A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair)

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A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair) Page 33

by Lacey, S. L. A.

  I smirk as I remember the shirt he is wearing it’s the one I put on him after our tryst in my office right down to the bow-tie I dressed him in, he looks tired and his five o’clock shadow makes him devastatingly handsome.

  “Hi” he says very softly as he reaches over to touch my cheek, his hands are warm and he reaches for me but I take a few steps back to put some distance between us. I look at him and make a memory, I want him but I can’t, I have to be strong and I must keep my distance, just one whiff of his Chanel Egoiste and this dress will come off in record time.

  “Hello yourself” I continue to distance myself from him as I walk over to the sofa which is at the far end of the store. Tristan follows me slowly as he bridges the gap between us. I try to get my bearings and brace myself for what I am about to do. I take down my hair and it falls in a brunette haze as my curls frame my face, I take a seat on the leather sofa. Tristan follows me over and sits down next to me, he is always too close for comfort these days. Even though I am someone else’s his proximity puts this smile on my face, that I feel deep inside, Tristan lights me up from within and he is the only one who does this to me and for that it is wrong of me to have such intense feelings because I am promised to someone else, my head needs to make some adult decisions because my heart wants what it can’t have.

  My smile of contentment, and satisfaction sparks his salacious grin, he moves my hair away from my face with a gentle touch as he caresses my cheek, it’s all too much for me to deal with, so I break the sexual tension as I shift and clear my throat.

  “The food was wonderful tonight, you really have outdone yourself Tristan I have to say everyone was raving about you, the girls and I loved the wine too, you really found your true calling, I’m really happy for you.” He shifts to look at me closely as if he is ready to jump me, ok this will be the absolute last time I kiss him and sleep with him I promise.

  “You look like you all had a nice time Aria” he turns to his left and puts up one leg as his arm is on the back of the sofa touching my face and caressing my hair, I am going to jump him if he doesn’t stop touching me.

  “We did, how about you?” I want to keep this civil and keep him calm but you know Tristan he always has sex on the brain and he has trained me well, as all I can think about is how fast can I get him naked.

  “Well Aria, I would have to say the pre-fashion show events were far more to my liking than the actual show itself” see what I mean! Sex is on his mind, hell it’s on mine too when I am around him. I bite my lip. So I bring out my can of sarcasm.

  “Really Mr. Bach” I smile at him and move from his touch as I reach for the vodka on the cherry coffee table in front of us and fill a glass, I need my courage in a glass when I deal with this man.

  “Do you want a drink?” I am always polite and courteous, it’s an occupational hazard. I would say Tristan seems to always come across as the sexy and provocative one, but what entices me is his boyish charm, when we are together I have never seen him like this with others it’s like he is humbled before me.

  “No I’ll share yours” I take a sip and pass the old fashion glass to him, he turns the cut glass to the side bearing my lipstick stain and he drinks. I know how he feels I want every last bit of him too.

  I shake my head as I watch those lips lick the glass and wish they were on me right now, but I clear my head and get to the business at hand. He passes me back the glass and I throw it back as I gird my loins to get this out. When I look over at him he is undoing his bow-tie, than his top button and I get a glimpse of hair in the v of his shirt, I am losing my train of thought, oh shit, oh no, no, no he can’t start undressing I will jump him right here, right now, I will let him get me pregnant, and I don’t care what the consequences of my actions are.

  “I’m glad you stopped by tonight”

  “Are you now?” His sarcastic remark makes me smile, I sigh as I swallow hard he is not going to go gently out the door. I fill the old fashion glass again with shaking hands, I take a sip and pass it back to him.

  “I’m not that glad; keep your pants on please!” It’s will over skill with him, will I succumb to him, And his sexing skills, I have no will or skills to rebuke him. he takes a drink and passes it back to me and his fingers touch my shaking hand and I almost jump like he shocked me or something, but I know it is the energy that is always between us that ever present pull that tugs at my heart and always lets him in.

  I need to calm the fuck down; I put the glass to my lips so he doesn’t kiss me. I am wet for him already and if he suspects it, he will lay me across this sofa, I blink and look up at him and he speaks.

  “I saw Bollinger kiss you this evening, and I was infuriated, but when I saw your reaction, It calmed my nerves” I watch him as he takes the glass from my hand and throws the rest of the vodka back and without a second thought he fills the glass again and passes it to me. Ok now I need a drink as my heart is racing, the blood is flowing through my ears and I am getting flustered and I speak is a pitch that even I don’t recognize the sound of my own voice.

  “What do you mean?” I don’t know if I want to hear what he has to say but I might as well let him get it out before I tear down what is hanging in the balance. I tell myself to be firm and direct I have to end this because I belong to someone else. I take a drink with shaking hands and feel the smooth cold vodka slide down my throat and calm me from within, I pass him the glass and our fingers touch and that sends sensations through me.

  “He doesn’t kiss you the way you want to be kissed, am I right?” He looks at me with narrowed eyes as he takes a sip and passes the glass back to me.

  “I don’t want any more Tristan” he throws the rest of it back and I sit back and watch him, it’s has to be over, this has to be the end; I look down at my ring on my finger.

  “Why do I get the feeling that it’s me you don’t want any more of?” my eyes shoot up to his and he knows I see it, the pain and torture in a shady haze that covers his face, he is not stupid, this man has been inside of me for Christ’s sakes, he burns for me as I for him.

  “Because I’m engaged and I am going to marry Ian next Saturday”

  “Aria I have done everything in my power to make you see the error of your ways, I’m done trying to save you from yourself?” He is scolding me in his very stern and authoritative voice and now that I have a few drinks in me I can feel the courage of my conviction and do what I have to do.

  “Oh now you’re mad at me? I stand and cross my arms, shit the vodka is starting to kick in I’m in six inch Dior stiletto heels and I’m teetering on shaky ground as it is.

  “MAD! Aria I’m madder than hell!” He stands up and looks at me with dismay as he shakes his head at me he is irate, and full of fury but truthful.

  “So this is it, we come to the same conclusion it’s over?” I am stern and harsh

  “Aria, I walked out on you two years ago because I was not in the right mind set to build a life with you, to appreciate you, and take care of you, the sad part is looking at you right now, you are as lost as I was back then, I see the way I was back then in you right now!”

  Wow was not expecting that from Tristan, he is mad at me, ok good I guess it’s over. I needed it to be over anyway, if he’s mad I’ll be mad too.

  “Thank you for your assessment, Mr. Bach, just for your information I was doing just fine before you showed up, the truth is I was happy and content” he is not smiling as he runs his hand through his hair and he is ready to spit nails.

  He stands up and looks at me with malicious intent I have pushed him, refuted him and now I am tossing him to the wind.

  “When you come to your senses call me, but no more making love to me and sleeping with him”

  I swallow hard as I look at him sternly. I guess I deserve that but my thoughts are harsh too.

  “It always comes down to the sex doesn’t it with you?”

  “Aria for your information I’ve loved you too much to take your precious gift, so please
don’t put me in his category I would have honored you and waited till our wedding night” his voice is stern as his deep voice resonates off the walls. Ouch his words cut deep like a thousand good-byes.

  “Tristan I’m sorry, but I can’t hurt Ian the way you hurt me?”

  “So this is payback time?”

  “No Tristan, I chose Ian three weeks ago and I am standing by my choice, you gotta let me go!” my voice is shaky and frazzled I look at his hazel eyes one last time.

  “I’ll let you go when you let me go” he knows how much I love him I have no more words as I cross my arms and close down.

  “Good bye Tristan” I am stern and direct and my sentiment is cold I just want him to go.

  “Just remember I’m the one who chose to go after our dreams!” His eye burn to mine, he has just summed it up I can’t argue with that, he will always be my batman for doing that.

  “I’m sorry Tristan I really am for all it’s worth” I lick my lips as I look down at my feet

  “Aria just know that I am in love with you, I believe you may think you love Ian because you have known one another for so long but baby it’s in his kiss, my love for you resonates through you when I kiss you, I know it and you deny it!” Ok he is right… but hey! Doesn’t give him the right to be so arrogant about it...jeez!

  I was about to spat off at Tristan for being such an Alfa male, but in one swift move he grabs ahold of me and before I could even speak, he kisses me with all his fire and passion, with arms that are like bands of steel around me I feel the intense heat resonate off of him as his lips mold perfectly to mine, igniting me from within, when he kisses me I lose all sense of being. My hands find their way into his black silken hair and I hold him to me, I want every last bit of him. I have never been kissed with such intense need as if I am the air that he breaths, he moves his right arm at the nape of my neck as his left holds me close to his body, a temple and I worship him as I feel every muscle, every rip, and every cut of his physique, he presses me to his sculptured edifice like a God ever dominating ever empowering as I acquiesce to his persecution. I concede as I am now tantalizing his tongue in admiration, he is my hearts-desire, I suck on his tongue, his hands move to my hips as he holds me close to him and I take full advantage as I move my hands under his jacket down his back to his butt as I hold him to me as his ever present erection is against my belly. His kisses are a town without pity, tormenting, temping and teasing me as his hands move to my behind digging his nimble fingers into my aching flesh. I am lost to him as his erection now rock hard makes me moan into his mouth, with kisses so lethal they are dangerous, because I will let him fuck me, the bedding factors being lust, love and desire. The message is perfectly clear. I try to pull away as this has become way too much to handle, my girly parts are tingling and throbbing it is too intense. I get it, he wins, I will let him fuck me, my breathing quickens, my pulse is running rapid, he is my heart, my first love, and I relinquish all my reservations as he takes me to that place where only we exist, he holds me in his arms we are one. His velvet tongue tantalizes me, worshiping me with every licks and suck I am his, with such longing, passion and admiration, I let out a cry, a heartfelt moan that I love him too, that I’m sorry, so tender are the lips that bloom with love for they tell the unspoken truth. Tristan takes it further as desire and lust stir between us; he bits my lower lip and kisses away the pain and me with every intention of pushing him away I can’t because this is where I want to be. With an appetite that thirst for one another we make love one last time, cherishing one another. Tristan’s kisses are potent, intoxicating and they are dripping with his love for me, I am his only want as he wavers his unspoken devotion for me. I am so aroused that I think I may just come standing here in his arms. Emotions run through me then cold hard reality hits me when the tears prick my eyes and stream down my face and land onto his hands as he caress my face. There is no denying he was my dream and I was the answer to his prayers. As I fist my hands into his dark silky hair I want to hold onto him as long as I can, I bequeath me, as his erection wrenches and prods between us, I am so wet and saturated between my thighs as we make love as only we can. With one last bite of his lip and one last lick of my tongue he hisses through clenched teeth I know at that moment he just came kissing me, he holds me so close to him so I feel his sensation between us… I’m speechless.

  We both catch our breath and calm with a heavy heart and his breath on my lips he suddenly pulls away as he licks my bottom lip one last time holding me by my shoulders with a grip as tight as a vice and then he lets me go. Whoa what the fuck just happened!

  “I rest my case Aria” he whips me off his lips with the back of his hand, he stands back panting trying to compose himself as I look at him, I touch my lips, they grow cold from his distance. A chill comes over me as tears pause on my cheeks then fall as I look down that is the last time my lips will have his.

  I hear his footsteps retract, he turns and walks out of my store and he is gone, it’s over and done with, I told the girls I would end it and it is done, I think Tristan did it for me, but it’s done nonetheless. If I ever doubted that he loved me he proved it to me tonight but that all means nothing because as I look at the ring on my finger and the clock on the wall it’s time to go back to reality and he was just a dream.

  Now to face the wrath of Ian.

  Chapter 25


  After another vodka I to try and get the taste of Tristan Bach out of my mouth I try and composed myself and I waited till I knew Tristan had left. I decided that I should take a taxi home, too drunk to drive, I gave my car to Lawrence the valet at The Ritz Carlton, I should have done that last week instead of drinking with Tristan and cheating on my fiancé.

  I arrive home and all the lights are on to my surprise, I walk into the living room and Ian is still up sitting on the sofa working on his laptop.

  “Sweetheart your home, that was quick” he comes to me and gives me a kiss and hugs me soundly; my thoughts are I don’t deserve this honest to goodness man before me. I pull away and get my bearings as I lick my sore and bruised lips and start.

  “Ian we need to talk” I am stern and mad in my tone, maybe it’s the vodka talking! Ian takes a seat at one end the sofa, he closes his laptop and puts it on the coffee table in front of him.

  I hover near the fireplace in front of him at a safe distance. I am almost pacing, ok I have to be strong, and get it all out. I press my lips and look over at him, he is adorable simply handsome let’s hope he is in a forgiving mood.

  “Ian there is something I have to tell you”

  “You don’t have to, I already know!” He stops me dead in my tracks; he runs his hand through his thick dark hair and lets out a sigh of relief. I look over at him and he is nodding yes to me as I am the deer in the head lights yet again.

  “You do?” I am now trying to get my bearings because he knows what…

  “Yes!” Ian stands and walks in front of me, arms crossed, eyes dark and mouth stern.

  “You see I had you followed, I hired a private detective about six months ago, I missed you and wanted you back, but I needed to know if you were back with Tristan Bach”

  I cross my arms and look at my husband to be and I am like what the fuck?

  “You had me followed?” My stern voice is calm but I am shocked and surprised and my alcohol state is now leaving while anger is surfacing what the hell is going on?

  “Yes Aria, as daunting a task as it was I had to”

  “You had to?”

  “Aria I wanted you, I have always wanted you, even though you were with that worthless piece of shit, honestly I don’t know what you ever saw in him anyway, everything was fine up until a few days ago when I was informed about your indiscretion and your extracurricular activities over the past week.”

  Ian’s words are harsh and sharp he is now pacing past me like he is afraid I am going to leave, he is cautiously watching me, gauging my reaction to what he has just told
me, he knows I hate being manhandled and worst of all surprised.

  My furry is building, not only have I lost the love of my life tonight, I am now totally and completely outraged and appalled that the man I am engaged to had me followed for six months who does this, see what happens when I try and have a life…utter and total chaos!

  “Ian how dare you, what gave you the right?”

  “Because I love you, I have always loved you Aria, we spent so much time together growing up didn’t you think we would wind up together?” ok things he has never said to me before today.

  “I don’t know, you never seemed interested”

  “Interested are you fucking kidding me, I have been in love with you since we were fucking sixteen years old, how the hell do you not know this?” ok yeah I am clueless at times but wait one second professor.

  “Because you left, we never really went down this road before” I yell at him and he is back with more for me.

  “When I came back here two years ago to make you mine,, what I saw was not my Aria, you were a shell of your former self, your whole life was in disorder, commotion and pandemonium, all because of the unruliness and madness of Tristan Bach” oh wow where is this all coming from.

  “Ian you were not helpful either trying to sleep with me when you came back”

  “Aria I’m not proud of my actions, my only excuse is I love you I have always loved you” and that is exactly why I said yes to him. shit shit shit.

  “You never told me, I never knew”

  “That is because you were preoccupied with being used by that fucker Bach, and you didn’t even care what he was doing to you, you still don’t see what he is doing to your life just look at yourself he has pawed you and clawed at you taking what he wants and tossing you aside” Ian is so guile, and raw, calculating even, he is scaring me and demonizing Tristan he doesn’t even know the man! He speaks again and pulls me from my thoughts.


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