Unrestrained Behavior: The Pleasure and Risk of Choice (The 'Un'missable Series Book 3)

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Unrestrained Behavior: The Pleasure and Risk of Choice (The 'Un'missable Series Book 3) Page 2

by Jerry Summers

  “Okay, I understand. I firmly believe it was the subtle shift in power for him, personally and within our marriage. In the beginning, he had to rely on me keeping my job to support him while he attended law school, and he loved being able to have me quit work and stay at home while he provided for us. As I see it now, he eventually forgot how we got to where we were and began to resent me not working. Once he realized I had become dependent on him, the ultimate power shift occurred, and he saw me not as his partner but as his property. When I truly realized this might be the case it was too late for me because I had nothing of my own. In essence, I was trapped and if I wanted to keep my picturesque life I needed to mold and conform to his changed desires.”

  “So your participation in the changing sexual dynamics of your marriage wasn’t out of desire, but obligation?”

  “Sort of. Initially I was fond of the idea of sharing myself with another woman for the enjoyment of my husband. I was raised in a traditional home where you married once, for life, and you did whatever was necessary to keep the marriage together even during the bad times. As things began to get rocky for us in the bedroom, Zach wanted to start experimenting, and I acquiesced, viewing sex with another woman not as infidelity, but as entertainment for him. I was secretly pleased when Zach became jealous seeing me with another woman, even when he participated, and decided we didn’t need to continue experimenting that way. Then, I was shocked when he suggested and enjoyed seeing me with another man. I think it relieved his guilt about his own infidelity. When things really got weird I decided enough was enough.”

  “Do you think there is a chance, no matter how small, that you and Zach can save your marriage and return to the earlier days when life was normal and good for the two of you?”

  Jill shakes her head sadly. “Never. There has been too much water under the bridge, and his perversion has reached a level that won’t allow him to be satisfied with me or any other woman. I believe he’ll continue to decline into further perversion and the level of extreme behavior will become more severe as time passes.”

  “If that’s true, the overall outcome doesn’t look very promising for other women or Zach,” Wendy says carefully.

  Jill shrugs. “Probably not. It won’t surprise me if he kills someone in a sexual rage or himself through a cocaine overdose.”

  “Well, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

  Wendy orders another bottle of wine. “I’m sorry the conversation became so depressing. I think I’ve learned enough to make some sound judgments in your case. Should we discuss more pleasant topics?”

  Jill agrees. “Yes, definitely. I need to laugh, and I really enjoy your company.”

  The conversation turns to the beautiful clothes Jill will be trying on the next night, how Wendy knows the designer and other eclectic restaurants Wendy can introduce Jill to. The evening is relaxed, uneventful, and very refreshing for both of them.


  The next morning, Wendy gets up, pours herself some strong coffee, and contemplates what her day will hold. She turns her attention to her scheduled four o’clock appointment with Zach Rawlins. She walks into her closet and carefully chooses a black bra and panty set, then decides on a classy black dress with buttons down the front to the waistline and a slit up the back. Pleased with her selection, she decides to accent it with a big brim hat with a fish net face covering. She picks out a single strand of pearls and a pair of Christian Louboutin stilettos with the signature red sole to finish the image of sexual allure and power. She smiles, knowing after questioning Jill that Zach will recognize her immediately and be drawn to her chosen persona like a moth to a flame. She sets the outfit aside, deciding she will excuse herself from the office at lunch to come home and prepare herself for meeting Zach. Glancing back at her clothes, she pulls out jeans and a blouse for her morning at the office.

  She spends the morning in session with some of her more normal clients and signs a few checks Mona has prepared for her approval. As lunch nears, she begins planning her seduction of Zach. Thoughtfully, Wendy works through which mannerisms will be most effective to drive Zach crazy with lust. She goes back and forth between a head toss and piercing eyes or a softer more demure approach, and finally decides that, given his preference for violence, the piercing stare and sexual confidence combined with the show of power will work the best. As she works through the rest of her paperwork for the morning, she starts to role play possible conversations in her head. She’s amused at how simple it is to control powerful men using their weakness for women with confidence and certain physical attributes. Mostly what a man like Zach Rawlins wants is for a woman to flaunt her sexual prowess while on his arm.

  She rolls her eyes, thinking how pathetic men are as individuals. If there is a man in the world that wouldn’t fall for the appeal of a beautiful woman, I’d give my right hand to meet him, she thinks, then concludes there probably isn’t one. Lunch arrives before she knows it, and she checks in with Mona before she leaves for the afternoon.

  “Everything will be fine here.” Mona says, “Go do your thing.”

  “Thanks. I’ll be picking Jill up tonight to get her outfitted at Beauty Boutique Clothing, so I just want to be prepared,” Wendy says, and Mona waves her out the door.

  She returns to her penthouse and heads straight for the bathroom. After multiple attempts, she finally feels she has the especially dramatic effect she desires for her eyes. She checks her watch, cursing her lack of ability with makeup, and is relieved when she sees she still has time to spare. She plans her drive precisely, planning to arrive at the restaurant five minutes past four o’clock. Getting the dress settled just the right way and her toes straightened out in the stilettos takes just enough time, and she turns on the GPS tracker on her cell phone and leaves it on the counter before locking up. She knows there will be calls made to her cell which, if tracked by the police, will indicate she had been in the penthouse all afternoon and solidify her alibi.

  The drive is short, and she walks through the front door with an air of confidence.

  “Hello, welcome,” the hostess says warmly. “What can I help you with today?”

  Wendy turns so the fishnet conceals more of her face and replies, “I’m here to meet with Zachary Rawlins, but it’s been a while and I’m not sure he’ll recognize me. I’ll just check the dining area and see if he does, if that’s alright?”

  The hostess smiles knowingly. “Of course you can, miss.”

  Wendy simply nods at her and strolls into the open seating area of the restaurant. The hostess turns to watch her and, just as planned, Zach immediately stands up and heads toward her.

  The hostess says, “I see Mr. Rawlins has noticed and is coming to get you, so I’ll leave the two of you alone.”

  Wendy smiles at her covertly and replies, “Thank you.” Turning, she greets Zach with an outstretched hand. “I’m glad you recognized me,” she purrs.

  “You told me I would. I’d have to be a fool not to,” he replies smoothly.

  As he leads Wendy to his table, he guides her with a hand on her back, allowing it to slide from her shoulder blades to the small of her back before they reach the table and he pulls her chair out for her to be seated.

  “Thank you, Mr. Rawlins,” Wendy says as she settles into the chair, “the level of class you exhibit is disarming.”

  He smiles at her. “I would hope so. Tell me, Monique, how do you know so much about me when I know virtually nothing about you? I don’t believe we’ve ever met. You are a captivating woman, and I wouldn’t have forgotten you easily.”

  She gives him a chuckle charged with sexual innuendo. “I would hope not. No we have never met.”

  “May I ask, then, what on earth prompted you to call me at my office?”

  “Mr. Rawlins, the spiking community on the west coast is a growing but tight knit community for several reasons. First, every one of us who participate in it are driven and excited by fantasies broadly fitting into three categories: po
wer, control, and humiliation. Second, given these categories, there is always a certain element of personal risk, and we must be careful who we allow into our group. Last, since certain aspects of our fantasies are actually, and unfortunately, illegal, there is a membership selection process that has been put into place.”

  Zach nods his understanding. “So you’re here to determine if I meet all the membership requirements?”

  “Yes, I most certainly am,” she replies as she slides a foot up the inside of his leg, stopping at mid-thigh and sliding it slowly back down.

  He clears his throat. “Then would you care to have a drink and lunch with me?”

  “A drink would perfect, but I’ll have to turn down lunch. Perhaps an appetizer? I have a different type of meal plan in mind if things go well with us today.”

  Zach gives her a slow smile and motions to the server. “I’ll have a rum and coke with top shelf rum,” he says, and then looks at Wendy.

  “I’ll have a dirty martini, please,” she says, locking eyes with Zach. “The dirtier the better.”

  His gaze heats for a moment, and then he returns his attention to the server and orders an imported cheese platter and pâté. When he brings his eyes back to her, the heat in them has cooled. “Will that be suitable?”

  She simply nods, and Zach waves the server away. They sit quietly, observing each other for a few minutes, until their drinks are delivered.

  Wendy reaches for her martini and Zach catches her hand, pulling her forward across the table. “You still haven’t told me how you found out about me, and that disturbs me a bit. Why don’t you enlighten me, before we continue this little game?”

  Wendy glances at her trapped hand and nods, once. “Very well. You met with a woman in Hillsboro recently and fulfilled a fantasy. She recognized your immaturity during this encounter as it pertains to a specific activity, so she prompted this analysis by contacting a friend and telling her what transpired. We gathered information about where you reside and what you do, and then I came to further evaluate you. The rating you received from your partner was 4 out of 5. She felt you were too impatient during your encounter, but liked your overall performance. Anyone receiving below 3 out of 5 is automatically eliminated from membership. In other words, you made it past the first round.”

  He absorbs the information and releases her hand with a caress. “And who is the mystery woman you ‘report’ to?”

  “Oh, it doesn’t work that way, for confidentiality reasons. Let me explain things a bit better. Your partner contacts a friend who makes contact with someone in your permanent residence area who ultimately does a little research then contacts you. That person just happened to be me in this area. This system has been established to shelter everyone. For example, if you or your partner were caught engaging in spiking what do you think the media would do to you as a city councilman and prominent attorney? The threat is just as large for any of us, since most of our spouses have no idea what we are in to. By keeping the contact between members limited, the most the media can uncover is three people: you, your partner, and her initial contact, who of course would deny any knowledge of her sexual activities. Likewise, if she got caught with someone other than you it couldn’t be traced back unless she tells the media who all her partners have been, at which point we all deny it, leaving her the only one accountable.” She pauses.

  “So I’m only allowed to be involved with you and the one woman I’ve already met?” he asks, glancing around covertly.

  Wendy smiles. “Not at all. If you have to travel, to the east coast let’s say, and you’re interested in a play date, you can call your partner here and tell her where you’ll be. She can call ahead for you and let someone know you’ll be coming to town. That person will ask for your rating and preferences and will contact an appropriate person for you that your partner doesn’t know. This person will call your office and leave a message that goes something like, ‘I understand Mr. Rawlins is going to be in Florida next week, and I’d like to get together with him if he can find time in his schedule. If he does, will you please have him contact me at this number by this date?’ When you get the message and you don’t recognize the name you’ll know what is happening. Then when you call her she will say something like, ‘I understand we have similar interests. When can we get together?’ and you can work with her to set a place and time.”

  “What if my initial partner refuses to open these doors for me?”

  “That should never happen. None of us have exclusive rights to anyone else and this is clearly understood from the beginning. Therefore, anyone refusing to assist someone else is immediately removed from membership.”

  “What if she really doesn’t know anyone in that area?”

  “Then she will tell you that and will check with others she knows to uncover someone for you. If you never receive a call no one was located and you’re on your own.”

  “How will I know their likes are compatible with mine?”

  She shoots him a look. “You ask.”

  He gives her another slow smile. “What things would you like to explore?”

  She pauses, taken off-guard. “Very smooth. I am always interested in games involving control, power, and humiliation.”

  “The trifecta of this intriguing closed group. I’d like to know more. Specifically, what activities in those three areas interest you?”

  She pulls the fish netting on her hat to the side, giving him a loaded look. “Spiking, because I like power. Autoerotic strangulation, because I like control. Golden showers, because I like humiliation. Just to name a few. I don’t do bondage or whips.”

  The heat returns to Zach’s eyes and he asks, “How is strangulation control for you?”

  “I like being the one who strangles, and I also like being in control as to when someone stops strangling me.”

  “Your interests seem to be almost completely in line with mine. Where do we go from here?”

  “That depends on you. Is there a place we could go to engage in our activities?” He nods, and she continues, “Then it depends on what your desires are at this time. I have some very specific rules.”

  “Care to elaborate?”

  “Well, I won’t engage in any type of spiking in a hotel. It’s too easy to get caught, so if that’s your fantasy today it must be done in a residence where we won’t be disturbed. The strangulation and golden showers would be perfect in a hotel room. Also, these things are always better done in the bath or shower. I never do them in bed.”

  “In regards to the humiliation portion of your fantasies, do you prefer to humiliate or be humiliated?”

  “I enjoy both. It just depends on my mood at the time.”

  “What about drug usage?”

  She shakes her head. “I personally don’t participate in drug usage, but I’m not opposed to others using. In fact, I do something very unique with cocaine that drives those who use through the roof. I’m always rewarded with incredible sex afterwards.”

  He looks intrigued. “Really. Do tell.”

  “Not so fast,” she says with a sly smile, “that’s a surprise reserved only for those I play with and enjoy.”

  “What if I told you I’m not sure you’re for real and I want you to prove everything you have claimed to be interested in?” he asks.

  “I’m prepared to demonstrate my skills right now, if you have a safe home we could go to. I’ll rock your world,” she promises, sitting back and pressing her foot firmly on his crotch to emphasize her point.

  He shifts, pressing himself against her foot. “I’m in the middle of a divorce, my wife no longer lives with me, and I’d like to take you home right now and see if you are truly who you claim to be. I’m particularly interested in your cocaine trick today. How does that sound?”

  She makes a slow circle with her foot. “Yes. I’ll follow you in my car. But you should know I have a date with a girlfriend of mine tonight, so we only have about an hour and a half. How far is your place?”

/>   “Twenty minutes, tops. That will leave us at least an hour.” He smirks. “Can you truly rock my world in that timeframe?”

  “Like you would never believe. My performance is to die for, rated 5 out of 5 by everyone I’ve ever played with. Let’s go. You’ll never be the same again.”

  He wraps his fingers around her ankle and murmurs, “Promises, promises,” then gestures for the server to bring their bill.

  Zach pays the bill quickly and escorts Wendy out to her car. The closer he gets to his house, the more excited he becomes. At a stoplight, he quickly lines and snorts some cocaine, and Wendy watches his head bobbing up and down through his rear window. She sighs and rehearses in her mind what is to come next. Glancing down at herself, she unbuttons the fourth button on her dress, exposing a bit more cleavage than in the restaurant just for good measure, and then follows Zach into his driveway.


  Execution of a Brilliant Plan

  Zach walks back to Wendy’s car and opens her door for her. He smiles as she swings her legs around and leans forward, allowing him a brief glimpse down the front of her dress. She fusses with her purse a moment, pretending not to notice his more than obvious ogling. He offers his hand and helps her out of her vehicle, keeping a tight grip on her as they walk up the driveway.

  As he escorts her into the house, Wendy is surprised by the warmth Jill has created in their home with her sense for interior design. She stands in the foyer for a moment, absorbing the atmosphere.

  “Would you like a drink?” Zach asks, having already made his way to the kitchen.

  She considers him a moment. “No, thank you,” she says, then pointedly looks at her watch. “We have a little more than an hour before I have to leave.”

  Zach nods. “True. I’m fascinated by your comment about the cocaine trick. How does that work?”

  She smiles at him. “Why? Do you have cocaine you would like me to use?”

  “Yes, I have some. But I would really like to know what you’re going to do with it first.”


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