Diary of a Super Spy: Attack of the Ninjas!

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Diary of a Super Spy: Attack of the Ninjas! Page 1

by Peter Patrick

  Diary of a Super Spy:

  Attack of the Ninjas!

  Peter Patrick

  William Thomas

  What happens on the mission, stays on the mission…

  Diary of a Super Spy: Attack of the Ninjas!

  (Diary of a Sixth Grade Super Spy: Book 2)

  Peter Patrick, William Thomas

  Copyright © 2016

  2nd edition

  First Published 2014. This edition published 2016

  Published by Run Happy Publishing. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing of the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  For Ethan, Chelsea, and Sophie.

  Also in the Diary of a Super Spy series:

  Diary of a Super Spy

  Diary of a Super Spy: A Giant Problem!

  Diary of a Super Spy: Space!

  Diary of a Super Spy: Evil Attack!

  Diary of a Super Spy: Daylight Robbery!

  Diary of a Super Spy:

  Attack of the Ninjas!

  Peter Patrick

  William Thomas

  Chapter 1

  The Spy Agency

  This place is so cool.

  I am in the ‘International Spy Building’ where my Dad works as a top secret Super Spy. I have been allowed to go on this tour after I saved my school from a crazy zombie attack.

  I can’t believe how super cool this building is. This building has mega-smart monkeys making milkshakes, monsters cleaning toilets, and witches watching television. I have never seen anything as mad.

  Everything I do here is super secret too. I’m not allowed to tell anyone about anything that I see today, even if I want to. I wish I could. I wish I could tell everyone at school about this – they would think it is so cool!

  My Dad is the world’s best Super Spy, and I hope I can be as cool as him one day. But I’m a long way from that now…

  My name is Charlie Chucky, I’m in the sixth grade, and I play soccer really badly.

  This is me.

  And this is my Super Spy Dad.

  Dad is always in a hurry.

  After he has finished his meetings with the other Super Spies, he takes me for a tour of the building and points out all the super cool stuff.

  Like the talking robot that looks like a tree, the lunchroom where you can eat whatever you want, and the walls that clean themselves. I bet Mom would like those walls.

  “Son, there is someone I would like you to meet,” Dad says as we walk into a scientific looking room. “This is Dr. C. Mac. He is the best scientist in the whole world. If you can think it, he can invent it.”

  Dad introduces me to the craziest looking man I have ever seen.

  Like real crazy.

  “What does the C in his name stand for?” I whisper to Dad.


  “Oh. That makes sense.”

  Dr. C. Mac shakes my hand, and then takes us on a tour of all his best inventions.

  “Welcome to my laboratory of great inventions. I call it the ‘Great Inventions Laboratory.’ This is where all my great ideas are born. I do my best thinking in this lab.”

  “Wow. This place looks awesome,” I say as I look around. It’s a massive room with lots of different benches filled with sciencey looking stuff.

  This is so much cooler than my science lab at school.

  “This is my latest invention,” Dr. C. Mac says excitedly when we walk over to one of the benches. “It’s called a backpack. It is a pack for your back! This invention will change the world!”

  “Um, backpacks have been invented already,” I say as I hold up my backpack. “Look, I have one here.”

  “Oh,” Dr. C. Mac looks disappointed. “So they have. Well, I’ll scrap that invention then… but how about this one!”

  Dr. C. Mac takes me over to a pair of shoes.

  “Um… yep, shoes have been invented too. Look, I have a pair on now. Actually, so do you.”

  Dr. C. Mac looks down at his feet and realizes that he has a pair of shoes on.

  “Oh yes… well, that was a wasted couple of weeks inventing those,” he mumbles.

  “Don’t worry about him. He’s always been a little bit crazy,” Dad whispers to me.

  “Ahhh…” Dr. C. Mac says as he remembers something important. “I remember now! This is not just a pair of shoes. I have invented a pair of shoes that will give you the ability to never stop running!”

  Dr. C. Mac puts the shoes on his feet and begins to run around the room.

  “Look!” he shouts. “I can keep running and running!”

  He runs laps around the room.

  And he keeps running…

  And running…

  And running…

  And running…



  He runs straight into a wall.

  “Ouch,” he says. “These shoes may help you run further, but they don’t help you steer. I must work on that.”

  Dr. C. Mac picks himself up, dusts himself off, and begins walking to his next invention.

  Dad was right – this guy is as crazy as a coconut.

  As we follow Dr. C. Mac, I spot a movement in the corner of the room. I swing my head around to look at it, and I spot a ninja hiding in the corner.

  “Dad?” I pull on Dad’s arm.

  “Yes, son?”

  “Why is there a ninja hiding in the corner of the room?” I whisper.

  “A ninja? Hiding in this room? Ha! That’s impossible, Charlie. There are no ninjas here. They wouldn’t be able to break through the building’s ultra-defense system.”

  “But I saw a ninja hiding in the corner. Look over there,” I point to where I just saw the ninja.

  We both look to the corner, but the ninja is not there.


  “Let’s suppose there was a ninja there,” Dad says. “What color do you think he was dressed in, son?”


  My Dad laughs out loud, “Ninja’s dressed in black are some of the deadliest enemies we have here at the spy building, son. They are known as Shadow Ninjas, and they are very evil. If you think about the worst person you know, then times that badness by one hundred, and you will have an idea about how bad these ninjas are. The Shadow Ninjas are obsessed with taking over the world, and will stop at nothing to do it.”

  “That’s bad.”

  “But there is no need to worry, Charlie. There is no way that a Shadow Ninja could break into this building. We have the best security system in the world. It would be impossible to break through our defenses!”

  “But Dad, I just saw…”

  “Nope. No way. Uh-uh. Not a chance. This is an A-one, top-flight, secure building. There are definitely no Shadow Ninjas in here.”

  As we walk around the room, I look over my shoulder and see a ninja sitting in the top corner of the ceiling, watching us…


  This is bad.

  Chapter 2

  Dr. C. Mac - The Mad Scientist


  Dad hits a button on a normal looking car, and it instantly turns into a car-plane!

  “Dad! That is so cool! Awesome!”

  I love this science laboratory. Everything in here does something extra-special.

  Even the lights in the room are brilliant. They turn on and off by reading your brainwaves – which means that you only have to think about turning the lights off, a
nd they turn off!

  That is so cool.

  “Yes, the car-plane,” Dr. C. Mac says as he studies the car. “It is used for driving very long distances in comfort. You can travel with four occupants in the vehicle, and drive up to 100 miles without refueling. The steering is very uncomplicated, the windows open with the touch of a button, and the radio can be dialed in to connect with the local radio station. It is a very good car.”

  “And it can be used for flying?” I question.

  “Flying?” Dr. C. Mac thinks about that for a moment. “Ah yes… flying. Flying… that would be a very good use for a car-plane. Hmm… I hadn’t thought of using the car-plane for flying. That is a smart way to use the vehicle. You can drive… and fly! That is very clever. You should become a scientist, young man. With ideas like that, you could change the world.”

  Dr. C. Mac is even crazier than he looks.

  “What else is in this room?” I ask eagerly.

  “Over here is something I am very proud of,” Dr. C. Mac points to the next gadget in the room. “This might look like a normal explosive bomb, but it isn’t. It performs a function that is a lot more effective. It is called the Slow-Motion Bomb. As the name suggests, it is not like a regular bomb. Uh-uh. This bomb is the best bomb ever invented. But you must be very careful with it.”

  “What does the Slow-Motion Bomb do?”

  “If you fire this bomb into a room, everybody within range of the electro-magnetic blast will be turned into super-slow motion. They can continue to function normally, just at a super-slow rate.”


  “But if you set the bomb off, you must hold onto the ‘finger trigger’ to ensure that you are blocked from the rays of the blast. The ‘finger trigger’ is attached to the bomb, so when you throw it into a room, you must ensure that you remove the device first. If you do this, then while everybody is forced into slow movements, you can still continue to perform your activities at regular speed.”

  “That is so awesome!”

  I really, really want to use it. It would be so cool to put everything into slow-motion!

  “How long does the slow-motion last?” I ask.

  “Only a few minutes,” Dr. C. Mac replies. “But that should be long enough to do what you have to do. This bomb works by extrapolating the exterior of the time-dimension shell and targets the pulsating movements of the gravitational pull. Once the gravitational pull has been located by the electro-magnetic rays of the bomb, it slows down the force by reflecting it using a process called ‘punching electro-magnetic rays.’ This, of course, sends a signal to the multi-dimensions of time that are held together by the rings of parallel force. The parallel force ensures that only those affected by the bomb are stopped in slow motion. Understand?”

  “Um, yep. Sure. Totally. I massively understand everything you just said,” I reply. “If there were an award for understanding things, I would win it. And they would call the award ‘The Charlie Chucky Award for Totally Understanding Things and Stuff.’ Totally.”

  I have no idea what he just said.

  “This spy agency is very important, young man. It is the place where we protect the world. If you ever want to understand the inner workings of defending the world, then you must understand the science behind it,” Dr. C. Mac explains. “The science of life should never be underestimated. For if it were to be underestimated, you would have made an attempt to estimate the life of science. And that estimate would have had to been made using my estimation of the impact of life and blah, blah, blah…”

  Dr. C. Mac continues to talk for the next ten minutes about estimating, science, life, and frogs.

  As I am waiting for him to finish his long explanation, I spot another hiding ninja…

  “Uh, Dad,” I try to grab Dad’s attention. “Dad.”

  “Not now, Charlie. You need to listen to Dr. C. Mac explain how his new inventions work. Dr. C. Mac could teach you a thing or two about the logic of science. I know that his answers are long, but you really should listen. Listening is a very important skill.”

  “But Dad-”

  “Shhh, Charlie,” Dad tells me to keep quiet. “You need to listen. When you listen to what people have to say, you can learn all sorts of new things.”


  “Not now, Charlie.”

  “Sure, Dad,” I sigh.

  Looking back at where I saw the ninja hiding, I see nothing there.

  But I’m sure that I saw him there.

  100% sure.

  Why are all these ninjas hiding throughout the building?

  This is starting to get creepy…

  Once Dr. C. Mac has finished his extremely long explanation about frog scientists, or something like that, he moves onto his next invention.

  “These are magnificent,” he points to a big pair of boots sitting on a bench.

  “The boots look heavy and slow,” I say. “They don’t look like they would be able to do much except slow you down.”

  “These boots are part of our super-clothes collection,” Dr. C. Mac explains. “The boots might look heavy and slow, but we have designed the boots to enable a person to jump extra-high when they are required to move extra-high into the air. That’s why we call them the ‘Extra-High Jumping Boots.’”

  That makes sense.

  “What else is in the collection of super-clothes?”

  “I’m glad you asked, young man,” Dr. C. Mac waves his finger in the air with excitement. “Because we have a whole collection of super-clothes! I am so proud of this collection! I have spent many years trying to establish this collection of super-clothes, and I think that the collection is near completion. We have super-jackets, super-sweaters, and even super-socks!”

  “Cool! What do the super-socks do?” I ask as Dr. C. Mac takes the socks out of a drawer.

  “They are amazing! They keep your feet warm!” he says.

  The super-socks just look like normal socks with the words ‘Super-Socks’ written across the top.

  “Is that it?” I ask. “Do they do anything else?”

  “Anything else?! Did you even hear what I just said? These super-socks keep your feet warm! Keeping your feet warm is very important, young man!” Dr. C. Mac looks offended. “These are an amazing invention. Could you imagine a world without socks? There would be people with cold toes everywhere. That would be a world-wide disaster. A disaster!”

  “Ok,” I sigh. “And the super-jacket and the super-sweater? What do they do? Keep your body warm?”

  “Yes!” Dr. C. Mac replies. “These super-clothes are amazing at keeping things warm! Nothing is more important than keeping warm!”

  “I guess so,” I say.

  I was expecting the collection of super-clothes to do something cool like change into a massive changing thing that changes when it is required to change. That would be cool.

  “And, of course, to complete our collection of super-clothes, we have the super-gloves,” Dr. C. Mac says.

  “And I suppose they just keep your fingers warm?”

  “What? Why would they be called super-gloves if they only kept your fingers warm? They would just be gloves. What a silly thing to say, young man,” Dr. C. Mac says. “These super-gloves are very powerful. I have equipped them with extra-extra punching power. They wouldn’t be super without that.”

  “Cool! Can I please try them on?” I say excitedly.

  “You can, but you must be very careful with them, Charlie. We don’t want any accidents on your first day here,” Dad says. “You should try on the super-boots first. Be really careful, but let’s see what they can do.”


  Eagerly, I put on Dr. C. Mac’s new super-boots. They feel really heavy and slow, but as soon as I go to take a normal step, I almost jump through the roof!

  That is so cool!

  Imagine what I could do if I actually tried to jump!

  I would probably go through the roof!

  If I played basketball in these b
oots, I would be unstoppable!

  “And you should try on these extra-extra strong punching gloves. If you put these on, your punch becomes the strongest in the world!” Dr. C. Mac says as he puts the super-gloves over my fists.

  “Come here, Charlie, and try to punch through this wall,” Dad smiles.

  “You want me to punch through the wall?” I say. That seems well crazy.

  Who could punch through a wall of solid brick?

  Dad nods, and I go to tap my hand gently into the wall.

  “Wow!” I yell in excitement as the wall crumbles under my touch. “That feels great! I didn’t even try, and I still punched a hole in the wall!”

  “Oh, I forgot. We have another piece of super-clothing,” Dr. C. Mac says. “The latest addition to our super-clothes collection is the Super Spy tie.”

  “Awesome! What does it do?”

  “As soon as you put this tie on, it turns your hair into a Super Spy appropriate style.”

  It’s not the hairstyle I usually go for, but I put the tie on anyway.

  All this excitement has made me hungry.

  I see a hotdog sitting on the bench, and I can’t help but take a little bite out of it.

  But as soon as I take the bite, it starts ringing like a phone!

  Quickly, I drop it into my backpack before Dr. C. Mac notices.

  That must be the new hotdog phone Dad was talking about.


  “What are you working on now?” I ask, trying to distract Dad and Dr. C. Mac from the fact that I have just taken a bite out of their newest phone.

  “I am working on a device that will inhibit the tightness receptors on an attacker, enabling the looseness fields to work appropriately in a dangerous situation. Thus, it gives the defendant ample opportunity to create a distraction from the occurrence,” Dr. C. Mac explains.


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