Kara's View of Autumn

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Kara's View of Autumn Page 9

by Carl Hamlin

  Hoping to calm Kara, Roger had turned the lights down and put some soft music in the stereo. He had also poured her another glass of wine, and then decided to have some himself. His sport coat and tie were tossed over a chair as he tried to relax in his own right.

  They sat on the sofa in the quiet room with the piano music softly playing in the background. Roger sat in the center of the sofa, running his fingers through Kara’s hair as she rested her head against him.

  Kara once again began to cry softly, murmuring barely intelligible phrases about Susan, the “close call” and “……should have known this could happen”. Roger simply hugged her more closely and kissed her forehead.

  Once Kara’s crying had subsided, Roger whispered. “You did everything right, Kara. Just think what would have happened if you hadn’t called Bill when you knew Harlow was out there. You saved Susan from……who knows?”

  Kara began shaking her head violently. “You just……don’t……understand.” She sat upright and looked at Roger while she wiped tears from her face.

  He simply shook his head. “I’m sorry, but I really don’t understand.”

  Kara leapt from the sofa and began pacing the floor. “I was unlocking my last deadbolt to go outside and take care of Harlow myself. I was that close.” She paced some more with her face covered by her hands. “I did hesitate to call for help. And it could have meant……”.

  She sat back down on the sofa and rested her face on her hands. “You have to understand, Roger. It was that close……my old impulses almost won out. And…..if they had…….”.

  Roger placed his hand on her knee. “But you did the right things.”

  Kara shook her head, and then slid her shoes off. Then she pulled her sweatshirt off and tossed it aside.

  She turned toward Roger, then swung her knees onto the sofa and knelt facing him.”You need to understand, Lover……I almost did it again. I started to…….I wanted to go out there by myself. And….too many times….that’s how I’ve done it.”

  Roger placed his hand on her shoulder. “And so?”

  Kara stood and said, “Wait a minute.” She disappeared into the bathroom, and then returned in a couple of minutes. She once again knelt next to Roger.

  Kara managed a slight smile. “I agreed to something.” She reached down, unbuttoned her jeans, and slid the zipper down. “In my own mind, I broke still was too stubborn to do what I should have done, when I needed to do it. Even if you don’t agree…..I’m the one who has to live with it all.” She managed another smile, reached out, and caressed his cheek. “And if you want me to be fit to live with……”.

  She reached down again, and then pushed her jeans and panties down to her knees. She leaned forward and kissed Roger on the lips, then whispered, “And yes…….I’ll marry you.” Then she lay down across his knees and settled in. She felt no apprehension, only relief that Susan was all right and she was going to make amends with herself and Roger for…….everything. She also once again felt the confusing but pleasurable fluttering and butterflies in her midsection, the same as she had when Roger had previously taken her across his knees.

  She was at first confused when she heard the sound of a kiss, then felt the wet fingertips of Roger’s right hand as he rested it on the center of her bottom and patted it softly. In response, she reached back and took his right wrist and pulled that same hand to her, then turned toward him and planted a kiss in the center of his palm. She then turned her face forward, and then rested her chin on her crossed forearms.

  Kara felt Roger’s hand move away, then two seconds later it returned with a stinging smack, somewhat lighter than most of those she had received in her prior paddling. A few seconds later, another one just like it landed on the lower portion of her bottom. Kara knew that every three to four seconds another whack would add to her discomfort. As the rhythmic paddling continued, the level of sting was amplified as Roger’s hand landed on tender flesh that was made more sensitive by each slap.

  It was the tenth smack that landed with a loud POW that caused Kara to cry out for the first time. However, the next was less intense, and Roger continued the pattern as the moderate swats began to provide a building warmth and soreness that caused Kara to begin to squirm.

  Roger halted, his hand resting on her warm bottom after having landed it there twenty times. “How you doing, so far?”

  Kara remained looking straight ahead. “I don’t know if I should say this. But…..you’re not paddling me as hard.” She finally looked back with a puzzled look on her face.

  Roger cleared his throat. “You left off a key word?”

  Kara nearly laughed. “What word did I leave off?”

  Roger patted her again. “The word is, ‘yet’.”

  Kara turned her head back to face the end of the sofa and muttered, “Oh….I understand.” Then she felt that anticipatory fluttering again.

  A fiery smack made her utter a loud “Ouch”, but Roger was surprised to also hear a laugh. He smacked her again, though not as hard, but the sting made her suck in her breath, and the pattern began again, though this time with slightly more force than the first round of smacks.

  Kara was experiencing a sting building to an intensity that was sizzling her entire bottom. She began to fear that she would not be able to tolerate it. However, as the paddling continued, to her surprise and satisfaction she found that she was willing and able to accept what she had asked for.

  And Rogers’s hand continued to provide that paddling she had requested, as it rose and fell in the same determined pattern. It continued until Kara guessed that she had heard that unnerving sound of hand on bottom and the resulting sting at least fifty times.

  Again, Roger halted and allowed his hand to cover the bottom than t was now quite red and generating heat. “Still okay?”

  Kara looked back, her face flushed and her eyes teary, but still no tears had flowed down her face. “I’m okay.”

  Roger nodded. “Good.” A loud CRACK echoed in the room.

  Kara looked back with large eyes, reached back, and rubbed her bottom. “Ow.!Yikes.”

  Roger simply patted her again and resumed her paddling, but now the evenly spaced whacks were harder than before he had paused. To her surprise, she was finding the paddling to be arousing. But now, when the hand landed, Roger was hearing an “Ouch” or an “Oooww”. After ten such smacks, he again halted.

  “Kara…….I love you, so……”.

  Kara’s voice was trembling. “So, what, Lover?”

  “I just want you to always be safe.”

  Kara could sense what was about to happen. “Okay…..?”

  “So I’m going to do something to make sure you understand what I mean. If this is your deterrent to keep you from taking risks, then I have to do this right. ”

  Kara felt her breathing become shallow. “I……understand.”

  Roger patted her bottom several times. “Ready?”

  Kara nodded and sighed deeply. “I think I’m going to be well-tanned before we’re done.”

  Roger sighed. “An experience you will never forget.” The words he spoke made the fluttering return with intensity she had not known before.

  Roger’s hand rose and landed with a loud POW, followed by another POW, then POW again. The whacks were full of fire. As Kara cried out with each one, Roger continued to land loud, frightening and unbearably painful whacks until she went limp across his lap in resignation and acceptance.

  Roger helped Kara to sit up, and then he reclined and pulled her over on top of him. Kara was crying, but softly, and never broke into sobs.

  She reached down and forced the jeans and panties off, then resumed lying on top of Roger. He held her as she continued to cry, as she did for nearly an hour in the darkened room as the soft piano music CD played over again. She had her arms around his neck, and held him as if she would fall into an abyss if she let go.

  Even after she had cried her eyes dry, soaking Roger’s shirt as if the tears flowed s
traight to his heart, she stayed there for another hour, clinging to him, the first true man in her life. Eventually the embrace yielded to long kisses, and when Roger’s hands began to explore the red, fiery area, she did not object, but encouraged him with flicks of her tongue to his neck and earlobes.

  The crying had given way to moaning and giggling as she slid a little higher and his hands began to work their magic on the woman who was happy to be bare from the waist down in the clutches of this man, even if he had just given her the paddling of a lifetime. He continued his gentle touches and caresses until Kara was crying out again, but this time in pleasure, and Roger watched her toes curling in the throes of climax.

  In spite of the searing pain in her backside, Kara eventually fell asleep in Roger’s arms. She was slumbering so soundly that he was able to move her aside, pick her up in his arms and carry her to her bed. He pulled back the covers and tucked her in. He then undressed and slipped under the covers next to her.

  Kara woke in the middle of the night. She immediately reached down to rub the still warm and sore bottom then recalled the way in which Roger had comforted her later. She nearly laughed aloud as she realized that all she was wearing was her turtleneck over the tee shirt. She peeled them off, reached over to Roger, and her fingertips began to wake him up in a way she knew he would appreciate.

  She woke again an hour later and kissed his chest. She curled up next to him and simply lay there in the darkness for an hour looking at him, recalling the events of the unique day (and evening) she had experienced. She finally dozed off again, and then woke to see the clock reading 7:00. She knew that neither had expectations of going to work.

  She rose quietly and walked to the bathroom, and she took one of the longest showers of her life. She dried off, but did not dress, then walked in the nude to her coat closet and rummaged through items on the top shelf. Finding what she was looking for, she checked back in the room to see that Roger was beginning to wake up. Assuming he would think she was in the kitchen, she hid in a dark corner of the room as he headed into the bathroom. She waited as he showered, and then she put the Chicago Bears cap on. Feeling a welcome sense of serenity, she relaxed on her stomach on the bed, ready to begin their day.

  Table of Contents


  Other books by Author

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6




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