The Iliad of Homer

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The Iliad of Homer Page 54

by Richmond Lattimore

  and gall, which makes a man grow angry for all his great mind,

  that gall of anger that swarms like smoke inside of a man’s heart

  110 and becomes a thing sweeter to him by far than the dripping of honey.

  So it was here that the lord of men Agamemnon angered me.

  Still, we will let all this be a thing of the past, and for all our

  sorrow beat down by force the anger deeply within us.

  Now I shall go, to overtake that killer of a dear life,

  115 Hektor; then I will accept my own death, at whatever

  time Zeus wishes to bring it about, and the other immortals.

  For not even the strength of Herakles fled away from destruction,

  although he was dearest of all to lord Zeus, son of Kronos,

  but his fate beat him under, and the wearisome anger of Hera.

  120 So I likewise, if such is the fate which has been wrought for me,

  shall lie still, when I am dead. Now I must win excellent glory,

  and drive some one of the women of Troy, or some deep-girdled

  Dardanian woman, lifting up to her soft cheeks both hands

  to wipe away the close bursts of tears in her lamentation,

  125 and learn that I stayed too long out of the fighting. Do not

  hold me back from the fight, though you love me. You will not persuade me.”

  In turn the goddess Thetis of the silver feet answered him:

  “Yes, it is true, my child, this is no cowardly action,

  to beat aside sudden death from your afflicted companions.

  130 Yet, see now, your splendid armor, glaring and brazen,

  is held among the Trojans, and Hektor of the shining helmet

  wears it on his own shoulders, and glories in it. Yet I think

  he will not glory for long, since his death stands very close to him.

  Therefore do not yet go into the grind of the war god,

  135 not before with your own eyes you see me come back to you.

  For I am coming to you at dawn and as the sun rises

  bringing splendid armor to you from the lord Hephaistos.”

  So she spoke, and turned, and went away from her son,

  and turning now to her sisters of the sea she spoke to them:

  140 “Do you now go back into the wide fold of the water

  to visit the ancient of the sea and the house of our father,

  and tell him everything. I am going to tall Olympos

  and to Hephaistos, the glorious smith, if he might be willing

  to give me for my son renowned and radiant armor.”

  145 She spoke, and they plunged back beneath the wave of the water,

  while she the goddess Thetis of the silver feet went onward

  to Olympos, to bring back to her son the glorious armor.

  So her feet carried her to Olympos; meanwhile the Achaians

  with inhuman clamor before the attack of manslaughtering Hektor

  150 fled until they were making for their own ships and the Hellespont;

  nor could the strong-greaved Achaians have dragged the body

  of Patroklos, henchman of Achilleus, from under the missiles,

  for once again the men and the horses came over upon him,

  and Hektor, Priam’s son, who fought like a flame in his fury.

  155 Three times from behind glorious Hektor caught him

  by the feet, trying to drag him, and called aloud on the Trojans.

  Three times the two Aiantes with their battle-fury upon them

  beat him from the corpse, but he, steady in the confidence of his great strength,

  kept making, now a rush into the crowd, or again at another time

  160 stood fast, with his great cry, but gave not a bit of ground backward.

  And as herdsmen who dwell in the fields are not able to frighten

  a tawny lion in his great hunger away from a carcass,

  so the two Aiantes, marshals of men, were not able

  to scare Hektor, Priam’s son, away from the body.

  165 And now he would have dragged it away and won glory forever

  had not swift wind-footed Iris come running from Olympos

  with a message for Peleus’ son to arm. She came secretly

  from Zeus and the other gods, since it was Hera who sent her.

  She came and stood close to him and addressed him in winged words:

  170 “Rise up, son of Peleus, most terrifying of all men.

  Defend Patroklos, for whose sake the terrible fighting

  stands now in front of the ships. They are destroying each other;

  the Achaians fight in defense over the fallen body

  while the others, the Trojans, are rushing to drag the corpse off

  175 to windy Ilion, and beyond all glorious Hektor

  rages to haul it away, since the anger within him is urgent

  to cut the head from the soft neck and set it on sharp stakes.

  Up, then, lie here no longer; let shame come into your heart, lest

  Patroklos become sport for the dogs of Troy to worry,

  180 your shame, if the body goes from here with defilement upon it.”

  Then in turn Achilleus of the swift feet answered her:

  “Divine Iris, what god sent you to me with a message?”

  Then in turn swift wind-footed Iris spoke to him:

  “Hera sent me, the honored wife of Zeus; but the son of

  185 Kronos, who sits on high, does not know this, nor any other

  immortal, of all those who dwell by the snows of Olympos.”

  Then in answer to her spoke Achilleus of the swift feet:

  “How shall I go into the fighting? They have my armor.

  And my beloved mother told me I must not be armored,

  190 not before with my own eyes I see her come back to me.

  She promised she would bring magnificent arms from Hephaistos.

  Nor do I know of another whose glorious armor I could wear

  unless it were the great shield of Telamonian Aias.

  But he himself wears it, I think, and goes in the foremost

  195 of the spear-fight over the body of fallen Patroklos.”

  Then in turn swift wind-footed Iris spoke to him:

  “Yes, we also know well how they hold your glorious armor.

  But go to the ditch, and show yourself as you are to the Trojans,

  if perhaps the Trojans might be frightened, and give way

  200 from their attack, and the fighting sons of the Achaians get wind

  again after hard work. There is little breathing space in the fighting.”

  So speaking Iris of the swift feet went away from him;

  but Achilleus, the beloved of Zeus, rose up, and Athene

  swept about his powerful shoulders the fluttering aegis;

  205 and she, the divine among goddesses, about his head circled

  a golden cloud, and kindled from it a flame far-shining.

  As when a flare goes up into the high air from a city

  from an island far away, with enemies fighting about it

  who all day long are in the hateful division of Ares

  210 fighting from their own city, but as the sun goes down signal

  fires blaze out one after another, so that the glare goes

  pulsing high for men of the neighboring islands to see it,

  in case they might come over in ships to beat off the enemy;

  so from the head of Achilleus the blaze shot into the bright air.

  215 He went from the wall and stood by the ditch, nor mixed with the other

  Achaians, since he followed the close command of his mother.

  There he stood, and shouted, and from her place Pallas Athene

  gave cry, and drove an endless terror upon the Trojans.

  As loud as comes the voice that is screamed out by a trumpet

  220 by murderous attackers who beleaguer a c

  so then high and clear went up the voice of Aiakides.

  But the Trojans, when they heard the brazen voice of Aiakides,

  the heart was shaken in all, and the very floating-maned horses

  turned their chariots about, since their hearts saw the coming afflictions.

  225 The charioteers were dumbfounded as they saw the unwearied dangerous

  fire that played above the head of great-hearted Peleion

  blazing, and kindled by the goddess gray-eyed Athene.

  Three times across the ditch brilliant Achilleus gave his great cry,

  and three times the Trojans and their renowned companions were routed.

  230 There at that time twelve of the best men among them perished

  upon their own chariots and spears. Meanwhile the Achaians

  gladly pulled Patroklos out from under the missiles

  and set him upon a litter, and his own companions about him

  stood mourning, and along with them swift-footed Achilleus

  235 went, letting fall warm tears as he saw his steadfast companion

  lying there on a carried litter and torn with the sharp bronze,

  the man he had sent off before with horses and chariot

  into the fighting; who never again came home to be welcomed.

  Now the lady Hera of the ox eyes drove the unwilling

  240 weariless sun god to sink in the depth of the Ocean,

  and the sun went down, and the brilliant Achaians gave over

  their strong fighting, and the doubtful collision of battle.

  The Trojans on the other side moved from the strong encounter

  in their turn, and unyoked their running horses from under the chariots,

  245 and gathered into assembly before taking thought for their supper.

  They stood on their feet in assembly, nor did any man have the patience

  to sit down, but the terror was on them all, seeing that Achilleus

  had appeared, after he had stayed so long from the difficult fighting.

  First to speak among them was the careful Poulydamas,

  250 Panthoös’ son, who alone of them looked before and behind him.

  He was companion to Hektor, and born on the same night with him,

  but he was better in words, the other with the spear far better.

  He in kind intention toward all stood forth and addressed them:

  “Now take careful thought, dear friends; for I myself urge you

  255 to go back into the city and not wait for the divine dawn

  in the plain beside the ships. We are too far from the wall now.

  While this man was still angry with great Agamemnon,

  for all that time the Achaians were easier men to fight with.

  For I also used then to be one who was glad to sleep out

  260 near their ships, and I hoped to capture the oarswept vessels.

  But now I terribly dread the swift-footed son of Peleus.

  So violent is the valor in him, he will not be willing

  to stay here in the plain, where now Achaians and Trojans

  from either side sunder between them the wrath of the war god.

  265 With him, the fight will be for the sake of our city and women.

  Let us go into the town; believe me; thus it will happen.

  For this present, immortal night has stopped the swift-footed

  son of Peleus, but if he catches us still in this place

  tomorrow, and drives upon us in arms, a man will be well

  270 aware of him, be glad to get back into sacred Ilion,

  the man who escapes; there will be many Trojans the vultures

  and dogs will feed on. But let such a word be out of my hearing!

  If all of us will do as I say, though it hurts us to do it,

  this night we will hold our strength in the market place, and the great walls

  275 and the gateways, and the long, smooth-planed, close-joined gate timbers

  that close to fit them shall defend our city. Then, early

  in the morning, under dawn, we shall arm ourselves in our war gear

  and take stations along the walls. The worse for him, if he endeavors

  to come away from the ships and fight us here for our city.

  280 Back he must go to his ships again, when he wears out the strong necks

  of his horses, driving them at a gallop everywhere by the city.

  His valor will not give him leave to burst in upon us

  nor sack our town. Sooner the circling dogs will feed on him.”

  Then looking darkly at him Hektor of the shining helm spoke:

  285 “Poulydamas, these things that you argue please me no longer

  when you tell us to go back again and be cooped in our city.

  Have you not all had your glut of being fenced in our outworks?

  There was a time when mortal men would speak of the city

  of Priam as a place with much gold and much bronze. But now

  290 the lovely treasures that lay away in our houses have vanished,

  and many possessions have been sold and gone into Phrygia

  and into Maionia the lovely, when great Zeus was angry.

  But now, when the son of devious-devising Kronos has given

  me the winning of glory by the ships, to pin the Achaians

  295 on the sea, why, fool, no longer show these thoughts to our people.

  Not one of the Trojans will obey you. I shall not allow it.

  Come, then, do as I say and let us all be persuaded.

  Now, take your supper by positions along the encampment,

  and do not forget your watch, and let every man be wakeful.

  300 And if any Trojan is strongly concerned about his possessions,

  let him gather them and give them to the people, to use them in common.

  It is better for one of us to enjoy them than for the Achaians.

  In the morning, under dawn, we shall arm ourselves in our war gear

  and waken the bitter god of war by the hollow vessels.

  305 If it is true that brilliant Achilleus is risen beside their

  ships, then the worse for him if he tries it, since I for my part

  will not run from him out of the sorrowful battle, but rather

  stand fast, to see if he wins the great glory, or if I can win it.

  The war god is impartial. Before now he has killed the killer.”

  310 So spoke Hektor, and the Trojans thundered to hear him;

  fools, since Pallas Athene had taken away the wits from them.

  They gave their applause to Hektor in his counsel of evil,

  but none to Poulydamas, who had spoken good sense before them.

  They took their supper along the encampment. Meanwhile the Achaians

  315 mourned all night in lamentation over Patroklos.

  Peleus’ son led the thronging chant of their lamentation,

  and laid his manslaughtering hands over the chest of his dear friend

  with outbursts of incessant grief. As some great bearded lion

  when some man, a deer hunter, has stolen his cubs away from him

  320 out of the close wood; the lion comes back too late, and is anguished,

  and turns into many valleys quartering after the man’s trail

  on the chance of finding him, and taken with bitter anger;

  so he, groaning heavily, spoke out to the Myrmidons:

  “Ah me. It was an empty word I cast forth on that day

  325 when in his halls I tried to comfort the hero Menoitios.

  I told him I would bring back his son in glory to Opous

  with Ilion sacked, and bringing his share of war spoils allotted.

  But Zeus does not bring to accomplishment all thoughts in men’s minds.

  Thus it is destiny for us both to stain the same soil

  330 here in Troy; since I shall never come home, and my father,

; Peleus the aged rider, will not welcome me in his great house,

  nor Thetis my mother, but in this place the earth will receive me.

  But seeing that it is I, Patroklos, who follow you underground,

  I will not bury you till I bring to this place the armor

  335 and the head of Hektor, since he was your great-hearted murderer.

  Before your burning pyre I shall behead twelve glorious

  children of the Trojans, for my anger over your slaying.

  Until then, you shall lie where you are in front of my curved ships

  and beside you women of Troy and deep-girdled Dardanian women

  340 shall sorrow for you night and day and shed tears for you, those whom

  you and I worked hard to capture by force and the long spear

  in days when we were storming the rich cities of mortals.”

  So speaking brilliant Achilleus gave orders to his companions

  to set a great cauldron across the fire, so that with all speed

  345 they could wash away the clotted blood from Patroklos.

  They set up over the blaze of the fire a bath-water cauldron

  and poured water into it and put logs underneath and kindled them.

  The fire worked on the swell of the cauldron, and the water heated.

  But when the water had come to a boil in the shining bronze, then

  350 they washed the body and anointed it softly with olive oil

  and stopped the gashes in his body with stored-up unguents

  and laid him on a bed, and shrouded him in a thin sheet

  from head to foot, and covered that over with a white mantle.

  Then all night long, gathered about Achilleus of the swift feet,

  355 the Myrmidons mourned for Patroklos and lamented over him.

  But Zeus spoke to Hera, who was his wife and his sister:

  “So you have acted, then, lady Hera of the ox eyes.

  You have roused up Achilleus of the swift feet. It must be then

  that the flowing-haired Achaians are born of your own generation.”

  360 Then the goddess the ox-eyed lady Hera answered him:

  “Majesty, son of Kronos, what sort of thing have you spoken?

  Even one who is mortal will try to accomplish his purpose

  for another, though he be a man and knows not such wisdom as we do.

  As for me then, who claim I am highest of all the goddesses,

  365 both ways, since I am eldest born and am called your consort,

  yours, and you in turn are lord over all the immortals,

  how could I not weave sorrows for the men of Troy, when I hate them?”

  Now as these two were saying things like this to each other,


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