All In (The Den Boys Book 1)

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All In (The Den Boys Book 1) Page 10

by A. T Brennan

  “I want more than just sex or friends who fuck, I just don’t know how much I can give you,” I said honestly.

  “I can work with that. As long as you tell me what you can give and I’ll tell you what I need.”

  “I can give you casual dating. We see each other, and not just for sex. I want to know you, Blaze, and I want you to know me.”

  “Then I need monogamy.”

  “I need that too.”

  “And I need you to be upfront about when you want to see me. I don’t care if it’s every day or a few times a week, but if you say you’ll call or text, then you’d better do it or I’m out.”

  “I can do that.” I nodded.

  “And you have to treat me the same in public that you do in private. I refuse to be put back in the closet, not after everything I went through—”

  I didn’t let him finish his sentence, because I didn’t want to hide him away. He deserved better than that, and I wasn’t ashamed of him. Or of us.

  Instead of cutting him off with my words, I grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him toward me for a deep kiss, my tongue instantly finding the seam of his lips so he’d open to me.

  He did, and as our tongues mated and danced together, I had to fight back the urge to slip my other hand under his shirt so I could feel the smooth planes of his stomach and chest as he gently cupped my face.

  I broke the kiss before things could get too intense, but didn’t let him go.

  “I’m definitely okay with that.”

  He licked his lip, and that move made my semi-hard cock go rigid in seconds, and I let go of him so I didn’t do something indecent.

  “Is it presumptuous to ask you to leave here with me?”

  “Considering I didn’t drive because I figured I’d be getting a ride from you? Not at all.” He grinned and finished about half of his soda. “Thanks, Cody. I’ll see you Tuesday.”

  “Later, Blaze. Blaze’s friend.”

  I felt heat flooding my cheeks at the look young Cody gave me, but I covered it up by waving at him.

  As we turned to leave the bar I reached out for Blaze’s hand, linking our fingers together. I’d never had the urge to hold someone’s hand before, but I needed that contact.

  “My place?” I asked as we left the bar.

  “Sure. I do remember your bed being quite a bit bigger and softer than mine.”

  “I don’t know, your bed was pretty incredible.”

  “Must have been the company.” He winked cheekily and I laughed.

  “Must have been.”

  * * * * *

  By the time we were in my apartment I felt like my skin was going to melt off and something was trying to burst out of my body. I was so tight with need and desire for the man standing next to me, but I tried to keep my face neutral and not let him feel the desperation that was rolling off my body in waves.

  “You want a drink or something?” I turned to him, and my next question was cut off when I saw the look he was giving me.

  “Definitely ‘or something’.” He grabbed my hand and tugged me to him, and I went without hesitation.

  His kiss was hard and deep, and I didn’t protest when his hands cupped my neck and he held me still so he could keep control of the kiss. His tongue delved into my mouth, licking and tasting every crease and crevice, and all I could do was moan and try to keep up with the frantic pace.

  After a few more desperate moments of kissing I found myself being walked backward. Blaze either had incredible spatial awareness or an eidetic memory because he effortlessly moved us across the apartment and down the hall toward my bedroom.

  Instead of pushing me inside, he slammed my body against the wall next to my door, and I was finally able to draw in a few gasping breaths as his lips and tongue feasted on my neck.

  “As hot as you look in these suits, you’ve got to start wearing clothes with easier access. Unless you want me to use this,” He tugged on my tie, “to own you again.”

  The memory of him using my tie to cover my eyes and then bind my wrists came flooding back to me, and my already rock-hard dick pulsed against his.

  “Hmmm. You like that?” He grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the wall next to my head as his eyes, dark with lust, searched mine. “You like when I take control? When I make you feel good?”


  I wasn’t actually sure I said that word out loud, on account of the fact that I could barely breathe at the thought of him doing exactly what he was asking.

  Blaze smiled at me, but there was no mirth in the curve of his lips. It was a smile of promise and pure sex, and I was sure I’d come if he touched me.

  “I’m going to own you, Galen. I’m going to make you feel so good you’ll feel me for days.”

  “Please,” I whimpered, then gasped when he gently bit my bottom lip before licking it.

  “Do you want that? Do you want me to bring you more pleasure than you’ve ever felt before?” he asked against my mouth, and I could only nod.

  My mind was clouding over from the onslaught of sensations I was being bombarded with, and I was grateful when Blaze pulled away so he could strip off my clothes.

  My jacket ended up on the floor, then my tie. I was barely aware of him unbuttoning my shirt before it joined my other clothes. Then his hands were at my waist and the clinking of my belt undoing shocked me back into reality.


  “I’ve got you, baby.” Blaze kissed my lips as he pulled open my pants and shoved them down my legs. “Just lean back and feel, okay?”

  I nodded and did as he said, but couldn’t stop my chest from heaving as I struggled to draw in a full breath.

  Blaze helped me pull off my socks and shoes, and then he tugged off my pants so I was completely naked while he was fully clothed. I didn’t even have a chance to feel exposed before his lips closed around my cock, and he was sucking me into the back of his throat until his chin rested against my balls. His tongue was doing delicious things to the underside of my shaft as he swallowed around me, then hummed.

  My hands fisted in his hair as I arched into his mouth, simultaneously trying to stave off my orgasm and get as deep inside him as possible, so I could finally release all the tension in my body.

  When I felt a warm finger press against my opening, massaging it with gentle circles, I was a goner.

  “Fuck!” I shouted as my orgasm burst out of my body. Every nerve and muscle I owned lit up and quivered as I not only hit that incredible peak of pleasure, I crashed into it and kept climbing.

  Blaze’s hands were at my waist, holding me up as my legs buckled and I put my hands on his shoulders to try and keep from toppling over.

  I was dizzy and seeing stars, and Blaze kept his lips sealed over my softening cock as he milked every drop of my release out of my body.

  “Fuck. Jesus.” I shook my head, wrenching my eyes open as Blaze released my cock and stood in front of me. I could taste my musky, salty essence on his tongue as he kissed me, and I was grateful when he wrapped his arms around my body and held me close.

  “I love watching you come, hearing your pleasure.” He pulled away from our kiss, a smile on his lips as he looked into my eyes. “You’re beautiful, Galen. So fucking beautiful.”

  I didn’t have the energy or brainpower to answer him, so instead I leaned forward and gave him a sweet kiss.

  “Come on.”

  He kept his arms around me as he pulled me away from the wall. We left my clothes in a heap on the floor as he brought me into my bedroom and lay me down on the bed. I stared up at him, almost afraid he was going to leave me there, but instead he stripped off his clothes and lay down with me.

  I’d never been much of a cuddler, and I’d always been the big spoon, but Blaze kept his body facing mine so he could press soft kisses on my face as he held me.

  “What’s going on in that overworked brain of yours?” he asked after a long time of just holding and kissing me.

don’t know...”

  “Try talking it out.”

  “You’ve shifted everything for me.”

  “Because I’m a man—”

  “No, because you’re you.” I shook my head and brushed a kiss over his lips. “Before you I was always the dominant one. I was in control and I never fully gave in to the moment...then you happened and all you have to do is touch me and I lose myself.”

  “Do you lose yourself, or do you let yourself get lost in the moment?” he asked softly.

  “I don’t even know.”

  “Galen, do you trust me?”


  “Have you ever trusted a partner before?”


  “So maybe you’re not losing yourself or losing control, you’re giving it to me because you trust me to take care of you.”

  “Maybe.” I looked into his beautiful green eyes. “It’s just...”

  “Just what?”

  “I’ve never felt anything like I do with you, and the other night...”

  “What about it?”

  “When I came, without...”

  “You mean when you came without me touching you?” he asked softly.


  “It’s an intense thing, but it just means our bodies work together.”

  “How can I work that way, though? I’ve only ever been with women and then as soon as you’re inside me I come harder than I ever have in my life?”

  “I’d love to say that was all me and I’m just that good.” He grinned and kissed the tip of my nose. “But a big part of it is biology. The prostate is an incredible gland and yours seems to be extra sensitive. I don’t know if it’s because all of this is new to you or because you’re damn lucky, but it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “It’s just confusing.”

  “I get it.” He nodded. “You think your body is made for or works one way, and then in one encounter everything shifts and you’re experiencing things you never imagined. It’s a bit of a mindfuck.”

  “Is it always like that for you?”

  “No.” His hand moved so he could run his fingers through my hair. “In fact, it never is because I don’t fully let go. Usually I hold back, but with you...I couldn’t have even if I’d wanted to.”

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “When you had to make your living on the street, did that change how you saw sex?”

  He sighed and then nodded slowly.

  “The first time I was ever penetrated I was being raped by a ‘therapist’ with a dildo. The first time I had a dick in my mouth it was for twenty bucks, and I was so grossed out I almost threw up. The first time someone put their mouth on me it felt strange and I didn’t come, and the first time I let a person fuck me it was in a back alley and the guy nutted, punched me in the back of the head and took the fifty bucks he’d paid me before leaving me on the ground.”


  “That was the reason I got into drinking and drugs. It was a way to dull everything while I did what I had to. I tried to have sex a few times with someone I liked while I was still on the streets, but I never got into it. It was okay, but I didn’t feel much.

  “When I got sober I spent the first six months trying to figure out if I even liked sex. Then I met someone I clicked with, and for the first time in my life I enjoyed being with someone. It didn’t work out with him, but it opened my eyes to what sex could really be like and that’s when I started to get in touch with my true desires and what I liked.”

  I didn’t know what to say, so instead I laid my hand on his cheek and gently traced my thumb over his bottom lip.

  “With you, I didn’t feel the need to hold back. I have no idea why, but I was able to let go and just be in the moment with you. I’ve honestly never felt as much pleasure as I did that first night, after we worked out the mechanics of it.” He grinned and I chuckled.

  “I guess it was just hard for me to realize that I wanted to give you my control. I wanted you to own me the way I usually owned other people. I loved every second of it, but it scared me.”

  “And now?”

  “I’m coming to terms with it.” I smiled and Blaze grinned. “I’ve always had a fucked up sex life.”

  I didn’t know why I was telling him this. He hadn’t asked, but a lot of it had to do with what he’d told me. He’d let me into a part of his life that was painful so he could ease my fears, and I wanted to share with him too.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I lost my virginity at fourteen. I’d lied and told this girl I’d met at the mall I was eighteen, and we ended up at her apartment a few hours later and we had sex. It was fine, but it wasn’t like I’d been told it would be.”

  “How so?”

  “I wasn’t some fumbling idiot who shot my load a second after getting inside her. I didn’t really know what I was doing, but it was easy enough to figure out. While she felt good I didn’t get overwhelmed or anything. I lasted a while and actually had to fantasize a bit to finish.

  “After that it was a lot of the same. I met girls and went after the ones who were into having no strings attached sex whenever I got horny enough that my hand or a washcloth weren’t enough. In college I did the same thing, but when I was in law school I couldn’t be bothered so I used escorts. It felt good enough, but there was never a desperate need to be with them. It was almost like I was going through the motions so I could have my orgasm, and then there was nothing after.

  “When I started practicing law I tried to do the whole girlfriend thing because I was expected to have a pretty girl on my arm when I went to functions and dinners, but it was more of a chore than anything, so I hired women to be my plus one, and hired others to fuck when the mood hit.”

  “Sounds empty,” he said softly, his hand moving down so it rested on my neck and his thumb pressed against my pulse point.

  “It was. Then you came along and I was overcome with desire, and need. I didn’t just want you, I needed you. That was almost as overwhelming as the pleasure you gave me.”

  “I needed you too, Galen.”

  “I still need you,” I almost whispered.

  “You’ve got me. Just tell me what you want, what you need, baby.”

  “I need you to show me...”

  “To show you how much I need you? To show you what you do to me?”


  Blaze leaned forward and kissed me, and then he was sitting up and pulling me with him.

  I sat up with him and allowed him to pull me off the bed, following him wordlessly as he brought me into my walk-in closet.

  I didn’t protest as he walked me up to the full length mirror, and shuddered when he stopped us in front of it and placed me so I was looking into it with him standing behind me.

  “I want you to watch yourself as I pleasure you. See your reactions, see what I see every time I touch you.” He put one of my hands on one side of the mirror and then moved my other to the other side before using his body to bend me over slightly, so I was braced against the wall. “I want you to see just how beautiful you are. How fucking perfect.”

  I shivered as he dropped a few lazy kisses on the back of my neck and then looked at the mirror.

  Blaze continued kissing down my back, and when he reached my ass he knelt on the floor behind me.

  I couldn’t stop myself from lowering my gaze so I could look at his body, at his flushed and swollen cock as his hands split me open.

  I felt his hot breath ghost over my hole, and a moment later something wet and firm was tracing over it.

  “Oh god,” I groaned, my eyes closing as I realized he was rimming me. “Shit, Blaze.”

  “Look at yourself.”

  I moved my eyes back up to my face as his tongue licked and teased my hole. I’d never thought that seeing my reactions to pleasure could be a turn on, but as I took inventory of my flushed skin, shimmering eyes and parted lips, I felt my desire

  Blaze worked his tongue over my ass as I watched myself, and then I felt it pressing inside me. “Fuck...oh god!”

  Feeling his cock and fingers inside me had been incredible, but to experience his wet and nimble tongue licking my insides was almost too much.

  “I’m going to come,” I warned, and almost thanked him when he pulled away from me.

  “Lube and condoms?” he asked, pressing his lips against my ear as he covered my back with his body.

  “Night table, top drawer.”

  “Stay like this. I’ll be right back.”

  Not caring what he’d just done or where his tongue had been, I reached back and caught him by the neck and dragged him toward me for a kiss. He responded eagerly, and when I finally pulled away he gave my ass a playful slap and went into my bedroom.

  I didn’t move, didn’t even think to, and when he came back he had a condom on his thick shaft and a bottle of lube in his hand. As he moved behind me I watched him slick the condom up and then pour some of the lube on his fingers.

  Blaze leaned against me and wrapped his arm over my shoulder so he could hold my chest before pulling my upper body so it was flush with his. Since my legs were slightly spread and he was standing straight it made our slight height difference disappear, and he looked so big and strong behind me.

  “Are you ready, baby?” he asked his tongue tracing the shell of my ear.


  I felt his slippery fingers pushing against my hole, and then they were deep inside me, working the lube into my body. I was so turned on there was no pain, just a slight stretching, and when he pulled them out I whimpered in protest.

  I didn’t have to wait long because a moment later he guided the head of his cock against my waiting hole, and when he’d pushed in just far enough to breach my outer muscles, he let go of his cock and wrapped his arms and body around me. Then he shoved into me with one bone-jarring thrust so he was fully seated on the first pass.

  With Blaze’s head on my shoulder, staring into the mirror with me, I was able to see both of our reactions as he rutted into my body over and over again. I could see that the lust shining in my eyes, the flush on my cheeks and the desperate cadence of my breathing as he brought us higher and higher was mirrored on his face, and I couldn’t have looked away if I’d wanted to.


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