Pony Surprise

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Pony Surprise Page 2

by Pauline Burgess

  Ben comes in later with the dandy brush. He’s muttering to himself about finding it on the floor in the tack room, and how Sophie shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. I’m still cross at him for upsetting my Sophie, but he comes over and strokes me, which I must admit I quite like. He tells me how glossy I look, but I know that already – Sophie did a great job on me. She knows I always like to look my best.

  Kate pops in and tells Ben it’s time to go home.

  ‘Feeling better?’ she asks.

  He nods but doesn’t say anything. The boy has obviously lost his tongue!

  ‘I just don’t like people looking down at me,’ he says eventually. ‘That’s why I was cross with her.’

  ‘I understand, Ben, but you know what they say – you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Maybe you should try getting to know Sophie a bit better. Come along to the hack tomorrow and ride with her. It’s about time you started spending more time with the other riders anyway. Humans can be friendly too, you know, not just horses,’ she laughs.

  ‘You know Mum can’t afford to send me on the hack tomorrow,’ Ben mutters.

  ‘Your mum doesn’t have to pay – you do,’ Kate explains. ‘You can help me tack up all the horses for the ride and then put them back in their stables afterwards. There’ll be mucking out too, of course. Do we have a deal?’


  He smiles, but when he walks away he has his head down again. He doesn’t even say thank you. Honestly, young people nowadays – where do they get their manners from?

  One thing is for sure, if Kate thinks I’m going to gallop along after Skippy on the hack tomorrow, she can think again. I take a ride at my own pace and I don’t fancy trying to keep up with that flying machine!

  Besides, Sophie and Ben have nothing in common. What on earth will they have to talk about? Kate means well, but if you ask me, sometimes she should just leave well enough alone.

  ‘Here you go, Parsley. Time for dinner,’ she says, throwing in some haylage. ‘Big ride tomorrow, girl. You’ll need lots of energy.’

  ‘You think?’ I whinny. Sorry, Kate, but I’ll be right at the back where I like to be, taking my time and riding like the lady I am!

  ‘Have you and Skippy been whispering about the big day again?’ she asks me.

  ‘Just a bit,’ I snort back. ‘Have you bought the lovely ribbons and bows yet?’

  It’s almost as if she understands, because she tells me how gorgeous I’m going to look and how we’ll all get an extra special grooming on the morning of the TOP SECRET big day. Oh, I do love it when we have special events at the Pony Palace. Everyone gets so excited and it’s almost like there’s magic in the air. There’s just over a week to go now and Sophie and I will be as pretty as a picture!

  Chapter Six

  I didn’t mean for Jamie to get injured, honestly – I was just fed up being made to go faster all the time. The truth is that I’m tired; tired of going fast, tired of jumping and tired of being told what to do.

  Of course, Kate was cross with me afterwards. She gave me a right telling off, and she even said I did it on purpose. She gave me that disappointed look that makes you feel I really bad about yourself.

  ‘Jamie relies on you, Rupert! His grandfather is very ill and his poor mum is run ragged looking after the family. Jamie comes here to get away from all that. You’re supposed to take his mind off things and make him feel better.’

  He missed his last lesson, but he’s back today and I’ve been told to behave myself. One of the volunteers leads me towards the outside arena where Jamie’s chatting to a smaller boy. Ben’s his name, I think. Jamie’s arm is in some kind of bandage, but he’s smiling as usual.

  ‘You’ll probably be allowed to start jumping next summer,’ Jamie is telling the other boy. ‘Kate will want to make sure you’re really in control of your pony first. Not that I had much control of Rupert last time,’ he laughs. ‘It was a good lesson for me – never get overconfident around a horse!’

  I can’t believe he’s making a joke of it! I guess I’m relieved, though. He’s not a bad lad, Jamie, even if he does have that big, silly smile and floppy hair. He’s always kind to the younger kids, and he’s probably one of the better riders here.

  ‘Hi there, Rupert,’ he says when he spots me. ‘Or should I call you Bronco Barney?’

  Clearly I am not Bronco Barney – I am Reliable Rupert, but Jamie’s little joke makes him and the other lad laugh, so I don’t mind. A little girl walks over to us, and Ben suddenly goes quiet.

  ‘Hi, I’m Sophie. Do you mind if I watch you today?’ she asks Jamie.

  ‘Sure,’ he smiles, ‘But if you’ve come to watch me fall off again you’ll be disappointed. Rupert and I are the best of mates – aren’t we, Rupert?’

  He rubs my nose as if the fall never happened. The girl blushes and stammers something about not wanting to see him fall.

  ‘It’s okay, Sophie. I was only joking,’ Jamie says. ‘You usually ride Parsley, don’t you?’

  ‘Yes. We’re going on a hack in a little while. I love riding through the countryside.’

  ‘Me too. Hey, maybe I’ll join you.’

  Ben is silent. He seems put out, and I get the impression that he doesn’t like the girl very much. Jamie mounts me and squeezes me into a trot.

  ‘Come on, buddy. Let’s see if we can get over a few jumps today without me somersaulting off you.’

  Just this once I decide to do my very best. Someone as forgiving as Jamie doesn’t deserve to be mucked about. I let Jamie guide me and I work with him. I glide over the bars faultlessly and keep a nice rhythm. When we’re finished, Jamie gets a big round of applause from all the parents and kids who’ve been watching us.

  ‘Rupert, you’re a star!’ he tells me. Actually, I’m not – I’m a grumpy old chestnut gelding with an attitude, but for once I feel rather special. Just for a moment, mind you. Then Jamie leads me back into the stable and I notice all the other ponies in a huddle together, like they’re plotting something. They’ve been acting like that since last week.

  Oh, let them get on with it – if they don’t want to include me in their tittle-tattle, then so be it. What do I care?

  Chapter Seven

  Wahey! The fields and hedges are a blur as Ben and I go flying through the countryside. Kate’s letting us having a canter today because there are plenty of volunteers around to keep an eye on us.

  ‘You take care now, Skippy,’ she told me before we left. ‘No funny business. Ben’s only eight years old, remember.’

  It’s cold and dry today, but Ben and I can barely feel a thing except the wind in our hair. This is the life! The lane is hard with frost and the trees are bare and still. Ben is screaming with delight, and Mrs Corrigan had a big smile on her face when she waved him off. We won’t go too far, of course. Kate says we have to wait for the slowcoaches at the bottom of the lane before we turn onto the road. She’s always really careful when the riders are on the road, even though there are so few cars.

  ‘Yee hah!’ Ben shouts. ‘It’s like the Wild West!’

  Well not exactly, Ben – but hey, if you want to be a cowboy you go right ahead. He’s in such a good mood today. He says his dad is back in touch again and might even come home to see him soon.

  ‘Ben! Skippy! Wait up!’ Kate shouts.

  ‘Woah, girl. We have to slow down now, but what a ride.’

  Ben pulls at my reins and I can hear him panting with enjoyment.

  ‘Hiya, Ben.’ Jamie says, pulling up on Rupert. Sophie and Parsley follow close behind. Rupert eyes me with disdain and snorts. He can be such a grump! Sometimes I wonder why we’re all making such a big effort to plan his TOP SECRET surprise.

  ‘Looks like you had a great ride,’ Jamie says.

  ‘It was brilliant! I feel so happy and free when I ride like that. Everything else just disappears.’

  ‘I know what you mean,’ Jamie smiles. ‘How about you, Sophie?’

  ‘I prefer
to go a little slower than Ben,’ she says shyly, smiling at Jamie but looking warily at Ben. ‘But I do know what it feels like to leave the world behind and just be with your favourite horse.’

  Ben nods in agreement and I’m glad. I think it’s about time those two made up.

  The three of us trot along the bridle path; me and Rupert side-by-side and Parsley trailing at the back as usual. Sophie talks less than the boys, but I can tell that she’s enjoying herself. It’s nice to see them all starting to get along and putting their differences aside – and of course, they talk mainly about us, which makes Parsley, Rupert and I swell with pride. Yes, even Rupert!

  Chapter Eight

  I just love winter! All that extra haylage and glittery frost – what’s not to like? And it’s only a week or so until I get to wear sparkling bows and colourful ribbons (for Rupert’s big day, of course!) which will really set off my shiny chestnut coat.

  We’re stopped at the lake now and the kids are talking about their plans for mid-term break. Sophie tells them she’s going skiing and I Ben rolls his eyes. How rude! Rupert seems bored and is staring into the distance and Skippy’s skipping around as usual wanting to get going again. Honestly – doesn’t that pony understand what having a rest means?

  ‘Here you go, Parsley. You didn’t think we’d forgotten the carrots, did you?’ Sophie holds her hand out flat and I munch on the crunchy carrots she offers. Delicious! She shares them around the other ponies.

  ‘My granddad’s gone back into hospital,’ Jamie tells Sophie and Ben while breaking the carrots in half.

  ‘The doctors say he should get out soon if he’s feeling better after his treatment, though.’

  ‘Imagine being in hospital for days on end. He must be so bored!’ says Ben.

  ‘It’s not so bad. The doctors and nurses are really kind to him and we bring him lots of newspapers and books to read every time we visit. And my dad visits him every day and spends an hour with him just chatting about stuff.’

  ‘My dad’s in England,’ Ben says unhappily. ‘But when he comes back to visit I’m going to show him how well I can ride. He’s never seen me ride before. He’ll be amazed.’ He seems to cheer up at the thought of it.

  ‘Definitely. He’ll be dead impressed,’ Jamie says helpfully. ‘What about you, Sophie? Are your mum and dad pleased with how your riding’s coming along?’

  Sophie hesitates.

  ‘Sort of,’ she says. ‘But they both have really important jobs and they work a lot, so they’re kind of too busy to notice. They buy me all the best riding gear though,’ she adds, frowning at Ben’s clothes.

  ‘Poor little rich girl,’ Ben mumbles.

  ‘Can’t you two give each other a break?’ asks Jamie. ‘What does it matter how much money you have? The important thing is that your families are healthy. You don’t know how lucky you both are!’

  He sounds cross all of a sudden, which surprises me. Nothing ever makes Jamie cross. Even Rupert looks up in astonishment.

  ‘We’re here to ride and look after the ponies and make friends,’ Jamie adds, ‘not to argue and bicker.’

  Sophie and Ben both hang their heads like they’re ashamed. I spot Kate heading over our way, as if she senses a row.

  ‘Come on, guys, let’s get back to Pony Palace,’ she says. Her nose is as red as a cherry from the cold.

  ‘Some good riding back there, Ben. How’s Parsley riding today, Sophie?’

  ‘Great. She’s always great, aren’t you, Parsley?’

  Of course I am, darling. I’m a princess among nags and donkeys!

  ‘You make a good team,’ Kate tells her. ‘It’s important for a pony and its rider to get on well together. Actually, I was wondering if you could help me out next weekend, Sophie. I need to make Pony Palace look nice and festive for the, erm … celebrations.’

  Kate looks over her shoulder to see if Rupert’s listening, but he doesn’t seem to have heard anything.

  ‘I’d love that, Kate!’ says Sophie. ‘I’ll bring banners and balloons and …’

  ‘Hey, slow down,’ Kate laughs. ‘You don’t have to bring anything, Sophie. I’ve got everything we need – except help. So you’re up for it then?’


  ‘What about you guys?’ Kate asks the boys. ‘Would you like to help out?’

  ‘Count me in,’ says Jamie.

  ‘Me too,’ Ben says quietly.

  ‘Brilliant!’ Kate says, clapping her hands together. ‘Oh, and there’s just one more thing. I’ll need some adults to help me lay out lots of hay bales in the arena for seating. Can you ask if any of your parents are available to help?’

  The kids look at each other with worried expressions. There’s no way Sophie’s mum and dad will have time to lay out hay bales – not with so much important business to do on their mobile phones. And as for Jamie and Ben’s parents – what is Kate thinking of?

  Chapter Nine

  What on earth is going on? Everyone is running around giggling and whispering, and just look at the place – it’s covered in banners and balloons! Kate keeps winking and talking about ‘the big day’ and Skippy and Parsley have been giving me funny looks all morning. The place has simply gone mad!

  When Jamie arrives he has a big smile on his face as usual.

  ‘Hi Rupert! Look what I’ve got for my favourite horse – a nice juicy apple. Here you go, boy,’ Jamie says.

  Okay, so maybe these special events do have their perks, though I still don’t know what this one’s all about. I wish someone would tell me what’s going on!

  ‘My mum is coming along in a bit to help out with the decorations,’ says Jamie. ‘I couldn’t believe it when she said she could spare the time, she’s normally so busy looking after Granddad. I can’t wait to show her some jumping. You will be a good boy, won’t you?’

  What does he think I am? A delinquent?

  ‘Doesn’t the place look good, Rupert?’ he says. ‘Come on, I’ll saddle you up and take you to the indoor arena.’

  He leads me outside where Jenny is standing on a ladder putting up some kind of banner. A few parents stand around shouting instructions and helping to get it into position while others carry bunting and lights towards the arena. Kate is standing in the middle of the yard chatting to Sophie and a tall man in a smart coat. Kate is smiling and nodding a lot and Sophie is blushing bright red. The man seems very happy about whatever Kate is telling him.

  ‘Hi Sophie!’ Jamie calls over to her and waves, and they walk toward us.

  ‘Hi Jamie. This is my dad,’ she beams. ‘He’s come to help out today.’

  ‘Nice to meet you, Mr Walker,’ Jamie says, polite as always. Then he shakes the man’s hand. ‘Sophie’s a great rider. She’s really patient with the horses – especially Parsley.’

  The man looks proudly at his daughter as Jamie speaks.

  ‘So Kate’s been telling me. I’ve been so busy I haven’t even had the time to come and see her ride. But that’s going to change. Right Sophie?’ he says.

  ‘Right, Dad,’ she answers, though she doesn’t look so sure.

  ‘And who’s this?’ Mr Walker asks, looking at me.

  ‘This is Rupert. He really has a mind of his own,’ Jamie laughs.

  ‘I most certainly do – and there’s nothing wrong with that!’ I think, and I stamp my feet just to prove it.

  Just then, a green car drives up to the stables. It pulls up beside us and a woman helps a sick-looking man out of the back seat and into some kind of moving chair. He looks as pale as Skippy and the woman makes a big fuss over him, tucking a blanket around him and fixing his scarf.

  ‘Why, that looks like Harry Hall,’ Sophie’s dad says, watching him. He opens his eyes wide. ‘It is Harry Hall!’ he shouts excitedly.

  He walks over quickly and shakes the man’s hand, telling him that he used to love watching him jump and how he was the greatest in Northern Ireland. Sophie walks shyly over to them and I can hear her dad introducing her. Jamie
seems frozen to the spot. The man in the chair is looking at him and smiling, though he looks very frail. Tears roll down Jamie’s face. The woman pushes the chair towards Jamie.

  ‘We thought we’d surprise you,’ she says, and there are tears in her eyes, too. ‘Your granddad really wanted to see you ride, and we know happy you are when you’re here at the Pony Palace.’

  Jamie gives his granddad the biggest hug ever. Then he pushes him towards me and the old man looks me over very carefully.

  ‘So this is Rupert,’ he says. ‘Good strong shoulders and girth. A nice compact pony. I can see why you like him so much, Jamie. I can see why you’ll miss him too.’

  Miss me? Is Jamie going away somewhere? Jamie must sense my confusion, because he scratches me behind the ear and tells me not to worry, that we’ll still see each other all the time. This confuses me even more, but then Jamie’s granddad gets out of his moving chair and starts stroking me gently and I forget all about it. I can tell he’s been around horses a lot. He speaks in a low voice and makes me feel calm and happy – and even a bit less grumpy. Seeing Jamie with his granddad makes me feel sort of warm inside, and I can’t help but feel really pleased for both of them. Yes, that’s right – grumpy old Rupert has a soft side! Goodness knows what other surprises are in store …

  Chapter Ten

  Even though the arena is starting to look quite snazzy and everyone else is in high spirits, Ben looks really down. I can see him watching Sophie and Jamie’s families drinking coffee together in the Nosebag Café, and I know what he’s thinking. I nuzzle him to get his attention, hoping he wants to ride like the wind today, but he doesn’t even seem to notice me.


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