Just One Taste (Oh Tequila Series Book 2)

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Just One Taste (Oh Tequila Series Book 2) Page 6

by C. A. Harms

  “I like my job.” I began moving toward the door, suddenly needing some air.

  “You think you’re so much better than me.”

  “No.” I reached for the handle and looked back at her just before turning the knob. “I just have more respect for myself.”

  “You’ll end up pregnant by some asshole that promises you the world, just like I did. Then after you have the baby he’ll realize he no longer wants you and you’ll be left to raise that baby alone. Your life will no longer be sunshine and roses.”

  “My life has never been sunshine and roses, Mother.” Usually I ignored her, but this time I couldn’t. “You’ve made sure to remind me, every day, just how I ruined your life. But what you need to realize is you’re the one who ruined your life, not me, and not Dad.”

  I yanked open the door and ignored the names she hollered out after me. I was used to them by now.

  I climbed into my car and turned the key—nothing happened. Over and over I attempted to start my car, and with each try I grew even more frustrated. I slammed my fists on the steering wheel, took in a deep breath, and tried to hold back the tears.

  My phone chirped in my purse and I grabbed for my bag to search for it.

  Eli: Leaving the house now.

  We’d agreed to meet at the restaurant and after dinner go to a movie right down the road. I should correct that—I told him I’d meet him. He wanted to pick me up but I refused. Living with the embarrassment of my mother and stepfather was hard enough without sharing them with the few friends I did have.

  Without sending a response I threw my phone back inside my bag and climbed out of my car and began walking toward town. I immediately regretted my choice of footwear and thought I should have worn my flats instead.

  Five minutes into my walk I grew frustrated and once again dug my phone from my bag.

  Me: Can I ask a favor?

  I wasn’t even sure Marcus would answer but it was better than calling Eli, or worse, going back home.

  Marcus: Anything for you, buttercup.

  I’d have to ask him one day why he felt the need to call me that.

  Me: My car won’t start and I’m supposed to meet Eli. Can you give me a ride?

  Marcus: Where are you?

  Me: The corner of Henry and Gregory.

  Marcus: On my way.

  Relieved that I would no longer have to walk, I sat on a bench just outside a hair salon. Ten minutes later Marcus slowed to the curb only a few feet away and rolled down the passenger window.

  “Hello pretty lady, you need a ride?”

  Laughing, I stood and moved toward his car. “Thank you so much.”

  Once I was inside and buckled up, he still didn’t move and I looked over to find him staring back at me. “What?” I asked, looking over my attire, thinking I must look ridiculous or have something on me.

  “Why didn’t you let Eli pick you up?”

  Instead of looking at him, I look straight ahead. “It’s new, and I wanted to drive myself.”

  I think he knew I was lying, because he had yet to pull away from the curb. I could also still sense the way he watched me. “And?”

  I shouldn’t have looked at him. Because the moment I did I had one of those uncontrollable rambling moments that I regretted instantly.

  “My family is insane, I hate the life I live, and I didn’t want him to get caught up in the middle of the insanity. He’d run away screaming for sure.” I took in a deep calming breath and hung my head. “I’m embarrassed.” The confession made my chest feel tight.

  “You do know he’s going to ask why I’m bringing you, plus he’ll have to take you home.” I hadn’t thought that far ahead. “Unless you borrow my car and just drop me back off at my apartment.”

  Lifting my head to look at him, I could see his kindness show. I swear Marcus had a heart of gold and I knew in that instant why Morgan loved and adored him so much.

  “You could come back to my place after and if you want me to drive you home I will, or you could stay.”

  “You’d do that?”

  “Yeah,” he began to pull away, “I’m sure he’ll still wonder why you drove my car, but hopefully he won’t notice.”

  He’d notice, but it was better than him taking me home. It was bad enough Marcus would see the filth I came from, but it was better than Eli. I never wanted my mother or stepfather to meet him.


  I hurried from the car and practically jogged across the street toward the restaurant. I’d texted Eli on the way to ensure him I was on my way, just running a few minutes behind.

  Stepping inside, I walked toward the hostess, who offered me a smile. “Do you have a reservation?”

  Before I could answer I felt someone step up behind me and an arm wrap around my waist. My body stilled as a large hand spread out over my stomach and pulled me back further into him. “She’s with me.”

  “Of course.” The hostess offered a dazzling smile as she looked over my shoulder. “Right this way, Mr. Taylor.”

  I started to follow her, only I was unable to move because Eli continued to hold my body close to his. “You look amazing.” His warm breath fanned out over my cheek. “Love the shoes.”

  My cheek heated as I bit my lower lip.

  He slowly slid from behind me, stepped up to my side, and took my hand into his. I finally got the chance to see him then. I tried not to allow my mouth to fall open in awe but I thought I failed. When he chuckled I knew I’d failed.


  I nod. “You clean up nice, Mr. Taylor.” I repeated the name our hostess used, gaining a big grin from Eli. He wore a pair of faded jeans that frayed and were patched beneath with denim. The collar of a dress shirt was unbuttoned just enough to display a small tease of his chest below, and a sport jacket over the top. I was very impressed. Honestly, he looked edible.

  When we arrived at our table, he pulled my chair out and pushed it in once I was seated. The entire time he sat across from me he wore a grin that made my heart beat just a little faster—the one where only the corner of his lip tilted up, showing off just a small sliver of his white teeth.

  I was staring; I did that a lot when he was near.

  After placing our drink order, I nervously picked at the cloth napkin wrapped around my silverware just so my hands had something to do.

  “You gonna tell me why you drove Marcus’ car?” I looked up and my eyes met his, then I instantly looked away. “I saw you get out of the car from across the street.

  “He loaned it to me.”

  Simple and to the point, no reason to explain any further.


  So much for that thought.

  “Mine wouldn’t start.” I shrugged as I reached out to take a drink of the water the waitress had brought. Suddenly my throat felt very dry. I was thankful when she paused next to our table once again, ready to take our order. By the look on Eli’s face, though, I sensed the conversation wasn’t over.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Dinner felt off and I knew it had to do with me pushing the conversation. But I wasn’t used to this kinda thing. Most girls talked so much they made my head fucking spin. But not Catherine, she was quiet, at least when it came to herself.

  “You still have a bit of a tan.” I looked up from my plate to see her grinning. “I got to thinking this afternoon about the fact that I never took a picture.”

  “A picture?”

  “Yeah, torturing you would have been fun. I could have made you my screensaver.”

  “Comedienne, I see.”

  She was trying to break the ice and honestly I was thankful. I was worried that I had really fucked this night up.

  “I’m sure if you ask dickhead he’ll have a few he could send you. I’ve already heard the ones of me with my ass hanging out are viral.”

  Cat sputtered when I said this—she was in the process of taking a drink.

  “You’ll learn that hanging with us
guys you never truly know what’s gonna happen from one day to the next. We’re full of surprises.” I looked down at my wrist and when I looked back up I saw her watching me.

  “Can I show you something?” she asked as she reached into her purse. Holding up a small traveling container of hand sanitizer, she grabbed for one of the extra napkins our waitress brought.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Just give me your wrist.” She was a bossy little thing and it made me smile. Lifting my hand, I placed it on the table in front of her, palm up. Her name was right there on full display for both of us. Now that I knew who it belonged to, I’d removed the bandage.

  She saturated the tattoo with hand sanitizer, and instead of rubbing it she left it pooled on top of the ink. “What are you—”

  “Just wait.” With her thumb she made circular motions over the tattoo, almost like she was massaging it into my skin.

  I wasn’t sure how much time had passed, minutes maybe, but then I began to see it. The ink was beginning to lift, making the tattoo lighten.

  When she looked up at me with a smirk, I narrowed my eyes.

  “Were you in on this too?”

  “Nope.” She over-enunciated the P in the word. “I’ve just seen a lot of fake tattoos on people and they look different than real ones.”

  “So all this time…” I was starting to think little Miss Cat was as bad as the boys. When she shrugged just before wiping away the liquid from my wrist, taking part of the tattoo with her, suddenly I felt disappointed.

  “If you use baby oil or rubbing alcohol over the next day or two it should be gone.” She closed the lid on her sanitizer and placed it back inside her purse.

  I lifted my wrist and could still see her name, though much lighter. “I think you enjoyed watching me sweat.”

  “Everyone was talking about the fact that they could never outdo you in the prank department. I didn’t want to be the one to kill the buzz of their revenge.”

  “Whose team are you on?”

  When she laughed I couldn’t help but smile in return. Her laughter was infectious. I’d do what it took to make her smile just like that as often as possible.

  “I’m still trying to decide who’s side I want to be on.”

  “Oh is that right?” I slid from the chair and stood at the side of the table looking down at her. “Do you need a little more persuasion?”

  “Do you ever play fair?” She was flirting with me and I fucking loved it.

  Leaning over, I brought my face even closer to hers. “Never,” I said just before skimming my lips over hers. When I pulled back before actually kissing her, she groaned in disappointment. It was a soft noise but I heard it.

  “We’re gonna be late for our movie,” I told her as I stood tall and held my hand out to her. The urge to laugh when she looked up at me with a confused expression. “You ready?”

  “You did that on purpose.” She narrowed her eyes and at that point I did chuckle.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Reaching out, I took her hand in mine and pulled her from her chair. When her body was pressed firmly to mine I circled her waist with my arm and held her. “I wanted to kiss you but unfortunately I don’t kiss the enemy.”


  “You’re either on my team, sweetheart, or you’re against me.” She watched my lips as I spoke so I moved in just a little closer to tease her more. “But I can assure you being on my team has much better benefits.”

  Her throat bobbed as she swallowed hard.

  “You let me know when you decide.” I moved back, let go of her, and walked away, leaving her staring after me. I was enjoying this intriguing little teasing game we had going on.


  I take it back. I take it all back.

  The withheld kisses, the choosing of teams, I wanted to retract every single word I’d spoken on those topics. Blake, Catherine, Cat, god damn it, whatever, she was good. She had quickly figured out how to reverse the teasing game and I was paying for it now.

  After the movie we’d decided to meet up with Morgan and Xavier at a club not too far from the theater. Once there I was being tortured by her ass, literally. She made sure every time she shook it, it was in my direct view. She was fully aware of what she was doing and watched teasingly over her shoulder.

  God damned torture.

  “That girl is playing you hard.” I didn’t even look at Xavier. He was right, there was no need to argue. A simple nod was all I offered. “Did you start this or—”

  “I asked her what team she was on, because she was enjoying my misery entirely too much.” I explained yet still watched Cat wiggle and taunt. “She knew the tattoo was fake, she played a part in the balloon explosion. Fuck, she wanted to have a picture of my brown head so she could tease me with it. So I playfully told her she had to choose teams, mine or all of you.”

  “The girl has sass.”

  “I teased her a few times thinking I had the upper hand.”

  “Clearly you don’t.” X laughed as he shook his head. “You look miserable.”

  With her hips swaying and Cat watching me over her shoulder at the same time I was finding it real hard to sit still.

  I watched as Cat turned around, completely facing me, Morgan and Marcus behind her. She lifted her hands above her head, her hips shifting from side to side, seductively twisting. Her hands lowered to lift her hair up and comb her fingers through the ends. When her hair was back down around her shoulders, she very slowly motioned for me to come closer.

  “That looks like an invite to me,” Xavier chuckled as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table. “You just gonna sit here and let some other asshole take what she’s offering?”

  I didn’t even bother with an answer. I stood up and began moving across the club. I half expected to see her to back away and change her mind, but she stepped forward and suddenly we were chest to chest.

  “Did you need something?” My heart was racing as she looked up at me and nodded. “Whatever you want.” I meant it, too; at that moment I’d do whatever she asked. Those big doe eyes looking up at me, her pouty lip, they all made my knees weak.

  “What if I just want you to dance with me?”

  I didn’t answer her. I wrapped my arm around her waist and spread my hand out over her lower back. Her body felt so tiny against my own. I slowly began to move my hips, guiding her to do the same.

  Our gazes locked on one another and her hands were running upward over my chest, pausing over my pecs. “This what you wanted?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was nothing more than a breathy whisper, and I’ll admit, it was good for my ego to know I affected her.

  I’m not the dancing type, I never had been, but for her I’d do it. Just to see the way her eyes lit up, and the way her breathing shifted to more of a pant was worth showing off my lack of dancing skills. Apparently I had to be doing something right, but again the tables turned.

  Cat turned in my hold and placed her back to my chest. Her ass arched back, pushing into me and almost on instinct I began to grind against her. “I don’t usually dance,” I whispered near her ear as I slid my hand around her hip.

  “You’re doing…” she took in a deep breath, “…a really good job.”

  I shifted my hips forward and rotated them, allowing her to fully feel what being that close to her was doing to me. “It’s more you than me,” I said. It was all her.

  I took a chance and leaned forward, kissing along the side of her neck. She arched her head to the side, giving me more of a playground. It was an invitation I accepted without hesitation. Chills broke out over her skin just from the tip of my tongue skimming over her sensitive skin. The whole experience was thrilling.

  “That feels incredible.” That didn’t even begin to describe my thoughts but I’d take it. I paused, trying my best to control my urges but with each shift of her ass against my cock I found it almost impossible. With a slight turn of her head, her lips skimmed
over my jaw and I swear it took everything I had inside me to not toss her to the floor right then and there and give her more than a simple kiss.

  Lifting my hand, I cupped her jaw and turned her face to me, bringing her mouth closer to my own. “You know exactly what you’re doing to me, don’t you?”

  “I’m just dancing,” she whispered against my lips, making me smile. “Is it working?”

  Fuck me.

  “Depends on what you’re hoping for.”

  “Freedom to enjoy whatever happens,”

  “We can do that,” I assured her. “We can do whatever you want.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Good morning, Buttercup.” The smell of fresh coffee filled my senses as I slowly opened my eyes.

  “This couch is heaven,” I gushed, stretching my arms out and feeling the soft plush cushions beneath me. “Like sleeping on a cloud of amazing. Even better than my bed at home.”

  “How you feeling?”

  I squinted up at Marcus as he stood behind the couch, holding a cup of coffee tightly in his hands. “Good.” Once I was able to see him more clearly I noticed he was watching me with a curious look in his eyes, a small grin tugging at the corner of his lips. “Why?”

  “After last night I suspected you’d feel like shit.”

  Nothing about that sounded good.

  I wasn’t sure I even wanted to know what he was referring to. I remember dancing, sharing a few shots with Marcus and Morgan, dancing some more. I also remember Eli joining me on the dance floor and the way he—

  “Oh shit, what happened?”


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