Charlotte's Dilemma

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Charlotte's Dilemma Page 2

by Diane Leyne

  She gave herself a mental shake as she took a sip of her Diet Coke. Damn. She’d been single far too long if she was fantasizing about a complete stranger, especially since he looked to be about twenty-five, ten years younger than her. It just seemed wrong.

  Even worse, she was fantasizing about being spanked by him. Hell, ever since that first visit to the club, she’d been having dreams about being restrained and spanked and taken. She’d woken up twice in the throes of an orgasm. The man in her dreams hadn’t had a face, though, but now she was pretty sure it would be the face of this stranger.

  She closed her eyes. It had been three years since she’d had sex. Cin was right. She needed to get laid in the worst possible way. And maybe sex with a complete stranger would be just the thing to get back on the horse. No-strings, down-and-dirty sex. She looked around the lounge at the other travellers. Maybe someone her own age was travelling on their own to St. Maarten and she could have a fling with them.

  Or you could just bang the hottie you ran into earlier. She tried to quiet her inner voice, but it wouldn’t stop. He was tall and handsome and had a killer smile. And she was pretty sure he had a killer body under that suit. She wanted to know if he had a killer body under that suit. Hell, she wanted to lick up and down that body under the suit.

  Charlotte took a deep breath just as she heard her flight called. She’d turned her libido off for the last few years, but it had come roaring back at Club Libertine in Seattle, and now she was fixated on a man she whose name she didn’t know and was far too young for a relationship. But he’s not too young to fool around with. Damn it. Her inner voice was right. She was going to do it. If she ran into him again, she was going to hit on him. Three nights of hot sex was just what the doctor ordered, and who was she to argue with herself!

  Chapter 2

  Charlotte delayed going back to the gate area until the very last minute, waiting until the flight was called for boarding. Even then, she’d hung back as the passengers travelling with small children, those with trouble walking, and the first class passengers had checked in.

  She had almost missed him. She wasn’t sure if she was more relieved or disappointed when she didn’t see him in the waiting area with the passengers headed for St. Maarten, but then he came rushing up to the desk. He wasn’t wearing his fancy suit anymore. He was in a well-worn T-shirt that had probably once been white and emphasized the width of his shoulders. He had on khaki cargo shorts, sandals on his rather large feet, and his hair was hanging loose. Her stomach had done a flip-flop. He was even sexier like this.

  And then she realized he was scanning the crowd for someone before boarding. She found herself scanning the crowd as well. Was he looking for his girlfriend? Or wife? Someone that sexy surely had a woman or three trailing after him.

  But then his eyes as stopped and focused on her. He grinned and then moved into the boarding line. Charlotte felt that grin to the pit of her stomach and in her pussy and clit. Hell, even her nipples hardened and her breasts throbbed. Crap, if he could do that do her from fifty feet, she wasn’t sure if she should throw herself at him to find out what he could do close up, or just run away.

  You can do this. You can do this.

  The hot stranger was sitting up front in first class, and he’d caught her eye as she’d moved past him into steerage with the rest of the hoi polloi. He met her eyes as she approached and smiled. Charlotte had found herself blushing and quickly averted her eyes as she chickened out and tried to make her way past him, but the line of passengers had stalled as some struggled to fit a bag into the overhead compartment that clearly wasn’t going to fit.

  She looked down at the stranger. He smiled again and reached out his hand.

  “Hi, I’m JJ.”

  Automatically, Charlotte reached out to take it. It was big and warm and enveloped her smaller one. She expected him to release it right away, but he held tight, his thumb caressing her inner wrist as she struggled to answer, her pulse starting to pound.


  Still, he didn’t let go, so she started tugging. She needed to free herself before her traitorous body made her throw herself on top of him and beg him to fuck her right here and now. Damn it. This was her chance, and she was scared shitless.

  Sighing, he released her hand just as she was pulling back again. At the same time, there was a sudden commotion, as a passenger with an extra large bag finally realized it wasn’t going to fit and then tried to pull it out. It came out like a cork from a bottle, and the ensuing ripple effect down the passenger line somehow resulted with Charlotte losing her balance and landing draped across the stranger’s body, her breasts pressed up against his muscular chest, her hard nipples pressing into him, her mouth inches from his.

  Not able to stop herself, she leaned down and brushed a soft kiss against his lips before pulling back and righting herself. She was pleased by the bemused look on his face as the words popped unbidden out of her mouth.

  “I’m at the Sonesta Great Bay until Monday, if you’re in the area.”

  And then she hurried down the aisle before he could answer, equal parts excited and terrified that he’d take her up on her offer.

  * * * *

  JJ swivelled his head as he watched Charlotte scurry away as fast as she could, which wasn’t very fast at all, with the congestion in the plane aisle. He watched her back, her ass, and the sweet nape of her neck that was revealed by her short hair for as long as he could, which wasn’t long enough as the next passenger and the one after that and after that followed her down the aisle and her small figure was swallowed up in the crowd.

  He sat back and smiled. She’d felt it, too. He’d been sure she had. No, that wasn’t right. He hoped she had and he’d refused to think of the alternative, but when he held her hand and brushed his thumb over her delicate wrist, he’d felt her pulse jump and he’d looked up and seen her nipples harden and poke against the thin fabric covering them, as if begging him to take one into his mouth.

  Soon, he vowed to himself. Soon.

  And that wonderful moment when she’d been knocked off balance and ended up sprawled across his body, her hard nipples pressed into his chest. He’d had to use every ounce of his self-control not to wrap his fingers in her short choppy hair and press her mouth against his, but held off, knowing it wasn’t the time or place.

  But then Christmas came early and she’d leaned down and kissed him. It had been a sweet, delicate, tender, teasing kiss as full of promise as her words. Hell yeah, he’d be in the area of the Sonesta Great Bay. He’d be camped outside her door until she took pity on him and invited him to share her bed.

  Leaning back in his seat, JJ grinned to himself. He had thought he would have the whole flight to plan the seduction of the elusive beauty he’d seen in the lounge. Now, he had the whole flight to fantasize about making love to Charley, spanking Charley, and fucking Charley’s brains out.

  Charley? Had to be a nickname. He wondered what her real name was. He couldn’t actually object to her not giving him her full name. He’d introduced himself as JJ. He’d always been reclusive and avoided having his picture taken, but she might have recognized his full name.

  Hmm. Charley? The most obvious choice was Charlotte, which would be a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.

  He felt his cock stir and looked over at his seat mate to see if he noticed while he took a few deep breaths to get himself under control. Luckily, it was a businessman who was engrossed in typing something into his tablet. JJ checked his watch. Three hours until they landed. Three hours to think about each and every thing he planned on doing to Miss Charley…hmm. He didn’t know her last name. Then again, she didn’t know his. That would come in time.

  But there was something bothering him. He’d heard the name Charlotte before. That was probably why it was the first name that came to mind when he was wondering what Charley was short for. Digging into his bag, he pulled out his own tablet and called up his e-mail. Duncan Rider, the General Manage
r of Libertine Island, had asked him to pick up the new doctor on Monday and bring her to the island when he returned from vacation. Her name, yes, it was Charlotte. He reread the note. Dr. Charlotte Montgomery was planning to spend a year on the island, with an option for two more. Duncan had thoughtfully included a photo so he would recognize her at the dock. JJ hadn’t bothered to open it before, figuring he’d check it on Monday while he was waiting on the boat.

  He closed his eyes as he clicked to open the photo. Pleaseletitbeher, pleaseletitbeher, pleaseletitbeher!

  JJ opened his eyes and had to suppress the whoop of triumph he wanted to let out. Then he lay back, closed his eyes, and smiled. Christmas really had come early this year.

  * * * *

  “Please place your trays and chairs in the upright position and ensure your seatbelts are fastened. We are now on our descent into St. Maarten.”

  Finally. Charlotte was exhausted but afraid to sleep on the flight. She’d left Seattle at 11:20 p.m. and landed in Dallas at 5:00 a.m. before rushing to catch her flight to Miami. She’d probably had three hours sleep in the last thirty-six, but as a doctor she was used to it. It had only been on this last flight that her body had decided enough was enough and had tried to sleep, but she was afraid to close her eyes because she knew she’d be dreaming of JJ.

  She felt the color rush back into her cheeks. She’d done it. She’d really done it. She’d told him where she was staying and invited him to visit her. Hell, she’d practically asked for a booty call. She swallowed hard. What if he showed up? What if he didn’t?

  The plane taxied to a halt, and then there was the usual jostling as passengers retrieved their belongings and deplaned. By the time she got to the front, it was empty and JJ was gone. Just as well. Hell, she’d probably never see him again, but at least now she’d have a face for her X-rated dreams.

  Sighing, she made her way up the gangway, through immigration, and then out to baggage claim. She realized that she was scanning the area for the tall stranger, but there was no sign on him as she watched the revolving carousel, waiting for her bag. On one hand, she was planning to stay on the island for at least a year. On the other, she’d been living out of a suitcase for five years and really didn’t have too many belongings. Cin had demanded that she trash the clothes she’d come home with, and she was happy to comply. She’d been wearing some of them for almost half a decade, and it was more than time to get some new things. Cin had jumped at the chance to help Charlotte get outfitted for the island and had dragged her from store to store, and Charlotte had had to restrain her. Even so, she’d filled a large suitcase with all the clothes and lotions and potions and lingerie that Cin has pushed on her.

  Her medical things had been shipped out by a specialty courier and would be shipped directly to the island. She’d just had to carry her laptop on the plane in a small overnight bag. It was always wise to travel with a change of clothing just in case one’s checked luggage didn’t arrive. For a while she thought she’d have to make use of her emergency change of clothes, but then she saw her green and black bag come out just as the belt ground to a halt.

  She walked over to it. It was half inside and half out on the conveyor belt. Sighing, she put down her carry on and reached for the handle just as she felt a large, warm body beside her and a deep voice stating, “I’ll get that for you.”

  It was him. JJ. Charlotte found she suddenly couldn’t speak. She just stepped to one side and watched as he easily freed her bag and set it at her feet.

  “Do you have a ride prearranged?”

  Charlotte was startled out of her contemplation of his arm muscles as they’d flexed when he’d grasped her bag and how they relaxed when he set it down. She reached out and slid a hand over his bicep and felt him tense under her touch.

  “Do you have a ride prearranged?” She heard his voice again, but this time the words sunk in and she dropped her hand to her side.

  “I, uh…” She felt herself blushing as she took in the meaning of his words. Unable to speak, she shook her head.

  “No problem. I’ll take care of everything.” He extended the handle of her suitcase and then looped the strap of his duffle over it. Then he grasped the handle with his left hand and turned to her and held out his right hand. Without thinking, she took it and found herself being lead through the terminal toward the warm St. Maarten sunshine.

  She felt the eyes on them as they moved. She had experienced this before in tropical destinations, as the locals hawked taxis and time shares and whatever they could to the arriving passengers, but it quickly became apparent that this wasn’t the usual situation. The men and women clearly knew JJ and called him by name. He called back, answered good naturedly, also using their names.

  Did that mean he wasn’t a tourist? He was a local? And what about that suit he’d been wearing when she’d first bumped into him? When she saw him in the shorts, she thought he’d just changed, but there was no way it was scrunched up in that small duffle. Had he thrown it out? And if so, why?

  And then finally, they were outside and JJ let go of her hand to warmly greet and shake the hand of an elderly man standing in front of a taxi.

  “It’s good to have you back, my boy. Did you get your business on the mainland done, JJ? You back for good now?”

  “Yup. And I’m here to stay this time, Roy. I’ve tied up all the loose ends, and I’ve left the rat race for good.”

  “You not planning to be sitting around on your ass doing nothing, boy?”

  “No, sir. I wouldn’t dare. I’ve got my boat and a job waiting for me looking after the island’s boats and ferrying the guests around. It’ll keep me busy and still leave enough time to relax and enjoy life.”

  “You’ll be happier here, JJ. Island life. Nothing can compare. Your father is a good man, but he never understood that you have to live life. All the money in the world can’t buy happiness. And I see you’ve brought a lady friend. Good. It’s time you settled down and maybe made some babies.”

  The old man grinned broadly and extended his hand in greeting.

  “Roy Dupris, at your service.”

  “Hi. I’m Charley. But I think you may have the wrong idea. I’m not. We’re not…” She looked helplessly at JJ, who just grinned, so she tried again. “I’m just visiting St. Maarten for a few days. I, er, have a job nearby. I start on Monday, and I’m taking a few days on St. Maarten to relax before I start my new job.” Charley knew she was babbling, but she couldn’t help it. She was shocked at how much she wanted to be just what Roy thought she was, JJ’s girlfriend. But that just wasn’t in the cards. He was so young and hot. She couldn’t imagine what he wanted from her except for a fling, and that, she decided, was just what she wanted, too. Three days and nights of hot, sweaty sex and then she’d go to her job and he’d go to wherever it was he was going and she would see his face when she spent quality time with her battery-operated boyfriend.

  She was so distracted by her thoughts she was finding it hard to concentrate on the conversation. She didn’t want either to know just how turned on by JJ she was. She might scare him off. They might not have a future together, but she desperately wanted to enjoy the next few days having mindless, uncommitted sex with the hottest man she’d ever seen. She wanted to make the kind of memories that would keep her warm at night when she was an old lady. She wanted…

  “Charley? Surely your parents didn’t name you that?”

  “No, sir. It’s short for Charlotte, Charlotte Montgomery, but…”

  “Now that’s a pretty name.” Roy laughed with glee. “And what do you do, Miss Charlotte, when you aren’t visiting our beautiful island?”

  “I’m a doctor.”

  “JJ, you really can’t let this one get away. She’s smart and beautiful. Treat her right, young man, or maybe old Roy will show her how a man treats a woman. Not like what you all get up to over on that Libertine Island I keep hearing about. You hear about that place, Ms. Charlotte? I hear stories. Tying up women. Spanking t
hem. They say the women enjoy it, but I don’t every try none of that stuff with my Marie. We been married almost fifty years, and if I ever tried to spank her, I’d be sleeping on the couch for a month.” The old man laughed heartily. Then he grinned as he winked at her before shifting his eyes to meet JJ’s gaze. “JJ knows better than to mistreat a woman, don’t you, boy?”

  Charlotte blushed and snuck a glance at JJ. He looked amused. “I promise, Roy. I’ll never do anything to Charlotte that she doesn’t ask for, beg for.”

  Her stomach fluttered at his words. Beg. He was going to make her beg. She lost track of the conversation as she pondered the idea of begging JJ. Begging him for what? A spanking? An orgasm or three? She flashed back to Club Libertine and watching Jake spanking Lindy.

  Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath to steady her nerves and tamp down her arousal. She could smell the salt water, and she could almost imagine she was hearing the crashing of the waves. She could feel the warmth of JJ’s hand on her back and the sun on her face, which felt nice after the cold dampness of Seattle in winter.

  It took a moment before she realized Roy was speaking to her again and pressing a card into her hand. “…and if he doesn’t treat you right, just call Roy. JJ, he and my grandson Kristoff played together and he ate many a meal at my table when he was growing up, and I took my belt to his backside more than once. Kristoff is married now, with one baby and another on the way, but this one, he’s still single. Now that he’s back where he belongs, he needs a good woman to look after him and keep him in line. Remember though, Dr. Charlotte, he may be all grown up, but he’s still not too big to go over my knee and it’ll be him getting a taste of my belt. You remember that now, if he steps out of line. Call me if you need anything, anything at all.”


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