Brother's Best Friend for Christmas: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance

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Brother's Best Friend for Christmas: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance Page 9

by Amy Brent

  “How so?” I asked.

  “Mom and Dad get on her a lot about her dance business, but I think she could do it. She’s just needs to stop fighting long enough. There’s a dance shop up the road that sells both new and used dancewear, and I’m going to get her a gift card,” he said.

  “So she can get herself some new shit?” I asked.

  “She mentioned one time about having a little store where people could come in and get items if they need something new and don’t know where to go to buy certain items. She wants to make sure it’s completely accessible to people, so every year I get her a gift card to that place so one day she can fill her shop with stuff,” he said.

  That was an excellent idea, and I wondered if I should get Amber something. For the past couple of days, I hadn’t been able to get her out of my mind. She had cum so wonderfully for me, and my dick twitched every time I thought about it. Whenever I slept, I could see her face contorted in pleasure. Whenever I showered, the only thing I could think about was having her in there with me. She had penetrated every single thought of mine even though I thought fucking her once would get her out of my system.

  And I was excited about having her again tomorrow.

  “You think I should get everyone something?” I asked.

  “That’s up to you. No one expects you to, but you can if you want,” he said.

  “Any closer to figuring out what you’ll get your Mom and Dad?” I asked.

  “A bit. Dad’s crazy about coffee, and there’s a place in town that specializes in wonderful imported blends. If all else fails with Mom, though, I could just treat her to a Mom-and-Son day where I pay for everything. That always works.”

  “You’ve done that before?” I asked as I picked up a scented candle.

  “Yep. She loves it every time, I think. And don’t get anyone candles. That’s just a cop-out,” he said.

  This present buying thing was difficult, and I couldn’t honestly say I was sold on it. They talked about the holidays as if you were supposed to be with people you love and respect and how everyone was supposed to be happy, but Luke was just making me miserable. He was stressing himself out with this shopping thing, and I didn’t understand how that kind of stress was supposed to fit into a holiday like this.

  So, I decided against it. I wasn’t sure where Amber and I stood, plus I didn’t fucking feel like deciphering what she might like as a gift.

  “You ready for tomorrow?” he asked.

  “Yeah. Looking at all the places in the morning. Should be done just after lunch. I’ll be good,” I said.

  “The office space is important. It has to have a good layout as well as be in a central part of town. I gave you the budget, right?” he asked.

  “Dude, we’ve been over this a fuck-ton of times. It’ll be alright. I’m looking at three decent properties that fit all the things we need, and by the time I come back tomorrow we’ll have an LA location that I’m running,” I said.

  “At least we’re on the same page with you running it here,” he said. “I’m the one with all the connections back home. You’d really rock it here.”

  “All three places have a little loft area above it, too. So, I’d have somewhere to move in immediately as well,” I said.

  “Oh, dude. That’s fucking badass. Sounds like I don’t need to worry at all,” he said.

  “Didn’t know you were worrying in the first place, you little bitch,” I said, smirking.

  “Not gonna lie, I was thinking about coming last minute with you.”

  “Don’t worry. Chicks do that all the time,” I said, winking.

  “You’re such a dick.”

  “But you love it,” I said.

  He dragged me to two more fucking stores before he was done shopping for everyone. We stopped by that dance consignment shop and got Amber the gift cards he wanted, and it gave me a second to look around. This shop had everything: leggings, dance shirts, costumes, makeup, any type of dance shoe you needed, detergents for your costumes. I could see Amber setting up a little shop like this in her dance studio to help people out, and it made me smile to think that she was still pursuing this.

  That was one of the things I remembered about her from college. She always seemed so passionate about opening her own studio.

  We piled all the bags and shit into Luke’s car and took them back to the house. Luke was all sneaky and shit trying to get them into the house, then bailed last-minute and decided to just toss them in the spare room closet.

  “Luke, if I was an excited kid at Christmas, this closet would be the first place I looked,” I said.

  “Well, good thing we’re all adults then,” he said.

  “You mean to tell me we made one long-ass stealth trip up these stairs with everything and now you’re going to cop out on me? Let’s at least hide them in the attic and end in a grand finale,” I said.

  “Dude, you’re so weird,” he said, laughing. “Your room’s just fine. Since you’re sleeping in it, no one will think about rummaging around in it.”

  “Fine, whatever. But, don’t get pissed if I throw my clothes and shit on them,” I said.

  “Don’t throw anything on them, or I’ll kill you. Mom’s present is very fragile. That leather monstrosity you call a coat would crush it.”

  We shoved all the gifts into the back of the closet and went downstairs. Amber must’ve walked in while we were stuffing the closet full of presents because she was talking with her Dad. Luke stopped just around the corner and held his hand out, signaling me to stop.

  And then, I tuned into the conversation and realized why.

  “I know the dance studio was something you wanted to do in college, but you have familial responsibilities now,” Ron said.

  “No, Daddy. I don’t. Luke did, and he got to go off and do his own thing. Why can’t I do the same?” she asked.

  “Because I built this business for this family. For you kids. That business is the reason you were able to flounce around in college doing dance, and now it’s your time. You’ll take it over, and I won’t hear any more of it,” Ron said.

  “I’m not taking over the production company,” she said. “If that gets me tossed out of this family or whatever, then so be it.”

  “It’s time you grew up, Amber,” Ron said. “Now, I don’t agree with your mother on marrying and never working again. I don’t know where she picked that up from, but you’re better than that. Which is why I’ve chosen you to run this company.”

  “You didn’t choose me. I’m your last option because Luke left,” she said.

  I saw Luke grimace at the comment, and part of me felt bad for him. Luke was a good guy, and I knew he would blame leaving and starting his own business for what his sister was now enduring. He was protective as shit and a little weird when it came to her, but he loved her and I could see that.

  I was really pissed with Ron, though. It wasn’t right for them to support Luke and then trample on Amber. The business he built was his decision, not theirs. It wasn’t right for him to force it on anyone.

  “I’m not taking over the company, Daddy,” she said.

  “You are, and you will. It’s a family business, and I’m keeping it as such,” he said.


  “I will hear no more of it!” he exclaimed.

  Amber groaned before we heard her stomp off, so Luke and I rounded the corner into the kitchen. Neither of us wanted her to see the fact that we’d been listening. She was pissed off enough, and I knew enough about her now to know she’d take her frustration out on us later.

  When we heard the front door slam shut, we knew we were safe.

  From her, at least.

  We came around the corner just as Ron sat back down into his chair and he looked up at us with shock. Luke and I sat down across from him on the couch while I tried to keep my anger at bay, and I decided to go out on a limb with Luke sitting right next to me.

  “Everything okay, Mr. Duffield?” I asked.

>   “Yeah, yeah. Just having a little talk with Amber,” he said.

  “She alright?” I asked. “She didn’t look very happy.”

  “Oh, yeah. She just has some growing up to do from some dreams she had as a girl,” he said.

  “They aren’t girlish dreams, though,” I said.

  I felt Luke whip his head toward me as Ron’s eyes connected with mine. It was about damn time someone in this family stood up for the dreams of a little girl who was infuriated with her family, and if Luke didn’t want to do it, then I would.

  “If there’s one thing I remembered about her from college when I realized who your daughter was, Mr. Duffield, it was her passion for owning her own dance studio. You’re stepping on her dreams while supporting your son’s, so her anger isn’t just at the fact that you don’t support her.”

  “And you know my daughter well, Tyler?” Ron asked.

  “No, I don’t. But, I know the fury of a child being neglected by their parents. They see you support Luke and me while forcing her to live a life she doesn’t want, and she’s starting to resent you for it. If you push her any further, she’ll end up like me.”

  “Well, you seem like a level-headed kid,” Ron said.

  “I meant she won’t ever come home. She’ll leave and never come back. And it’ll be too late to fix your mistakes,” I said.

  Ron’s gaze held mine while Luke’s bored into my skull. I knew I was crossing a boundary, but someone needed to hear it. Someone needed to step up and tell them that what they were doing to Amber was wrong.

  “Stop stepping on her dream and support her like you did Luke. Maybe then, you won’t lose a daughter.”

  “Why the hell do you care so much?” Luke asked.

  “It’s a decent question,” Ron said.

  “Because someone should. You claim to want to defend her from guys you think aren’t good enough for her, but you won’t defend her from the parents who are bullying her. And you, Mr. Duffield. You claim to love your daughter while simultaneously shoving your own dreams on her because you don’t want to see what you built die. I get that. This food delivery business I’ve built with your son is my pride and joy. But, if I ever have kids one day and that wasn’t what they wanted to do, then I’d train someone from the outside to take it over,” I said.

  “It’s a family business, and it needs to stay that way,” Ron said.

  “At the expense of your daughter’s love and happiness?”

  Ron finally dropped his gaze to his lap, and I shook my head. I was sitting in front of someone who was merely another addict. Ron might not be addicted to drugs or alcohol, but he was addicted to his business. To this idea, he had constructed around it. It had to adhere to a very specific vision he had, or it would fail. He’d convinced himself of that, so his addiction was eating him alive.

  “Stand up for your sister more, dude,” I said, turning my attention to him. “I’m a fucking stranger in this house, and even I know this is messed up.”

  I got up from my seat and decided to venture outside. I couldn’t sit in that room with the two of them much longer, especially after the things I’d just said. I felt my heart hammering hard against my sternum, and for a split second, I thought it was going to crack my bones. I started wondering if Amber was alright. If maybe I should call her or go try to find her.

  But, tomorrow was Tuesday, and I was going to see her anyway.

  So, I decided to take the time on the porch and settle myself for the viewing of the office spaces.

  I had a feeling no one would bother me out here for a while, anyway.

  Chapter 14


  I woke up Tuesday morning with a text from Tyler. I had forgotten all about our little rendezvous this evening because of some bullshit my dad pulled yesterday. Honestly, part of me wasn’t in the mood to see anyone, but I read where Tyler said he’d found the perfect place for their offices, and I got curious. This would be a good way for me to pick someone’s brain about pricing in the city, so I decided to roll out of bed and take a shower.

  I finished my shower and did my hair before I threw on a pair of jeans and a nice top, then I started for the car. I sent Tyler a message back asking him where he was, and the address he shot me was one I didn’t recognize. I had to type it into the GPS just to get me to that part of the city, and as I navigated, I couldn’t help but clock all the “for rent” and “for sale” signs on the windows as I got closer. It appeared he had purchased an office space in an area that seemed to be up-and-coming, so it made me curious as to how much he signed it for.

  I parked in the little gravel parking lot beside the building as Tyler stood outside and watched me. I climbed out of the car and our eyes connected, and immediately a smile crossed my face. It was terrific to see him, especially after the drama from yesterday, and I threw my arms around his neck when he approached me.

  “So, this is it, huh?” I asked.

  “Yep. It’s officially our new office space in LA,” he said.

  “It looks like it’s got another little space on top there,” I said.

  “Yeah, it’s a loft space. I’m going to have it outfitted with plumping since it’s already got electric and it’s going to be my apartment,” he said.

  “You and Luke are going to live in that little space above the new office?” I asked.

  “Nope. I’m manning the LA location on my own,” he said.

  I turned my head to look at him as he said that. Luke wasn’t moving back to the area? But, Tyler was?

  “So, you’re going to be living here,” I said.


  “Just you.”

  “Yep,” he said, grinning.

  “In LA,” I said.

  “Uh huh.”

  “When will you, uh, be out here?” I asked.

  “I’ve got someone already coming in tomorrow to set up the plumbing in the upstairs. Apparently, the loft space was built to rent out as a studio apartment-type deal, but they never routed the plumbing to the upstairs. It won’t be a very difficult job, so the plan is to officially move in right after Christmas,” he said.

  “And you signed the papers?” I asked.

  “It’s official,” he said, grinning.

  Tyler wouldn’t take his eyes off me, so I knew he was studying my reaction. And honestly? I wasn’t sure what kind of reaction I was supposed to be having. I expected him to leave after Christmas and never come back. I knew them splitting the control of the company between two businesses meant one of them living here and the other living there, but I figured Luke would be the one to move back here.

  You know, with his family being here and all.

  “Will you miss Luke?” I asked as my eyes scanned the building.

  “I mean, we run a business together. We’ll see each other at least weekly. Him flying out here or me getting out to him. He’ll be flying out here frequently until we get this location up and running, too.”

  “Ah,” I said.

  “He’s got all the connections back home. This’ll be a good place for me to do what I do best and create connections that could help us both here and back home. No offense to your brother, but he has a tendency to stay with one type of connection. I like to branch out. I think I could grow this thing into something massive,” he said.

  “And you’d be near me,” I said.

  I wasn’t sure where that came from, but when I turned my gaze back to Tyler, he was grinning devilishly. I bet he was clocking how long it would take me to say something like that, and suddenly I felt as if I was on display.

  “I mean, I’m just saying. If Luke isn’t the one coming out here, you’ll probably have my family pestering you to feel closer to Luke. Which means I’ll have to swoop in and get them off your back,” I said.

  “How sweet. My hero,” he said, grinning.

  “Would you like to see the inside?” he asked.

  “Sure,” I said.

  He opened the door for me and as I walked in my eye
s widened. The space was huge, which meant the loft above would be roomy, too. He really nailed down a perfect location for all of this.

  “You’ve got a lot of room in here,” I said.

  “Yeah. We’ll be able to take orders, showcase what we can do, and provide a safe space for all the delivery people we hire.”

  “I don’t know much about your business, honestly. What do you and my brother do?” I asked.

  “It’s a food delivery business for companies that don’t deliver. We hire drivers to go to all the places you don’t want to—like coffee houses or the pharmacy. You order what you need, you pay, our drivers pick it up, and then they bring it to you.”

  “Wait, seriously?” I asked.

  “Yep. It was a massive hit back home, so we’re hoping LA will be the same way,” he said.

  “Holy shit, that’s awesome,” I said, smiling.

  “Uh huh. Maybe it’s a service you could use some time,” he said.

  I felt him approaching me, his breath hot on my neck. There was a dusty desk in the middle of the room he pressed me against, and I felt my body drop its defenses. Tyler Raymond was going to be close running a business I knew would succeed in a city like LA He kissed the nape of my neck, and I instinctively rolled my hips back into him, eliciting a moan I wanted to hear again and again.


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