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Bark Page 2

by Esther E. Schmidt

  I damn well craved it, with the personal story my grandmother always used to tell me ever since I was a little boy. Only it was fairytale style and we all know those are hard to come by in reality. The fingers gripping my belt and the heat of her pussy make it hard to believe I’m imagining this feeling; it’s as real as shit. She had me at first glance and I almost lost her, there’s no way I’m going to let this one slip through my fingers.

  Guiding my bike next to the row already parked in front of the clubhouse, I tap her hand to let her know she can get off. I take a moment to unstrap her helmet and throw it into my saddlebag before I guide her into the clubhouse.

  “Prez,” I bellow, startling the gorgeous fox next to me.

  Dammit. Her last name being Fox, a beautiful and attractive woman, it’s only logical to have a name like that. When I pull those soft curves against my body, I can lean my chin on the top of her head; she’s the perfect size for me. So instead of using Jodi, I’ll be using that last name of hers to give more justice to the beauty that she is.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you? Keep it down.” Ronin comes barging through the hallway and manages to reprimand me while whispering. That fucker has the kind of adoration for his Old Lady I only now start to understand with my own magnificent fox standing right next to me.

  “What now? Is she finally sleeping after hours and hours of cleaning the clubhouse?” I chuckle, because his Old Lady is pregnant as fuck and has been cleaning every damn inch of this clubhouse for the last two weeks. Fucking nesting urge, that’s what it is.

  Ronin releases a deep sigh. “Yeah, so keep your damn voice down. I got your text and I’m sure Gust will be here any second, then I’ll handle it.”

  Right on fucking cue the door behind us flings open and Gust strolls in. Not a damn chip on his shoulder. Well, I’ll be sure to change that in the next ten seconds. In one smooth move I palm my knife and drive it through his shoulder with a force that has him pinned to the wall behind him.

  Surprisingly, the only agonizing scream that fills the air is the one coming from Gust. With that thought I spin around and see my sweet fox staring at Gust, her eyes as big as the full moon on a dark night. Fuck.

  “Dammit, VP, I told you I’d handle it, didn’t I?” Ronin grumbles but I don’t give a fuck. I’m the VP and this shit concerned me a hell of a lot more.

  There’s a gasp coming from the hallway. We all turn to see a very pregnant Anouk standing there, barefoot. I take a glance at my Prez and damn well know he’s furious as fuck we woke up his Old Lady.

  Anouk points a finger at Gust. “You guys are making a mess, I just cleaned this whole place.”

  “Aw, sweetness. Go on back to bed and let us handle this little misunderstanding. We’ll clean up the mess, I promise,” Ronin fucking croons.

  “Misunder-fucking-standing my damn fucking ass. That fucker right there blew up my woman’s shop,” I bellow in anger at my Prez who makes it seem like Gust misplaced a car or some shit.

  “Your woman? Oh. My. Gosh,” Anouk breathes, eyes glancing from me to Jodi and back. “I’m so happy for you.”

  Great. Just fucking great. Now she’s crying her fucking eyes out.

  “Don’t you dare blame me again,” I whisper warn my Prez. “You’re the one that knocked her up.”

  “He’s the one who blew up everything I owned?” Jodi’s voice is filled with menace. We all watch while she slowly closes the distance and comes to a stop in front of Gust.

  “I had the order, ma’am.” Gust pins Jodi with an honest look. “I didn’t know Bark had an Old Lady, or that it was you who belonged to him, I swear.”

  Jodi’s hand flashes up, grips the knife and wiggles it around, making Gust brace on his knees to handle the pain she’s inflicting. The smart man manages to keep his hands to his side instead of pushing her away.

  Gust knows very well something went bad. He drew my attention when I was standing in front of the salon a few seconds before it blew up. When I looked over Jodi’s shoulder, he gave me a warning and then he headed out of the alley next to the salon. I could tell he was surprised as fuck to see me standing there. He’s our guy who handles the explosives. My heart nearly stopped when I saw Jodi make a move to head back into her salon.

  The fucker knows better than to speak his mind when his VP put him in his place with the Prez right next to him, but I still need to protect Jodi. Stepping forward, I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her against my chest and away from Gust.

  “I wasn’t done yet,” she growls, making me chuckle.

  “There, there, feisty fox. Let me handle this.” I expect her to put up a fight or hell, pick a fight with me, get angry, whatever. Except she totally surprises me when she relaxes and turns in my arms.

  “Okay, but you better have two more knives,” she tells me in a whisper as if we’re sharing a secret. “One to cut off his wiener and pin it next to his head and the other needs to be shoved up his butt.”

  My head tips back and I seriously can’t remember the last time I laughed so damn hard.

  That is until a tiny fist punches me in my pecs. “I’m not kidding,” Jodi tells me with a firm look on her face.

  “I’m sorry, my darlin’ fox.” I wrap my fingers around her wrist and stop her punching. “It’s just that you’re too damn sweet and then you surprise me with your demand and don’t even say ass, dick, or cock…nope, you said wiener and butt. It’s just hard to keep a straight face. But I’ll promise I have more knives.”

  “No, VP. Please. Fuck. I didn’t even do anything wrong. The job was in the damn box at the edge of the desk. The fucking ‘yes’ box. I just picked up the job like we all normally do,” Gust pleads.

  “No it fucking wasn’t,” I growl back. “It was still in the ‘incoming’ box because I was checking it out, it wasn’t fucking approved,” I tell him, my anger back full force.

  “Go look for yourself, dammit. It was on the pile in the corner of Prez’s desk. I wrote my fucking name on it to show I was handling it,” Gust presses and the look in his eyes tells me he’s telling the truth.

  When I glance back at Prez, I can tell he’s thinking the same thing. Both of us head for his office. Strolling in I can already see what the fuck happened.

  “Ooops.” We all turn toward the door where Anouk is standing, sobs escaping her.

  “What the hell, woman?” I growl, making her cry even harder. Dammit.

  Ronin punches my shoulder and strides toward his woman, scooping her up in his arms. “Fuck, Anouk.”

  Yeah, fuck, Anouk…please just pop out the damn kid already so you’ll stop crying and stop the fuck cleaning so you don’t mess things up again, like throwing the piles out of order so buildings get blown up that aren’t supposed to be blown the fuck up.

  “What a fucking mess.” I rub a hand over my face.

  I hear a gut-wrenching voice flow through the air. “You guys knew? What the heck? You ordered for the blast that took away everything I had?”

  This time the tears that slide down from a woman’s face in this clubhouse are the ones that feel like a knife is being plunged into my heart over and over, drop by drop, stab by fucking stab.



  Lost. Not only what I’ve built up, what I owned, my whole life savings, but me…I’m completely lost. I want to turn around and run the heck away from here, but where would I go? What can I do? There’s nothing…

  Another sob rips from my throat and that’s the last thing I want; to crumble into a ball and turn into a puddle of tears.

  I hear curses and through my blurry vision I see the guy everyone calls Bark coming right at me. I should run or maybe get close to him to see if he has another knife and plunge it in like he did with that other guy. Wait…why did he…every little detail I’ve heard up till now falls into place.

  Apparently they take on jobs and one of those was to blow up my salon? Bark was there to check it out while that Gust guy thought that job w
as already approved…This is so screwed up. At least I think Bark is on my side with him being angry at Gust. That’s something, right? And what kind of name is Bark?

  I don’t even have enough energy inside me to care. His arms and chest are giving me strength and warmth. Considering the day I’m having…I’m taking this moment to not care and lean on this guy for now, seeing he’s just as angry at things as I am. Okay, maybe not so much leaning since he’s carrying me down the hall and into a room and closes the door behind him.

  He sits down on a bed and keeps me in his arms with me on his lap. Soft strokes are sliding down my head making me realize I have one huge headache and with the braided pig tails it’s too tight on my head. Raising up, I find the energy to pull out the hair ties and shake them lose. Things like this are like taking off your bra after a hard day of work.

  “Man…how I want to be home in my own bedroom, taking off my bra and taking a long hot shower. Snuggle into bed to watch some TV and not care about another thing,” I mumble to myself.

  A rumble of laughter vibrates out of the chest I’m leaning against. “Aw, adorable little fox. My room is yours and I bet your sweet curvy ass my shower will be the best one in this town. Go on and have a long shower. I’ll ask my Prez’s Old Lady if she has an extra set of clothes for you, okay?”

  My body freezes up because I have no clue what to do. And why does he keeps adding things to my last name? He makes Fox tumble over his lips as if it’s an endearment.

  “Relax, Jodi.” His voice is as gentle as a feather stroking my skin, igniting a spark of electricity heightening my skin. “It’s just a shower. You’re safe, I promise I won’t let anything happen to you. I’ll be right here if you need anything. Please allow yourself to trust me that much.”

  I turn to look into his eyes. “I trust you.” The words slide over my lips without a second thought, because I do. No doubt since, “I could have died if you didn’t stop me from running into my salon.”

  His arms wrap tight around me as he pulls me flush against him. “I saw Gust right before the blast coming out of the alley next to the salon. He gave me a signal and then he took off. And when that guy does something like head in the same direction ‘cause he’s our TNT guy. Since your salon was a target...someone asked us to blow it up...” I feel him swallow as if his throat is clogged with emotion. “Even now my chest fucking aches with the mere thought of losing you.”

  I’m afraid to even take my next breath, unsure of what to do or say. How can this magnificent, rough, massive and tattooed biker express himself to someone he just met? To me? I’m a plain Jane.

  “I owe my life to you,” I whisper, my own throat clogging up.

  Bark stands up, taking me along with him. “Enough already. Let’s get you that shower now, huh?” He guides me toward the bathroom.

  When we step inside, I need to take a moment to glance around and admire every single inch of it. Everything is covered with natural tiles, rough stones like you’ve stepped inside a mountain. There’s only a few knobs on the wall across from us and Bark turns them on as water comes down from the ceiling. He’s got a rain shower built in, it’s as if it’s raining in the bathroom. That big and that magnificent.

  “Wow,” I breathe.

  “Yeah. Might be a little exorbitant for a room in a clubhouse, but I fucking love it. My money, my body underneath that luxury that earned it. Now go enjoy this and I’ll make sure you’ll have some nice clean clothes when you’re done. Just holler through the door if you need something,” he says and spins around.

  “No,” I squeak, surprising even myself.

  He looks over his shoulder and raises an eyebrow in question.

  My eyes find the floor when I murmur, “Please don’t leave. I need…”

  Shit…what do I need? I don’t even know.

  I feel his fingers underneath my chin as he raises my head to connect his gaze with mine. “What do you need, precious fox?”

  “Not to be alone?” Yes. That’s what I need.

  Or maybe even to forget for a moment in time? By the looks of it, he might be up for it. Although I’m not one with expertise, I’m not a complete virgin. Getting lost in a man, even for one night, would drain me enough to get a good night of sleep so I can fight my demons tomorrow.

  His face softens. He’s about to say something but I cut him off when I say, “Make me forget. Make me feel good. Make me…”

  Bark’s face hardens. “I’m not going to make you do anything. I will however treat you right and take your mind off of the shit I’m going to handle for you.”

  He leans over and brushes his lips over mine, leaving a tingling sensation in their place. I try to move closer, get his lips back on mine, but he just chuckles and starts to pull on my clothes.

  “Shower, darlin’. Warmth and comfort. Then, only if you behave, we’ll kiss some more.” His voice is so gentle and yet I would like to scream at him ‘what are you talking about; kiss some more’? Because it was over way too quick to even have a fragment of a kiss.

  Ugh. Again with the chuckle. I try to mask the grumpiness that’s ratting me out. I have never been one to hide my feelings well. Before I know it, I’m naked and underneath the shower. He doesn’t even give me time to make me aware of my own body. All because of his lips touching mine. Yes, I’m still not calling that a kiss.

  It’s now I realize that there’s soft music playing. The warmth of the water has me closing my eyes and just giving over to this moment in time where there’s no worry. Just the feel of soft strokes that are sliding over my body. The delicious fragrance that I’ve smelled on Bark fills the air. He must be using his soap. The lingering touches aren’t sexual and yet my whole body seems to be hotwired due to the attention he’s giving me.

  Not that I’ve ever been uncomfortable with my body. I mean I have curves and I’ll never be skinny or have the perfect model figure. Hence the reason I’ve even named my salon Big Chick Beauty. It’s more of a surrender to the part where I’ve given up on diets and killing myself with hours of workouts. Now I just enjoy the gym to blow off steam and try not to stuff too many sweet things into my mouth. It makes life slightly less hellacious and not filled with disappointments seeing your weight bounce along with the curves.

  I’ve never had a regular boyfriend so that wasn’t on my mind before I came to accept my body and yet…this man with me in the shower makes me aware of every little cell my body is made of.

  “Relax.” His voice is a growl. “Stop thinking, because you weren’t uptight a moment ago, so I can only imagine what’s going on in your head when you’re not voicing shit.”

  Right. As if I would say, hang on, I’ll just suck in my stomach some more if you don’t look at my ass and just imagine…screw it. “I’ve never been self-aware and quite comfortable with myself and yet you make me want to have a tight ass with the model picture perfect,”

  “Shut up.” His fierce voice is right next to my ear when he pushes me against the tiled wall, my boobs flattening while I’m aware of every single hard piece of his body pressing against by back.

  His hand slides over my thigh and up over my hip to my ass, giving it a rough squeeze before he trails in between the wall and my belly where he pulls me against his body. Tweaking my nipple between his fingers, I feel the roughness of his beard. “There hasn’t been one single woman on this fucking earth that’s caught my attention the way you do. I had a damn lightning strike of lust to love moment with your ass without even seeing the rest of you.”

  That last statement makes me snort. “Without even knowing what belonged with that ass? What if I was a dude?”

  I feel him tighten behind me. “That would be…huh.”

  I can’t keep the laughter in, except it dies when he’s got my boob in his rough hand and is rolling my nipple while simultaneously nipping the skin right beneath my ear.

  “You’re devilish,” he growls.



Fuck. This wasn’t my intention. I wanted her to feel at ease, take a shower by herself and get some clean clothes and some shuteye. Comfort I could give her and yet here I am in the damn shower pressed against her, rolling one very hard nipple between my fingers. She’s fucking lucky I’m still wearing my boxers and my damn shirt.

  That’s right, I’ve only stripped my jeans, cut, socks, and boots. A barrier I kept in place for her sake. Since the moment my gaze hit that perfect ass, I felt the possibility to have something that’s mine to claim for the long run, something to build; a future.

  She whimpers underneath my touch. “Please.”


  “Shhhh, save your breath, darlin’,” I whisper and guide her face out of the spray of the water so she’s resting on my shoulder when I slide my hand down between her thighs, finding one very smooth pussy.

  My fingers dance over her clit and damn…the moans that tumble off her plump lips are making my dick harden even more. It’s a good thing the fabric of my boxers prevents my dick from sliding along that perfect ass because I would have bent my knees and thrust up to bury myself deep.

  “Damn tight. Feel that? Your pussy welcomes me with the kind of hotness I crave.” I nip the skin on her neck before I continue, “Are you going to please me? Let me enjoy the pleasure of you coming all over my fingers? Because that’s what I’m going to make you do. I told you I wasn’t going to make you do anything, but I’ve changed my mind, darlin’.”

  My whole body is on edge. The way she’s riding my fingers, creating friction between our bodies, is wrapping the both of us in the kind of euphoria I’ve never experienced.

  “I can’t wait to have you sliding that slick, hot pussy along my dick so I can pump you full of my cum and brand you as mine. You have no clue what you did when you lured me under your spell, my one and only fox. No. Clue. But you’ll know soon enough.” I suck a piece of the skin of her neck into my mouth because I need to mark her in some way. If I can’t release inside her, I’ll mark her body another way.


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