Brother's Best Friend for Christmas: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance

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Brother's Best Friend for Christmas: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance Page 12

by Amy Brent

  “Oh, the control type. Would’ve never taken you for one,” I said.

  “People change,” she said, shrugging.

  I threw back a shot, and she clapped her hands in delight. The smile that ricocheted along her face lit up her eyes, and for a split second, I didn’t think I’d be able to take my eyes off her. I was glad she was safe, and she was obviously beginning to have fun, which was good because I really wanted to continue this game.

  It would give me ideas I could take with me into this new business venture in LA

  “Alright, alright, alright. Another fantasy I’ve got one. I don’t think about it often,” she said.

  “Which means you think about it all the time,” I smirked.

  “Dick. Shut up. Anyway, a few times I’ve thought about what it would be like to have my control ripped from me. You know, battling it out for who’s on top and who’s going to pin who down, and then me losing and him having his way with me.”

  I couldn’t hold back the jaw-dropping reaction I had to what she’d just said. In one breath, she was the predator stalking her scrawny little prey, and the next she was willingly becoming the prey.

  I heartily threw back my shot as my dick grew thick in my pants.

  “Honestly?” I asked as she grabbed another shot, “I’ve always wanted to try the public thing. Not like, full on sex on a park bench in front of kids or some shit. But like, that teasing underneath the dinner tablecloth. You know, the kind that makes us get our food to go and shit.”

  “Us?” she asked as she threw back her shot.

  “I mean, you know, me and whoever the fuck I’m with for dinner,” I said.

  Fuck. Get it together, Tyler. It’s just a damn game.

  “Alright, my turn?” she asked.

  “Yep,” I said.

  “Watching,” she said. “I’ve always wanted to watch my partner masturbate.”

  “Oh, shit. You nasty little thing,” I said.

  “You can’t tell me that wouldn’t be hot,” she said.

  “It would be if it was you.”

  Her eyes connected with mine as I threw my shot back. I had to admit, there wasn’t a single thing flying from her mouth that I wouldn’t try over and over again with her, and I started to realize how much we actually had in common. Sure, it’s just sex shit, but that’s all we’re doing.

  Sex shit.

  I brought my eyes back to hers while she reached for her last shot, and something inside my chest lurched. It felt like someone had reached in and put my lungs in a vice grip, and I had to draw in a large breath of air in order to shake the feeling I was having.

  “Last one,” she said as she held up her shot.

  “We can always order more,” I said, winking.

  “Alright, deep dark fantasies,” she said. “Oh, how about this one? Toys.”

  “You want to use toys in the bedroom?” I said.

  “You don’t? I bet the vibrations would add a whole other level. And, you could do the whole double penetration thing without having to rub up against another dude’s balls,” she said.

  “DP? You? Us?” I asked.

  “You made the slip-up, so why can’t I?” she asked.

  I threw back my last shot in a hurry as my mind swirled with all the images in my head. Images of sliding my fingertips inside her pussy while we sat with her parents at the dinner table. Pictures of pulling her into a broom closet in some random ass building and shoving my dick down her throat. Visions of fucking her tight little asshole while a dildo filled her pussy to the brim.

  Staring into her eyes while I fucked her slowly in her bed.

  Wait, what?”

  “Earth to Tyler. Did that one break you?” she asked.

  “Not a fucking chance. I’ve used toys before. It’s fun. Let me know which ones you’re curious about, and I’ll get one for you,” I said, winking.

  “Uh huh. Sure, hot stuff. I’ve got one last shot. Make it a good one,” she said.

  Before I knew what I was doing, I reached over and took her hand. I rested my elbow on the bar as my face slowly made its way toward hers, and by the time I was exactly where I wanted to be, I could smell the sweet alcohol dripping from her pulsing breath.

  “I have a fantasy where I take you softly. Slowly. Delicately peeling every inch of your clothing off. I’d start at your toes and work my way up, massaging every single muscle in your body. I’d watch you flush, too shy to beg for what you want most before I had you naked in front of me. I’d stay clothed, robbing you of the sight you truly want before I devoured that sweet little pussy of yours. And then? I’d take you slowly. Torturously. In every way you never imagined a man could. I’d whisper how beautiful you are in the moonlight while a shimmer of sweat broke out on that beautiful chest you’ve got, and by the time you’re ready to cum your limbs would be wrapped around me, shaking. Do you know what happens next?” I asked.

  I saw her chest panting as she shook her head, and her eyes danced between my lips and my gaze. I had her right where I wanted her as my heart pounded in my chest, and my hand slid slowly up her thigh

  “Anything,” I said, whispering.

  She cleared her throat and took the shot before she planted her palms heavily onto the bar. I smirked, keeping my hand exactly where it was as I leaned back to sit on the barstool. I saw a little flush run up her neck before it stopped just shy of her cheeks, but the only thing I could do was stare at her.

  She was radiant in a way I’d never seen before, and I wanted to reach out and brush the skin of her neck.

  What the fuck was happening to me?

  “Come on, let’s go dance,” I said.

  “No, no, no. Not after that bullshit. Give me a second,” she said.

  “Bullshit, huh?” I asked, grinning.

  “Fabulous, fabulous bullshit,” she said breathlessly.

  I chuckled as I hit my feet, but the room started to sway. I leaned up against the bar as Amber threw a little smirk in my general direction, and she held out her hand to help me steady my body.

  “They’re stronger than you think, idiot,” she said, smiling.

  “No fucking joke,” I said.

  Her grip on my arm shot a moment of weakness down to my knees, and I had to lean heavily against the bar to keep myself upright. This woman was doing things to me I never imagined a woman could. She seemed to have a power over me even she didn’t realize, and as I looked back into her eyes, I felt that same tightening in my chest.

  I cared about Amber. Greatly. I was worried about her when she dropped off the planet and ecstatic when we were openly flirting on Tuesday, and hearing about her sexual fantasies only made me want to fulfill every single one of them. I wanted to hold her in my arms on the dance floor just to have an excuse to feel her, and as her eyes gazed deep into mine, I wondered if she felt the same.

  I wondered if she cared for me like I had just realized I cared for her.

  “‘Sup, guys?” Kelly asked.

  “Aw, you guys waiting for us?” Luke asked.

  “Another round of shots!” I called out.

  “You think that’s a good idea?” Amber asked.

  “Oh, it’s a perfect idea,” I said as I snapped another one back.

  “Woo hoo!” Kelly called out. I noticed Luke’s arm was lightly wrapped around her and I saw a few teeth marks blaring freely on his neck. I made a mental note to ask him about it later, but right now I wanted more alcohol.

  I needed to wash these bullshit emotions from my body.

  “To new business ventures and new ideas,” I said as I held up another shot.

  “To beautiful women and loads of money,” Luke said as he held up his.

  “To long nights and even longer mornings!” Kelly called out.

  “To making sure you guys don’t choke on your own vomit!” Amber said, giggling.

  The four of us threw our shots back before Kelly dragged Luke out onto the dance floor. I could see Amber’s eyes trailing off with them, secretly f
uming no doubt. Luke was getting on her about not hooking up with me, and yet he freely felt he could hook up with her best friend.

  “Come on,” she said as she hopped down from the barstool. “Let’s go dance.”

  And that was the last thing I remember before I blacked out.

  Chapter 18


  I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. I stretched my arms, trying to get the blood flowing so I could get up and take a shower, but I yelped when my elbow came down on something hard. I turned over in bed as the body shifted underneath my covers, and for a split second, I wondered who the fuck was in my bed.

  But, the moment I saw the rippling muscles of the back I was staring at, I knew it was Tyler.

  Oh, shit. I’d brought Tyler home last night?

  I drank much more than I should have at the club. I was trying to forget about the double-standard bullshit that was happening all around me, and now Tyler was in my bed, and I couldn’t remember a damn thing. It wasn’t that I didn’t like him in my bed. I thought it was kind of nice to wake up to him.- But my first gut reaction was wondering if I’d taken him home in front of Luke.

  Shit. Luke and Kelly.

  I reached for my phone as the comforter peeled away from my naked body, and the mere fact that I was sore told me everything I needed to know. I wish I could remember the night I’d shared with him, but all of that faded into the background when I saw I had two missed calls from Luke.

  Two missed calls and no voice messages.

  I called him back as I rolled onto my back in bed, and Tyler stirred just as I settled back down. His hand slid across my stomach, pulling me close, and I couldn’t help but smile. I never thought of myself as the kind of girl that wanted to wake up to someone, but his touch was warm and inviting.

  It was a very nice way to wake up.

  “Amber, what the fuck?” Luke asked.

  “And good morning to you, too. You and Kelly use protection?” I asked.

  “Cut the shit. I know there’s something going on between you and Tyler, and it ends now,” he said.

  “For the last fucking time, Luke, nothing’s happening.”

  “I’m getting dressed and heading over to your place now, and if he’s fucking there ass naked in your bed, Mom and Dad will find out, and he’ll be cut out of the company,” he said.

  “Whoa whoa whoa whoa,” I said as I sat up in bed. “What the hell’s gotten into you? You can’t fucking do that. You wouldn’t be where you are currently without Tyler!”

  “That’s how fucking serious I am about you not doing shit with Tyler,” he said.

  “Oh, but you can fuck my best friend? Fine. You fucking touch Kelly again, you even so much as look in her fucking direction—”

  “What? What leverage do you have over me?” he asked. “I’m serious. I’m walking out the door now, and if he’s there, you both are done for.”

  “Why the hell do you have such a problem with this? And what the fuck kind of proof do you have that we’re screwin’ around?”

  “Tyler blurted out to the entire fucking club about how much he was in love with you. Fucking jumped up on stage with a damn shot in his hand, proclaimed his undying love for you and how there’s no other woman for him, then fucking threw the shot back. You practically dragged him offstage and out the door!”

  I heard his car crank up in the background as I looked down at Tyler. He had said what? I’d done what? Holy fuck, I wish I could remember it. Just the suggestion of him saying those words made my skin crawl in all the best ways.

  Had we made love last night?

  “Tyler isn’t good enough for you. Not by a longshot, and he never will be. I get it that you’re pissed that Mom and Dad push their agendas on you, but this one is serious. He will eat you up and spit you out,” Luke said.

  “You will stay away from Kelly. The only reason you feel this way is because you’re fucking around with her while you’ve got some pussy back in New York,” I said.

  The phone call fell silent, and I snickered into the phone. How stupid did he think I was?

  “How stupid do you think I am? You would never get this angry about anything unless you felt it directly reflected onto you somehow. You see how Tyler supposedly treats women, and it disgusts you, but the reason why it makes you mad is that you’re doing the same thing. Stay away from Kelly. You’ll never be good enough for her,” I said.

  “Fine. I’m ten minutes out. Make yourself presentable,” he said.

  “I’m not letting you anywhere near this apartment,” I said. “Go fuck yourself.”

  I hung up the phone and tossed it across the room while the light snores of Tyler’s beautiful body sounded out into the room. I felt tears burn the back of my eyes as I tried to recall last night. Tyler had told an entire club he loved me and I couldn’t even fucking remember it.

  The only thing I would remember is how one of the most romantic nights of my life apparently pissed everyone off.

  “Tyler,” I said as I pushed his body. “Tyler, wake up.”

  “Hm?” he hummed.

  “Wake the fuck up, Tyler,” I said.

  “What? What? What’s wrong?” he asked.

  I watched him roll over, and I saw the claw marks on his chest.

  Chapter 19


  What the fuck just happened? Granted, I didn’t remember much from last night, but I could tell from the marks on our bodies that we both must’ve been turned on by that conversation we had at the bar. Did I expect to wake up next to Amber? No. I didn’t do that bullshit. Staying with women wasn’t what I fucking did. But, we were both wasted last night. It didn’t surprise me that we dropped our guard and ended up crossing some boundaries.

  So, why the fuck did she throw me out like that?

  Did it really freak her out that much that I’d stayed?

  I called a cab before I looked back up at Amber’s apartment. I saw flashes of movement behind the curtain of her balcony, and part of me wanted to go back up there. No one fucking threw Tyler Raymond out. I was the one with the standards. I was the one with the emotional control. I thought back to how she looked, how vulnerable she was wrapped up in nothing but a sheet. I ducked my head into the cab before I headed back to Luke’s parents’ house, and that’s when I realized something.

  She had looked a bit scared.

  Did I do something last night to frighten her? Shit. Out of all the nights I had to be blackout drunk.

  “Fuck!” I exclaimed.

  I got to Ron and Darlene’s and paid the cab driver well. I walked into the house, hoping I could scoot upstairs and get a shower before Luke saw me coming back in the same clothes I was in last night. If we were hiding this from him, then that shit would be a dead fucking giveaway.

  But, as I was rounding the corner up the stairs, Luke stopped me in my tracks.

  “Have a nice night?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I was blackout drunk. I’m sure it was wonderful,” I said.

  “We need to talk,” he said.

  Luke started to walk to his room, expecting me to follow, but I just stayed where I was. I held my head in my hands as my hangover pounded against my skull, and all I could do was sigh.

  “Don’t get dead drunk and your head won’t hurt. Get in here,” he said.

  “The fuck do you want, Luke?” I asked. “I need a shower.”

  “To wash off my sister?” he asked.

  “Holy hell, Luke. For the last time drop it.”

  “Cut the shit,” he said. “I asked one thing from you. Just one before we came on this damn trip: stay away from my sister. You’re bullshit with women, and she deserves better. And what do you fucking do? You fall in love with her.”

  What the hell was he talking about? Falling in love with Amber? Had he lost his fucking sense?

  “You don’t remember, do you? You don’t remember getting so drunk you hopped on stage last night, stole the mic, and proclaimed your undying love for my
sister?” he asked.

  “Maybe your sister’s pussy,” I murmured.

  “What the fuck did you say?” he asked.

  “Dude. I was hammered. The hell do you want me to say?” I asked.

  “I’m only going to tell you one last time before there are consequences. Stay away from Amber. If you don’t, you’ll ruin your life as well as hers. And she’s been through too much for that to happen,” he said.

  “The way I see it, the only people ruining her life are her own fucking family,” I said.

  He grabbed my shirt and that caught my attention. I stood straight up as Luke pulled me toward him, so I puffed out my chest. I set my face in stone, ready for whatever punch he thought he could deal to me. This little shit thought he could hit me over some hypocrite bullshit? I’d show him what a real man felt like the moment my fist connected with his jaw.

  “I will ruin you both if you two don’t stop,” he said.

  “Uh huh. And how’s that?” I asked.

  “The first thing I’ll do is write you out of the company. Remember who you’re looking at. You might be a partner, but I’m the owner. Founder. Creator. I can hire and fire whoever I wish,” he said.


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