Tainted (Netherworld Book II)

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Tainted (Netherworld Book II) Page 21

by Christie Rich

  Seth comes alongside me and stares off into the distance toward the trees beyond the fort. He wraps an arm around me and pulls me close. He lowers his voice to just above a whisper. “Are you unwell, Amelia?”

  I blink and scrub at my moist cheeks, then take a sharp breath. “I’m fine. So, what’s the plan?”

  From his immediate frown, he’s not buying it. “What is troubling you?”

  “Just homesick.”

  His expression wilts into total concern. “We shall take you back.”

  I shake my head. I don’t want to hurt him, but I’m not going to lie. “Not that home.”

  Once again, I’m reminded of my mistakes. If only I could help Amelia regain her memories of the two of us before I brought her to my realm.

  The home she misses never existed. Even when she had her grandmother, she didn’t have a stable life. She believes her grandmother moved around so much for her benefit, but the truth is Justine Bateman had many demons she thought she could escape. They eventually caught up to her.

  No matter how much I’d like to set Amelia straight, I could never take away the one person to help her feel loved. I pull her into my arms and press her face against my chest. Her tears come silently as she holds in the pain of her loss. Moments like these are bound to come up, especially when facing situations which remind her of the life she once lived. No one should have to deal with so many secrets in such a short lifetime. I need to insist we spend more time in her world. Perhaps it will uncover some of the memories she has lost. Gregory has not followed us, and I am grateful. When Amelia pulls away from me, she straightens herself to her full height then wipes the tears from her face. She gives me a hint of a smile. “So now that we’re armed and dangerous, what’s next?”

  I’m always amazed at her ability to adapt so quickly. If it weren’t for the blotchy patches on her cheeks and the slight swelling of her eyelids, one would never know she had been so upset. I brush away a line of tears lingering on her neck to track over her collarbone. “I was hopeful we could do some investigating, but if you’re not up for it—”

  She gives a forceful shake of her head, her eyes dark with burning indignation. “No way. I’m not resting until we figure out what Brock is doing and if my father is really around, or if Brock is the lying sack of crap I think he is.”

  If I had any concerns over her welfare, they have vanished. I lean low and press a gentle kiss to her lips. Her breath catches, the sound fueling my desire for her, as always. I make myself straighten and smile down. She takes a sweep of the area as if checking for onlookers and smiles back at me. Although Amelia is not shy, I’m beginning to think she has a problem with private moments in public places. I, too, take a moment to mark our location before I lift the wheelbarrow and set out toward the portal. The soft sounds of her footfalls settle into a rhythm behind me.

  Gregory has placed his residence far from the portal entrance, which is ideal for him, but makes it difficult to judge how long it will take us to get there with the extra burden. There’s also the matter of the jagged rocks and fallen logs which bar the path. If Amelia weren’t here, I would transform into a sasquatch to heft the thing in my arms. She still hasn’t mastered transformation, and the last time she morphed she didn’t respond to my promptings to awaken. I wish I knew what the connection was, but I don’t dare risk the maneuver in this environment.

  We travel in silence for quite some time, which gives plenty of fodder for me to mull. I’ve attempted to help Amelia settle into this life, but she might fare better if she were to become my mate. My desire to proceed has become incessant, but I force myself to wait until she recovers her memory. At no time do I ever want her to think she made the wrong decision. I would rather wait for centuries to make her mine and have it be real than to ever question her motivations. She cares for me, but I have to wonder how she would respond to me if I were not the man who brought her into this world . . . if I were the man who could captivate her heart without the complication of our history together.

  As I’ve seen my brothers react to her, more than my jealousy has arisen. Pure fear of her leaving me if given the chance still lingers in my mind. I’d like to believe she would never choose another existence, but she hasn’t yet given me her heart. And my true worry is she never will.

  Seth sure is silent. It’s like he’s in his own little world. I can’t really complain; I’ve been distracted myself. I haven’t seen the man I knew as dad for so long, I don’t remember how he looks. I mean, I have a vague recollection of certain things like his eyes being the same color as mine, his dark hair, and a strange tattoo on his right forearm. It’s the small things I’m missing. For instance, I can’t recall his smile.

  I’d like to ask Seth more about our plan, but he seems to have enough on his mind. Man, I wish I could remember our conversations when I knew him as Jason.

  Seth’s presence overwhelms me sometimes. Since I know that about him now, I’m sort of glad he came to me as Jason. Maybe he treated the role as an actor would. I’m not sure, but Jason never affected me this much. Part of the time I think it’s because Jason only came to me in my dreams. Having physical contact with Seth is like stepping out of a black and white world into Technicolor like Dorothy.

  The man ahead of me is vibrant in every sense of the word. From the proud set of his jaw to the sure steps of his feet, he’s just plain sexy. Too bad he doesn’t seem to want anything to do with me. He says it’s for my protection, but I have to wonder if it’s really for his. He’s worried about me being able to find the rest of the key. He’s also commented about my memory and my ability to make a real choice. Yeah, I wanted to get the heck away from him when he snatched me from Justine’s apartment, but things have changed. From where I’m sitting, it’s more about his past than my future. I mean, so what if I get stuck here with him? It’ll be better than being alone until I die. It’s not that I couldn’t move on with my life if I woke up tomorrow back in the human realm. It’s that I wouldn’t want to. Love is love.

  It’s never come easily for me, but I trust him. I just don’t know if he feels the same about me at this point. It’s pretty obvious he’s still getting over Rhea, even though he seems to think he’s already moved on. She did a number on so many Oneiroi. To think one woman could cause nearly all of them to convert is unfathomable. In some ways I wish I had more of the details, but most of the time I’d like to punch her in the face.

  It’s not hard to see the connection between the state of the human race and the influence dominating dreams. On a fundamental level, I think most people are good. Some just don’t know how to deal with life, and others are changed by following the destructive path of friends, parents, or even brothers and sisters. Right before Seth came into my life, when I was fourteen, I’d considered drugs. My parents had taught me everything I needed to know. If he hadn’t come along when he did, I might have embraced that life. What scares me the most is I could have been on the other side of the fence. I could have been one of the dreamers lost to the Erobos.

  Seth speaks as if I’m this really strong person, but it’s not how I feel. My weaknesses show in nearly every choice I make. I wonder if anyone ever overcomes doubt? He turns back to me and smiles, which sends a beam of light through my soul. How does he know which way my mood is turning?

  He stops at the edge of the forest. The portal lies about a hundred feet ahead of us in the open. Whoever decided to put it there clearly wasn’t thinking of safety. Most portals I’ve seen are discreet, but this one screams what it is. The big boulder sits in the very center of a clearing as if it’s been purposely placed. Streaks of silver crisscross and merge into clumps, the ideal conduit for energy. I mean, could it be more obvious?

  We wait for a long time before Seth finally starts toward the portal. A vague sense of dread spreads from my chest.

  “Stop,” I whisper.

  Seth faces me, frowning. He waits for me to reach his side before he leans toward me. “What is it?”

  I shake my head. “Not sure, but it’s something . . . not right.”

  I glance at the pile of weapons within the wheelbarrow, and Seth gives a quick nod. As slow and quiet as I can be, I lift a rifle off the top.

  The gun is lightweight and fits easily against my shoulder. I’m not sure why I didn’t think about carrying one earlier. Maybe it’s because I was too focused on other things. After I load the chamber, I motion for him to go. “I’ll cover you.”

  His jaw clenches, and, for a moment I think he’s going to argue, but he finally gets a move on. His pace is quick despite his cargo. Somehow, he manages to remain relatively quiet.

  We’re about thirteen feet from the portal when a falcon swoops from the trees to land on the ground ahead of us. A finch soon follows.

  The only person I’ve seen morph into a falcon was Daegan. My insides shake as my fears come to life. His shape expands until the man stands before us. His companion accomplishes the transform in about the same time.

  She’s tall and pretty with unruly blond hair that reaches past her waist. Several braids are intermingled with dreads, giving her a feral look that her wild eyes punctuate.

  Deagan, on the other hand, takes a relaxed stance, boots set wide. His glacial gaze sweeps over me, making my stomach flip a few times. Despite the rather nice temperature, he wears a long, leather trench with a cape of fur fastened at his collar. Several bone pendants hang around his neck in a scattered array like he’s some sort of serial killer keeping trinkets of his prey. He’s smug and scary and a whole lot of other things I can’t name. A string of murders isn’t much of a stretch.

  I lift the rifle into position, lining its sights right between his eyes. He smiles, giving me a taunting tilt of his head. Even though I don’t know what this thing will do, I pull the trigger. A beam of pure white light zips forward. He waits a nano-second before he twists out of the way.

  Show off.

  I aim again. He’s not getting out of here until I blast him and his ho-bag back into oblivion. This time, at the last second, I go for the woman. Her eyes flare moments before the beam of light shatters her into a fall of withering embers.

  I smile and take aim at Deagan once again. A chill rushes through me when he laughs. It’s not a friendly sound.

  His assessment of me continues until Seth picks up a rifle and points it at Deagan’s chest. He shakes his head, staring at Seth. “We should not battle over a girl, brother.” He shoves his hand forward. “Let us be friends. End this foolishness. Join me.”

  Seth’s voice comes out as a growl. “Never. Go back to your master, Daegan. Let us be.”

  Sadness covers Daegan’s face. “I have no desire to war with you, but I shall.”

  While they’re bickering, I take another shot. This time, it catches Daegan on the shoulder. His cloak catches fire, and he flings it to the ground, but his jacket is already ablaze. He discards it, leaving him in a sizzling shirt. That, too, comes off. What’s left is his perfectly tanned skin fitted over coiled muscle. He shoots a hateful glare at me, which I wholeheartedly return. Damned Erobos.

  Seth will likely rip his head off if he comes any closer. I wouldn’t mind getting a chance myself, but I’m not too sure of my morphing abilities. No matter what, I don’t want Daegan anywhere near Seth. I’ve got to do something to get rid of him.

  None of us says a word. We all stand there, staring. I don’t know about Seth, but I’m thinking our only shot is to come at Deagan as a team. Man, I wish Seth could read minds.

  He whips his head around to give me a quick nod. I don’t have time to consider. When his forearms tighten, I get ready. After one deep breath, I fire again. Seth sends a simultaneous bolt. The blasts hurtle toward Daegan like lightning from Zeus’ finger.

  Rage consumes his features before he disappears. This time, there’s no show of fireworks, nothing to signal we hit him. I’m almost certain he got away. My heartbeat still thunders in my ears as I scan our surroundings.

  With him gone, silence fills the clearing. Seth, too, searches for him. Considering how Daegan got the drop on me in the volcanic world, my exposed back heightens my nerves. I twist until I press myself up against Seth. Time flows into nothing more than worry until a sharp cry rends the air. Off in the distance, the falcon circles before it flies away. I make myself breath again. It’s clear to me now that Daegan isn’t going to leave us alone. He’ll keep coming at us until he gets what he wants, or we destroy him.

  My mind whirls back to the day I was training with Seth, when I considered another option. Somehow, I wonder if Daegan could be strong enough to hold the Eros. Not in his current state, of course. We would have to catch him — convert him back to Oneiroi. I’m pretty sure I can do it. Peter was pretty bad off. Maybe I’m delusional. Sure as hell wouldn’t be the first time.

  It’s been a few minutes and Daegan hasn’t come back with reinforcements. If we wait long enough, he probably will. We haven’t separated. My back is still pressed against Seth’s. I ease away from him to touch his shoulder. He’s still staring at the portal as if expecting legions of demons to zip out of it.

  It takes him a moment, but he finally turns. His expression is so dismal I can’t help the gasp that comes out of me. I lift my hand to cup his cheek. “Are you okay? I don’t think he’s coming back.”

  Seth closes his eyes and covers my hand with his. Usually, his skin is warm. Right now, it’s as ice cold as Daegan’s eyes. He’s pretty well freaked out. I can’t say I blame him, but we’ve got to get out of here. It takes him a while, but he finally answers me. “Perhaps we should go back to headquarters. This unease will not leave me.”

  Going to spy on my dad isn’t exactly a tempting endeavor, but it’s preferable to having to do it later. Maybe Seth is tired. I fill my voice with as much enthusiasm as I can muster, not to mention a little bit of flirty. “Hey, you want to go back to your place?”

  His eyes soften with compassion. “I know this is difficult, but we have too much to take care of. We’ll go back as soon as it is feasible. For now, our choices are to continue as planned or go back to headquarters for assistance.”

  Well, that didn’t work. Seems I need to improve my flirting. I give myself an inward shrug and say, “If you’re game, I am.”

  He gives a halfhearted smile along with a quick nod before he picks up the wheelbarrow and makes for the portal. It takes me too long to catch up. Our conversation didn’t turn out the way I thought it would, and I still don’t know where we’re going. It’s not as though it really matters. Neither choice is a great option. Since Seth is so tightlipped, I decide to go with the flow. “Whatever you want to do is fine with me.”

  All-consuming anger courses through my body until it tingles in my fingertips. I let Daegan get away. If Amelia hadn’t been here, I would have fought him until one of us was extinguished. As it is now, I’ve only managed to lose our advantage. He’s seen what our new weapons can do. He knows we will be armed.

  Gregory’s weapons could have been the tipping mechanism I needed. Still undecided, I wait at the gate. If we go back to headquarters, I might be able to get weapons into the hands of our best operatives before word reaches their areas.

  Yet Ian is waiting for us. Leaving him at our rendezvous will place him in jeopardy. Finally, I make my decision. I cannot put my brother in that kind of danger. Besides, if I go back to headquarters, Zed may never let me out.

  I appreciate Amelia’s willingness to do what is necessary. With gentle strokes, I brush her hair away from her face. “I’d really like to take you back to headquarters, yet Ian is waiting for us.”

  She smiles, her eyes showing her excitement. She runs her fingers down my arm. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  My face contorts in mock surprise. “I thought you didn’t want to see your father.”

  Sadness crosses her features momentarily, but she does a good job of hiding her emotions. “The truth is, Seth, I never had a father.”

  What can I say to comfo
rt her? I consider this for a moment, but soon realize nothing could ever take away the sting of her upbringing. Since she is trying to move on, so do I. “Are you ready?”

  Straightening herself, she nods. “Let’s get the party started.”

  I fail to see how surveillance could be deemed a party, but her tone holds a level of mockery which makes her meaning clear.

  We set off at a rapid pace. Part of me is certain Daegan is not far behind. I couldn’t keep him away if I tried. My thoughts stray to the brother I lost so long ago. I miss him. His sense of wonder has morphed into only desperation.

  I’ve never been able to confirm my theory that Rhea targeted him before even Peter. The first time I saw her with Daegan, I did not want to believe she had deceived him, too. Perhaps it doesn’t matter who fell first. The only thing I know is I want my brother back. I want all of them back, even Volos. Such thinking is not realistic, but heeding what’s real has never served me well within the Dreamscape. Besides, I shall never give up on my brothers until I become one of them. In that day, none of this will matter.

  I grasp Amelia’s hand to give her fingers a gentle squeeze. In turn, she does the same. She tugs on my sleeve, and I take my place behind the wheelbarrow. It would be better to stash these somewhere; however, I cannot run the risk of Daegan finding them.

  Amelia stares at me as if I’m a dullard. I lower the wheelbarrow legs to the ground once again, and ask, “What is the matter?”


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