True Faces

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True Faces Page 4

by Banks, Catherine

  I frowned. “I can walk.”

  He shook his head. “No you can’t.”

  I leaned my head against his shoulder hoping the dizziness would go away and giving in to the desire. “Whatever.” I knew it sounded half hearted, but I didn’t care anymore. He was warm and being nice. The least I could do was enjoy it. He set me down on one of the barstools and started making tea for us. I watched him move around my kitchen and a tiny sparkle of delight settled in my stomach at the thought of him being here all night. He set my cup in front of me and then sat across the kitchen’s island to face me. I asked, “So, how come all of those guys at the club knew you?”

  “I own the club,” He said nonchalantly between sips of tea.

  I stared at him in shock. “You own it?” He nodded his head. “No wonder the bartender was waiting for your approval to give me a drink.”

  He frowned. “Yes, well apparently you don’t listen to me as well as he does.”

  I smiled. “I’m your employee seven am to six pm, Monday through Friday. After that I’m my own woman.”

  He smiled. “I saw that.”

  I stared down at my tea and sighed. “You should probably leave though. It’s not safe here.”

  “Oh, are you a danger to me?” He asked with amusement in his voice.

  I rolled my eyes. “Obviously not.”

  “Are you in trouble?” He asked sincerely.

  I looked up at his worried face. “It’s nothing I can’t handle, but I wouldn’t want you to be caught in the middle if something did happen.”

  Eric reached out and set his hand on mine. “I can take care of myself and I’m not leaving tonight.” I blushed and looked down. Eric whispered, “I know you’re worried because I’m your boss, but right now I’m not your boss. I’m your friend.”

  I took a sip from the tea and he pulled his hand back. I wanted to say something about him not even knowing me, but the truth was I wanted him here. I wanted him to stay with me. The tea warmed me and I started feeling tired. Eric took the tea and picked me up in his arms. “I think we need a change of scenery and a way to keep you awake for a few more hours.”

  I groaned. “Hours? I don’t think I can stay up a few more hours.”

  He carried me in to the living room and set me down on the couch. He started sorting through my CD’s and smiled. “I guess you don’t like quiet?”

  I shrugged. “I’ve learned that some of the nastier things don’t like loud noises.”

  He looked at me in shock. “Nastier things? Like what?”

  Shit. “Uh, like bears.” I said quickly.

  He frowned. “Bears? There aren’t any bears in this area.”

  I smiled. “Or maybe I’ve just scared them all away with my music.”

  He laughed and started going through my movies. “Ah, here is one of my favorite movies. We’ll watch this, then you should be able to go to sleep.”

  I tried to see what he was putting in, but he hid it and turned on the television. I pulled the afghan off the back of the couch and wrapped myself in it. Eric pressed play and I stared at him in shock. “This is one of your favorites?”

  He smiled. “Does that surprise you?”

  “Of course it does. Moulin Rouge is a total chick flick.” I said with a smile on my face.

  Eric frowned. “Real men aren’t afraid to cry at sentimental movies.”

  I laughed softly. “Oh, you are definitely not an average lawyer.”

  He sat down next to me. “Is that a bad thing?”

  “No, not at all. Actually, it’s refreshing.”

  He hit play and moved an inch closer to me. I could feel the heat radiating off of him and my body relaxed. I had never met a man that was so easy to be around. Of course that might have been due to the fact that a lot of the men in this town weren’t human. I closed my eyes and focused on my third eye. I imagined seeing people’s true faces and pleaded with my mind to open. I opened my eyes and looked at Eric, but still only saw a man. He asked, “Do you have a headache?”

  I sighed. “No, it’s nothing.” I wrapped the blanket around me tighter and settled in to watch the movie. It was no use straining myself now, although the thought of graveling to Akio wasn’t appealing either. I watched as the actors danced and sung and told their tragic story and my eyelids started growing heavy. My eyes closed a few times and I found myself lying with my head on Eric’s shoulder. He watched the movie intently and I decided that if he cared, he would push me off of him and besides I was way too comfortable to care. The movie ended and Eric picked me up in his arms. He turned off the lights and television then checked the locks. I didn’t weigh much, but I knew I had to be getting heavy. “Eric, I can walk.”

  He shushed me and carried me up the stairs. He didn’t groan or grunt as he carried me to my room and laid me down on my bed like I was as light as a child. He turned off the light and sat down in the leather recliner at the other end of my room. I frowned. “When did you bring the chair up to my room?”

  He laughed softly. “While you were sleeping during the movie.”

  “I’m sorry. I’ve been very impolite tonight.”

  Eric walked over and smoothed my hair away from my face and pulled my blankets up. “Go to sleep, Ciara. I’ll be here when you wake up and nothing will happen to you while I’m here.”

  I scoffed softly. “I’m not worried about me.”

  He shook his head. “I told you I can take care of myself. Now go to sleep.”

  I tried to protest, but sleep yanked away my free will and everything went black and became peaceful.

  The morning sun pressed against my skull and I groaned. “Five more minutes.”

  A quite male voice answered, “I don’t think the sun will listen to you. It has a mind of its own.”

  I bolted upright in bed and moaned in pain as dizziness forced me on to my back. Eric rushed over to my bed. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

  I put my arm over my face to block the sunlight. “I forgot that you were here.”

  He sighed sadly. “Am I so easily forgotten?”

  I moved my arm up and saw his teasing smile. “It’s too early to banter.”

  He scoffed. “It’s ten o’clock. I believe bantering starts at eight.”

  “Ten? Crap. I haven’t slept this late in years.”

  I tried to sit up, but Eric pushed me back down. “Just stay in bed. You don’t have anything you have to do.”

  I sat up slowly. “I have to do my workout. Hangovers are no reason to miss workouts.” I reached up and touched my wound. “And neither are physical wounds.” I slowly swung my legs out of the covers and shivered. “Did you turn on the air conditioner?”

  He smiled. “Sorry, I was hot and you seemed plenty warm under the blankets. I’ll go turn it off.”

  I shook my head. “No, it’s alright. It’ll be another distraction for me to deal with.” I hurried across the room and to the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth, used the restroom and combed my hair. I put my hair up in a ponytail and stared at my sallow reflection. Note to self, do not drink that much ever again. I walked out of the bathroom, but Eric wasn’t there. I walked slowly down the stairs and into the kitchen where I could hear pots and pans being moved around. Eric was breaking eggs in to a bowl and had bacon starting on the stove. “Okay, now I feel awful. Let me make breakfast at least. You babysat me all night and it’s only fair that I make the breakfast.”

  Eric ignored me and continued to break eggs into the bowel. I grabbed his hand as he started to crack another one and his lip twitched. He shook his head and smiled. “Alright, since you insist, but I want it noted that I have no objection to making breakfast.”

  I smiled. “Your comment has been noted for the record. Now sit down and let me make breakfast.”

  He set the egg down and reached towards my head then stopped. “May I check your wound?”

  My heart rate sped up and I nodded my head. He stood an inch away from me and lifted the bandage on the
side of my head. He nodded his head and smoothed it back down. “It’s better. You’re healing very fast actually.” He let his hand slide down my head to my face and stroked his thumb across my cheek. “Are you feeling alright?”

  My body moved forward against my will and pressed against his. “Yes.”

  He bent down slowly and kissed my cheek softly. “Good.”

  My cheeks flared as blood rushed to them. I turned away from him and flipped the bacon. He sat down in one of the barstools on the other side of the island pretending not to notice my blush. I finished making breakfast and made our plates, sliding his to him. I sat across from him so my body wouldn’t try to touch him against my will again and we ate in silence. When we finished, he insisted on helping me do the dishes and we worked side by side at the sink. I found myself craving the casual touches he gave me and decided to let him finish the dishes alone. I hid in the bathroom for a few minutes as I tried to calm my hormones. It wasn’t working. I walked out of the bathroom and found him watching television. I started to go towards him when someone knocked on my front door. I looked at it in shock. No one ever came here. I started to go toward it when Eric stopped me. “Let me get it.”

  I frowned. “Eric, it’s my house.”

  “What if it’s…”

  I waved my hand and hurried to the door. Two muscular men who looked like they’d been using a little too much juice stood on the doorstep. I opened the door a crack and asked, “Can I help you?”

  The men looked nervous and started fidgeting with their hands. Finally one of them spoke, “Is Eric here?”

  “Uh, yeah. Hold on.” I shut the door and locked it before walking to the living room. “It’s for you.”

  He groaned. “Never a peaceful moment.” He walked to the front door and spoke so quietly to the men that I couldn’t hear what they were talking about. Eric came back a minute later looking very angry. “I have to go. Something happened at the club last night that I need to take care of today.”

  “Okay. Thanks for everything last night.”

  He jiggled his car keys looking nervous then rushed forward and kissed me on the lips. Fire exploded through me and my hands found their way behind his neck and into his hair. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against him. The image of us working together flashed across my closed eyelids and I yanked back from him gasping for air. He smiled and shook his head. “You are an interesting person. Would it be alright if I came back to check on you tonight?”

  I nodded my head and he left the house. Shit. Shit. Shit. I was breaking every rule in the book now. Getting involved with my boss was murder! I’d have to quit. I’d have to call him and quit before he came over tonight. Why couldn’t my hormones stop acting so crazy?

  I needed a distraction so I turned on Slipknot and started my exercises. I needed to clear my head and go to Akio soon because as much as I hated to admit it my third eye had to open again. I took a cleansing breath and started my routine, but no matter how hard I tried to clear my vision I could only see Eric’s face and feel his lips on mine. Two hours of trying later and I gave up. I had it bad and I had only known him for a few weeks.

  I put in another movie and tried to entertain myself, but all I could think about was Eric. I finally decided to go for a run and locked up my house. My body healed a little faster than a normal human’s so my head wouldn’t hurt as I ran. I ran into the forest and down the nature trail, which was my favorite place to go to get away from people. The birds chirped loudly as I ran passed and the cool air cleared my thoughts. I jogged the trail twice then went back to the house. I showered and changed and sat at the television and waited for Eric. The day turned to night and he didn’t come or stop by. I sighed. Who was I kidding? An attractive man like him wouldn’t be seriously interested in me. I would be just another notch on his belt. I stormed up to my room and read my book, becoming lost in the story and forgetting my life. It was the best therapy I had. Sunday was worse than Saturday and Eric never called. Was he hurt? Maybe he had gotten attacked by one of the guys he protected me from? I picked up my phone and dialed his phone number. I stared at his number on my phone and cleared it. I wouldn’t be the needy girl. I couldn’t be the needy girl. We hadn’t even had a date or anything. I flopped down on my bed to go to sleep when my phone rang. I answered quickly, “Hello?”

  Eric laughed softly. “Did I wake you?”

  “Uh, yeah. What’s up?” I rolled my eyes. Great conversation starter.

  “I just wanted to apologize for not contacting you yesterday. It was the full moon and as you know this town gets a little crazy then. Well I had a lot to deal with at the club.”

  I interrupted him. “It’s alright. You don’t have to explain yourself to me.”

  He exhaled then asked, “Will you go to dinner with me tomorrow?”

  I stared at the phone in shock. “Eric…I…”

  He interrupted me. “I know you are worried about me being your boss, but I like you…”

  I shook my head then realized he couldn’t see me. “I’m sorry Eric, but I can’t. I just can’t risk ruining my career.”

  He sighed and spoke very softly, “Alright. I understand. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Eric it’s nothing against you…”

  He interrupted me again. “It’s alright, Ciara. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Great. I hadn’t thought about the possibility of losing my job for turning down my boss. “Okay, remember that we have a meet and confer at ten tomorrow.”

  Eric scoffed. “I know. Have a good night Ciara.”

  “You too.”

  I hung up the phone and groaned. Dammit all to heck. Now he was pissed. Lawyers always got quiet when they were pissed. He was probably going to go to the Chief and tell him to fire me. Shit. I shoved a pillow over my mouth and screamed into it. Why couldn’t I have an easy, normal life? Why me? I screamed again in to the pillow then closed my eyes to go back to sleep.

  I got to work at seven o’clock, before Eric arrived and pulled all of the files he needed for the day and arranged them on his desk in appointment order. Then I hurried to the kitchen and made him a cup of his favorite tea, adding one scoop of sugar and then grabbed two donuts and put them on a plate. I hurried back to his office and had them on his desk just as he walked in his door.

  He smiled. “You’re here early.”

  I smiled. “Just being efficient.” I hurried out of his office and to my desk. I stared at the single red rose sitting on my keyboard. I could hear Eric sipping his tea and flipping through one of the files. I set the rose down next to my computer and started working trying not to think about what the rose meant. My alarm went off to notify him of his conference so I walked in to his office and cleared my throat. “Your conference is in ten minutes.”

  Eric nodded his head. “Thanks.” I turned to walk away and Eric’s voice stopped me. “Ciara.” I turned around and he smiled. “You look great today.”

  I blushed and looked down at the dress. “Thank you.” I hurried to my desk and put my headphones on to listen to his dictation. He waved as he walked out of my office and I sighed. Shit. This was going to be harder than I thought. I kept my head buried in the computer the rest of the day and hurried home right at six. My night was uneventful as usual and I got to work early again so that his tea, donuts and files were on his desk when he arrived. I used the restroom an hour later and when I came back a red rose was waiting for me on my keyboard again. I smelled the flower and put it on my desk next to the other one. This I could get used to.

  At lunch Eric asked me to join him to discuss a case so I agreed. He took me to my favorite Italian restaurant and except for the occasional look by me, it was completely professional. As we walked into his office I realized just how badly I wanted him. I stopped at his doorway as he continued to his chair and took a deep reassuring breath. “I’m quitting.”

  Eric stopped in mid-sit and looked at me. “You’re what?”

  “Quitting. I
’m sorry, but you’ll find a new secretary.”

  Eric shook his head and stood up. “I don’t want a new secretary. Is it something I’ve done? Do you want more money? What is it?”

  I sighed. “It’s…I just can’t work…”

  He walked forward and closed the door to his office, pulling me inside and pulled down the blinds. “Whatever it is just tell me.”

  I blushed and the words tumbled out before I could stop them. “It’s too difficult to work with you when all I can think about is how much I want to touch you.”

  I gasped and put a hand over my mouth. Eric smiled and picked my hand up in his. “Then touch me.” He pulled my hand up to his cheek and smiled wider. “We can make this work. I’ll do whatever you want.”

  I wanted to step back and stop touching him, but I couldn’t. “I…secretaries and bosses can’t date.”

  He shrugged. “Then we don’t have to date.” He bent down and kissed my lips softly. “We can do whatever you want as long as you stay with me.”

  I swallowed the desire to jump on him and whispered, “I’ll stay, but no dating.”

  He smiled. “Good.” He kissed my lips and stroked my cheek. “Don’t scare me like that again. You’re too valuable to lose.”

  I swallowed and stepped back from him. “Okay.” I walked out of his room and sat down at my desk. Well that had worked. Damn I had it so bad. How can one man have this much of an effect on me?

  I stared at the roses on my desk and the sticky note on the corner of my monitor and sighed. There had to be some way to work this out. A tall dark haired woman walked to my door and smiled. “I’m here to speak to Eric.” I looked at her naturally tan skin and black hair and long slim body and was instantly jealous.

  I smiled and asked, “I don’t believe you have an appointment. May I ask what this is regarding?”

  She laughed and I despised her more for her bubbly girly laugh. “Oh, it’s personal sweetheart. Just tell him that Sugar is here.”

  I smiled at her and walked in to his office partially shutting the door. “Eric, Sugar is here to see you. She says it’s personal.”


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