Alphas Prefer Curves

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Alphas Prefer Curves Page 37

by Unknown

  He came around the passenger side and opened the door for Sonya. “Feel free to let yourself into the house,” he told her. “I’ll be right in with the bags.” She looked a little shaky, and he thought it best to just get her into the house and out of whatever danger she was in.

  Sonya lifted her chin, a determined glint in her eyes. “The fire hasn’t robbed me of my strength. I’ll help you with the bags.”

  Whoa. Caleb inclined his head, taking a step back. Sonya jumped down, and Caleb eyed her as she walked ahead of him to the back of the truck. Talk about a wild card, he thought as he helped her unload the bags and bring them into the house. Meek as a mouse in the hospital bed, now she was showing signs of being a spitfire. It made him smile.

  “Your house is nice,” she commented as they stepped into the living room.

  “Thanks. I carved the furniture myself.”

  “Really?” Sonya’s eyes roamed over the couch and chairs set in front of the fireplace, the coffee table carved with an ivy pattern, the coat rack near the door, and the animal carvings atop the mantle. “That’s amazing. Where did you learn to do that?”

  “My grandfather was a wood worker,” Caleb answered, starting forward. He led Sonya up the stairs. “I learned how to carve rabbits and deer at his knee.”

  “And from there, how to carve furniture?”

  Caleb chuckled. “Well, it took awhile to master the trade, but yes.” He stepped out into the hallway and turned to the door on the right. “Everything in this house was carved by my hand.”

  He opened the door, revealing a spare bedroom. “This room is yours,” he said, crossing over to the queen-sized bed that sat near a large window overlooking the back yard. He placed her bags on the bed then sat down on the edge. “There’s hangers in the closet over there and drawers beneath that mirror you can put your stuff in. The spare bathroom is across the hall. If there’s anything you need, you can let me know.”

  “Thanks.” Sonya placed her bags on the dresser. She looked around the room. “I can’t thank you enough, you know.”

  “It’s not a problem.”

  They stared at each other, and Caleb’s thoughts turned dark. He almost thought that they weren’t going to make it through their shopping trip this afternoon. Every time Sonya went into a store, she started shaking like a leaf, her eyes darting around as though she was looking for an enemy. Caleb had to herd her around, shielding her with his body as best he could, both to give her a sense of safety and to prevent other shoppers from staring. She always relaxed as soon as she got back into the truck. Her relief was so palpable that Caleb felt guilty every time they had to make another stop.

  What the hell was she so afraid of that she couldn’t go to the convenience store without feeling like she was being hunted? What the hell had Damien done to her? Caleb was certain now that Damien was involved; there was no other predator around that a were-bear like Sonya would be afraid of.

  “I think I’d like to settle in now.” Sonya’s dulcet tones interrupted his train of thought.

  “Of course.” Caleb cleared his throat. He wanted answers, but now was not the time to push Sonya on them. “I’ll be downstairs making dinner. You can come join me whenever you’re ready.”

  He left the room, pulling his cell phone out on his way down the stairs. He wanted answers, and he knew just the person who could get them for him.

  Chapter Five

  Sonya stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom, toweling off her hair. She was clad in a fuzzy bathrobe she’d found hanging from the bathroom door, no doubt left there for guest usage. It had felt good to take a shower and get the soot out of her skin and hair; there was no way she was going to be able to take a bath, at least not for a long time.

  Done, she draped the towel onto the footboard and went to the closet to pick something to wear. Caleb had paid for everything; something she would have never allowed if it weren’t for the fact that she didn’t have any of her cards or cash and couldn’t bring herself to go into the bank in her condition. She’d made sure to only get the basics, but still, it was money he would never have spent if it wasn’t for her. Paying him back for the clothes wasn’t going to be enough; she would have to ask him what he wanted in return for his hospitality.

  And what if he asks for a romp in the sheets?

  Sonya blushed. Caleb didn’t seem like the type; he’d treated her like a man with honorable intentions. But he was a were-bear, and she was a female approaching mating heat. She hadn’t missed the fleeting glints of lust back in the hospital; she just hadn’t chosen to think about it until now because her all-consuming fear of Damien hadn’t left room for any other thoughts in her mind.

  But now that she’d had a chance to calm down, she realized that Caleb was extremely attractive. Though he’d remained grave for the most part, she’d caught glimpses of a grin, which transformed him from good-looking to devastating. And though he was still in his firefighting gear in the hospital, he’d ditched the jacket for a t-shirt that looked to fit well on a leanly muscled torso.

  Man, if she could just get him into a pair of silk boxers… or better yet, nothing…

  What are you talking about? You’ve been promised to Damien. You have no right to start having these thoughts about another were-bear, not so close to the mating ceremony.

  Her conscience, as usual, was on point. She couldn’t afford to have any kind of sexual relationship with Caleb. She was already putting him in enough danger as it was by allowing him to give her shelter. If she had any alternative, she wouldn’t be here, and as it was, she needed to get out from under this roof as soon as possible.

  But for now, she’d go downstairs and help him with dinner.

  Caleb was sautéing asparagus when he heard Sonya come downstairs. The soft padding of feet against creaking wooden steps was new to him; he’d never really had a woman stay in his house before. The spare bedroom was reserved for new Silver Grove firefighters who’d defected from the Blackwater clan; Caleb always gave them a place to stay while the team helped their new member find a place to settle into. New additions to their firehouse were becoming less and less frequent though since Damien was now cracking down on deserters with hellish fury. It was becoming increasingly more dangerous to oppose the Blackwater clan leader.

  He wondered if that’s what Sonya’s problem was. Had she done something to attack or thwart Damien? It would certainly explain her fear of him; retribution was painful though not often swift. When it came to the Blackwater clan and their enemies, Caleb should know; he used to be part of it all.

  Sonya’s shapely legs came into view, pale as milk with dainty ankles and toned calves. Caleb stopped what he was doing, watching as the rest of her came into view; rounded thighs that disappeared halfway into denim shorts, curvy hips that were covered up by a black tank top. Her breasts appeared next, the cleavage nicely covered by an edging of black lace, and well-defined shoulders followed, the creamy skin interrupted by the tank top straps. His cock started coming to attention; it was almost like watching a striptease. Who knew watching a woman walk down a flight of stairs could be so torturous?

  Finally, her head appeared. She’d pulled her damp, fiery tresses up into a messy bun, leaving her heart-shaped face exposed. Her eyes were larger and a little more sloe-eyed than he remembered, and her cheeks had roses in them, which was a welcome change from the clamminess she’d experienced earlier.

  “Hey.” She smiled at him shyly as her foot finally touched the bottom step, eyes briefly fluttering downward. Her scent wafted over him, soap mixed with honey and spice, and he hardened fully.

  Damn, would I like to sink my teeth into that.

  “Uh, hey.” Caleb cleared his throat. “Did you get settled in?”

  “Everything’s been wonderful.” She stepped onto the linoleum tile of the kitchen. “Is there anything else that needs to be done?”

  “Everything’s just about done.” Grabbing a pair of potholders, he reached into the oven and pulled ou
t a batch of freshly made rolls. “I think the only thing left is setting the table.”

  “I can do that.” Sonya licked her lips, eyeing the rolls hungrily. “I hope the food is as good as it looks.”

  Caleb winked. “Me too.”

  He watched from the corner of his eye as she set the table, folding napkins, putting out silverware, placing the salad bowl on the table along with the tongs. He nearly groaned out loud when she leaned over to adjust a placemat, presenting him with a full view of her shapely derriere. Worse, he could smell that she, too, was aroused.

  How was he supposed to get through this night without fucking her?

  Just one step at a time, buddy. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, and you’ll make it through this.

  He followed the advice, and in short order they were sitting across each other at the dining table, all the food laid out. “Did you carve this, too?” Sonya asked, running the palm of her hand across the varnished tabletop.

  “Sure did.” He shivered a little at the sight of her hand caressing the wood. I wish you would caress my wood. His cock stiffened a little more under the table, and he fought the urge to touch himself through his pants. He still had some of the manners his mama had instilled in him as a cub. “Anything you find in this house that’s made of wood, chances are it was carved by me.”

  Sonya lifted the wooden spoon in the bowl of spaghetti sauce. “Even this?”

  “Well, no. That’s from William Sonoma.”

  She laughed then, a rich musical sound that filled the entire room with warmth. Caleb was utterly enchanted by the way her eyes sparkled and the roses in her cheeks bloomed. The tension somewhat broken, they both served themselves and ate in a companionable silence. It was awhile before they said anything; weres had very high metabolisms and ate constantly.

  “This is very good,” Sonya commented once she’d finally managed to take the edge off her hunger. Neither she nor Caleb had eaten all day. “I haven’t had a meal like this in a long time.”

  “Really?” Caleb lifted an eyebrow. As far as he was concerned it was pretty standard fare—spaghetti with meat sauce, asparagus, and salad. Maybe a little fancier than the average bachelor, but he’d always loved to cook. “I eat this all the time.”

  “Yeah, well.” Sonya looked down at her plate and stabbed at a spear of asparagus with her fork. “I usually can’t afford it.”

  Caleb ached at the defeated tone in her voice. He had the idea that she hadn’t always been poor, and having fallen from wherever she had been into poverty had to have been hard. “You know, you’re welcome to come by anytime you like for spaghetti and bread rolls.” He picked up another roll and slathered it with butter. “I always make more food than I need, anyway.”

  Sonya chuckled. “You’re a young, healthy bear, Caleb, with an entire posse of firefighters. Even if you could make more food than you can eat, I’m sure you’d have no trouble getting rid of it.”

  “True. But I wouldn’t mind giving it to you.” He placed a gentle hand over her fingers, squeezing for just a moment, and then backed away, respecting her space.

  Sonya’s eyes softened. “I know.”

  They finished the rest of the meal then cleaned up the kitchen. Sonya was planning to retreat to her room, but Caleb wouldn’t hear of it. He waved her into the living room to watch TV with him.

  Truthfully, Sonya didn’t really want time alone in her room right now; she wasn’t tired enough to fall asleep, and she needed to continue to be distracted from thoughts of Damien. She sat at the other end of the couch, her knees drawn up to her chest as she watched Caleb flip through the channels. He’d managed to fit in a shower while he’d cooked dinner, and his jet-black hair looked soft and clean. He was wearing a white t-shirt that stretched comfortably over his lean frame and jeans that showed off his well-defined thighs. His bare feet were propped up on the coffee table, crossed at the ankles, and he leaned back into the corduroy couch cushions in a manner that said he was completely relaxed.

  His confidence was reassuring, his masculinity arousing. The fact that she knew he was attracted to her only compounded the problem. His arousal had spiked when she’d come down the stairs, and she’d mentally kicked herself, knowing she should have worn something that covered her body a bit better. But she was so used to wearing her unflattering uniform shirts during the days that she hated wearing unflattering clothing outside of work.

  Even if Damien didn’t want her to parade her body for anyone else, she still wanted to feel sexy from time to time. She was a were-bear, for Pete’s sake. Were-bears didn’t cover themselves up like nuns or prudes; they were proud of their bodies and made sure to let every male from miles around know it. It was only Damien’s selfishness, and the power he had over her, that had made her as modest as she was.

  “Here you go.” Sonya blinked as Caleb offered her a mug of hot chocolate; she’d gotten so wrapped up in her thoughts that she hadn’t even realized he’d gotten up. “Thought you could use the pick-me-up.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled warmly, accepting the mug, and took a small sip. The sweet, rich chocolate felt like heaven on her tongue, and she moaned softly. “This is wonder—what are you doing?” she squeaked as he pulled one of her feet into his lap.

  “Just helping you relax.” He pressed the pad of his thumb into the ball of her foot, and she let out a sigh. “You’ve had a long day.”

  “Jesus.” She put the mug down on the coffee table, not trusting herself to hold it. “I guess I can’t complain.” She leaned her head back and watched him, her eyes half-closing. His foot massage was sending tingles up and down her body, some of them to places that she was pretty sure had nothing to do with the actual massage.

  “Does that feel good?” He shifted his thumb toward her arch, and she rewarded him with a groan, pressing her foot firmly into his touch. The glint was back in his eye again, but his ministrations felt too good for her to care right now.

  “Yes.” The word came out on a breathy sigh. “Please don’t stop.”

  Caleb knew he should stop, should pull her foot out of his lap and pick up the remote again. But he’d stopped in his tracks when she’d uttered that moan after tasting the hot chocolate. He’d never heard such a sexy, throaty sound in his life and he’d wanted to make her do it again.

  As he continued massaging her foot, rubbing both thumbs in concentric circles, he wondered if she really knew how sexy she was, leaning back against the couch cushions as she stared at him with her smoky eyes. Her cheeks were nicely flushed, her lips dewy and slightly parted, and her chest was rising and falling a little more rapidly than normal. He savored each and every groan of encouragement from her, but his cock was hard steel trying to break free from the denim, and he knew massaging her foot wasn’t going to be enough.

  Still pressing one of his thumbs into her foot, he slowly slid his other hand up her calf until he was cupping the back of her knee. She started a bit at the motion but didn’t protest, so he tightened his grip and pulled her forward until the edge of her bottom was flush against his thigh.

  “What are you doing?” Her voice was breathless but free of panic or doubt, and it only fueled his arousal more.

  “Enjoying you.” He lifted one of her legs and began pressing open-mouthed kisses along the outside of her thigh. “You have gorgeous legs.” He nibbled the area of skin right beneath the hem of her shorts then pushed the denim higher to expose more of her.

  He should definitely stop here. There was no question about it. If he went further, there was no going back. He braced himself, ready to push her away.

  “Can I take these off?”

  Sonya blinked, reality crashing down on her at Caleb’s request and cutting through the thick fog of arousal. It had been such a long time since anyone had aroused her like this that she had forgotten how all-consuming it could be.

  There was no question that she and Caleb had the potential for passion… and passion was dangerous. It led to rash, impulsive decisi
ons, the same type of decisions that had landed her in the predicament she was in now, cut off from her parents and from any financial assistance. She couldn’t allow it to happen again.

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t.” She pulled her leg gently from Caleb’s grasp.

  The disappointment in his eyes mirrored her own, but he didn’t try to force her. “I wouldn’t hurt you,” he said softly.

  “I know.” She picked up her mug of hot chocolate and stood. “And that’s why I can’t.”

  She fled up the staircase to her room before he could see the tears in her eyes.

  Chapter Six

  Caleb rolled over in his bed, trying to get comfortable, but it was hard when his thoughts kept going back to the were-bear slumbering away in the spare bedroom across the hall. Her rejection had stung, though it was her parting words that had bothered him more than anything else, and he still wasn’t any closer to figuring out what she was so afraid of.

  Sam Gaffney, his contact at the police department, had told him he’d call as soon as he found out more about Sonya, but he hadn’t rung Caleb since that conversation. Caleb had been checking his phone every few minutes, and he had even texted Sam. Chances were his friend just hadn’t found anything; he wouldn’t call Caleb back unless he had something, which likely wouldn’t be until tomorrow. Didn’t make it any less frustrating though.

  The pitter-patter of running feet grabbed his attention, and he sat up as his bedroom door flew open with a bang. Sonya stood in the doorway, dressed only in panties and a tank top, her curly hair flying in every direction. The moonlight glanced off her face, revealing wide, panic-stricken eyes and tear tracks running down her cheeks.

  “What’s wrong?” Caleb was already out of bed, crossing over to her. “Did something hap—”

  “Please.” Sonya launched herself into his arms, pressing her tear-stained face against his bare chest. “Please just hold me. I don’t want to be left alone. I’ve been alone for so long.”


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