returning. When they went to get their hair done, Asia paid with cash, rather than with Aaron’s card.

  Later that night Tia asked Martin did he know anything about Aaron and Asia.

  “Yes, I know,” Martin said, “I haven’t spoken to him since. It seems that Aaron has gotten tired of Asia now, after every practice he has a different women waiting for him. Eddie would have punched him out, if Wayne didn’t stop him.

  “I’ll kill him!” Tia yelled, “That’s why Asia been so quiet, she hasn’t mentioned anything about it.”

  “How is she in rehearsal?” Martin asked

  “She great, as if nothing happen, I think that is what keeping her focus; but I’m going to kill Aaron.” Tia stated, meaning it.

  The benefit night arrived to a packed house. Chez and Wilson were in the dressing room preparing hair and makeup to a very quiet Asia.

  “Asia honey, what going on?” Chez asked while curing her hair.

  Asia didn’t respond. Wilson looked at her face and frowned.

  “Bags, you’ve got bags under your eyes; we’ve got to fix that.” When they finished, Asia was beautiful.

  In the lobby, Tia stood with her friends and family. Brie and Trevet came to support Asia. Martin looked up and saw Aaron arriving with one of his women on his arm. The guys saw this too. They blocked Tia view, because they knew her temper and didn’t doubt that she would do as she threatened. Tia looked up at Eddie frowning.

  “Move!” she said pushing them out her way. When she saw Aaron walking in with a date, she lost it. Tia started going after Aaron, but Martin caught her around the waist lifting her from the floor, pulling her back against him.

  “Don’t make a scene at your benefit,” he whispered in her ear, Tia calmed, but was still very angry. Brie saw her son, and frowned. She went to stand next Tia.

  “What’s going on?” she asked as she watch Aaron approach.

  “Aaron broke up with Asia.” Tia told her.

  “He what!” Brie said loudly. Trevet heard his wife voice and knew she was not happy. He went to his wife. “Honey, what wrong? Trevet asked concerned.

  “It seems your son has rediscovered his cavalier ways.” Brie announced.

  Trevet shook his head. Aaron approached his parent. He shook his Dad‘s hand and bent to kiss his mother; she turn him her cheek.

  “Mom, Dad, this is Shanna.” Aaron introduced

  “Oh Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, I’ve been looking forward to meeting you,” she gushed sweetly kissing them both.

  “Son, can we talk?” Trevet said walking away. Aaron followed his father.

  “Son what happen to Asia?”

  “It over Dad,” Aaron stated.


  “She’s needy.”

  “Needy?” Trevet repeated.

  Trevet shook his head. “Well son, your mother tells me she fragile, did you consider that when you took up with her, she seem to care for you a great deal, would do anything for you, and you seem to think she needy, I hope you didn’t hurt her Aaron.”

  “Dad she’ll be alright.”

  “Are sure of that son?”

  Aaron shrugged. “I’m grown and so is Asia, what ...”

  His father interrupted him. “Yes Son, you are a grown man, at least I thought that’s what your mother and I were raising; I didn’t realize how callous you can be.” Trevet said with disappointment, and walked from him.

  Everyone were seated when Aaron and his father returned. The show had started, everything was going well and the audience were enjoying the entertainment.

  At intermission, Tia glared down at Aaron, their eyes met, and Aaron lowered his head. Tia rose; she couldn’t help herself, and stood in front of Aaron, Martin behind her. Aaron looked up in to clear silver eyes and knew she was angry.

  Why don’t you just leave with your date Aaron?” Tia asked harshly.

sp; “I brought a ticket too Tia,” Aaron replied coolly.

  “You really want to hurt her don’t you, I thought better of you Aaron,” Tia stated disappointed.

  “You don’t understand Tia, I can’t...”

  “On no!” Tia yelled stepping away from Aaron. Martin caught her hand.

  “What?” Martin said alarmed.

  “Asia going to sing the last song to Aaron,” Tia said rushing for the room.

  In Asia dressing room, she was ready to go on stage.

  “You look beautiful,” Tia said.


  “Asia, the last song, lets take it out.” Tia suggested.

  “We can’t, it too late now. I should have told you about Aaron, I’m sorry. I just hoped…,” she paused. “Taking it out will just confuse the dancers, I’ll get through it. Is he here?” she asked dejectedly.

  “Yes, but he’s not alone.” Asia shoulder slumped.

  Tia sighed. “Okay Asia.”

  When the curtain opened after the intermission, Asia sang with all her heart to perfection, the dancer showing their excellence, in their performances.

  “So Man, how do you feel?” he asked sarcastically. Aaron glared at him.

  “She beautiful huh?” Martin replied.

  “I think she okay, but I’ve heard better singing,” Shanna stated.

  Shanna was sitting between Aaron and Brie.

  “Who asked you?” Brie said bitterly.

  Tia returned and sat beside Martin. “She didn’t want to mess up the show; she still going to sing it.”

  “Did you tell her, he wasn’t alone?” Tia nodded.

  The curtain opened; Asia came floating down from above the stage. She wore a white gown, which was flowing softly by the wind machine offstage. Her long hair bone straight and blowing behind her, singing as she was lowered to the stage.

  Aaron mouth dropped opened. She was like an angel descending from the heavens; her voice sounding sweet and emotional. When her feet gracefully touched floor, and was free to move, Asia walked slowly forward.


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