Alphas Prefer Curves

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Alphas Prefer Curves Page 78

by Unknown

  As I cracked eggs two at a time into a bowl, she entered the kitchen with her robe wrapped around her like a cocoon. Her face was full of questions I knew I couldn't answer.

  "Sit," I said. "Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. Scrambled eggs and pancakes okay?"

  Her face lit up as she smiled, and it melted the ice around my heart a little more.

  "Yes, that's great, but I could've made them myself."

  "You're my guest."

  "So," she said hesitantly, "this is where you live?"

  "This is one of my homes, the penthouse. I own the building."

  Her brow furrowed briefly and I knew she didn't believe me. She only sees me as a killer, I thought. She probably thinks I'm no different than those maggots I protected her from.

  I pushed those thoughts out of my head for the moment and looked at her as I stirred the eggs in the pan. I would do whatever I could to make her trust and believe in me. Maybe she was the one thing that could get me out of this life for good.



  I bolted upright as I woke up and looked around, trying to remember where I was. As my eyes adjusted to the room, everything came back to me when I saw the framed picture and my mother's rosary on top of the dresser.

  Tightening the robe I had slept in, I got out of bed and looked around the room. The furnishings were expensive rich woods and I remembered Dante pulling back the down comforter for me to get into the bed. It had to be his bedroom, but there wasn't anything personal in it except for my two things.

  Wondering where Dante was, I quietly opened the door and peeked into the hall. The scent of melting butter filled the air and my stomach grumbled with hunger. I followed the sizzling sound and arrived at the kitchen.

  Dante was standing in front of a five-burner Viking cooktop making breakfast. My heart did little flips as he broke eggs into a bowl with confidence. There's nothing sexier than a man who can cook, I thought.

  He was still dressed in all black from the night before. The sleeves of his fitted dress shirt stretched and hugged his large biceps. While I never liked men with facial hair, the shadow of his beard made him even sexier.

  The kitchen was modern with sleek grey cabinets and a wide built-in refrigerator. I felt like I stepped into a page of a fancy magazine. Over the granite island hung shiny pots, and at one side of the island were two high backed black leather chairs.

  I couldn't believe this was where Dante lived. Thinking about my life at the convent, I kept thinking that a killer shouldn't have such a nice life. But I had to stop thinking of him as only a killer, just as I didn't want people to judge me for almost becoming a nun.

  Dante had already shown he was more complex than a simple stereotype. Seeing how he lived and everything I had been through in the past week only made me more aware of how sheltered I had been my entire life. As much as I wanted to stay in Dante's beautiful home, I thought I was better off going my own way. He didn't need someone to babysit.

  "Thank you for letting me stay," I said, "but I'll have to call one of my brothers and see if they'll let me stay with them until I find my own place."

  "No, you'll stay here," he said as he flipped a couple of pancakes. "I brought you here so I could protect you. There are people out there who will do things to you that you can't even imagine. You'll be staying here until you're no longer in danger."

  I couldn't argue with him, and I didn't want to. I never felt safer than when I was near him, but I still thought I was holding him back somehow.

  He sat next me on one of the stools and as I reached for the warm syrup, he picked it up to hand it to me. A little spilled onto his shirt.

  "Oh no! I'm so sorry," I said, feeling bad for being so clumsy. "Take that off and I'll rinse it out."

  He unbuttoned his shirt and handed it to me. I had never seen a man so sculpted and fit before, he had muscles in places I didn't know existed. I knew it was rude, but I couldn't stop myself from staring. My eyes soaked in every inch of his shoulders and chest, including his tattoos and a horrible scar across his chest.

  The scar was large, starting in the middle of his chest and extending outward like a star. I wondered if it hurt him still and I winced, imagining what terrible thing might have happened to leave such a big mark.

  His left shoulder was covered with a large tattoo of a black Labrador retriever. It was just another thing that made me realize there was more to him than just being an assassin.

  On his right shoulder was a military tattoo of a bomb with lightning bolts and stars in the middle of a wreath. I was dying to ask him what the tattoo was. I wanted to learn as much about him as possible. As I rinsed his shirt in the sink, I summoned the courage to ask.

  "What's that tattoo of?"

  "Which one?"

  I blinked, wondering if he thought I was too stupid to recognize a dog on his shoulder, then realized he might have more.

  "You have more than the two on your shoulders?"

  "You can say that," he said, but didn't volunteer anything else.

  "Well, I only noticed those, and I know what a dog is."

  He smiled and nodded as if he was done toying with me. "I'm not supposed to have this one. I shouldn't have any tattoos at all, but they're reminders. This is an exact copy of my EOD badge."

  "What's EOD?"

  "Explosive Ordinance Disposal. That's what I did when I was in the Army."

  "What does Explosive Ordinance Disposal mean?" I asked, wondering if I had to drag every answer out of him.

  "We need to get you some clothing. I don't know how long you're going to be here, but you need more than just your pajamas."

  I wanted to push him more about the tattoo, but it was obvious he didn't want to talk about himself. I'd have to wait for another time.

  "I can go to the store and pick up a couple of things," I said. "I don't need much."

  "You can't leave here without me. Tell me what you'd like and I'll arrange for clothing for you."

  "I had a navy cardigan I really loved. I'd like to find something like that."

  "I saw you in that sweater," he said. "No, you don't need to dress like that. You're young. You shouldn't hide yourself."

  I shook my head. I couldn't tell him the truth about why I dressed like I did. He wasn't talking about my plain clothing, he was talking about the fit. He was gorgeous, hot, absolutely perfect. He couldn't understand what it was like to be me.

  "I can't waste money on clothes I'll never wear. I don't even have a credit card."

  "Who said anything about money? As long as you're here, you're not paying for anything."

  "No, I can't let you do that."

  "You don't have a choice."

  There was no arguing with him. I nodded my head and accepted my fate. "Fine, but I'm going to get what I want."

  "You'll get some pretty things. Clothing you can't hide in."

  "But I'm--"

  "Beautiful. And you should dress that way. I know women, I have a sister and a mother. None of you see how truly beautiful you are. I'm a man. I'm supposed to be strong," he said as he flexed his muscles for emphasis. "Women should be soft and delicate. Like you."

  My face felt so hot it must have been a hundred shades of red. I squeezed the excess water from his shirt and handed it back to him as he stood. When he turned around, I saw his other tattoo.

  It was a large tree, completely bare without any leaves. Surrounding the tree were crows. Some were in the air, others were perched, and a few were on the ground underneath the branches. The tattoo was eerily beautiful.

  "Tell me, why did you go to the convent?" he asked.

  As if his telling me I was beautiful wasn't amazing enough, him asking about myself made me float on air. I wanted to ask him more about himself, but I never had anyone ask about me before. I didn't think I could stop smiling if someone forced me to.

  "Being a nun was all I ever wanted to do. I can't explain it. I just wanted to help people and teach children."r />
  "You're a smart woman, you know you don't have to be a nun to do that," he said.

  "I know. I'm sure some of it was my parents' influence. They thought it was an honor to be part of the Church, and of course I agreed. I loved all of my teachers in Catholic school, and most of them were nuns. I looked up to them and wanted to be like them."

  He grinned and I crossed my arms in front of me. I couldn't believe he thought that was funny.

  "Did I say something funny?" I asked in my most intimidating voice.

  "No," he said, laughing. "I was just thinking how sweet you are. I couldn't wait to get out of school and you were thinking of ways you could stay there. Not only that, but leaving all worldly possessions behind. You really are a saint."

  "Well, I obviously didn't really want to become a nun. I was at All Saint's for four years. Most women don't take that long before taking their vows. If I really wanted to do it, I would have committed myself more."

  "I'm glad you didn't," he said as he winked at me.

  He seemed so relaxed and comfortable. I enjoyed talking to him and hoped he would open up to me. Thinking he wasn't going to volunteer anything about himself, I took matters into my own hands.

  "You said your tattoos are reminders. What about the one on your back? It's amazing."

  "I have some things to take care of," he said as his eyes grew cold. "I'll arrange for some deliveries for you later. Don't even think about going anywhere. You can borrow my clothing if you want to change in the meantime."

  His face turned hard like it was last night when he saved me. I knew better than to ask any more questions. They'd have to wait for another time.


  A few hours later, I was startled by a buzzing coming from the elevator. When I got there, I discovered an intercom wall panel with a blue light that flashed in rhythm with the buzzing.

  "Umm, hello?" I said as I pressed the button.

  "Good afternoon, Miss Carlisi. It's Sonny. Dante arranged for some deliveries. Can I bring them up?"

  "Yes," I said, feeling odd with how formal Sonny was towards me.

  The soft whir of the elevator began and I tightened my robe. Still feeling jumpy from the night before, my hands were moist and my body shook softly as I waited for the elevator door to open. Sonny stepped into the hall carrying a tall stack of packages. I was glad to see Sonny after meeting him last night. My nerves were so frazzled I didn't know who I could trust, but Dante said Sonny was safe, so I trusted him.

  "Where do you want these?" he asked. I hadn't taken the time to look around that much. While I was sure there was another bedroom, I didn't feel comfortable enough to start opening doors and I didn't want Sonny stepping into the room I slept in.

  "I guess right here is fine," I said as I pointed to a nearby credenza.

  He set the packages down and turned towards me. His large eyes scanned the hallway before coming back to me.

  "Dante asked me to tell you that if there's nothing here you like, you could order whatever you want," he said, then turned and left.

  As the elevator door closed, I suddenly felt frumpy and plain as I caught my reflection. How could Dante think I was beautiful? I had my good days and bad ones of course, but after spending the past four years in a convent, I had to admit to myself that I didn't take as good care of myself as I should.

  My skin was dry and my hair, which I always loved, was dull and frizzy. Yet this amazing and gorgeous man used words like beautiful and delicate to describe me. I looked at the boxes and bags Sonny dropped off and wondered what was inside. Picking one up, I shook it and heard the soft swish of fabric slide inside.

  I wanted to open the packages and see what was in them, but it was all too much. I barely knew him yet he let me into his home and bought me things to replace what I had lost. I needed time to think and let everything settle before I could look at what he chose for me.

  I decided to let them sit while I looked for something of Dante's I could put on. Maybe after a quick shower I'd feel better about opening them. It would be rude to ignore them and leave them sitting there, and I didn't want to upset him.

  As I convinced myself that it was okay to accept his gifts, I thought about how Dante made me feel that morning while we spoke. I had never felt so wanted and alluring. He made me see for myself that there was more to me than I thought. Dante thought I was smart and beautiful, and I was ready to prove him right.


  I found a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that belonged to Dante and put them on just to get into some clean clothes. His clothes were huge on me, but I didn't mind. The shorts were almost long enough to be pants for me and his shirt was nice and roomy. I didn't like clingy clothing anyway, and wearing his things made me feel close to him even though he wasn't there.

  As I entered the hallway again, I saw the stack of boxes and bags Sonny brought up earlier. I grabbed what I could and made several trips to bring everything into the living room. Noticing a satellite receiver in the wall unit next to the TV, I turned it on so I could listen to music.

  Music streamed through the built-in speakers, calming me. It was the final thing I needed to feel more at ease in the strange place. I really missed my home, but remembering my conversation with Carlo the day before, I realized he was right. The building itself wasn't home. I had my memories and could make a home wherever I wanted.

  Sitting on the floor, I opened the first box, the one I shook earlier. Inside was a soft rose-colored blouse. I checked the size and was surprised Dante chose the right one. Maybe he did know women as well as he said he did.

  I flipped a bag over, and several sets of matching bras and panties in different colors floated onto the floor. They had beautiful embroidery, nothing like I ever wore, but they were so pretty I was excited to try them on.

  Another bag held satiny sleep sets in jewel tones. They looked expensive and felt rich. I couldn't even imagine how much Dante had spent.

  As I went through the rest of the boxes and bags, I was overwhelmed by so many things. None of the items were things I would have chosen myself, but there were all things I would admire and wish I could wear. I had to work on convincing myself it was okay to dress in such pretty things. When I thought about it, I chose simple, boring clothing most of my life because I wanted people to appreciate me for my head and not my face.

  I always knew I was pretty, but I wanted people to see more than just that. Dante called me beautiful, and it excited me and made me feel so alive. But he also said I was smart and he talked to me that way. Even though I had just met him, I was finding him to be the most amazing man.

  Opening a large box, I found different hair and skin products. He really thought of everything. Leaning back against the couch, I surveyed the piles of clothes. Everything was great, but it didn't feel like me. I was willing to try different things, but with so many things happening, I really missed my comfortable clothes. I especially missed my sweater.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed another bag that must have gotten dropped during my trips to the living room. I couldn't imagine what else could be in there. Another dress? A skirt? A lacy top? It didn't matter, it was all the same.

  Peeking into the bag, I got confused when I saw the familiar navy color of my old sweater. I pulled it out of the bag and although it still had the tags on, it was my exact cardigan. I looked at the size and laughed, seeing he even chose a larger size even though he teased me about my roomy sweater.

  As I took the tags off my sweater, everything just hit me. Tears spilled onto my cheeks as the weight of everything I had been through crashed down upon me. I put the sweater on and wrapped my arms around myself like I always did, hugging myself. While the other things he bought me were beautiful and expensive, that sweater showed me more of who Dante was. He was the sensitive man behind the stone face.



  The days with Dante sped by. In a blink, a week had passed and while it had been the best week of my life, i
t was also the most confusing. I kept trying to get him to open up to me, but any time I asked him something, he shut me down or simply walked out of the room.

  I also missed having my freedom. Not that I ever did much at the convent, but I had the ability to go anywhere I pleased. Although with everything going on, I was even afraid to get too close to a window.

  What saved me every night though was Dante. Despite his working during the day, or his avoiding my questions, he held me every night as I slept. Sometimes I'd go to bed before he even made it home, but he'd quietly slip into the room and wrap his arms around me. Those were the moments I cherished.

  Late one afternoon while I was curled up in the corner of the couch reading, I heard the elevator whoosh. Dante didn't keep a steady schedule so I never knew when he was going to be home, but I was especially glad that evening because I was lonely.

  I couldn't stop thinking about my momma and how different my life was than what she expected it to be. I knew in time she would've been supportive of my decision to leave All Saint's, despite how disappointed she might have been. But I wished I had more time with her so I could tell her about Dante.

  I wondered how she would feel about my dating a made man, but she was from the old country where the Mafia was a regular part of life. When I thought about my acceptance of Dante as a hit man, I thanked her for allowing me to be so open-minded. Of course I sometimes wondered if I would be so accepting if he hadn't saved me.

  Getting up, I decided to wait in the hall for Dante's arrival. Just looking at him made my day better. He hadn't said much, but there were little things he did that showed me I meant as much to him as he did to me.

  The elevator door slid open and he smiled when he saw me. He wore a suit whenever he was working, and today was no exception. Wearing a dark taupe suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and tapered waist, he looked dashing. The only time I hadn't seen him in a suit was the night he rescued me. As he stepped into the hall, I noticed he was carrying something over his shoulder.


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