Lyndsey Cole - Lily Bloom 02 - Queen of Poison

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Lyndsey Cole - Lily Bloom 02 - Queen of Poison Page 6

by Lyndsey Cole

  Lily watched her walk off. “I wonder what she’s referring to.” Lily asked Ryan.

  “We’ll just have to go and find out. Do you believe what she told you?”

  Lily scrunched up her mouth in thought. “She’s no dummy. She has low self-esteem and a lack of confidence but I think she’s an observer and she probably has a good perspective on what’s going on with her family dynamics. I do believe her. It doesn’t seem like she has anything to gain by lying to me.”

  “Unless she’s the murderer.”

  “Well, there is that I suppose.”

  Ryan changed the subject. “I got a message from Jennifer and she wants to make dinner for you, Iris, Daisy and Marigold for helping her out with Katie today. My house around six?”

  “That’s very nice. We’ll be there. I’ll bring a salad, okay?”

  Ryan’s police pager went off. His face got serious. “I have to go to the hospital. Someone tried to run Ruth Walsh off the road.”

  Chapter 10

  Ryan’s house smelled delicious when Lily walked in with a big salad. Iris arrived with Marigold and fresh bread and Daisy brought brownies. Katie jumped up and down, excited to see her new friends. She hugged Rosie and ran with her to the backyard.

  Jennifer was smiling and humming as she got dinner ready. Jennifer looked up at Lily. “Katie told me that she had a good time today. You all have been wonderful to her.”

  Lily watched Rosie and Katie playing. “How did it go in court today?”

  Jennifer took the eggplant parmesan out of the oven, placing it on the island to let it cool. “It went well. It looks like the judge is going to grant me sole custody. My ex has been completely unreliable with his responsibilities with Katie. I know he loves her and he can still visit but she needs a routine she can depend on and he wasn’t being responsible about that.”

  Screaming broke up their conversation. Lily ran outside to see Katie on the ground holding her arm. Jennifer ran straight to Katie and picked her up. “What’s wrong sweetie?”

  “My arm. My arm.”

  Everyone else was on the deck in seconds. Iris took charge. “Get in my car. I’ll take her to the emergency room.”

  Jennifer climbed into the back of Iris’ VW holding the screaming child. Lily told Rosie to get in the back too and Lily got in the passenger seat. Rosie put her head on Katie’s lap and the screaming subsided to deep sobs. Daisy and Marigold followed Iris to the hospital.

  Jennifer stroked Katie’s head. “You’ll be okay. What happened?”

  Sob. Sob. Hiccup. “I fell off the big rock.”

  Iris pulled into the emergency drop off area. “Here we are. Take Katie in and I’ll park.”

  Jennifer carried Katie inside while Iris pulled her car into the parking lot. Lily saw Ruth Walsh walking through the parking lot. “Stop here. Let me out. I want to talk to Ruth.”

  Lily jumped out of the car and called, “Ruth. Ruth.”

  Ruth turned toward Lily but kept on walking.

  Lily ran to catch up. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  Ruth had her hand on her car door. “What do you want?”

  “I was hoping we could talk about the museum. You must know more than anyone else.”

  “Know what?” she asked with disgust.

  “Well, how it’s run. Who Marion was leaving it all too?”

  Ruth opened her door. “What is it to you?”

  “Listen Ruth. I don’t know why you dislike me so much. I’m just trying to figure out what happened to Marion and Elizabeth. And the way you have been acting, lots of people think you had something to do with it.”

  This got Ruth’s attention. She turned with her mouth open and her eyes wide. “Me? Are you serious?”

  Lily nodded her head.

  “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I’ve dedicated my life to that museum and to Marion Barry. She was like a mother to me. I would never harm a hair on her head.” Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

  Lily patted her shoulder. “I’m sorry. How about we find someplace quiet to talk a little more?”

  Ruth blew her nose and wiped the tears from her face. “Okay.”

  Lily led Ruth to a small outside garden with benches. “How is this?”

  Ruth sat on a bench next to a small gurgling pool. Goldfish swam around and a couple of frogs sat on rocks at the edge of the water. She looked at Lily. “I don’t know why I was so mean to you after Marion died. I think I was in shock and a little jealous that you were there for her and I wasn’t.”

  Lily sat down next to Ruth. “Did you know that Marion was murdered? It wasn’t natural causes like Evelyn told everyone at the meeting.”

  Ruth turned white as a sheet. “Murder? Why would anyone murder that dear old lady?”

  “That’s what I’m trying to figure out. Someone made me look guilty and someone has been trying to make you look guilty. And now someone tried to run you off the road? Can you think of any reason for all this?”

  Ruth scraped the toe of her shoe in the dirt under the bench. “Her will.” Lily waited and Ruth continued. “Marion was going to make an announcement at the opening. Elizabeth and I were the only ones who knew ahead of time.” Ruth looked at Lily. “I was her personal secretary for the last twenty years and she always confided in me.”

  “What was the announcement?”

  Ruth looked at the goldfish swimming in the pond. “She had decided to change her will and donate the Misty Valley Museum to the town of Misty Valley with a trust fund for the overhead expenses. She thought it would be nice to announce it at the opening with so many of the town people in attendance.”

  “Who was getting the museum before the change?”

  Ruth sounded disgusted. “Evelyn of course. She was never interested in the museum like Marion was. The museum was like a child to Marion. She put all her love and energy into it.” Ruth looked over at Lily. “I understood that, but Evelyn just saw it as a way to get rich. Her and her greedy kids.”

  “Was the will already changed before the opening?”

  “I don’t know if she had signed it. I think she wanted to discuss it with Evelyn first. I tried to tell her that was a bad idea but she had her mind made up. She could be very stubborn at times.”

  Silence hung between them for a few minutes. Lily walked around the garden. “Ruth? Why did you throw away that flower arrangement and gloves after the board of directors meeting?”

  Ruth angrily stood up. “Were you spying on me?”

  “No. I was waiting for my mother to get take out when you came out.”

  “You took that bag out of the trash?”

  Lily hung her head guiltily. “Yes. You were acting suspicious.”

  “I don’t know why I even agreed to talk to you.” Ruth hustled off to her car.

  Lily watched her drive off, then went into the hospital to see how Katie was doing. She found Iris, Daisy and Marigold in the waiting area. “Any news about Katie?”

  Ryan walked over to the ladies. “The doctor thinks she broke her arm. They have to do x-rays. I can stay here if you want to go back home.”

  Lily pulled Ryan aside. “I had an interesting chat with Ruth. There’s something odd about her. Did you find out anything?”

  “We can talk about it later.”

  Iris got up. “Tell Katie she’s a brave girl and Sweet Pea will be waiting for her tomorrow morning.”

  Ryan smiled. “Thanks Iris. I’m sure that will make her happy.”

  Lily helped Marigold get up and they went to the parking lot to drive home. Marigold had been quiet through the whole ordeal but piped up now. “That little girl is just like a climbing clematis.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She winds her way into our hearts.”

  Lily and Daisy nodded. Iris smiled. “You just hit the nail on the head with that description. Now, let’s dig into that eggplant parmesan. No use letting it go to waste.” Iris slammed her door and got her VW moving with
Daisy having trouble keeping up.

  The back door of Ryan’s house was open. Lily looked at the others. “Did we leave in such a hurry, we forgot to close the door?”

  Iris barged inside. “Thank goodness no one stole the eggplant parmesan. Let’s take all the food to your house, kick back and Lily can fill us in about Ruth.”

  Iris got it all organized. “Dig in. I’ll get a plate for Marigold.”

  Lily fed Rosie before she got herself some food. “I didn’t realize how hungry I am. This looks delicious. Ryan will be eating well if Jennifer sticks around.”

  A pounding on the back door startled everyone and got Rosie barking ferociously. Lily put her plate on the coffee table and peered out the back door to see an unknown face scowling at her. She held Rosie’s collar to keep her from charging at the man standing there.

  Just opening the door a crack, she asked, “Can I help you?”

  Without any greeting, he spit out, “Where’s my daughter? What did that no good ex-wife of mine do with her? She’s not taking her away without a fight.” He tried to push the door open but Rosie snarled and lunged at him. “Tell her I’ll be back.”

  Lily slammed and locked the door. Iris grabbed her purse. “I’m going back to the hospital to warn Ryan and Jennifer. She can stay at my house. He won’t know to look for her there.” She turned to Lily. “Can Marigold stay here?”

  “Of course. Do you want Daisy to go with you?”

  “I’ll be fine.” She patted her purse. “I’ve got protection with me.”

  Rosie darted through the door and waited by Iris’ car. Lily told Iris, “Rosie wants to go with you. She can keep Katie company.”

  Lily smiled but also felt fear. She knew Iris never backed down from a challenge and it got her into some difficult situations at times.

  Lily watched as Iris drove away. She didn’t notice a car following a few minutes later.

  Chapter 11

  Lily opened one eye to see fog as thick as pea soup out the window. She pulled the soft comforter over her head and thought it would be nice to sleep until ten. Unfortunately, that wasn’t going to happen. She threw the comforter off. Something hot like a shower and something else hotter like a cup of hazelnut coffee would get her blood moving. As she pulled on her low rise jeans she realized all those sweets were creating a bit of a muffin top. Note to self, cut out the carbs—well, start tomorrow, she thought as she spied the last blueberry muffin calling to her from the counter. With muffin, coffee and tote in hand, she checked that Marigold was all set and she headed out for the shop.

  Lily kicked her door closed and heard a voice. “Hi neighbor.”

  Her juggling act failed as coffee splashed onto her formerly clean, yellow t-shirt. “Ryan. We never got a chance to talk last night. What was the deal with Ruth?” she asked as she looked down at the stain.

  “Do you need some help?”

  “Only if you have a clean t-shirt in your pocket,” she said as she tried to mop up the stain only to make it worse. “Wait here, I have to change.”

  “Do you need help with that?” he teased.

  Lily was right back looking fresh as a daisy and they walked down the driveway together. “Ruth claims someone tried to run her off the road. She got a few scrapes when her car hit the guardrail but she didn’t get the plate number. She said it might be a Honda. Do you know how many Hondas are out there?”

  “She told me something interesting.”

  Ryan waited patiently. “Oh?”

  “She said Marion Barry was going to change her will and give the museum to the town of Misty Valley with a trust fund for overhead expenses.”

  “Really? That might upset someone.”

  “Exactly what I was thinking. Probably Evelyn. By the way, how’s Katie?”

  Ryan opened the minivan door for Lily. “She’s fine. She has a cast, but it was a clean break so it should heal quickly. What happened with Jennifer’s ex?”

  “What a creep. He pounded on my door looking for Katie. Was Jennifer worried?”

  “Very. He is unpredictable. It was nice of Iris to let them stay with her.”

  Lily slid into the seat of her minivan. “Another busy day. See you tonight at the museum?”

  “I’ll be there.”

  Lily was happy to hear that. She was hoping to spend more than five minutes with Ryan. There was something about him that made her feel different. A good kind of different. Lily backed out and drove to the shop.

  Evelyn was already outside Beautiful Blooms waiting for Lily.

  “Good morning, Evelyn. What can I do for you?” Lily unlocked the front door and held it open for Evelyn to walk in.

  “Nothing good about this morning. I can’t believe it.”

  “Believe what?”

  Evelyn was beside herself. “My sister. She changed her will. She left the museum to the town. I think Ruth Walsh was behind this. I need your help.”

  Lily moved flowers from the cooler to the front of the shop. “I don’t know how I can help.”

  “Watch her like a hawk tonight at the memorial. See if she tries to sneak into the office.”

  Lily stopped and looked at Evelyn. “How can you be sure she will even come?”

  “She’ll be there. I told her there was something for her in the will and I would give it to her tonight.”

  “Maybe you should have the police come.”

  Evelyn shook her head. “I don’t want to be that obvious.

  Lily finished the bouquet she had been working on. “How is this for the entryway? Colorful enough?”

  “Yes. Beautiful. What is that green flower?”

  “Bells of Ireland. Green is popular now. When will you be at the museum for the delivery?”

  “I’ll be there all day. Come anytime.”

  A siren broke into the peacefulness of the shop. Daisy ran in looking terrified. “Have you heard?”

  Lily got worried. “Heard what?”

  “Jennifer’s ex-husband tried to break into Mom’s house. Rosie knocked him down and guarded him while Mom called 911.”

  Evelyn looked horrified. “Who is Jennifer?”

  Lily was barely able to reply. “Ryan Steele’s sister. Her ex-husband came to my house yesterday looking for her and her daughter, Katie. We thought they would be safe at Iris’ house.”

  Daisy was pacing around. “Come on. We need to go to Mom’s house.”

  Lily stared out the car window. “I can’t believe this.” She looked back at Daisy. “Good thing Mom took Rosie.”

  Daisy pulled into Iris’ driveway. There were police cars everywhere. The normally quiet street was anything but at the moment.

  Jennifer was sitting on the couch with her arms wrapped around Katie. Rosie was curled up next to them. Lily patted Rosie and put her hand on Jennifer’s shoulder.

  Jennifer didn’t move. “I don’t know how he found us here. I should have known.”

  “There’s no way to know something like this. He was determined to find Katie.”

  Jennifer finally looked at Lily. “Rosie protected her. How did she know?”

  Lily shrugged. “Rosie just knows these things. She makes me feel safe.”

  Iris walked in from the kitchen and clapped her hands. “Who’s ready for some pancakes? The first batch is ready. I have real maple syrup too. Made right here in Misty Valley at the Misty River Farm.”

  Katie jumped up. “I’m hungry. I want some.” Rosie stayed by her side.

  Iris ushered her into the kitchen. “Great. Climb into the chair. You get the first ones. Do you think Rosie wants one too?”

  Katie looked at Rosie staring intently her. “Yes. She just told me she does want a pancake.”

  Lily tactfully asked Jennifer about her ex while they were out of Katie’s earshot. “What will happen now?”

  Jennifer shook her head. “Ryan said he’ll be in jail for a while. I won’t have to worry about custody.” She looked up at Lily. “I still can’t believe this.”

“Shake it off and get some pancakes with Katie. I’m heading back to my shop.”

  The arrangement for the museum was still on the work bench. Lily put it in the cooler and got out more flowers—lilies, delphinium, snapdragons and greens—for the next bouquet.

  Tamara burst into the shop with her normal whirlwind of energy. The door slammed behind her.

  “Is Iris alright?” she hollered to Lily.

  Lily walked to the front. “Yeah. Rosie saved the day again. It was weird. Last night when Iris left my house, Rosie insisted on going too. That dog has a sense when danger is around.”

  Tamara plopped into the chair. Lily tried not to wince wondering if the chair would hold Tamara’s bulk or shatter, dropping her to the floor. The chair survived. “What happened?” Tamara always wanted to know all the gossip.

  Lily filled her in on the details of Jennifer, Katie and the ex-husband.

  Tamara grimaced and declared emphatically, “You don’t have to tell me about ex-husbands. Don’t I know all about that.”

  Lily chuckled. “I guess you are a bit of an expert. By the way, are you going to the museum memorial tonight?”

  “Of course. Evelyn said she needs me there to help her keep track of all the guests.” Tamara lowered her voice. “She’s distraught over what she found out in the will. I’m not supposed to tell anyone. But—”


  “Okay. As long as you don’t repeat any of this.” Tamara looked around the empty shop, expecting to see someone hiding in the corner. “Evelyn’s sister changed the will and is leaving the museum to the town.”

  “Interesting. You’re the third person I’ve heard this from.”

  Tamara’s face got red and she stuttered, “You … you already know this?”

  “Ruth and Evelyn told me. It doesn’t seem to be that big of a secret.”

  “And, it was stated that Elizabeth could stay on as the director for as long as she wanted the position.”


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