Stranded With Her Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Bluff Clan Book 3)

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Stranded With Her Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Bluff Clan Book 3) Page 4

by Harmony Raines

  Willow knew she was completely stupid; Ollie was simply threatening her, he wouldn’t really track her down. She wasn’t worth it. Then she remembered his words, “I’ll sell you to a freak show,” and she believed him, because she was a freak.

  She sobbed, the noise louder than she expected. Instantly, the knock on the door was louder, more insistent and then she heard Trent’s worried voice. “Willow, are you alright? Open the door. Let me in.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Open the door, Willow.” His voice was filled with anguish.

  “No. I’m not dressed.”

  “Willow, I don’t care. If you don’t open this door and let me see that you are OK, I will break it down with my bare hands.” And she believed him, as the concern in his voice was making his tone a low growl.

  She unlocked the door, opening it up an inch to let him see her face. “I’m fine. Please don’t make a fuss.”

  “Is there someone in there with you?” he asked, his voice still concerned and his eyes trying to see in through the small crack.


  “Then why did you cry out?”

  “I was scared.”

  “Of me?”

  “Yes. No. I was scared when you knocked on the door.”

  He came toward her, his hand on the door, pressing against it, but not pushing it wide. He wanted her to allow him in, she could tell. He didn’t want to force himself on her in any way. That was not his way; she knew that. And her heart ached to be wrapped up in this man’s arms, to be protected by him against what she was. But how could she ask him when she wasn’t sure if he really understood her.

  “I won’t ever hurt you, Willow. I can’t, even if I wanted to.”

  “Why? You can’t promise me that. Because you don’t know me. You don’t know what I am.”

  “Then show me.”

  “I can’t. It’s too awful.”

  “Willow, let me in.” He eased the door open another inch. She didn’t push it back, so he pushed against it some more. She lowered her eyes and stood back.

  For a moment he didn’t move. “Can I come in?”

  “Yes,” she answered and nodded, her eyes fixed on the floor.

  “Willow. I want to help you. But you need to be open and honest with me.”

  “I can’t. I’m a freak.”

  He put his head back and roared with laughter. “Who told you that, honey? There is nothing freakish about you. I can tell you right now you are the sexiest thing on two feet.”

  “What about four?” It was the best she could do at hinting that she was something more than the woman who stood before him.

  “Now that would depend on whether we are talking four paws.”

  She nodded. And wrapped the robe around her, wishing she could defend herself from the world, which had become such a dark and fearful place since her tail had first appeared.

  “How about we do an ‘I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours.’ Do you think you could do that?” His voice was soft and reassuring.

  “I don’t know.” She looked around the room. Did he mean here? What if she attacked him? Her panther had never been let loose, not on purpose. The only time it had fully appeared, she had panicked and pulled it back inside herself immediately. Although she had no idea how. Since then she had held it in a cage in her mind, terrified of letting it out. But the strain was exhausting.

  He frowned at her, trying to read her expression. “Get dressed, Willow, let’s go and eat. We can talk then.”

  “People might hear.”

  He laughed again. “Hear what? That you can change into a…?”

  “Panther.” It was a whisper so quiet she wondered if he could hear her.

  “A panther. Neat. This is Cougar Ridge. Can you guess what the animal of choice lives here?”

  “All of them?”

  “Not all. And I have to admit, it is one of the few places where you can be completely honest about what you are. Even where I live in Bear Bluff, there are rules about not showing yourself to others who don’t know about us.”

  “Those are the rules I’ve already broken.”

  He was silent, watching her as tears welled up in her eyes. Then he came to her and, hesitating in case she didn’t want him to touch her, he said, “Oh honey, so that’s what this is all about?”

  She broke down then and sobbed in his arms. All the hurt, all the pain and the shame of what she was, pouring out of her.

  Chapter Eleven – Trent

  Now he knew her fear and he could understand it. Yet surely her parents had told her what she was, taught her to control her beast? He knew it could be tough at the beginning, when the beast started to flex its muscles. But with the right direction, the human side of your mind became the boss.

  He waited while she dressed, trying not to let his eyes roam over to the big empty bed which was just begging to be used, to consummate their bond. He couldn’t do that too her, not when she was so confused about everything. No. He had to help her first, and then she might be more open to the other side of their relationship. The one where he took her and fucked her until she came around his cock.

  Wrong thought. As she came out of the bathroom, he was busily trying to think of the most boring, mundane thing he could. It didn’t help—his cock was still hard in his pants and his bear was testing the limits of his own control.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  She nodded, her black hair still wet, scraped back from her face to hang loosely around her shoulders. Her green eyes looked big and wild, as if she were trying to work out if she would be better making a run for it. To stop any risk of that happening, he stepped forward and took her hand.

  “The bar is a little rough and ready. And sometimes there are scuffles. It’s the one drawback of having an open policy on shifters. In Bear Bluff we have to behave more civilised.”

  “Is that why you like it here?” she asked.

  “I would be lying to you if I said otherwise. But let me assure you, my days of coming here and entertaining women are gone.”

  “Because of me.”

  “Because of you,” he said, lifting her hand and kissing the back of it. “I think there is so much we need to talk about, Willow. So much I feel you don’t know about who you are.”

  “I don’t know anything about who I am. Because I don’t know what I am.”

  “That was my guess. I can’t imagine how scary that must be.” He brushed the hair back from her face, stroking her cheek with his thumb. “Let’s go eat and I will tell you everything you want to know. After that we can go outside.”

  “Outside? And do what?” She looked so scared.

  “Yes. I’ll teach you how to control yourself.”

  “What if I attack someone?”

  “You won’t. Willow. It’ll be OK. I will be at your side the whole time. Look, don’t think about it, let’s go and have some fun first.”

  “What kind of fun?”

  “Eating while all the woman of Cougar Ridge cry into their dinners that I am off the menu,” he joked.

  “That would be funny, Trent. If I believed it was true. I saw those women; you could have your pick.”

  “And they are nothing to me now. It is only you.”

  “This being another thing you will be explaining to me?”

  “Oh, yes. And I hope that once you realise it’s the truth, I can show you all the other parts about being one of us.” He kissed her neck, breathing in her scent before adding, “We need to go now, or I might be the one losing control.”

  Chapter Twelve – Willow

  “I feel awkward choosing something to eat when I have no money,” she admitted to him.

  “Don’t be.” He looked around the bar, smiling at a couple of guys having a drinking contest. “This is going to be a cheap date. Usually when I take a woman out, I go for a better restaurant.”

  “You aren’t taking me out, though. I mean, this isn’t a date.”

  “Then what is it, Willo

  “I don’t know. Just dinner.”

  His eyes flashed, his mischievous side shining through. “Is that because you are admitting there is no point in me dating you? You already know we’re destined to be together so I don’t have to try?”

  She kept her face straight, although she had to admit she was beginning to like his attitude. He always wanted to see the bright side of things. “I think you might be disappointed if you think I am a sure thing.”

  “Oh, honey, I know you’re a sure thing. We just have to tickle that little panther side of you some. And then you will be insatiable.” She kicked him under the table. “What? I told you everyone in here has the same gift.”

  “That wasn’t for talking about my secret. That was for being rude. I am not going to sleep with you just because I’m supposed to.”

  “Give it time. That yearning you feel will grow so bad you’ll be begging me to…” He leaned forward, his voice soft and low, to finish his sentence, but he was cut off.

  “Are you ready to order,” The waitress had appeared beside them, as if from nowhere. Willow blushed at the thought of their conversation being overheard, while Trent acted so naturally she wondered if anything ever phased him.

  “I sure am, Pamela.” Trent reeled off his order, Pamela, obviously a fan, gave him her best smile, and leaned down a little too far to take the menu from him, flashing her assets his way. Trent looked oblivious to her buxom charms, instead turning his attention to Willow.

  “Have you decided? I am starving.”

  “I’ll just have the salad.”

  “You will not!” His voice boomed, making the whole of the bar look at them.

  Willow cringed, wanting to get up and run. “That’s all I want.”

  “Why? Because it’s the cheapest thing on the menu?” He paused, reading her face. “You haven’t eaten since you got in the back of my truck yesterday.

  “I had some popcorn. Out of one of the boxes,” she admitted.

  “That doesn’t count. Now order a decent meal.”

  “I can’t pay you back.”

  “I would rather pay for you to eat a decent meal than have you faint from hunger.” He glanced up at Pamela who was watching the exchange with more than mild amusement. “Pamela, why don’t you just double my order?”

  “Sure thing,” Pamela answered, writing it down and then walking off, still smirking.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t have ordered you around like that. But you look done in. And if you want to conquer this cat of yours, you will need your strength.”

  She glanced up at him. “I hate being indebted to you.”

  “I can understand that. But sometimes you have to take the help that’s offered you. And from me, you know there is no ulterior motive.”

  She raised her eyebrow at him. “Really?”

  “Well, it’s not technically ulterior, because I’ve already made that side of things quite plain.” He gave her his schoolboy grin again, but then sat back while Pamela brought their drinks. She placed them on the table, once again bending far too low over Trent; this time her breast touched the side of his arm, but he didn’t respond, he simply looked at Willow as if she were the only person in the world.

  It gave her hope. Hope that what he said was true, that she was the only one for him. Even if it sounded far-fetched. About as far-fetched as a woman being able to turn into a big black cat. That was what she wanted to ask him about, once Pamela had moved away.

  “She likes you,” Willow observed, wanting to know if he would deny it.

  “Yep. But she knows I’m not really interested. Not now.” Trent turned to watch the shapely legs of Pamela as they sashayed away, leaving Willow with another stab of jealousy. “In the same way I know that no matter what has been between us in the past, as soon as Pamela finds her true mate I won’t factor into her life anymore.”

  “Just like that?” Willow asked, trying to examine her own feelings towards Trent. It was true; from the moment she had seen him, she had felt something. An urge deep inside her to be with him, and it didn’t seem to matter what her brain said, her body, her very soul, wanted him. So much that it hurt for them to be apart.

  “Just like that.” He nodded, and then asked a question of his own, “Your parents didn’t have the bond?”

  “I don’t know. I’m adopted. Not that I knew when I was growing up. I thought my parents were my real mom and dad.” She sipped her soda, feeling the slight buzz in her head from the sugar it contained. He was right; she needed to replenish her energy.

  “You had no idea about your other side?” All humour seemed to have dropped from his face; he was giving her his complete attention. And she soaked it up, her body wanting to change the subject and get back into the whole mating bond and its pleasurable consequences conversation, instead of this painful one.

  She fought for control and won. This might be the only time she had Trent’s complete attention and she needed answers. “No. Looking back, there were perhaps small signs that I was different. But nothing else. Not until my tail.”

  He chuckled. “Did it just pop out?”

  “Yes,” she said, mortified at the memory.

  “Happens. But if your real parents had been around, they would have warned you about it. Don’t be too hard on yourself.”

  “But that was the beginning of all my problems.” She hesitated, but then plowed on, knowing she had to confide in someone and if what he said was true, then he was the one most likely to help her. And more importantly, to understand her. “Someone saw me. Saw my tail…”

  “Ah, and that person gave you trouble.” His whole countenance changed now, he was going into protective mode. The relaxed state of his body was swiftly changing, leaving him with a tight jaw and clenched fists. “Did that person hurt you?”

  “No. Not physically, at least. But …” She stopped talking, Pamela had returned with their order. Willow had to admit when she saw the juicy steak and fries, her mouth watered. The salad, which Pamela had brought over too, sat uneaten in the middle of the table.

  “Nice to see a healthy appetite,” Trent said, making her suddenly self-conscious of the way she was shoving as much food as possible into her mouth. “But you might want to slow down a little. You don’t want to make yourself ill.”

  She took her time to chew her next mouthful carefully, before swallowing. He was right; her stomach had gone into joyous spasms at the sudden influx of food after being denied so long. It emulated her body: the love and compassion he offered were both a shock and a delight. But if she allowed him in, would she end up hurt? That was why she had to be sure he spoke the truth.

  “This is good,” she said, already halfway through her steak, and glad that she had some time to collect her thoughts before he questioned her again. She was unsure as to how much she wanted to tell him about Ollie; it made her feel so stupid. And she would rather forget it ever happened. The more she thought about it, the less she believed he would ever come after her. It wasn’t worth his time, and who would believe him anyway?

  “Their desserts are impressive too. I think once you’ve eaten your steak and had something sweet, other than me,” he said with a cocky smile, “you will be more than ready to take on that panther of yours.”

  “Is there somewhere we can go, where no one will see?”

  “Anywhere in Cougar Ridge is safe. But I’m guessing you would like some privacy, so we’ll go into the woods. No one will see us. They’re all too busy staying warm.”

  “Are you sure you don’t mind? You know, helping me.”

  “Not at all, in fact I can’t wait to see you. I never thought I’d end up with a little cat.”

  “What are you?” she asked, suddenly wondering what kind of creature he was. She couldn’t imagine such a big man as a small cat. Maybe a lion?

  “I am a bear.”

  “A bear. You mean there are lots of other creatures other than cats?”

  “Yes, I guess, maybe
everyone you can think of. I know plenty of bears, and then there are the wolves, cougars, panthers, and lions. Over in the east, I believe there are horses too.”

  “Wow. Until I met you, I thought I was alone.” It was the truth; she had thought she was the only one afflicted with … well, what did you call the thing that happened to her? She didn’t really know.

  “You are anything but alone. Especially now, Willow. I know I come over all confident and brash. But I promise you, I only have your best interests at heart and I will protect you with my life if I have to. Whoever might want to hurt you will have to go through me from now on.” His face was fierce, the sudden change startling.

  It scared her, but she believed him, his eyes didn’t lie. Sexy and confident, he would be too good for her without the bond. This was what she thought about as she finished her meal, savouring every last delicious crumb. While she ate she glanced around the bar, taking in the myriad of people. Some were couples, so wrapped up in each other they were oblivious to the rest of the world. If such a thing really existed, then these were mated couples. Then there were those who were simply flirting with each other, looking for some fun. Sprinkled in amongst the crowd were small pockets of males, talking amongst themselves, and lone females eyeing up the man they would like to take to their bed. The majority of those were casting glances at Trent.

  She wanted to scream at them, to tell them he was hers. Maybe if she allowed her panther to escape they would get the message more readily. But one look at Trent showed her he was oblivious to them, so she turned away and ignored them, allowing herself to fully enjoy both her meal and her man.

  “Ready to go?” he asked, when he had settled the bill.

  “Yes, at least I think so.” She tried to smile, but her nerves were too frayed. While she was eating, it was all too easy to push what would come next to the back of her mind. But now, with a sticky slice of chocolate cake churning around in her stomach, along with her steak and fries, the reality of changing into her panther made her feel sick.

  “Hey, it’ll be fine.” He reached out and touched her hand lightly, not with any sexual intent, but it had an effect on her that she found arousing. As if he had lit a fire in her nervous system, the flames of her desire burned. She was tempted to turn her hand and let him stroke her palm, to fan that fire which longed to burn out of control.


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