A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair)

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A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair) Page 20

by Lacey, S. L. A.

  Chapter 15


  Time isn’t kind to lovers… They say that affairs of the heart are splattered through-out history, from exotic fables to royal indiscretions, stories that chronicle secret rendezvous, to legends of forbidden love affairs entwined with sexual persuasions; history is laced with tales and narratives as old as time itself.

  I have now been added to the repertoire of illicit sexual proclivities.

  Yes my story is much too sad to be told as Sinatra has very poignantly put it, but nonetheless my reality is this, a once unrequited love has finally surfaced, a love I have never known, fueled by passion, driven by desire and spiked with an all-consuming passion for the forgotten one.

  Tristan was the man that I was too naïve for, the man that I was too inexperienced for and the love that he was too proud to accept. Isn’t it ironic that he is now begging me to stay in his gentle good night?

  Who would have known that two disregarded tattered hearts would find an all-consuming love between us, that is the most unexplainable, the most unbelievable and the most undeniable thing in our lives.

  With regrets to the matters at hand, the realities of present day, we are the couple that will never be, even in this most romantic setting, as we are wrapped in each other’s arms we are both trying to hold onto this as long as we can.

  Truth be told nothing has changed in two years, there has always been three in Tristan and my relationship, he always had the slut-bag-ugly-whore and now with her out of the picture I am the one with a fiancé, isn’t life grand.

  We have always made the most of our time together, this love together today, we may not have tomorrow it’s not for us to say, maybe that is why we made whatever time we have together so special when we are together, the joke was on us, we got caught up in it and it blossomed into something bigger than both of us could ever imagined.

  After we make love in the bath I am lying on Tristan’s chest, the bubbles have diminished, the water has grown colder but I am so happy and content curled up on his lap I feel time standing still.

  “Aria we should go” my eyes dart up to him in surprise and in a worried way.

  “We’re not leaving are we?” he kisses the tip of my nose and hugs me close to him.

  “Well, well, well, looks like The Ritz has a profound effect on you too” I look up at him and run my index finger down his lips as he bits it as I shake my head as he releases it.

  “You and the Ritz that’s quite a combination” I kiss him sweetly.

  “Come let’s dry off” he stands and helps me out of this massive Jacuzzi tub, he holds open a white fluffy towel with blue lettering on it and I walk into his embrace as he folds it around me, rubbing and caressing me as he holds me in his arms and kisses me. Wow I have never had this kind of affection, or this much attention from any man. Yes I know what you all are thinking a girl can get use to this, trust me I was used to it two years ago too, well maybe not this much attention to detail.

  “Here allow me” I open up a fresh Ritz Carlton robe and Tristan slips it on, he takes one from the stack neatly folded by the sink, he holds it out for me as I drop my towel to the floor.

  “Aria you are so beautiful, even now more than ever” oh he has got to stop before I leave town with this man for the attention alone, but I am in a playful mood too.

  “With or without clothes” as I gaze at his sexy smile.

  “You know how I love to unwrap presents” I walk into the open robe as he drapes it over me and I am warm and content in more ways than one.

  In our robes Tristan takes my hand and we grab the berries and lay in bed feeding one another as we enjoy the remaining time we have together, gosh this is what I always thought having a boyfriend, a lover, that special someone would always be like, sadly I have not done any of this with Ian.

  Tristan sits against the headboard with his legs stretched out and crossed at his ankle, I am sitting cross legged facing him and we feed one another berries and cream, he purposely dollops the sweeten cream on my nose and he licks it off, I feed him one and dangle it over his lips and he kisses me and I am caught up in his playful antics. My lips tingle from him, how can he mean so much to me so fast and then his lips are at my neck with cream and sucking and kissing and this is so hot I am going to combust as his tongue runs down my neck and he drops the berry down my cleavage as the berry leaves cream in its path, his eyes lock on mine and I bite my corner lip.

  “Well are you coming to get it?” see what he does to me even I sound suggestive with my words, he gives me his sexy smile as he hisses air between his teeth.

  “Oh baby if anyone is coming it’s you, come here!” I squeal as he grabs me and pulls me onto his lap, kissing and sucking and licks the trail of sweet cream down my chest as he opens my robe and he has his deliciously wicked way with me.

  Just outside the window where reality is only a stone’s throw away we are in the throes of passion, a realization hits me like a ton of bricks. I am finally getting what I have always wanted, Tristan has been my dream that I have packed away and now in this most romantic setting he shows up like the man I always knew he was.

  In the distance the roar of the crowds gather below us on the river, the tall ships pass in all their pomp and pageantry, they are quite majestic in all their glory, reality is so close but yet so far away, I don’t want to go back to reality yet, can I hold it at arms-length for just a little while longer? I have waited too long to be with Tristan to say good bye to this so quickly.

  Tristan makes love to me, I have never been made love to before, this weekend was definitely a wake-up call for me, but what am I to do, I belong to someone else, I have made my choice and sadly it’s in another mans bed, my thoughts fade as Tristan holds me close and kisses me as we both fall dead to the world after having our wicked ways with each other.


  I awake from my peaceful slumber to the lovely sight of Tristan asleep next to me, glancing at him I am reminded of how this was all I ever wanted from him, after working together all day, we would go out for drinks and he would make me laugh till we were in tears, we talked and drank like it was New Year’s Eve, he wined me and dined me and our time was the best time of my life, until it wasn’t, sadly he was the best relationship I never had. He would never let me go home at night, we would fall asleep in each other’s arms and it was always the best sleep of my life, but now after making love, he has shown me how deep our love for one another really is, who am I kidding he has shown me what true love is.

  As I sit here and take it all in and glance down at Tristan as he sleeps, he is even more handsome then I remembered, a perfect mouth that tells me what I want to hear and leaves me breathless with tender kisses, his long dark eyelashes that kiss his cheeks, he looks so young and innocent, that chiseled jaw that makes him look like a model, and sometimes the bad boy that he alludes to be. But oh how I love his strong arms, that use to keep me at bay are now open and inviting, as they are my new favorite place to be.

  Tristan’s admiration and devotion is evident as he has made quite clear his intentions, now that he loves me, he wants all that goes with it. I look at him and he is just irresistible, handsome, successful and full of ideas, and as promiscuous as ever no doubt he will be the trouble of my discontent.

  Tristan has always been my deepest darkest angst, the existence of all my heartbreak and now all my heart felt desire, I have surrendered myself to him completely, body, mind and soul my craving for him is beyond what I have remembered.

  I never knew what it meant to be loved by an all-consuming man until him, Tristan shows me what devotion and admiration is as he relinquishes himself to me completely. I am reminded of how I don’t have this with Ian, as a matter a fact no one has come close to what I feel for Tristan. I never knew what it was to truly love someone, to know his touch, to feel his tenderness, to sense his passion and ardor for me it is breathtaking and irreplaceable.

  As I take a m
oment just to take it all in, it is frightening how much he means to me. it is frightening what all this means now in present day and I am frightened because now that I have succumbed to him that this all means so much more than I care to admit.

  I push his black hair off his forehead and to think he could have been mine, I could have gotten my dream, but reality is outside this hotel room and I know these are our stolen moments.

  We are bathed in the evening sun as it takes its last glimpse of the day, its lasts moments to shine through the window, I lean over to kiss him and he stirs as he moans at my lips, and there are two beautiful hazel eyes on me as he pulls me close to him I smile at his neck.

  “Oh Aria, I love waking up and finding you beside me” He rolls on top of me and deepens the kiss, we come up for air as we are both breathing hard, he is looking at me, I feel his erection at my thigh and I want one last kiss of him on me.

  I move my hands down and open his robe, I ease it off his shoulders and throw it on the floor, he opens my robe and scoots down between my legs his lips are kissing my inner thigh then his tongue teases my clitoris I am all sensation at his mercy, my knees bend and I wiggle he holds me down by my hips to keep me still.

  “Oh Tristan” he is forceful in his endeavor and I come quickly, loudly as I grab the sheet beneath me. Before my orgasm fades he enters me, he is hard against my sore flesh, he stretches me and fills me and all I want is him, the soreness fades as he has become my indulgence, my guilty pleasure.

  “Tristan please”

  “I know baby, I know” he flexes his hips and I take him all in.

  “Oh Tristan yes please, move”

  “Your wish is my command” and he proceeds with a pulsating rhythm he is merciless, I am so sore but I don’t care I want him, it is agony, he is so decadent as desire takes over and erupts deep inside of me, Tristan finds his release and fills me with his goodness, all my thoughts are of him as he tips me over the edge and we come together like beautiful music. He collapse on top of me, we are one soul in two bodies. I have never known a love like this before. We both lie as we catch our breath.

  He makes love to me, he fucks me, he has shown me that sex with him lives up to all the hype. The smell of him on me, I am bathed in it, I inhale as he is at my ear, his arms hold me tight and I never want him to let go, his lips that mold so perfectly to mine, he is all I ever wanted and he should have been mine.

  Tristan pulls out of me and holds me in his arms, his front to my back. I glance out the window, his restaurant is just minutes away, my store is in this same building that we are in right now and we never bumped into each other until two days ago.

  “What are you thinking about Aria?”

  “Oh just about the past few days and how our businesses are so close and we never ran into one another.”

  “Yes it appears that we have someone to thank for this happy tete-a-tete” immediately I think of Ian and how he had found Tristan’s restaurant and insisted we check it out and that was the start to my whole weekend.

  “Oh shit Ian, I gotta go” I go to move out of his arms and he won’t let me go! Tristan has a grip on me, a hold on me that is a force not to be reckoned with, I give up and calm and I look at him.

  “Wait, wait, and wait, just a minute, where are you running too?” Oh he is going to make this hard on me.

  “Tristan, Ian is flying home today, I have to go and get him from the airport!” I sound anxious and worried as well I should be.

  “On one condition” before I get a chance to react to his demands he holds my face in his hands and kisses me until he gets me good and wet I jump onto his lap, as he makes all my girly parts tingle. I am at his mercy he owns me while his tongue invades my mouth and pleasures my palate, he is smoldering to my lips as only he can, he kisses me and bites my lower lip, but what gets me is when he sucks on my tongue between licks, I lose my mind in him and I suddenly feel his ever present erection wiggle beneath me as he makes love to me with his mouth, coercing me to come as he making me lose control and I come all warm and salaciously on his lap, he holds me to him one last time and without warning he is hard and on fire and he kisses me one last time I feel him come beneath me, I have just lost my fucking mind

  Tristan bits my bottom lip and I pull away panting as I try to calm and catch my breath.

  “Now do you know how badly I want you?” the look on his face I feel it in my bones he is not just fucking around, he is playing for keeps. As he is still pretty substantial I burnish my sex against him one last time with utter refinement, and skill leaving me intrinsically with something to ponder.

  “The feelings mutual” he hugs me as his teeth graze my ear and he whispers

  “Where does this leave us Aria?” I gotta lighten the mood and I do what I do best sarcasm

  “Well you left me pretty sore” I sense him relax a bit at my remark

  I feel his smile at my neck I pull away slightly and see a satisfied grin on his otherwise handsome face.

  “Good, whenever you move it will remind you of me” it’s nice to know he still has his humor.

  “Oh I don’t think I am going to forget this anytime soon” he rubs his nose to mine and his daunting smile is so young and cute.

  “Don’t go Aria, stay with me tonight?” he is so daunting yet sincere as the sun is slowly fading we are both naked, me on his lap and his arms around me it would be so perfect to blow off everything and just be selfish and egocentric but I can’t be that girl, I have obligations and commitments that take precedence over what has transpired here this weekend. I need to go.

  “Tristan I need time to think” I push my hair back and my smile is replaced by sadness. As I mirror his regard on his face.

  “Are you going to tell him about us?” Whoa us, shit I never even imagined…I mean whoa…wait a second…I jump off of him to the floor and get my bearings.

  “Tristan there is no us! I told you I need to think all of this through!” I pick up my clothes, stomp off to the bathroom, oh the look on his face, I want to go back out there and throw my arms around him and make him mine, but I can’t I am someone else’s.

  I have behaved with no shame this weekend, and now I have to face reality, I am engaged to another man, I have to go do the grown-up thing, and pick up Ian from the airport.

  I dress quickly and walk out of the bathroom, Ian is sitting on the bed just as I left him.

  BATMAN BATMAN BATMAN BATMAN my phone rings, he hands me my phone.

  “Hi” I say breathless

  “Hey sweetheart how are you?”

  “I’m good where are you?”

  “I’m at O’Hare my flight leaves shortly I just missed you so much I wanted to hear your voice”

  I can’t do this anymore, I have to go, Ian is on the line he will help me out of here, and before I know it I grab my purse and valet ticket and I walk out the door. I sigh a breath of relief as I make my way to the elevator.

  “Oh Ian I miss you too” I sigh as I hit the down button repeatedly.

  “I love you Aria, I can’t wait to see you” the elevator finally comes and I get in pushing the G button or number one I don’t know which one is the main floor!

  “Ian fly safe I’ll see you in a bit I love you too bye”

  I make it to the valet desk and throw them some cash and my ticket.

  I walk outside and it’s dusk the cool air blows my hair away from my face.

  I’m grateful that Tristan didn’t chase after me I need to think all this through.

  My phone rings a number I don’t know I answer it.

  “Aria I love you” it’s Tristan, shit how did he get my number? My heart is pounding,

  “I know, I know, I know! Look I have to go”

  “Promise me you’ll remember me?” a lump fills my throat I would run back upstairs if it wasn’t for this ring on my finger anchoring me, my car pulls up

  I sigh into the phone, hang up, as I walk to my car, I fist Lawrence some cash and he eyes me strangely oh
gawd do I look like I had a one night stand? Yes the walk of shame to get my car, jeez I am falling so fast. Shit more things to worry about.

  “Have a pleasant evening Miss. Macy” well at least he didn’t call me a mad-am I get in and drive off like the villain running from the scene of the crime, screeching tires and all.


  I pull out into traffic and its crowded, the Indians are playing, the bars and casinos are full to capacity tonight and I am stuck in traffic behind a party-bus full of guys out for one last tie-me-up-tie-me down night, the screaming and the noise is too much is the whole city fucking around this weekend or what?

  I calm down and I know I have no one to blame but myself. Tall dark and handsome was always my weakness, whether I wanted to admit it or not. I knew I was in way over my head and what was I thinking doing those things with him that I have never even done with my fiancé ?

  Mulling over all this in my mind does not help the situation, all it’s doing is reiterating what I have done, burning it even further into my mind what he means to me and how he proved to me just how much he loves me. I never knew what it meant to have a man wants you...body, mind and soul he has captivated all my senses and has left me senseless.

  Lacking objectivity and wanting him as I fled from the scene of my crimes, my misdemeanors are stacking up and he’s my partner and he reeks of both crime and punishment.

  The old adage comes to mine I Came, I Saw, I Conquered, Vin Vini Vinci My thoughts are this I came, boy is that the understatement of the weekend, he made me come like crazy,

  I saw what all he has manifested, professionally he’s a successful restaurateur, but what got me was the vineyard, he conquered and chased after our dreams, and my insecurities still hinder personally was I next on his list of antiquities to conquer, a bucket list entry, or was I just the girl who said no all the time and became his obsession, his must have?


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