Married By Christmas (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 3)

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Married By Christmas (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 3) Page 4

by Lindsay Downs

  Nash found himself worried, and from the panicked look on Matt’s face he was as well. Could the ladies tell each other something each man had done and now regretted? Quickly, thinking back over the past few years, and tens of ladies, he couldn’t think of any skeletons in his closet. He only hoped, as he and Jessica had only met briefly, she wouldn’t have much to impart to Amelia.

  Knowing he had to do something to separate the ladies, he cocked his head over to Matt and knew the perfect topic.

  “M’ lord, will you be attending any balls this evening?”

  “Yes, after I dine with Lady Jessica and her parents, we’ll be at the Stonington’s.”

  Nash started to open his mouth to respond when he felt Amelia’s hand squeeze his arm.

  “M’ lady?”

  “As I know, m’ lord, you’ve not reviewed the invitations you received, I took the liberty of responding to Lady Stonington that we’d be attending.”

  “Then, Lady Amelia, if His Lordship doesn’t mind, might you save a waltz for me?” Matt asked.

  “Yes, I do mind as they have already been spoken for. However, you’re more than welcome to a country dance or quadrille,” Nash informed him.

  “I’m sorry, but Lord Nash is correct. Even if it breaks the rules of not partnering with the same gentleman for more than two dances,” Amelia declared.

  Nash found it interesting that Jessica was hanging on Amelia’s every word, even to the point of nodding in agreement. He knew this was going to be one of the most interesting balls of this short season.

  “M’ lord and lady, if you’ll excuse us, we must return to the carriage as I’m sure both duchesses and a duke have wondered where we wandered off to,” Nash stated, hoping to separate the ladies from conspiring against him and Matt.

  He offered Amelia his hand, and she interlaced her fingers with his. Even though the sense of warmth shooting up his arm before settling in the pit of his stomach from her touch wasn’t new for him, he loved the feeling. He knew it was, or so he overheard his parents saying to each other years ago, a sign being with your one true love.

  “Lord Nash, I’ll be in touch soon,” Matt said.

  With a nod to his friend, Nash knew exactly what the man was telling him. By the end of the day he would have the initial report of the Rosewood shipping.

  As he slowly guided Amelia back to the landau, Nash wondered if the earl’s son could have arrived in London. It had been several days between all the traveling she’d done, and if he was a pesterer like she’d said, he could be here to hunt her down. Over tea at the Appleton palace he’d have to ask.

  He was about to hand Amelia up when he saw her back stiffen. Glancing down, he saw her lower lip trembling ever so slightly. Looking around, he noticed a pencil-thin man with unfashionably long, unkempt hair. After studying this person, Nash couldn’t help but see his face was drawn, which contrasted with large lips and a nose resembling that of a bird of prey. Considering Amelia’s reaction on seeing him, Nash knew he had to be the man trying to force himself on her.

  “Let’s get you in the carriage then back to your parents’ place,” he whispered.

  Once she was settled, he walked around to where Justin was waiting to climb up onto the box.

  “Carefully, look to your right. Do you see the man staring at us?”

  “Yes, m’ lord. What do you wish I do with him?”

  As much as he wanted to tell Justin to give the man the thrashing of his life, Nash knew that wouldn’t be appropriate, at least right now. However, if he harmed a hair on Amelia’s head that would be another story.

  “For now, nothing. Just remember what he looks like, and pass the word to the others in the stable. I’ll tell Lucas so he can inform the footmen.” He then told the coachman to return them to the Appleton palace.

  Nash didn’t wait for a reply but returned to the side of his landau and climbed in. Taking the seat beside Amelia, he gave her a pat on the hand followed by a smile.

  Once they were rolling out of the park, he leaned slightly forward, so as to not appear suspicious and told the duchesses and duke what had happened.

  “M’ lord, when I saw my daughter pale, I suspected as much. Thank you,” Helena said.

  “I didn’t think he’d hunt us down so quickly. I wonder if either of his parents are with him,” Amelia’s father stated.

  As much as Nash wanted to continue the discussion in the open coach, the look of fear in Amelia’s eyes told him this wasn’t the place.

  “If I might, let’s continue this once we’re safely within the confines of your palace, Your Grace.”

  From the nod, Nash knew he’d made the right decision as he saw Amelia take in a deep breath then let it out and relax.

  In minutes they entered the Appleton’s courtyard. He waited for the duke to climb out, then followed. After the duke had helped the duchesses down Nash offered Amelia his hand which she took and gently squeezed. He returned her simple sign of affection with a smile then assisted her out.

  Marching in, Nash heard Julius order a tea tray, three sherry’s, and two whiskeys delivered to his office.

  With her hand clinching his, Nash and Amelia followed the duke and duchesses to the first floor, partway down a corridor, and into the man’s office. Under normal circumstances he would have studied the room and the trappings in it. He focused his attention on a deep-green-colored settee and guided Amelia over to it.

  Then, without warning, he was pushed aside by both duchesses who took seats on either side of Amelia. While her mother undid the ribbon holding the bonnet on, his mother held her hand, patting it gently. As they consoled her, talking in whispers, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

  “Yes, Your Grace?”

  “While we’re waiting for the tray, let’s adjourn to the other side of the room so the ladies may have a little privacy,” Julius told him.

  Nash answered with a nod, then followed his host over to windows overlooking the gardens.

  “M’ lord, you seem to be more accustomed to dealing with this sort of threat than I. Do you have any suggestions on how to keep my daughter safe?”

  Hearing a sob from behind him, Nash knew it was coming from Amelia. Turning, he watched as both mothers enveloped her in their arms, and wanted to go to her, but realized he’d only be in the way. If any of them wanted him, they’d call him over. This also gave Nash the chance to study the inner world of the duke. Glancing around at the statues, paintings, and more importantly the shelves filled with books, he comprehended why the duke had asked what he did about providing a high level of protection for his daughter. Julius was more of a scholar than a fighter as evidenced by the vast array of tomes.

  “Yes, Your Grace, I might, but it will need everyone’s understanding, especially Lady Amelia.”

  “Then once she’s regained her composure, please present it. And I see my butler has arrived with the tray.”

  From where he was standing Nash watched as Amelia slowly settled herself then looked over giving him a weak smile. As it was time to join the ladies, he followed Julius over.

  Before he took the glass of whiskey, Nash made sure her mother gave Amelia a sip of sherry which helped to relax her. He continued to wait until the ladies had their tea then took a healthy swallow of his drink. As it delicately burned its way down his throat he looked to the duke.

  “It’s from one of my distilleries in Scotland. If you wish, I can send you a cask.”

  “Yes, please. Can you have two delivered? One for my father, and the other for me?”

  “That won’t be a problem. Now, why don’t you tell us what your suggestion in helping to protect our daughter is?”

  “Even though as of yet we’re not married, I wish to place you, Lady Amelia, under my protection along with the duke’s. I’ll have several of my footmen, or I should say my father’s, posted discretely around the outside of your grounds. Each one will be hand-picked and given a description of the man. By the way, what’s his name?”

; “Smedley,” Amelia spat out.

  “Thank you, my dear,” Nash said.

  “If I may, what exactly do you mean, under your protection?” her mother asked.

  “Simply put, whenever Amelia steps outside, be it for a stroll in the garden or visiting someone, go shopping or as in the case of this evening attending a ball, I, along with several select members of my staff, will accompany her. However, I’ll be the only one at your side as they will be all but invisible.”

  “But wouldn’t that be inconvenient, m’ lord, for you?” her mother asked.

  “Your Grace, it would be more so if something untoward happened to your daughter.”

  Seeing the three parents and Amelia nodding their agreement, Nash knew he’d succeeded in providing the necessary safety net over her. One point he had intentionally left out, he’d speak to several trusted friends to lend their support, especially when at balls as those arenas would be the most dangerous for her.

  “Then I agree. I do hope you enjoy spending several hours at my dressmaker since I’m meeting with her tomorrow afternoon,” Amelia told him followed by a teasing coy smile.

  “Then, if this is settled I would like to invite you and Her Grace to dinner this evening before the Stonington ball,” the duchess pronounced.

  Not daring to speak for his mother, he glanced over to her with a raised brow.

  “My Son and I would love to join you,” she declared.

  “We’ll be dining at seven, if that’s suitable?”

  “Most definitely, but now we must depart as I’m sure Nash has many things to set in place for this evening and the coming days,” his mother stated.

  He did, and the first, well second, order of business was to see if the duchess’ jewels could be readied a day early. This would then coincide with the arrival of his father and a private dinner at their palace. On returning, he’d have Lucas dispatch footmen to help watch over the Appleton house.

  After making their good byes until later, he helped his mother into the landau and directed the coachman to return to their palace. Once home, he left his mother to retire to her suite while he called for Lucas and gave the man his instructions. The note to the jeweler only took a few moments, and he arranged for it to be immediately delivered and for the footman to await a response.

  Satisfied he’d done everything he could, for now, he poured a whiskey and started in on reviewing several dispatches, one from Matt.

  After reading it, he tossed the note into the fire and waited until it was completely consumed then turned his attention to the others. As they could wait until the morning, he glanced at the clock on the mantel and saw he had a little over two hours before he needed to bathe and dress for the evening. Picking up Candide he walked over to the settee, shrugged out of his jacket, and stretched out then opened the book to where he’d left off.

  Chapter Six

  Refreshed by his bath, after unexpectedly dozing off while reading, he waited for his mother to join him before heading off to the Appleton palace for dinner then a ball. That is, he thought, if they did go to the Stonington ball after the news he was going to relay to the duke, duchess, and Amelia.

  Never one for wearing colors other than deep blue to a ball, tonight, in keeping with the season, he’d chosen a forest-green jacket over a deep-red vest. With a final glance in the mirror, he nodded to Ryan, marched out the door of his suite, and headed for the duchess’ parlor. The day had been wonderful, save spying Smedley, and being in the company of Amelia was more than pleasant.

  Tonight, since they’d re-met at a house party held by his friend Fuller, would be the first time he’d be allowed to dance with her. Stepping into his mother’s sitting room, he was surprised to see her already waiting for him. Even more astonishing, there was a glass of whiskey on the low table in front of her.

  “Mother, thank you for ordering the drink up for me. Hopefully, it will help settle my nerves,” he admitted.

  Picking up the cut crystal glass he took several sips while studying her over the lip of it.

  “I knew you were worried about this evening, not so much about the Stonington ball but because of earlier events. In the park.”

  As much as he didn’t want to think about that horrid man and his family before dinner, Nash knew he’d have to tell Amelia and her parents what he’d learned.

  “Yes, that also, but remember we’ve never danced together, and with my former reputation, I’m wondering what the reaction from a few of the matrons will be?”

  “Son, if any give you or Amelia even a whisper of trouble, mark their names and pass them along to either myself or Helena. We’ll deal with them.”

  “Thank you, Mother. I should say, though, it will be interesting in a day or so when the announcement is made in The Tattler what their collective reactions will be.”

  “I can only say, let’s see what happens, but be prepared to lend Amelia your support by being at the Appleton palace that morning.”

  “I’m ahead of you on that. I plan to arrive early and stay as long as she’ll have me. And speaking of Amelia, shall we be off as the town carriage should be out front.”

  Offering a hand to help his mother stand, Nash waited while she retrieved one of many canes. This particular walking aid was decorated in gold with a ruby encrusted handle. He knew she only brought this one out for special occasions, such as this evening.

  With her gloved and heavily bejeweled hand resting gently on Nash’s arm, he guided her downstairs to where her maid awaited with a heavy, warm cape. Beside her stood Ryan with a deep-grey, multicaped great coat. Patiently, Nash waited while the mantle was settled over his mother’s shoulders then his valet assisted him. With a nod to Lucas he guided the duchess down the stairs and to the carriage.

  Glancing up to see who was in the driver’s box, Nash was happy to see his regular coachman and again, Justin. This time he didn’t think anything of it. With a nod to the men, he helped the duchess in then followed.

  A short while later he reversed the process, and as he started to escort his mother up the marble stair they were met by the Appleton butler. What he’d not expected was to see Amelia and her mother standing behind the pour old gentleman.

  “Your Grace, Lord Nash, welcome,” the man said, giving a deep bow.

  “Wilson, I believe not only do we know where the parlor is, but it would seem Her Grace and I have several ladies, one very anxious one, to show us the way,” Nash teased, earning a faint slap on his arm from his mother.

  “Yes, m’ lord. If you’ll allow me I will relieve Your Grace’s cape and your coat.”

  After a nod to the man, Nash was surprised when a maid stepped out of the shadows and helped his mother out of hers while the butler took his.

  Now, free of their heavy winter encumbrances, Nash guided his mother up to the ladies where both mothers exchanged busses on the cheek while he bowed. Not sure who he should guide upstairs, he quickly decided on Amelia who gratefully accepted the offer. As they climbed the stairs, Nash leaned over to her.

  “If I may be so forward, how soon until we dine,” he softly spoke to her.

  “About thirty minutes. Why?”

  “Once we get to the parlor I’ll explain. I’ve learned a few things today. Will the duke be joining us?”

  “Yes, he will.”

  After guiding Amelia into the room and waiting until she was settled on the divan Nash accepted a whiskey from the butler as Julius entered.

  “This is indeed a wonderful pleasure,” the duke announced taking his drink from Wilson.

  Nash waited until everyone was comfortably in their seats then took a chair next to Amelia.

  “Your Grace, after you hear what I have to say you might wish to take those words back. As we are all aware, Smedley is in town but not staying at the Rosewood townhouse. Of this I’m sure since the ducal housekeeper is friends with theirs, and she reported back the man is nowhere in sight. Your Graces, would either of you know where he might be staying?”

  No sooner had he finished then Nash heard Amelia gasp, not in shock but fear, he suspected. Reaching over, he rested a hand on her arm in the hopes of giving her a little security and comfort. Once he saw she had relaxed a touch, he turned his attention to her parents with a raised brow.

  “We’re sorry, but no. As far as I know he’s reliant on the earl for funding,” the duke stated.

  “Nash, I don’t understand. If the earl is heading to the poor house so should the entire family unless the son can get a position with the military,” his mother said.

  “Also, not to mention father and son are entirely devoted to each other, so I’m a little surprised he’s not at their London address. Moreover, the marriage between the earl and countess was one of convenience. He was getting short of funds even then, and the countess’ parents were wealthy merchants. This had been their opportunity to gain respectability within the ton,” Amelia’s mother added to the conversation.

  This matched some of the information Nash had received earlier from Matt. However, right now he wasn’t willing to divulge his sources only that the woman continued to bring in monies. What Nash didn’t understand, was why she was willing to send the earl away.

  “Let me ask you this, as ladies you’re more familiar with the inner workings of the ton. What would happen to her if the earl did get shipped off to debtor prison or transported?”

  “At first, she’d never receive invitations to balls or other events, and no one would talk to her,” his mother said.

  “That is, if she ever came to town. I don’t recall seeing her around for the past several years. I did hear a rumor she might have purchased a small estate outside of Southampton where she spends most of her time. I don’t think she and the earl have shared the same bed since the night Smedley was conceived,” Helena stated.

  Now it all made sense, considering what he’d learned from his mother back at his estate. The man was out to recover his status by sending his son to probably force Amelia into a marriage. Of course, Nash knew he’d have to take down not only the son but the earl along with the countess for her treachery.


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