The Secret Life of Trystan Scott (The Complete Collection Vol 1-5)

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The Secret Life of Trystan Scott (The Complete Collection Vol 1-5) Page 15

by H. M. Ward

  Maybe living like a lunatic wasn’t a bad idea. I would have never done anything like that a year ago. Crossing a room and throwing my lips on a guy seemed like something someone else would do, but I did it—and it worked out.It made my life better, it dramatically changed everything.

  I stared at the spot where we stood, where Trystan told me that I was the girl in the Day Jones song. My gaze fell to the floor. A scrap of white poked out from under the chair. Rising slowly, I walked toward that piece of paper like it was my destiny. Those words were Trystan’s heart poured onto paper. There was no mask, nothing hiding any part of him. That was what drew me to the song in the first place.

  Reaching down, I picked up the paper and held it in my hands. The entire song covered the front and back of the page. Trystan’s familiar handwritinglined the margins, along with codas and breath marks mingled amongst the lyrics.

  Grasping the page in my hands, I looked down at the last line. Mari. My name was there, written in thick dark lines. Pressing my eyes closed, I shuddered and pressed the page to my heart. I was the girl who brought Trystan Scott to his knees. I was the girl he fell in love with.



  The rest of the day passed sluggishly. The clock seemed to tic slower, like it was stuck in tar. Trystan leaned back in his seat after taking a verbal beating for being late, like it mattered. He was out of there in a few months. These last few weeks were fluff, filled with busy work. Trystan hated busy work. It was a waste of time. He’d rather have a test than do another bunch of worksheets and endless essays.

  Trystan’s mind drifted back to Mari, the way her lips felt against his. Trystan got that far off look in his eye and totally missed that someone was talking to him.

  “Mr. Scott, will you please share with the class your thoughts on the matter.” The teacher was already beyond irritated with him today.

  Trystan straightened in his seat like he was going to answer, but after a moment, he smiled sheepishly and shrugged. “I’m sorry Ms. D’Miagmo, but I don’t know.” There were a few sniggers from the girls behind him, but Trystan ignored them. He also ignored Brie. Her gaze was burning a hole into the side of his face.

  “Mr. Scott, please take this class seriously or I will ask you to leave. You must have an opinion on the matter, and since opinions aren’t right or wrong, I want to hear yours.” She arched a gray eyebrow at him and folded her arms over her chest. The woman could have been a schoolmarm. She just needed a wooden ruler and permission to beat kids over the head with it.

  Trystan smiled at her, but knew it was pointless to try and get any sympathy. D’Miagmo had it in for him. There were some teachers that decided on day one that they didn’t like him. He had no idea why, but there was always one teacher who thought he had an easy life and needed to be taught a lesson. Ms. D’Miagmo was that teacher.

  Trystan opened his mouth, but Brie cut him off, “Ms. D’Miagmo, I think it’s obvious that Trystan feels uncomfortable answering this question because of his religion. Isn’t it against school policy to discuss faith issues in the classroom anyway?” She flipped her golden hair over her shoulder and blinked her big blue eyes at the teacher.

  Ms. D’Miagmo sucked in air through her nose like a horse. Now Brie was in the line of fire. “Brie dear, and what religion does Trystan practice that he can’t discuss this matter?”

  Brie looked up from her nail like she was thinking about getting a manicure. “He’s a conservative Baptist,” she said with utter certainty, and then added, “and everyone else here is Catholic or Jewish so it’s not right to press him on this. Faith issues aren’t open for debate in public school.”

  The teacher arched an eyebrow at Trystan. “So let me get this straight? You can’t discuss women’s rights because it makes you uncomfortable…because of your religion?”

  Trystan smiled once like he was uncomfortable and nodded, “Yes, I don’t want a pack of rabid women to attack me in the hallway because you forced myconservative beliefs out of me.”

  D’Miagmo looked like she might cry… or scream. She looked down her nose at Trystan, not breathing or blinking. Trystan couldn’t tell if she was having an aneurism, and had never been so glad to hear the bell ring. Trystanknew not to stay another second. Scooping up his books, he bolted for the door, but Brie was right behind him. Trystan pushed his way into the crowded halls.

  “Don’t I get a thank you?” Brie said, chasing him down the hall.

  Trystan wove through the crowd, stopping at his locker. He didn’t look at Brie. Gripping the lock, Trystan spun the dial, and opened the metal door. “What for? You made me look like a sexist jerk. Some crazy chick is going peg me with a stiletto in the parking lot later, you know.” He tossed in his books and slammed the door shut.

  Brie grabbed Trystan’s arm, and twisted him toward her. “Nah, a woman likes to be owned sometimes. If you were handing out...” her voice trailed off.

  At that moment, Seth rounded the corner. Trystan’s shoulders tensed at the sight of him. Brie stopped talking and turned around to see what made Trystan respond that way. “What the hell was that?” Her gaze followed Seth, noticing an equally tense look from Trystan’s best friend.

  “Nothing,” Trystan said after Seth passed. They both glared at each other like old enemies. It made Trystan’s guts twist. Why couldn’t Seth be happy for him? Why’d he have to hate Mari so much?

  Brie muttered, “Could have fooled me.” When Trystan didn’t respond, Brie stepped in front of him. “Well, I just wanted to say that rehearsal yesterday was fun. I’m looking forward to it later.” She wrapped her lips around each word, saying them with such a sexy voice that Trystan forgot to glare after Seth.

  Instead his head snapped back toward Brie, eyes wide. “What?” he tried to step away from her, but Brie had other plans.

  She lifted her hands and draped them over his shoulders, playing with the hair at the base of his neck. “I know that kiss yesterday was real, and it’s okay. I’m willing to pretend that we’re not into each other, but I know the truth.”

  Trystan shook her off. “What are you talking about? That was acting and nothing more.”

  Brie’s ruby lips pulled into a smile that said she disagreed. “I know what’s real and what isn’t, and I’m saying it’s okay. We don’t have to let anyone know.” She winked at him before turning on her heel, “It’ll be our little secret. See you later.”

  With that she was sauntering away from him, her hips swaying as she walked. The bell rang and several guys just stood there, staring at Brie’s ass as she walked down the hall. Trystan stepped back and leaned against the row of lockers, slamming his head against them. She thought it was real; she thought that kiss was hers. Crap. Brie had the potential to make nothing look like a whole lot of something. Trystan took a deep breath and decided to deal with the fallout when it came. There was no point in trying to figure out what move Brie was going to make next. He’d have to wait and deal with it then.



  Trystan lay in my arms on the old couch. It was the last period of the day. We both managed to sneak away and meet in the basement before practice. The stage above was empty. I touched Trystan’s hair lightly, pulling my fingers back,over and over again. His hair felt like silk.

  “That’s nice,” he said sounding a little sedate. Trystan seemed like he was running on fumes lately, like he hadn’t slept well in weeks.

  I smiled softly at him, touching my hand to his cheek. “Can I ask you something?”

  He looked up at me, and a playful smile twisted his lips. “What could you possibly want to know? I’ve told you about every stupid thing I’ve ever done.” He laughed, “And for some reason, you love me anyway.”

  Hearing the word was new. Mari wanted to say love as freely, but it stuck in her throat. Give it time, she reminded herself. This is all new. “Yes, I do. And I always will. I’m good like that.” My fingers stilled as I looked straight ahead.
br />   Trystan felt the tension and took my hand in his. Stroking my palm with his thumb he said, “Ask me anything. I’m yours Mari.”

  Heart beating rapidly, I looked down at him. It wasn’t something that I wanted to ask him, but it had to be done. “Trystan, I’m so glad today went the way it did. I mean, I couldn’t have dreamed something like this would ever happen, but I’m not sure my friends or family will understand—or approve. It’s not you, it’s me, and it’s selfish. I can’t tell them about us. Not yet.” My tonguefelt like cotton as it crashed into my teeth, making my words sound harsher than I’d intended.

  Trystan lifted his hand and ran his fingers gently along my cheek, making my stomach flip. “Anything you want. If you don’t want to tell anyone, don’t. I told you already and I meant it. We can keep this a secret, Mari. That’s fine with me.”

  “You’re not mad?”

  Trystan laughed. Looking into her eyes, he said, “Mad? How could I possibly be mad? My dream girl is holding me in her lap, she steals kisses, and she’s so beautiful that I can barely breathe when I’m around her. This is a dream for me, Mari. I’ll do anything to be around you, to let me love you.” As he spoke, his fingers tangled in my hair and he pulled me down for a brief kiss.

  Everything about him made me feel like I could fly. My stomach lifted inside of me as my heart raced faster. His kiss was so soft and so hot at the same time. He pulled away before I was done, leaving me wanting more.

  Trystan looked up at me. “It’s a secret until you say otherwise. Okay?”

  I nodded about to say something else when the door above us scraped open. Trystan jumped up and shot across the room. Trystan slumped back in the tattered old chair he frequented and dangled a leg over the arm like he’d been there all along. The click of female shoes descended the stairs and I knew it was her before Brie rounded the corner.

  “Hey losers,” she said, grinning at Trystan. Brie glanced at me once, her gaze sliding over my outfit like she thought I was a fashion nightmare. “Cutting? Really Trystan, and this close to graduation?” She folded her slender arms across her ample chest, “And you kept the thing with you.”

  Have I mentioned that I hated Brie? Bristling, I retorted, “Nice to see you too, granny panties.”

  Trystan snorted a surprised laugh. Brie glared like she wanted to kill me with her eyeballs. If she was a robot, Chinese stars would have flown out of herpupils and sliced my head off. “Don’t you have somewhere to be, you little leech? Nobody wants you here. They just pity you, and humor Tucker, so they can graduate.” She glanced at Trystan, but his expression remained impassive. I wondered if he wanted to punch Brie in the face. The thought made my fist clench. I didn’t notice until my nails bit into my palm.

  Trystan glanced at me for a second. His eyes were light, but the set of his lips let me know he was seething underneath. I shook my head carefully, so Brie wouldn’t see. If he defended me now, everyone would know about us. I had to keep a secret. If my parents found out, I was toast. They’d lock me in my room for eternity.

  Trystan’s brow lifted ever so slightly as he regarded Brie. “If you’re planning on starting a cat fight, let me run and get a few of the guys.” He grinned wickedly at her and leaned forward like he was serious.

  Brie’s face contorted and she laughed one short burst, “As if I’d waste my time pounding Mary. Get real.”

  Before I could say anything else, Trystan cut me off, “Then why are you down here?”

  Her ruby lips pulled up into a seductive smile, “I already told you. The bell’s about to ring and I thought that we could practice the second act, alone,before everyone got here.” Her voice dripped with sexuality, as she walked toward him.

  I’m sure flames erupted from my ears, but my lips were locked. My fists balled harder, my nails cutting through my palm.

  Trystan grinned at her, and tilted his head to the side as if he were admiring her. That was going to take getting used to. If no one knew we were dating, every single girl in the school would still be throwing themselves at him. If they knew he was dating someone, the normal girls would back off.

  Brie wasn’t normal. She was a no-holds barred kind of girl and wanted what she wanted. What I didn’t understand was why she was hitting on Trystan like this. I mean, she has a boyfriend.

  When Trystan answered, his voice was playful. “Thanks, but I already practiced it with Mari.” He jumped out of his seat and stretched his hands over his head, which caused his dark tee shirt to hike up and reveal his flat stomach.It felt like I fell down a mine shaft, my heart jumped up into my throat as I hyperventilated. I stared. I couldn’t help it. Trystan was hot and he was mine. As the thought drifted across my mind, a smile drifted across my face.

  Trystan said, “Meet you upstairs,” and walked away from Brie. He winked at me as he passed, his sapphire eyes glittering.

  Brie stood there with her hands on her hips, watching him take the stairs two at a time. When she turned back to me, her smile turned rancid. “You need to stay the hell away from him, bitch. Do you understand me?”

  The butterflies that were fluttering in my stomach moments ago were blasted away by Brie’s words. While Brie was rank, she’d never confronted me like that before. I tried to act like she didn’t bother me. Still slouching back into the couch with my feet kicked up onto the coffee table, I asked, “Or what? Or Tucker won’t pass Trystan. I bet he’d be real grateful if you arranged that for him.”

  Brie stood in front of the table with her hands on her hips before her boot crashed into the cheap wood. It jarred my legs from the table top, jolting me upright on the couch. “You listen to me and listen good. You’ve been getting in my way, and don’t think I haven’t noticed, because I have. Whatever you thinkyou have going on,” she waved her finger in a circle, indicating all of me, “isn’t working out for me. So stop, or you’ll find yourself somewhere you don’t want to be.” Her eyebrows lifted as she cocked her head, making her earrings sway along with her golden hair.

  Sitting on the edge of the couch, I gaped at her. Was she serious? Brie ruined people, but it was through rumors and carefully making their lives miserable. What could she do to me? At the same time, this didn’t sound like that kind of threat. I wanted to stand up and punch her in the face. Everything she did, everything from the way she acted like she owned the school to the way she assumed she could claim Trystan whenever she wanted, pissed me off. Something inside my brain snapped. That fist that I’d been holding launchedfrom my lap and pulled me to my feet, as it made a beeline for Brie’s perfect nose. When my fist and her nose collided there was a crunch followed by a deafening shriek.

  Brie’s hands flew to her face as she screamed, “You heinous bitch!” BeforeBrie could do anything else, she turned and fled, running up the metal stairs as fast as her high-heeled shoes would carry her.

  I stared at my fist in horror and pressed my eyes closed. I sat back down onthe couch and leaned forward, burying my face in my hands. What have I done? As if I wasn’t in for it before, Brie will kill me now. I’d be a smudge on the sidewalk by this time tomorrow. I punched her. I cracked her nose.

  Noise filled the stairwell overhead and multiple pairs of shoes descended in rapid thumps like they were running. Katie’s voice rang out, “I leave you alone for two periods and you punch Brie in the face?”

  “I’m sorry?” I said, almost apologetically, looking up surprised to see her.“What are you doing here?”

  Katie laughed, “What am I doing here? Saving your ass. Brie was ranting at the top her lungs to Tucker. I was passing by and heard her say your name, so I stuck my head in. He’s coming. Sound sorry. And next time you break Brie’s nose, I better be there to see. We could have had this up on YouTube. With that shriek, it would have gone viral.”

  “Oh God, don’t say that.” Panic was setting in. It wasn’t until then that I noticed the owner of the second set of feet.

  Mr. Tucker stood behind Katie with his arms folded across his chest.Neith
er of us realized he was standing there. Katie turned slowly, like the girl about to get killed in a horror movie.

  Tucker breathed, “Get out.” Katie nodded like a dashboard dog and ran up the stairs without looking back. Before I could explain, Tucker said, “You too, get out. I don’t want to see you on set again.”

  “Mr. Tucker, let me explain.”

  “Explain what? That we’re days away from a show and you broke my lead’s nose. And for what? Because she was mean to you? Ah, I’ve got some news for you, Mari—get over it! You take everything to heart. You always have. Brie’s Brie. She’s got thorns around other girls, I know. I see it, but you don’t see anyone else punching her in the face, do you?” He sighed deeply, his face returning to a normal color and shook his head. “What’s with you kids today? It must be a full moon. Scott attacks his best friend and now you. You, out of all people, picked today to throw a punch.” He breathed deeply as he looked down, his fingers pinching his nose.

  “Mr. Tucker…”

  “I don’t want to hear it. Just go, Mari.”

  It never fails. When something totally awesome happens, something equally bad blindsides me.



  Practice was weird. Trystan stood on the stage as the completed set was being erected around him. The stage crew raised the flats one by one, installed doors, and touched up some of the paint. Now it looked like a real room, filled with furniture and picture frames. As the stage crew did their thing, the guy in the lighting cage was muttering to himself. His voice carried to where Trystan stood a few feet away. The house lights were flashing on and off instead of dimming. The lighting cage was nearly fifty years old and due for an upgrade, but with the school budget the way it was, they’d never get one. Whenever a budget vote came up, people showed up in drones to vote it down. It didn’t matter what was on the ballot. The roof could be caving in and the town wouldstill vote against it.


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