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Diary of a Super Spy: Attack of the Ninjas!

Page 4

by Peter Patrick

  He battles bad guys, and saves the world on a weekly basis, but is still home for dinner most nights. Last night, he stopped the battle with his enemy, Robyn Banks, to come home and eat pasta for dinner. Once he had finished his pasta, he went back to battling Robyn Banks. He says a Super Spy should never battle on an empty stomach. I like that idea.

  Recently, he has been teaching me the skills to become a future Super Spy.

  He even let me go to the mega secret ‘International Spy Building’ where he works. I was stoked about that.

  After we have set up our beds at the camp, I sneak out with Harley and show him all the cool stuff I brought in my backpack.

  “What’s that?” Harley asks as I pull out the first gadget.

  “It’s the latest type of mini-gun,” I respond. “This is the miniest mini-gun ever invented. It is half the size of the last mini-gun, which was half the size of the previous mini-gun, which was twice the size of the mini-gun before that one.”

  “It’s so super small. What does it do? Does it blow things up like a bomb?”

  “Nope. It does the opposite, Harley. This mini-gun makes things shrink.”

  “It shrinks things? Like what I do when Mom puts a plate of hotdogs in front of me?”

  “No, Harley. The number of hotdogs on the plate shrinks because you eat them.”

  “Ha. Yeah. Good point.”

  “This mini-gun would shrink a plate of normal size hotdogs into a tiny plate of tiny, little hotdogs.”

  “Why would you want to do that? That’s a stupid gun. Who would want to eat tiny, little hotdogs?” Harley is confused. “Throw the mini-gun away, Charlie. It’s nasty.”

  “No, Harley. This mini-gun isn’t supposed to shrink hotdogs. It’s supposed to shrink bad guys!”

  “Oh… right. Yep. That makes sense. Totally.”

  “And check this out!” I pull out Dad’s newest gadget.

  “Cool. A helmet with glasses!” Harley is stoked.

  “It’s not just a helmet with glasses! This helmet allows you to see invisible things,” I smile. “It’s called the Invisible Detector Helmet.”

  “Invisible things? Like what? I’ve never seen anything invisible before.”

  “That’s because it’s invisible!”

  “Oh, right. Yeah. That’s some cool stuff, Charlie. You might need it for the forest over there.”

  We both turn to look at the forest next to our camp. Who would build a school camp next to the strangest, creepiest, spookiest, darkest forest in the world?

  “I heard that monsters live in the forest, Charlie. And I heard that the monsters are totally terrifying,” Harley whispers. “And I heard that anybody who goes into the forest never comes back out.”

  “That’s stupid,” I tell Harley. “Nobody can get stuck in a forest forever.”

  “The Camp Rules call it the ‘Evil Forest.’ Camp Rule number 112 says that nobody is allowed to go near the Evil Forest, and Camp Rule number 124 says nobody is allowed to enter the Evil Forest without their hat on backward,” Harley says. “We really must stay away from that forest, Charlie.”

  I’m glad he was listening to the camp rules. I got bored, and stopped listening at Camp Rule 28: No child is allowed to put chewing gum in their armpits.

  I stare at the Evil Forest, and even though it is the middle of a hot and sweaty day, the forest still looks dark and cold.

  That is well scary.

  There is something seriously wrong with that forest…

  Read the rest of the adventure in:

  Diary of a Super Spy:

  A Giant Problem!

  Available to buy now!




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