Scarred by Vengeance (Titanium Book 2)

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Scarred by Vengeance (Titanium Book 2) Page 16

by Valia Lind

  "Miss Snow, good morning to you too." I can hear the smile in his voice and it sets my teeth on edge.

  "It would be a good morning if I knew who attacked us." I say as sweetly as I can manage, which comes out sounding anything but. Logan gives me an approving smile, but doesn't comment.

  "I have people working on that. Since it wasn't me," he pauses, probably for dramatic affect. "I decided we're going to draw them out."

  "How are we going to do that?" Logan asks.

  "I have a list of warehouses for you to visit and that is precisely what you will do."

  "So basically you're going to use us as bait?" I say, not really surprised at all. It's pretty much what I've done with myself.

  "That is exactly what I'm doing." Foster replies. "Check your email." And with that, he hangs up.

  "Do you notice how he calls you by your first name and I'm always Miss Snow? Why is that?" I ask, running a hand through my hair. It probably looks like I stuck my hand in an outlet. I can feel the tangles with my fingers. Logan watches me with a bemused expression on his face.

  "Probably because he likes how it makes him sound all official," he replies, still not taking his eyes off my hair. "Are you having technical difficulties over there?"

  I glare in his direction as my fingers get stuck in my hair. He's trying not to laugh, but I'm sure I look ridiculous.

  "Another wise crack and you're going to lose something precious to you." I raise an eyebrow at him, trying to look all menacing. I'm sure I don't, since my hand is still tugging on my hair.

  "Someone is really cranky in the morning, aren't they?"

  "Logan, I'm about to be cranky all over your face. Shut up."

  Now he's just laughing outright. I'm very tempted to follow through with my threat, but I honestly don't feel like it. When did I become such a softy?

  Logan stands, still chuckling and I quickly drop my gaze. I really don't need to be seeing his glorious body in the morning light. I already have enough images to bring me a lifetime of torture. Okay, maybe just one little peek.

  When I glance up, he's putting on his pants and his eyes are on me. As soon as his meet mine, he grins in victory. It's like he could tell what I was thinking. Instead of looking away, I scowl at him as he pulls a shirt over his head. It really takes all of my self control not to whimper as the material covers his magnificent chest.

  Holy batman, hormones! I need to get a hold of myself and soon. Before I do something like tackles Logan to the ground and have my way with him.

  "You okay?" the man of the hour asks, giving me a once over. It's suddenly incredibly hot in the room, and even though I have barely any clothes on, I'm burning up.

  "Yes, why?" I snap.

  "You look a little flush." And I swear the smile he gives me makes me think he knows exactly what kind of thoughts have been running through my mind. I grab a pillow and chuck it at his head.

  "Wow. It's like you've slept on a pea, Princess." He catches the pillow easily enough, giving me a knowing look.

  "Seriously, Logan. Knock it off with all the fairytale crap. Your references make you sound like you're a thirteen year old girl." I get off the bed, making sure my shirt covers all the right places.

  "There's nothing wrong with loving books," Logan replies, all offended like.

  "I said fairytales."

  "Same difference."

  This time I do groan out loud and am rewarded with another one of his dazzling smiles. I'm not exactly sure why we're even having this conversation. Everything feels different since our kiss. I realize just then that I slept with no nightmares to haunt me.

  "Stop frowning, Tasia. Your face will get stuck that way." I didn't even know I was frowning. I give him a 'you've got to be kidding me' look, then walk past him to the bathroom.

  "Okay then," Logan says from behind me, but he doesn't comment on the fact that I walked around him. Far around him. "I'm going to go grab us some breakfast." I stop at the doorway and watch as he heads to the door. Without waiting for a response, he walks out and I let myself relax.

  We're in such a twisted situation. I'm working for Foster and I'm kissing Logan. If someone would've told me I'd be here, even two weeks ago, I would've laughed in their faces.

  Calen and Uncle Freddie's faces spring to mind. They must be worried sick, but I won't compromise my position, or theirs, just to hear their voices. The conflicting emotions race through me.

  I want to tell them about Blake. I want to tell them about Logan. I want their help in figuring out what's going on with me. But I know I can't. I walked away to keep them safe. I can't back out of that now.

  Everything is so messed up. Me, most of all.

  I wash my face and untangle my hair the best that I can without a brush. Looking at myself in the mirror, I notice just how haunted my eyes have become. I never thought this would be easy, but I also never expected even half of what has happened to me in the last few months.

  I'm not sure how long I stand there, staring at myself in the mirror. The sound of the door opening snaps me back to reality and I jump back against the bathroom door to listen.

  "It's just me," Logan's voice calls out and instantly, I feel better. The thought stops me in the process of opening the door. No, I can't let Logan be that anchor to me. I won't allow it. But as I walk out of the bathroom and see him holding a steaming cup of coffee in his hands, I'm afraid it's already way too late for that. He gives me a small smile before handing over the cup. That's when I notice a bag on the bed behind him.

  "They have a few stores downstairs, so I bought some things," Logan explains, shrugging sheepishly. I walk over to the bed and peer inside. From what I can tell, it's clothing.

  Grabbing the bag by the bottom, I flip it over, spilling the contents on the bed. There's a pair of jeans and a dark purple shirt. I turn to Logan, who's watching me for a response.

  "You have a tendency to buy me clothes, you know that, right?" I smile at him, making sure to show how much I appreciate it.

  "Well, maybe you should stop running around unprepared. Although, if you wanted to go naked, I wouldn't have a problem with that."

  I swat at him with my free hand, taking another sip of coffee. I'm definitely feeling the liquid working it's magic already. I reach for the pieces of clothing when I see something under it. I pull out a package and stare at it for a second.


  "What? You need undergarments." He moves away before I can slap him with the small package of underwear he got me. Well, this isn't embarrassing at all. I grab all the items and escape to the bathroom.

  "You're welcome!" Logan shouts through the door and I realize I didn't even thank him. Shaking my head at my own lack of manners, I change into my new clothes.

  Surprisingly, everything fits perfectly. I'm not even going to ask how he knows the size of my undergarments. But the thought does bring a full on blush to my skin. Taking a moment to get myself under control, I step out of the bathroom.

  In the time I was in there, Logan has packed up our dirty clothes and picked up all the essentials. What I do next surprises us both. I cross the space between us, wrapping my arms around Logan in a tight hug. It takes him a second, but then he wraps his arms around me, holding me close. I feel his head drop to the crook between my shoulder and neck, and I feel the tension drain out of both of our bodies.

  "Thank you," I whisper into his shirt and he hugs me tighter. I'm not sure what possesses me to reach out, but I realize it's what we both need.

  I can't pretend the truth away.

  I can't pretend that Logan means nothing to me. The only reason his betrayal hurt is because he's important to me. I may never forgive him, but right now, I just need him to hold me.

  * * *

  We don't say much as we make our way to the car and leave the hotel behind.

  That room, and what happened there, will be our little oasis as we go forward from here. I don't have a good feeling about today. But then again, it's been a long t
ime since I had a good feeling about anything.

  "Where to first?" I ask, trying to keep my mind on business. Whatever this run around that Foster wants us to do is, I have to play along. Logan pulls up his email and hands me the phone.

  "The docks? Of course." I say. I'm not even surprised. Foster wants to torture me in any way he possibly can. First with Logan, now with the reminder of the place where it all went wrong.

  "You okay?"

  "Ask me that question when all of this is over." I know I'm being snippy, but I can't help it. Whatever peace I felt last night is more than gone. It's like it's never even been there. Just the sound of Foster's voice set me more on edge than I'm letting on.


  "Remember what I said yesterday?" I interrupt, turning to face Logan fully. "I still don't trust you. Nothing changed."

  "I think plenty has changed," Logan snaps right back, his anger rising. I'm not being fair to him, but he doesn't actually deserve fair, does he? I ask him that question.

  "I think I should get some leeway here. I'm not the enemy."

  "You are."

  "It didn't seem to matter last night." His voice is low, dangerous, and the moment he speaks images from last night assault me. I try to keep my breathing even, refusing to lose this fight.

  "I never thought you'd get so worked up over just a kiss." My voice stuns him into silence. Suddenly, he yanks the car to the side, switching lanes and receiving a few angry honks in the process.

  "Are you out of your mind?" I yell, slamming into the seat with the force of the movement.

  He throws the car into park, unbuckling his seatbelt in the same motion. Turning fully to face me, he looks at me for a moment to make sure I'm paying attention.

  "That was more than just some kiss and you know it." There's so much emotion behind his words it takes my breath away. He's staring me with a renewed intensity and I can feel it move through my whole body.


  "No, don't you dare make that a distant memory, filing it away to reexamine on a cold winter night." He throws the words at me, bitterness dripping from every syllable.

  For a second, I'm taken back by the fact that he knows how my brain works. But I shake it off as he leans even closer to me. "I told you I don't expect you to trust me, but don't pretend like nothing happened."

  "It doesn't change anything." I manage, but even to me it sounds like a weak statement.

  "It does. It changes everything. Because now you know I will fight for you. I will spend the rest of my life making up to you, even if you never forgive me." He doesn't wait for a response, but buckles his seatbelt again and pulls back out into traffic.

  I will fight for you.

  The thought rushes through my mind, taking root in my very soul.

  I'm never going to understand him, or what he's done, but the words he says now are truer than any he's spoken before. I have to trust my own judgment, no matter how botched it's been in the past. I'm not sure how to let him know that I understand, so I do the only thing that comes to mind. I reach over and place my hand over his.

  Instantly, his fingers uncurl, weaving themselves into my own. I take a deep breath as the calm washes over me. How can I want him so badly and not trust him at all, at the same time?

  "What's at the docks?" I ask as few minutes later. Traffic is terrible at this time of a day, so it's taking us longer to get to our destination. I try to see how long we've been on the road, but for some reason my brain doesn't spit out the needed information as usual. Frowning, I shake my head. Maybe I'm just too tired.

  "Foster wants us to check on the incoming shipments. They had a few crates come in recently and he wanted the paperwork double checked."

  "It really makes it inconvenient when someone has to drive to pick everything up, no? Isn't that why internet was invented? Or even snail mail," I grumble. No matter how I feel about spending time with Logan, a bigger part of me wants to be back in Galena. With Foster—no—Blake. I want to be with Blake.

  I try to push the offending thoughts away. But they stay. I want to get back to Galena because I need to see Foster. Squeezing my eyes in frustration, I open them and stare at the car in front of us.

  "Tasia, what is it?" I forgot that Logan is holding my hand in his. He can feel the tension vibrating off me.

  "Nothing," I say, concentrating on the feel of his skin against mine. Just like that, I'm back to being me again. I can't afford to think about this right now, I need to stay focused. When Logan squeezes my hand, I look up at him and find his attention on the rearview mirror.

  "We've got company," he says and instantly, I'm on alert.

  I scan the cars behind us and realize that he's right. Three cars down, one lane over. The dark blue sedan has been following us since we pulled off to have our little chat at the curb. I can't believe I didn't realize that on my own. I must be more tired than I’m willing to admit.

  I disentangle my hand from his, making sure my seatbelt is on. Not for the first time since leaving them behind, I wish for my weapons. Logan pushes a few buttons on the screen in front of him, before changing lanes. The car behind us follows.

  "What are you going to do?"

  "I'm going to try and lose them."

  At the next light, he takes a hard left, almost colliding with an oncoming car. Honking sounds from all around us and then we're racing down the street.

  "Tasia," Logan says, keeping his attention in front of him as I scan the street behind us. "There's a gun under your seat. You may want to get it out."

  I reach under the seat beneath me and when I pull out a Glock 9 mm, everything in me sings. Just like that, I feel better. I check the clip, grabbing another one from the floor and putting it in the waistband of my jeans. If we have to get out, I'll have at least one spare. I glance behind us and see that the sedan did indeed follow. And they're closing in fast.


  "I see it."

  He takes a hard right, tires squealing. I have to hand it to him, Logan knows how to drive. Granted, I've experienced his driving skills before, but for some reason, right now, they seem that much more impressive.

  When he makes another left, I’m thrown back against the door and realize what he's doing. He's leading them outside the busy areas.

  "What are the chances they're friendlies?" I ask, watching the car behind us.

  "None at all, Princess." As soon as the words leave his mouth, they open fire. Logan and I duck as a bullet makes contact with the back window. Glass sprays everywhere as Logan swerves to avoid hitting a fire hydrant.

  "I feel like we've been here before," I say, throwing a smile his way.

  "We're a team," he replies and I'd jump up and down in glee if I could. His words mean more to me than they should. Especially in this situation. I click the gun’s safety off.

  "Keep her steady," I say, receiving a firm nod from Logan. Rolling the window down, I stay low, keeping my eyes on the car.

  "Now," Logan says and makes a right. I push up, taking aim.




  The front tires are shredded and I hear the screech of metal as the car tries to regain some kind of control. It starts to spin and then it's lost behind a building. Logan doesn't slow down. A part of me wants to go back and confront whoever is in that car, but getting out of there seems like a more logical thing to do.

  "Foster's team will be here in a few minutes," Logan says as we speed away. I figured he let him know, but I still rather take care of it myself.

  "You're not the least bit curious?" I ask, my eyes still focused on the scene behind us. Just in case. When Logan doesn't answer, I turn my attention to him. He's staring straight ahead, his knuckles white where he grips the steering wheel.


  "I am curious," he says.

  "You don't honestly think Foster will tell you the truth about who those people are, do you?" I'm not sure why Foster would keep it a secret, but it seems l
ike that's what he loves best. He loves his secrets. However, before Logan can answer, his phone rings.


  "The team is there." Foster says. "There are three men in the car, unconscious. I want you to come back."

  "On our way." Logan replies and that's the end of the conversation.

  "Wow, I just really enjoy this whole taking orders thing," I grumble, sitting more comfortably in my seat. My hand finds the ring, holding it close to my heart.

  "Tasia," Logan laughs. "Even when you're taking orders, you're not taking orders." I join him and let out a laugh of my own, knowing he’s absolutely correct, and then, the tension leaves our bodies. The adrenaline is still still pumping through my veins, but I don't feel out of control. Not with Logan beside me.

  The thought sobers me up and I fall quiet. Logan doesn't comment on my change in mood, letting me come to terms with whatever is running through my mind. Too bad I can't even understand the mess in there.

  We drive in silence until we get out of the city.


  "Are you going to tell me what you're planning?" Logan breaks the silence when we're about an hour away from Galena.

  "You know I can't," I reply, bringing my full attention to him. I've been staring at scenery passing us by for 68 minutes. Now I watch as Logan tries to look less disappointed. "You know that's the way it has to be." I try to soften the blow.

  He glances at me, nodding his head in acceptance. "I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it."

  "You don't really have a say in the matter."


  Great. We're both being snippy now.

  The honest truth is, I don't know what my plan is anymore. The closer we get to the neighborhood, the more jumbled my thoughts become. I thought I was making plans, but now I realize I was just staring out the window. That thought doesn't sit well with me.

  "Who do you think those men were?" I ask, trying to keep my mind occupied by something other than what comes next.

  "A rivalry trying to take over?" He says it as more of a question and I study him carefully. He really thinks that may be true.


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