Mobster's Vendetta

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Mobster's Vendetta Page 13

by Amy Rachiele

  I want to lunge for it but I swing around, ready to take Demetrius. Bizarrely, he looks mad, but for some reason it doesn’t seem to be directed at me. I stand with my feet splayed and my arms ready for attack anyway. Demetrius seizes the gun out of the back of his jeans. I dive for the floor in the doorway. I crouch behind the wall. I lift up the cloth of my jeans at the ankle and pull out a small pistol.

  I try to catch my breath as I listen carefully to Demetrius. He is murmuring to himself. “That’s not what was supposed to happen. You ruined it!” he bellows.

  He fires his gun, startling me. I peek around the corner, trying to see what he’s doing. My first thought is Lisa. He is poised over the guy that shot Uncle Tutti accidentally. Demetrius shoots him point blank in the back of the head as the goon lies unconscious, splayed on the floor. Demetrius continues to ramble to himself like the fucked up guy that he is.

  I have a shot and I mean to take it, but I turn my head at a very minute sound. Crawling towards me quietly is Vito. I gesture to him that there is one left, Demetrius, and the girl. Vito nods in understanding. He points in the other direction, letting me know that he is going to go in through another door. If I can distract Demetrius, Vito can probably get Lisa out of here.

  Carlo and Joey pop their heads up, and I can see them through the broken window. They signal me, and let me know they’re coming in. I momentarily get distracted by thoughts of Megan and wonder if she’s okay as I turn back and scan the room. Two bloody corpses, an unconscious man, and a girl strapped to a chair that lies on the floor. I pop up, my pistol ready, and my eyes dart around searching for Demetrius.

  He’s gone! Shit!

  Vito comes in the other way, and we meet at Lisa. She is quivering. We set her upright, and I attempt to examine her. He face is cut and she is badly bruised. Vito removes her restraints. Both wrists and ankles are bloody and raw with deep indentations from the rope. Silent tears stream down her face. She gingerly touches her sore wrists.

  Carlo and Joey meet us in the room. They flank us ready for anything.

  “Where did he go?” Carlo asks quietly.

  “I don’t know,” I tell him. Vito pulls his phone out and dials. He calls Patrick.

  “Is everything okay?...(pause)...We will be out of the building in less than two minutes. There are five of us.” He ends the call.

  “Carlo, Joey, you watch the rooftops,” I command. “Vito and I will take the streets. Stay together, and keep her in the middle.” Lisa’s eyes are cast down onto the floor. “Do you think you can walk?”

  She sniffles and nods her head yes. She gets up unsteadily, and I grab onto her arm to help her. She takes a few uneasy steps, but then gets her bearings. I reach down and pick up the scattered firearms and double-check unconscious guy for additional weapons. “OK, let’s move,” I command. The group takes their positions, and we travel as one unit.

  I glimpse Uncle Tutti out of the corner of my eye. His chair completely knocked over backwards and his blood is splattered around like spilled red finger paints all over the flooring. I have no remorse over his death. He wanted to hurt the people I love. His demented views cost him, and there is no one to blame but himself.

  Lisa does what she is told, hanging in the center of our group with her arms wrapped tightly around herself. Her image borderlines on that of an unstable mental patient. Carlo helps her along.

  Each room we entered is clear. At the main door, Carlo and Joey cover each side of it. Vito goes through first. Joey, Lisa, me, and then Carlo follow. The fresh air is cleansing after the rank foulness of the rundown building mixed with the smell of blood ate at my skin.

  Up ahead of us, Vito shoots into the trees. I whip my head up, and we all dive to the ground taking Lisa with us. Two shots clip the building, spraying bits of brick. We quickly low crawl across the asphalt and around the corner. One shot, from far away, sails through the air and into the trees. The shooter in the trees falls with a thud, crushing leaves and sticks.

  Vito’s phone buzzes, and he jerks it out of his coat. I put out my hand to take it. I answer it.

  “Vito, I think I got them all,” Megan says excitedly. “Are you guys okay?”

  “It’s me,” I say, and Megan lets out an audible sigh of relief.

  “Oh, Antonio! Thank God!”

  “Everyone is fine. Stay where you are. We’re coming to get you.”

  “My dad’s been shot,” she says nervously. “He’s lost a lot of blood.”

  “Where was he shot?”

  “In the arm. I put bandages on it.”

  “Is he conscious?” I ask.


  “Put him on the phone.” I hear some rustling then Patrick’s gruff voice.

  “Yeah,” he says.

  “Is your area secure?”

  “Yes. She took out one on the rooftop and one in the trees. We haven’t seen anybody else.”

  “Okay. We will be there shortly.”

  I hang up and dial Alex. He picks up on the first ring.

  “Start coming towards the docks. We’ll meet you,” I tell him and hang up.

  “How do we know there’s no one else?” Joey asks.

  “We don’t. But we can’t sit here all night. Patrick said they didn’t spy anyone else. They took out two.”

  “What about Demetrius?” Carlo asks.

  “I have no fucking idea.” I really didn’t. The mission now is to get everybody back to the casino in one piece. Lisa and Patrick both need to be seen by Doc Howie. “You’re going to need to beef up security at the casino. This isn’t the end. Demetrius will definitely try something else. All of your employees need to know what he looks like.” Carlo nods in agreement using his eyes to check everywhere for Demetrius.

  We all move succinctly, holding our weapons at different angles ready to fire if necessary. Lisa shuffles along amongst our group. We meet Alex, and he drives into a small alleyway.

  The SUV only holds six. We pile in, and Carlo gathers Lisa into his lap, freeing a spot for Patrick. Megan rode on my lap on the way here as I didn’t want to draw attention with too many vehicles.

  Alex swings the car around and heads for the building where we left Patrick and Megan on the rooftop. Suddenly, an ugly recollection creeps its way into my mind. Demetrius knew Megan and Patrick were sniping.

  “Give me a phone,” I yell, panic setting in. He is going to go after them!

  Joey hands me a phone, and I dial Patrick. We just talked to them, so I know they have service. The phone rings and rings, then goes to voicemail. Each ring that echoes on the other end of the phone makes dread circle in my stomach.

  “They’re not picking up!” I shout to no one in particular.

  Chapter 16

  Whack: to kill


  The relief I felt in hearing Antonio’s voice could not be compared to anything I’ve ever known. I settle in to wait for them to come, my mind eased since Antonio didn’t seem too concerned about my father’s injury.

  My father lies next to me resting. I fumble with the strap on my helmet trying desperately to get this hideous thing off my head. I tug and pull. The stupid thing is stuck.

  My eye catches something in the dark. A shadow moves slowly, inching toward me. A shot of fear threads its way up my body. I reach for the rifle, not looking away from the threat. A man steps out of the darkness in front of me. Two more men converge, slipping closer. I grasp the rifle and drag it slowly toward me.

  “That would be a bad idea, Megan.”

  It’s Demetrius.

  “You are an unbelievable shot,” he says proudly. “Just incredible.”

  My heart is pounding in my ears. My father is as still as a stone. I desperately try to clear my head of fright.

  “Is Daddy hurt?” he asks mockingly, truly not caring.

  I’m immobile. He is still yards away from us, but his vile ruthlessness permeates the air. I’m trying to figure out where he came from. The only access to the roof I know of is
the one we used.

  His two henchmen keep pace with him. I eye them warily waiting for them to make the first move. The gun I have is heavy and clumsy. It will take too much time to line up the shot. A distraction is my only hope.

  They inch forward, and fear paralyzes me. I don’t know what to do. Demetrius stops directly in front of me and looks down at me. His eyes pierce through me, like he wants something. I look up at him from my position on the ground, scared as all hell. Demetrius’ associates hover behind like bodyguards.

  My father is only a few feet away from me, and I silently pray that he hasn’t lost consciousness.

  “How is your sister?” Demetrius asks in a carefree tone. “You know, I love small women. She is tiny and pretty. I would love to take her out one night. You think you can arrange that?”

  Is he kidding? This guy is a real nut-job! What does he expect me to say? Is he waiting for something?

  Then I get it. He’s trying to bait me or maybe even my father. He is testing us.

  My father’s gun that lies beside him, and Demetrius kicks it across the roof. It slides, kicking up pebbles of dirt in its wake. He motions to his colleagues, and they rush forward, locking each one of my arms...trapping me. I struggle and let out a little yelp, but their hold is tight.

  At that moment, my father sits up and stabs Demetrius in the side with a knife. I didn’t know he had a knife! Demetrius curses and backhands my father across the face hard, sending him flying. The force of the hit must have been incredible to throw him back that father is a big man.

  “You bastard!” I scream, kicking and pulling my arms and legs trying to free myself to get to my dad.

  Demetrius’s hand covets his side where my father stabbed him. Blood oozes between his fingers. He gazes at me and smiles psychotically.

  “Let’s go!” Demetrius says sternly. I flail my body, scared to death, that if they take me away, I will be lost forever.

  “No, no!” I yell. It does no good. They just drag me along, not even fazed by my rant.

  I’m so busy trying to save myself that I don’t notice my father. He grabs the ankle of one of the assholes attached to my arm. The guy goes down face first onto the hard roof’s surface.

  With my newly freed hand, I did my nails into the other guy’s deep enough to draw blood. “Bitch!” he shouts at me and takes a swing at my face with his fist. I duck, and he misses me. I’m free!

  I run across the roof in the darkness, hearing footsteps behind me. I turn, ready to inflict as much damage as I can, and realize it’s my father. We take cover behind a large sheet metal vent. His bandages are soaked through with blood, and he is breathing shallowly. He pats my knee.

  “Good job,” he says through panting breaths.

  Voices echo through the vent, and I hear running footsteps. A lot of them. The door to the roof swings open and crashes against the side. Someone is bellowing my name.

  “Megan!” It’s Antonio!

  “Over here!” I stand and yell.

  Relief washes over me and tingles down my back when I see him come around the corner. His facial expression is murderous. He picks me up and crushes me to his body, my feet dangling. I can barely feel him through all the padding. He kisses me fervently and desperately. The helmet tips forward and clips him on the forehead before I step back, getting my balance.

  “Did you get him?” I ask.

  Vito steps around the corner looking feral. “He got away!” he yells.

  My face falls in disappointment. Not good.

  Carlo crouches in front of my father checking him out. My father has a gash across his face from where Demetrius hit him. Carlo helps my father to stand.



  At the car, Alex gets out of the driver’s seat and greets us, opening the side door to help my father in. Antonio has not left my side.

  Joey and Vito investigate the area while we get ourselves together after the traumatic ordeal. I tip my head to check on my father when I see a girl in the car. As Antonio opens the door, I see that it’s Lisa and suck in a horrified gasp when I see her face. She looks like she did ten rounds with Mike Tyson. My stomach churns knowing full well who did this to her.

  Carlo loads the back of the vehicle with all the weapons. I see the rifle I used and wonder if either or both of the people I shot tonight died. The term, survival of the fittest, never meant much to me until now. It is kill or be killed, or, at the very least, hurt or be hurt. There is no margin for error.

  My father sits in the middle of the backseat. Antonio sits down next to him and pulls me into his lap, and Carlo does the same with Lisa on the other side. We are crushed into each other in the small space. I want to say something to Lisa, but everything I can think of seems insignificant compared to what she’s been through. I remain quiet like everyone else.

  When Vito and Joey get in the front seat, Alex drives away from the curb in a hurry, and we head back towards the casino. I feel gentle fingers at my chin. Antonio unclasps the strap on the helmet and removes it for me. I am relieved when I’m free of it. I rest my head back against Antonio and close my eyes. I feel a light pat on my knee. I raise my head to see my father weakly smiling at me.

  Alex gets us to the casino in record time. He drives us down into the underground garage. I keep my eye on Lisa as I get out. I am worried about her.

  I whisper to Antonio, “Is she going to be okay?”

  Antonio’s face is hard, but softens when he looks at me.

  “Carlo will take her to Doc Howie. They’ll take care of her.” His expression changes again, and I can guess what he’s thinking about. His gaze travels up and down my body, even in this ridiculous getup.

  My father is standing with Joey and Alex. I walk over to him, concerned about the bullet he took in the arm.

  “Dad, are you going to be okay? Do you want me to go with you to see Doc Howie?”

  “No. You go get some rest,” he says. His expression is different, as though he sees me in a new light.

  I am suddenly brutally tired, feeling the effects of no sleep and a highly life-threatening situation. I just want to wash off the ugliness of the night, and I am anxious to get out of these clothes.

  Antonio and I step into the elevator alone. He is holding my hand. Since he found me on the roof with my father, there hasn’t been a second that he hasn’t been touching me. I close my eyes for a second just to rest them.

  We make it to my room, my legs are barely carrying me. I unsuccessfully fiddle with the zippers and Velcro on my bullet-proof vest. Antonio notices my struggle and strips me effortlessly out of my gear. My fatigue fades as he strips off the layer of thermal underwear I had put underneath all the padding. I’m standing before him in just my panties and bra. He rakes his eyes up and down my body and attacks me passionately. Antonio crushes me against the wall, lifting me by my legs and wrapping them around his waist. If he could unzip my body and crawl in, I think he would. It’s like he can’t get close enough. My heart thunders wildly as my hands dance in his hair. He carries me to the bed and sets me down. I put my fist in his T-shirt and yank it over his head. My hands brush down his sculpted chest. All my sleepiness is replaced with need. His eyes are black and heated...he is ready to take me. I let him as I spiral down into the glorious abyss that is only Antonio.

  We lay quietly in the darkness. I am leaning over Antonio’s chest listening to the sound of his heartbeat as it slows down. He uses his finger and traces designs on my shoulder. I relax blissfully.

  “Antonio?” I whisper.

  “Yeah,” he responds huskily.

  “Is this ever going to be over?”

  I lift my head from his chest and gaze into his glowing brown eyes. Our faces are close. He wraps a thick piece of my hair in his hand and holds onto it.

  “Listen to me,” he commands and he tugs my hair gently. “The first best day of my life was when I met you. The second best day of my life will be when you walk down the aisle to become my
wife. The third best day of my life will be when you have our baby. You are the center of my world. You make the bad all better.”

  Did he just ask me to marry him?

  “Everything that we have been through together is nothing compared to being without you. I can’t make you any promises about what other people do or how it will affect our lives, but I can tell you I want everything else. The white picket fence and the two point five kids. Megan, you’re mine, forever. Making you happy is the only important thing to me.”

  He puts his hand on my back and pulls me close to his face. We are nose to nose. His intensity scares me sometimes, but it’s also something I love about him. I don’t let my eyes stray from his because I want him to know that I want it too. I lean down and kiss him. We’re quiet again, and after a few minutes, I fall asleep dreaming of big cakes and wedding gowns.

  Chapter 17

  Made man: follows through on contract killing


  It’s early in the morning, barely 6 a.m. It is the only way to sneak out of here. I grab my clothes and throw them on as quietly as possible. I strap on my gun and put on my leather jacket to cover it.

  Vito is sleeping soundly on the couch. There will be hell to pay with him later, but he will just have to deal.

  I need Megan. I don't think in my entire life I've ever needed anyone as much as I need her. Just having her close to me fills the void that has grown over my eighteen years of life...the mafia void. It's the coldness that seeps in year after year, fight after fight, beating after beating. My girl wants this to be over. The only way is for me to end it today - alone.

  I head to the firing range not speaking to anyone. I wave to Gilly and take what I need from the bins. The underground garage is deserted, everyone is still asleep. I grab keys in the interrogation room, I find the vehicle, and get in. I spin out of the garage and up the ramp.


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