Alphas Prefer Curves

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Alphas Prefer Curves Page 138

by Unknown

  I wanted to kiss him. I remembered the feel of his mouth on mine, the heat of his body covering me, the way he’d made me come over and over.

  I wanted to slap him. For leaving me. For crossing a mobster like Frankie. For being someone I couldn’t trust. Most of all, I wanted to hurt Blake because I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

  “You came.” He took off his sunglasses and those crystal blue eyes seemed to stare right through me.

  “I-I...” I fought not to tell him the truth. It wasn’t safe. Not yet. So I plastered a smile on my face and didn’t look him in the eye. “Yes, I did.”

  “I wasn’t sure if you would.”

  “I almost didn’t,” I said truthfully.

  “Well, I’m glad you did.” He looked at the ground by my table and his brow furrowed. “Where’s your luggage? I’ll carry it for you.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t have any.”

  That gave him pause. “You didn’t pack anything?”

  “It’s lost.” I resisted the urge to wince at the lie. I would be telling him whoppers bigger than this soon. Might as well get used to it. “They sent it to Alaska.”

  Blake eyes widened. “Well, that’s unfortunate.”

  I just shrugged. He didn’t know the half of it.

  “You want to pick up something here?” He nodded to the row of shops behind us.

  Shaking my head, I said, “I don’t think they’ll have my size.” I’d given the t-shirts in the window a passing glance on my way to the cafe and I hadn’t seen anything close to big enough for me.

  Blake pursed his lips thoughtfully. “Hmm. I guess I can take you to a few stores tomorrow. Would that work?”

  “Yes, that would be great. Thanks.” I gave him a tight smile.

  He held out his hand. “I can’t wait to show you Casablanca.”

  I stood, slipping my hand into his. “I can’t wait to see it.” It was true, too. There was no way I was going to miss out on Morocco. Given my budget constraints, being kidnapped really was the only way I could afford a trip like this. I was determined to find some way to enjoy what I could.

  He gave my hand a squeeze and started to lead me away, but I resisted. “Hey, before we go, is there any chance I could call Lilli really quick? I left without telling her and I can’t seem to get calls to go through on my phone.”

  “Your phone probably won’t work here, but mine can make overseas calls.” He handed me his cell phone and waited while I dialed Lilli’s number.

  She didn’t pick up and I quickly debated what kind of message to leave her. When the beep came, I settled on, “Hey, Lilli, I had to go out of town unexpectedly. Sorry to leave you in the lurch, but I’ll be back as soon as I can. I’ll explain everything when I see you.”

  Hanging up, I returned the cell phone to Blake. I would have preferred to talk to Lilli in real time, but there was nothing to do but hope she listened to my message. Lilli didn’t like phones and had a bad habit of deleting voicemails unheard.

  “All set?” Blake asked.

  At my nod, he linked his hand with mine again and guided me toward the airport’s exit. Outside, Blake hailed a taxi and soon we were hurtling through the streets of Casablanca. I stared in wonder at the bright white buildings accented with flashes of royal blue. Buildings featured beautiful arches and some had rounded domes that ended in sharp points. Mosaics were everywhere, swirling with color. The landscape was so different from any place I’d ever been, both alien and beautiful at the same time.

  “Where are we going?” I watched a bus lumber past our taxi, packed to the gills with people. While I saw some men in suits or pants and dress shirts, a lot of people wore long flowing robes. The women were a mix of conservative Muslims in black robes with their faces completely covered and those who were a little less conservative, merely covering their hair with a scarf. A few women had a more Western look; completely uncovered and made-up with well coiffed hair.

  “I’ve rented a Riad on the outskirts of town.”

  “A what?” I turned to look at him.

  “A private guest house. I need the privacy.” He took my hand in his and squeezed. “I’m working on a new trick for the Sahara Magic Competition.”

  “Oh? Is that why you asked me to come?” I asked, curious to finally hear why he would’ve invited me to Morocco in the first place.

  “Yes, I need an assistant and you have the right skill set.”

  “Oh, cool,” I murmured with a distinct lack of enthusiasm. I felt deflated. Deep down I’d hoped to hear another answer. Of course, we didn’t know each other well enough for grand gestures of love. I knew I was being silly. Knew Blake wasn’t a good idea, not anymore, but that didn’t stop me from wanting him.

  “In particular, I need someone who knows burlesque.” He went on to discuss the trick he had planned in extensive detail.

  I half listened, nodding every so often so it looked like I was paying attention. I was too tired to really focus on anything other than feeling used by both Blake and Frankie.

  Chapter Nine

  The Riad was a beautiful white stucco house with ornate arches located in a quiet neighborhood in the hills high above the city. I could see Casablanca sprawled out like an urban carpet below, and, in the far distance, the gleam of the sun on the ocean.

  Blake gave me a quick tour of the main living area on the first floor. There was a large foyer where I left my purse. Straight ahead was an airy living room, which contained a fireplace framed by a beautiful abstract tile mural. Sliding glass doors led out to a patio. The dining room held a heavy wood table, big enough to seat eight. An ornate flower arrangement sat in the table’s center. We could only poke our heads into the kitchen because the cook was there, busy making dinner. Apparently, the Riad came with staff.

  “I feel like I’m on a Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous tour,” I said as Blake led me upstairs. The house had been tastefully decorated with what looked like Moroccan art. The furniture all appeared new and high end, certainly way above my pay grade.

  Blake chuckled. “This is modest by Robin Leach’s standards. There’s not even a pool.” He stopped by a door. “Here’s your room.” He opened the door and let me step into the room first.

  “Oh wow.” I turned in a small circle. “It’s beautiful.” Deep red silk with floral embroidery covered the bed and there was a wardrobe with ornate carving on its doors. Behind a second door was a private bathroom featuring a sunken tub big enough even for me.

  “This is amazing.” I walked out of the bathroom and over to the window. Brushing aside the white curtains, I took in the view. A brick courtyard lay below complete with a bubbling fountain and a neatly planted garden bursting with color.

  Blake came to stand next to me. “Why don’t you rest? You must be tired. We’ll have dinner when you wake up. The cook here makes the most wonderful tagine.”

  I looked at him then, noting the excitement that danced in his eyes as he spoke. Blake was happy to see me. Frankie had been right, he had the hots for me, but now I was afraid to like him back.

  Still, when he came in close for a tender kiss, I couldn’t help but bask in his touch. His hands were gentle on my face and in my hair, but his arms around me flexed with hard muscle and his mouth devoured mine with a hunger I remembered well. A hunger that burned in me, too.

  For a moment, we spoke through the touch of our bodies, the brush of skin on skin. With his warm arms around me, his mouth on mine, everything seemed right with the world. All too soon, he broke the kiss and stepped away.

  “Sleep. We’ll have time to catch up later.” His thumb caressed my cheek and his eyes drank me in. “By the way, there’s a surprise for you in the wardrobe. Something you’ll find useful since your luggage was lost.”

  “Oh Blake.” I leaned into his touch. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”

  “It reminded me of you.” He kissed my forehead. “Rest. I’ll see you later.”


  After a long
bath and an even longer nap, I woke feeling worse than a hung over zombie. My head pounded like my brain wanted to stage a jailbreak. The jet lag combined with being drugged had not done me any favors.

  With a groan, I heaved myself upright, clutching my head to keep it from cracking open. I’d slept in the soft towels from the bathroom. They were made of thick cotton and large enough to wrap all the way around my ample frame. The clothes I’d been kidnapped in were too dusty to wear again. After all, I’d rolled around on the ground in them. They also smelled like sweat and desperation. So much so that I’d hand washed everything, including my underwear, in the bathroom sink and hung it all on the shower rod, hoping there was enough time for it all to dry.

  The lack of clean and dry clothing made me doubly glad to see a gorgeous caftan hanging in the hand carved wardrobe. I pulled it out and couldn’t help but gasp. The scarlet fabric had been beaded around the neckline, the sleeves and the hem. There were almost too many beads and crystals, which meant it was just perfect. A pair of thin cotton pants in the same scarlet color accompanied the top.

  I put the outfit on, sans underwear, and, for several long minutes, admired myself in the bathroom mirror. The caftan made me look exotic and lush with the way it gathered around my breasts and then flared out over my torso. Without underwear, the fabric ran over my skin in a soft caress. I wasn’t one to go commando, but it felt sexier than I would’ve expected.

  Smiling at myself in the mirror, I finger combed my hair and spritzed on some perfume I found on the vanity. It smelled of lavender and bergamot mixed with citrus, a lovely fresh scent. I was renewed.

  The only downer? The clock was ticking and I had no clue how I was going to get Blake to the address Frankie had given me. Some ideas flashed through my mind as I considered my situation. I could ask him to take me sight-seeing and give the driver the address. Or maybe I could pretend I arranged a special private dinner as a thank you for bringing me to Morocco. After thinking it over, I decided I liked the dinner idea best.

  But was I willing to let Blake go in blind? That didn’t sit well with me, but could I warn him without angering Frankie? It was tough to judge without more information.

  Unable to resolve the question of whether to tell Blake anything or not, I shelved the dilemma for the time being. I decided to go find Blake and some food. Barefoot, I padded through the sprawling Riad in search of the dining room. I’d been too tired when we arrived to recall the layout and kept ending up in guest suites that mirrored mine.

  They were all empty except for the last one, which was packed with computers, wires and flat screen monitors. I stared at it all, confused. It looked like the hide-out of some mad computer genius. Chalking it up to Blake and his magic, I left, shutting the door behind me.

  My stomach growled, reminding me I hadn’t eaten in over a dozen time zones. Catching the scent of something delicious, I followed it to the heart of the house where I finally located the dining room. The table had been set as if they expected a foreign diplomat for dinner. Candles in gold candelabras now flanked the floral centerpiece. Gold rimmed the plates as well, while the silverware had the gleam of real silver.

  Then I noticed Blake and frowned because he didn’t look happy. His expression was dark and stormy. I started to ask him what was wrong when I spotted Frankie’s wad of cash on one of the plates. Next to it rested the card Frankie had given me.

  He gestured for me to sit. “Is there something you want to tell me?”

  I slowly lowered myself into a seat and put my napkin in my lap. “You went through my purse?” The idea of him snooping bothered me. I’d set it on the side table at the entrance, never thinking anyone would touch it, least of all Blake.

  “It fell off the table and things fell out. Strange things.” He picked up the money, hefting its weight in his hand before setting it aside.“That’s a lot of cash.”

  I mutely nodded, watching as he spooned food onto my plate. It smelled delicious, but I’d just lost my appetite.

  He served himself, shoulders rigid, mouth a grim line. “At least five thousand dollars.”

  I just shrugged. I didn’t have the skills to judge the amount without counting it, but, apparently, Blake did.

  “You didn’t use your plane ticket, either. I checked.”

  Still not knowing what to say, I remained silent.

  Blake continued, “The address on that card is a known hot-spot for criminals.” He banged the spoon on the side of the serving dish and the sharp noise made me jump. “Care to explain so this makes sense?”

  I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm in the face of his obvious anger. “I’ll leave the explanations up to you.”

  He bristled, eyes flashing. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means, I was kidnapped and forced to come here.” I glared at him. “I turned you down, Blake. I wasn’t going to come.”

  The anger drained from his face, but his expression remained wary. “What do you mean kidnapped?”

  “Remember Clark?” At his nod, I continued, “Well he showed up with some bogus cops, put a hood over my head, jabbed a needle in my thigh and threw me in the trunk of a car. I woke up in a plane.”

  Blake shook his head. “Wait. That makes no sense. You’re here, not being held hostage somewhere.”

  I held up a finger. “Yes, that’s the interesting part. Do you know why they want me, Blake?”


  “Because they want you.” I tapped the card with my finger. “I’m supposed to get you here or else.”

  He looked at the card, his brow furrowed. “I don’t understand.”

  “Yeah, well, join the club.” I pushed back my chair and stood. “All I know is I spent one night with you and that got me kidnapped. You were supposed to fuck me, Blake, not my life.” With that, I fled to my room, not wanting him to see me cry.


  Blake came after me. I didn’t blame him. I would’ve done the same in his shoes. He’d been a wanted man and didn’t even know it. Of course he wanted answers. I just didn’t have any to give.

  He pounded on the door. “Ruby, are you okay?”

  I hugged my knees to my chest and tried not to cry all over my new outfit. It was the one beautiful thing in an ugly situation. I couldn’t bear to ruin it.

  “Can I come in?”

  “It’s your house.” I sniffed and wiped away tears in an effort to compose myself.

  He cracked the door open and poked his head in. When he saw me on the bed, he came in and sat next to me, one arm going around my shoulders. I should’ve pulled away, but instead I leaned in to him. I was always leaning into Blake, never passing up an opportunity to be close to him. That would have to stop. And soon. However, just then I indulged, needing the comfort.

  “It’s okay, baby. Listen, you don’t have to say a thing. I can guess at what’s going on and I can only hope you’ll forgive me for putting you in such danger.” He paused for a moment, seemingly gathering his thoughts. “There are men who want my skills, who want to use them for their own purposes. One of them found you and is trying to manipulate me through you. Does that sound about right?”

  I shrugged. “I guess so. He didn’t really say why you’re supposed to be at that address.”

  “He? Do you have a name?”


  “The crew guy from the cirque?” Blake frowned. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “He was watching you,” I said. “How about Frankie Abruzzo? He’s Clark’s boss. You ever heard of him?”

  Blake’s expression became grim. “Yeah. Him I know.”

  I shook my head. “How do you know a guy like Frankie? What does magic have to do with any of this?”

  Blake sighed. “Magic is deception at its core, a lie of wonder. Tricks come in handy for all sorts of nefarious schemes.”

  “Like what?” I gave him a skeptical look.

  “Several old magic tricks are used in cons. You know the shell game?” Whe
n I nodded, he continued, “It’s a magic trick used to bilk people out of money. It’s been in use for over a hundred years and con men still fall back on it. Unfortunately, magic has a dark side, one criminals count on.”

  My eyebrows shot up at the mention of criminals. “Are you in the mob or something?”

  “No, I’m not a mobster,” he said, his expression grim. “But my job sometimes makes me go slumming.”

  “What is your job?” I asked softly.

  His expression grew remote. “Not something I can discuss.”

  My stomach sank as I ran through a list of people who couldn’t talk about their jobs. Spies. Thieves. Assassins. Hackers. Okay, most of those were criminals, but what else was I supposed to think? Normal people talked about their jobs.

  While I was busy thinking, Blake changed the subject. “The address on the card? When am I supposed to be there?”

  “Four days from now.”

  He thought for a moment and then nodded as if he’d decided something. “All right. I’ll take care of it. Frankie will get his.”

  I snapped my fingers. “That’s it? Problem solved just like that?”

  He nodded. “Yep, just like that. Don’t worry about Frankie, Ruby. I’ll handle him. He’s not nearly as big a deal as he thinks he is.”

  I found it hard to believe Blake. “Frankie seemed pretty dangerous to me. He’s a killer.”

  He thought for a second and then said, “Let me put it this way, he’s a piranha and he’s dangerous in his own way. But I am a great white shark.”

  Sharks. Piranhas. Mob bosses. Magicians. Me. It all swirled in my head. The world didn’t make sense anymore. I put a hand to my head trying to stop the spinning. “This is crazy,” I muttered.

  He patted my thigh. “Welcome to my world.”

  “I don’t want to be here,” I said blinking as more tears rushed to the surface. I looked at him. “You’re not going to kill me are you?”

  His eyes went wide. “Ruby, I would never hurt you.”

  “Then let me go home.”

  Regret filled his eyes. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”


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