War's End

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War's End Page 3

by Imogene Nix

  She widened her stance, knowing instinctively that he could nestle against the juncture of her thighs, their heights similar. Both were tall, in the region of six feet. That was where the similarities ended. Where she was light skinned with streaked blonde hair, he was bronze with black hair and almond-shaped eyes. He was muscular and she was slight.

  His arms wound around her, holding her firmly against him, as his pants dropped to the floor. Now she felt him. All of him. Every glorious inch.

  “I’ve dreamed of you,” he muttered unsteadily as he nibbled at her neck. She arched into his caress as his clever fingers skated and touched her. Here and there tiny fires licked at her body. “Every night. And I looked for you.”

  “Renjiro!” She cried out, unable to string together a coherent sentence. Her body afire with need already. “Fill me, Renjiro! Now.”

  “Not yet. I need to touch you. To know this isn’t some dream. A figment of my imagination.” He lifted her with care and strode through the apartment, toeing off his boots as he went. The door to his bedroom opened automatically. She’d never before been so thankful for the remote systems in most apartments.

  He laid her upon a bed, dark blue; not much else impinged on her feverishly needy body and mind. He followed her down to the soft surface, then stretched out beside her. She twined one of her legs around one of his and he hissed at the touch of skin against skin.

  Her fingers skimmed over his hard musculature before he stilled her. “Let me love you, Selina. The way I have dreamed of for five long years.”

  She swallowed the instinctive denial as he reached out. His finger lightly touched her breast and circled the areola. It was her turn to burn and shiver. She moved, a fluid undulation as the fire stroked her from the inside out.

  Then he repeated the action with the other breast. With infinite care, he pulled his hand away and replaced it with his lips. He suckled gently as his hand quested its way down her body, finding the secret dips and valleys and the small strip of hair that hid her secrets.

  Renjiro touched her. Gently. Reverently. She bowed up off the covers as her body demanded satisfaction. Tears leaked from her eyes at the tenderness of his strokes. Five years. Five years she’d waited for him. Now here they were, together. Just as in her dream.

  Her fingers curled around one large bicep, feeling the spot where one of the bullets had entered his flesh. He devoured her now, his lips settled against her own, seeking entry. Their tongues tangled deeply in the cavern of her mouth as their movements became urgent. She pulled away from his kiss as he slid two fingers within her tight wet sheath.

  “Fill me, Renjiro. I need all of you.” She cried out, and he moved to his knees before withdrawing his hands. Gentle movements parted her thighs then he was between her legs, nudging into position. One slow movement and he slid home. Then he stilled. Her body turned molten.

  She swallowed the moan that built within her. The sensation of fullness nearly drove her to a screaming orgasm. Selina gritted her teeth and moved with him. But five years of abstinence on her part was too much and she felt the roll begin deep within. She knew the instant he did too.

  His thrusts sped up and the slapping sound of flesh against flesh was loud. It felt like forever as she crested the spike of pleasure, felt him reach the peak just behind her, and cried out as he filled her with one last tremendous thrust.

  The moment stopped. With crystal clarity, she knew she’d never feel this emotion with another man, this need for fulfillment. She closed her eyes.

  No other man could bring her this. Just Renjiro. And likely, just for one night.

  * * * *

  Renjiro lay on his back, listening to Selina’s even breathing. Her naked body was nestled tight against his side.

  With great care, he reached for the tiny bedside communications unit and dialed his cousin, Reunion’s senior senator, on his private unit. Not only was he the senator, he was also the nominal head of the security services division. If anyone could make his proposition work, it was Tomi.

  “Tomi here.” The voice was groggy, as if he’d been asleep. Renjiro checked the time and cursed. Three AM on Reunion.

  “Tomi? It’s Renjiro. I need your help.” He poured out the situation, leaving nothing, except their now personal relationship, out. He did share that she was there in his apartment with him. “Tomi, I need her in on the investigation. She’s the only entry I have into the Indy world. She can move where I can’t.” His stomach roiled and tossed at the idea of using her, but he’d been a soldier far longer than a lover. He knew every advantage had to be utilized. Even if it meant putting Selina in a position he would have avoided if he could. “But in response, I want a citizenship for her.”

  “Ahh, Renjiro. It’s not that simple. We need to know more.” The silence grew between them.

  He counted to ten in his mind before he continued. “Tomi, please.” The pleading in his voice was clear. He blushed, but continued. “I need citizenship for her.”

  “Why?” His cousin’s words stopped him in his tracks.

  “Because...” A lump formed in his throat as he hunted through his scattered emotions. The truth was stark. “Because I love her, Tomi. I can’t let her go. Not this time. I’ve searched for five years to find her again.”

  “Ah, Ren. Man. Are you sure?” Ren heard the concern in Tomi’s voice.

  “Yeah. I’m more sure than I have been of anything else in my life.”


  He laughed at Tomi’s epithet. “That’s not really helping, you know.”

  Selina snuffled in her sleep. He sighed deeply, feeling peace and hope trickle through him. The woman he loved was there, in his bed, beside him.

  “Okay then, Ren. Leave it with me. I’ll get back to you tomorrow. Meanwhile, take a day off. Don’t let her out of your apartment. I’m sure you can think of something to keep her occupied.” The last words were said with a dry tone.

  “Will do, Tomi. And thank you.” His fingers ached and he realized he’d been gripping the communicator so tightly that his knuckles had turned white.

  “Don’t thank me yet, cousin. I’ll see what I can do.” The connection broke and Renjiro replaced the communicator on its pad. He stared at the ceiling, hoping Tomi could help them both. They would need more than divine intervention from any deity if they were to save her from the threat of forcible removal from the Federation.

  “Renjiro?” Her groggy voice broke through his introspection.

  “Hey. Feeling any better?”

  “Yeah. But where’s the bathroom?”

  He snickered loudly. “I’ll show you, love.”

  She stilled at his words. “What did you call me?”

  He stopped, the smile dropping away from his face. “Love. I called you love, because I do. I love you.”

  Her face blanched again, and for a moment he thought she would faint. “Well, isn’t that fricking wonderful? ’Cause I love you too, and we don’t even know if we can stay together.” Her eyes shone as tears welled. He felt the hollowness in his chest again. She blinked furiously in front of him.

  “I’ll do everything I can.”

  “Yes, but it might not be enough, Renjiro. Then I’ll have to leave. And this time it will hurt more, because I know you feel the same.”

  “As my grandmother used to say, let’s not borrow trouble. Now the bathroom is through here. I’ll go get us a drink, and when you’re done, come through to me.”

  Uncaring of his nudity, he padded to the kitchen. The small communicator was on the floor where it had bounced during his energetic striptease. He picked it up and depressed the button.


  “Lola, I won’t be in tomorrow. Anything that’s urgent, give to Jordan. I’m not to be disturbed.”

  “Yes, sir.” Given his position, it wasn’t unusual for him to work with the government privately, so his communication shouldn’t raise any eyebrows. At least, not until Jordan realized he had Selina with him. Then there’d l
ikely be trouble.

  He was placing the communicator down on the bench as Selina entered the room. She too was naked, and he ran a thoughtful eye over her body. The bruising had settled into a mottled orange after he’d applied a treatment and the bone unit was working on repairing the damage sustained in the fight.

  “Would you like a wine?”

  She smiled. “That’s how this all started, you know. I was in the bar having a Deluvian wine when the fool on my left turned. He was so inebriated that he knocked me into the guy on the other side. I spilled my wine.”

  He nodded thoughtfully. “That’s what we thought.” He opened an Earth wine, one that he’d had for a long time. It was a vintage, with grapes actually grown in soil rather than hydroponically. The aroma filled the air, rich and heady. “Try this.”

  She accepted the glass and sipped cautiously. “Oh my gods! Where on earth did you get this?”

  “Right on the first guess.”

  She looked at him blankly.

  “On Earth. It’s been grown in soil.”

  Her lips formed a round O and he smiled.

  With a careful move, he held out a hand. “Now come to bed with me.” He tugged and was rewarded with a blinding smile and her cautious steps. As they entered the bedroom, he retrieved the glass from her hands and set it carefully on the bedside table.

  She watched his movements, and he stepped back before he swept her into his arms and set his mouth to hers. She tasted of wine and delectable woman. He was ready to feast again.

  Chapter 3

  Morning came quickly. Selina stretched out her hands, touching warm flesh. She stilled, and her breath caught. Maybe the dream of last night wasn’t a dream after all. She turned, seeing the expanse of firm, bronzed male flesh.

  Dark hair shorn over his scalp was a beacon against the crisp, white linen pillows. Unable to stop her action, she reached out, and with a single fingertip touched the springy silk.

  Renjiro turned. “Good morning.” When his arms folded around her, her breath fled.

  Their lips touched and the kiss deepened. Took on a life of its own, so deep and rich. Powerful enough that she was sure he was stealing her soul and making it his. Eventually he pulled away and they both panted heavily. “Now that has to be the best way to say good morning that I’ve ever heard of.”

  The comm on the bedside gave an imperious noise and reality crashed back down around her.

  With his fingers to his lips, he raised the tiny unit and depressed the button. “Renjiro.”

  “It’s Tomi. I’ve managed a temporary stay while I work on the powers that be. Ren, there’s something mighty strange about her files.”

  Selina stilled, her smile dying away as fear bloomed. She’d never told anyone what Renjiro was about to find out. Not that she’d done anything wrong, just that the truth was far too dangerous. Not just to her, but to the others as well.

  If he found out...well, he’d think she’d turned traitor on her own people or something. No one trusted or wanted spies. Least of all someone in Renjiro’s position.

  “What?” His eyes flicked to hers, and she wanted to tell this Tomi to stop. Not to tell Renjiro. But it was too late. He deserved to know the truth. He needed to know exactly who she was. What the truth she was running from was.

  “Ren. She was a spy.”

  She saw the way he tensed. The hard muscles locking. “What?” He turned, his gaze burning her to the core and she felt empty. Lost.

  All she could do now was run. Hope she could elude him. Get away before he learned anything else.

  She moved, fast as lightning, out of the bed and into the lounge, grabbing her scattered clothes. After this, Renjiro would hate her. Selina couldn’t bear to see that in his eyes. He was listening to what Tomi had to say and watching her at the same time. Tomi’s voice reverberated through the device, tinny through the tiny speaker, but she refused to stay and listen anymore. With a quick move, Selina snapped up the lanyard with the blue tag and let herself out of the apartment as fast as possible.

  The tears were flowing freely as she hurried down the corridor and punched the call button on the elevator. It arrived quickly and she tapped her fingers by her side as she waited for the seventh level. As she stepped out, the override light glowed. Time was now precious. He was coming and she had to move. Move faster!

  She scurried to the berth where the ship lay. No one accosted or stopped her, though many watched her reckless flight. Renjiro hadn’t called for any backup—at least not yet—otherwise they’d be here. She was banking on that now. It might be her only salvation.

  The men clustered about. “Hey, lady! Captain! The ship is stocked and your cargo arrived almost as soon as you left.”

  She didn’t stop her fast steps. Instead, she redoubled her efforts, pounding up the ramp. “Great. Then I’m out of here.”

  They gaped at her appearance. No doubt her eyes were rimmed with red and tears trailed down her face. She hurried into the ship and set the locks on the units, retracted the short ramp, and threw herself into her command chair. No time to waste now. If he knows, he’ll let me go.

  She powered up and set the lock release toggle while she disengaged the brakes. The large bay doors started to open, inching slowly as she cast another frightened gaze toward the safe zone.

  “Sylvie’s Dream! You do not have permission to leave the bay. Power down immediately.” The voice in the tinny unit was strident. She ignored it as her pain gnawed.

  “Sorry, but I’m not waiting.” As soon as the clamps released, she engaged the thrusters just enough to pull her away. Now she focused on looking ahead. She refused to look back, to see the cargo bay doors closing. How could she? She was leaving her heart, and yes, her soul, behind on the moon base. With him. Renjiro! She ignored the call of her heart.

  “Sylvie’s Dream, power down immediately. You do not have permission to leave this base.”

  She smiled, but was sure it was bittersweet. She was about to commit the ultimate pilot’s sin. “Right now I don’t care much. I just have to get out of here.”

  This time, she gave the thrusters full power in the hopes that she could build up speed, but her thought processes were sluggish and impaired. A lumbering freighter, an old Midgeon Dash Five, cut across her path and she sucked deeply on the oxygen. It was only after she turned the small craft on its side and whizzed past that she drew a full lung-filling breath.

  Gods damn it! That was too close. Ashford would have more than just her hide. That is, if Ashford didn’t throw her ass out of the chair she was currently filling.

  The blackness of stars lay ahead and she made a correction in her head when a thunk told her that the escape had been pointless. “Sylvie’s Dream, power down immediately. This is the Federation vessel Emancipation. We are taking you under tow. Our men will board you, and you will submit to our orders or come under fire.”

  The voice this time was terse. To the point. It was another voice that she knew. She blinked away, but for all they burned, there were no more tears. I can’t even get a gods damned escape right!

  She was defeated before she could run. With a shaking hand, Selina depressed the communications button. “This is the Sylvie’s Dream. Powering down now.” The clank was loud and the ship shuddered. Then came the motion of being pulled backward. Back toward the Emancipation.

  She let her mind wander, remembering her brief time with Renjiro, five years ago.

  The sound of an engine in distress whined above her. She glanced around, but no one was looking. As she always did, she stepped back into the shadows. Let them melt around her. No one had missed her. She turned and ran for the jungle.

  She might be able to get information out again. She usually took every possible opportunity to feed the intelligence she’d collected back to the Federation base.

  The ship descended slowly. The sound of it touching down surprised her and she waited, hiding in the scrub. Watching to see what would happen next. She was an experienced pilot
and knew whoever flew this craft wasn’t.

  When he emerged, large and imposing, she knew he’d been injured. Men rushed him, but he cast them off, a shot here and a quick lethal move there. Finally he wavered. She could see he was ground forces even as he slumped to the ground.

  No one knew either one of them was there. She’d need to act fast.

  That had started the long days they’d spent together. The first day, he’d been delirious, but she’d stayed, nursed him, and ensured his craft was hidden.

  By the second day, he’d opened his eyes. And she’d been lost. The sense of belonging had overtaken her. Growing up in an orphanage, it wasn’t an emotion she had a lot of experience with. By the third day’s end, they’d kissed and caressed and she’d lost her heart to this man.

  When she fled on the fourth day, his name was emblazoned on her heart.

  * * * *

  Renjiro’s chest hurt. She’d run from him. Why? Once Tomi explained the situation, it made no sense. She’d been working for the Federation before being left to fend for herself. She’d been their spy. They’d done the wrong thing by her, then some drone had covered it up. Left her with no safety net when she needed it most. The jumbled thoughts confused him.

  So why did she run?

  He’d cut Tomi off and hurried after her, but he’d been too late. On every front. The ship bay was empty, the great metal doors closed. And no ship was present.

  The crew who had restocked the supplies stood around, watching the comings and goings with interest.

  “You after the captain? She left. Looked pretty upset to us.” They all nodded and the knot in his belly had doubled in size.

  The helplessness that assailed him got bigger when he saw Jordan, his second-in-command, was making his way up the corridor. He’d been red faced and furious. “With all due respect, sir... What the hell happened?”

  Even though he trusted Jordan, he couldn’t break Tomi’s confidence. Even if he had wanted to, there was no way he was going to do that right there. “Jordan, I can’t tell you.”


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