Kis'seus: Father of Theano, 11.223.
Klei'tos: Charioteer of Poulydamas, killed by Teukros, 15.445-53.
Kleobou'los: Trojan killed by Aias (2), 16.330-34.
Kleo'nai: City in the domain of Agamemnon, 2.570.
Kleopat'ra: Daughter of Idas and Marpessa, wife of Meleagros, 9.556.
Klo'nios: A leader of the Boiotians, 2.495; killed by Agenor, 15.340.
Kly'menē: (1) One of Helen’s handmaidens, 3.144. (2) A Nereïd, 18.47.
Klytaimes'tra: Wife of Agamemnon, 1.113.
Kly'tios: (1) Son of Laomedon, brother of Priam, father of Kaletor, 3.147, 15.419, 20.238. (2) Father of Dolops (1), 11.302.
Klytome'des: Boxer defeated by Nestor in his youth, 23.634.
Kno'sos: City in Krete, 2.646.
Koi'ranos: (1) Lykian killed by Odysseus, 5.677. (2) Charioteer of Meriones, killed by Hektor, 17.610-19.
Ko'ön: Son of Antenor, killed by Agamemnon after wounding him, 11.248-63.
Ko'pai: City in Boiotia, 2.502.
Kop'reus: Herald of Eurystheus, father of Periphetes, 15.639.
Kor'inth: City in the domain of Agamemnon, 2.570.
Koronei'a: City in Boiotia, 2.503.
Koro'nos: Father of Leonteus, 2.746.
Kos: Island in the southeast Aegean, 2.677.
Koure'tes: A people at war with the Aitolians, 9.529-99.
Kran'aë: Island on the homeward route of Paris from Lakedaimon, 3.445.
Kra'pathos: Island in the southeast Aegean, 2.676.
Krei'on: Father of Lykomedes, 9.84.
Krete: Large island south of the Aegean, the domain of Idomeneus, 2.649.
Kre'thon: Achaian killed by Aineias, 5.541-60.
Krisa: City in Phokis, 2.519.
Krois'mos: Trojan killed by Meges, 15.523.
Krokylei'a: Place on or near Ithaka, 2.633.
Krom'na: City in Paphlagonia, 2.855.
Kronos: Father of Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, 1.498, etc.; overthrown and in Tartaros, 8.479-81.
Kte'atos: Brother of Eurytos (2), q.v.; father of Amphimachos (1), 2.620-21.
Kylle'ne: Mountain bounding Arkadia to the north, 2.603.
Kymin'dis: Name for a bird, 14.291.
Kymo'dokē: A Nereïd, 18.39.
Kymo'thoë: A Nereïd, 18.41.
Kynos: City in Lokris, 2.531.
Kyparisse'eis: City near Pylos, 2.593.
Kyparis'sos: City in Phokis, 2.519.
Ky'phos: City of Gouneus, 2.748.
Kythe'ra: Island off the southern tip of Lakedaimon, 15.431.
Kyto'ros: City in Paphlagonia, 2.853.
La'as: City in Lakedaimon, 2.585.
Laër'kes: Myrmidon, father of Alkimedon, 16.197.
Laër'tes: Father of Odysseus, 2.173.
Lakedai'mon: The city, with its surrounding country, of Menelaos, in southeastern Greece, 2.581, etc.
Lampos: (1) Son of Laomedon, father of Dolops (2), 15.525-27. (2) One of Hektor’s horses, 8.185.
Lao'damas: Trojan, son of Antenor, killed by Aias, 15.516.
Laodamei'a: Daughter of Bellerophontes, mother, by Zeus, of Sarpedon, 6.197-99.
Lao'dikē: (1) Daughter of Priam and wife of Helikaon, impersonated by Iris, 3.121-24. (2) Daughter of Agamemnon, 9.145.
Lao'dokos: (1) Son of Antenor, impersonated by Athene, 4.87. (2) Charioteer of Antilochos, 17.699.
Lao'gonos: (1) Trojan killed by Meriones, 16.603-7. (2) Trojan killed by Achilleus, 20.460.
Lao'medon: King of Troy, son of Ilos and father of Priam, Tithonos, Lampos (1), Klytios (1) and Hiketaon, 20.236-38; who earned the hatred of Poseidon by his treatment of him and Apollo, 21.443-60.
Lao'thoë: Daughter of Altes, mother, by Priam, of Lykaon (2) and Polydoros (1), 21.84-91.
La'pithai: Thessalian people led by Polypoites and Leonteus, 12.128-30.
Laris'sa: City, location unknown, allied to Troy, 2.841.
Leio'kritos: Achaian killed by Aineias, 17.344.
Le'ïtos: Leader, with Peneleos, of the Boiotians, 2.494; wounded and put out of action by Hektor, 17.601-4.
Lektos: Or Lekton, promontory of the Troad, 14.284.
Le'leges: People of Asia Minor allied to the Trojans, 10.429.
Lemnos: Island in the Aegean, west of Troy, 1.593, 2.722, etc.
Leon'teus: Leader, with Polypoites, of the Lapithai from Argissa, etc., 2.745.
Lesbos: Island and city close to the coast of Asia Minor south of Troy, 9.129, etc.
Lethos: Lord of Larissa, 2.843.
Leto: Mother (by Zeus) of Apollo and Artemis, 1.9, 21.498-504, 24.607-9.
Leu'kos: Companion of Odysseus, killed by Antiphos (3), 4.489-93.
Likym'nios: Uncle of Herakles, killed by Tlepolemos (1) who was his great-nephew, 2.663.
Lilai'a: City in Phokis, 2.523.
Limnorei'a: A Nereïd, 18.41.
Lindos: City in Rhodes, 2.656.
Lok'rians: People of Lokris, 2.535.
Lokris: District in east-central Greece, the domain of Aias the son of Oïleus, 2.527.
Lyka'on: (1) Father of Pandaros, 2.826, etc. (2) Son of Priam and Laothoë, killed by Achilleus, 21.34-135.
Lykas'tos: City in Krete, 2.647.
Ly'kia: (1) District on the southern coast of Asia Minor, the domain of Sarpedon and Glaukos (1), 2.877, etc. (2) Apparently the country around Zeleia, close to Troy, home of Pandaros, 5.105, 5.173.
Lykome'des: Achaian, killer of Apisaon (2), 17.345-49.
Lykon: Trojan killed by Peneleos, 16.334-41.
Lykophon'tes: Trojan killed by Teukros, 8.275.
Ly'kophron: Achaian from Kythera, friend of Aias, killed by Hektor, 15.429-35.
Lykour'gos: (1) Son of Dryas, who assaulted Dionysos and was punished by the gods, 6.130-40. (2) Hero who killed Areïthoös (1), 7.142-49.
Lyktos: City in Krete, 2.647.
Lyrnes'sos: City in the Troad, the home of Briseis, 2.690, etc.
Lysan'dros: Trojan killed by Aias, 11.491.
Macha'on: Son of Asklepios, fighter and healer, with his brother Podaleirios leader of the Thessalians from Trikka and Oichalia, 2.729-33; ministers to the wounded Menelaos, 4.192-218; wounded and put out of action by Paris, 11.504-20.
Magne'sians: People of Thessaly led by Prothoös, 2.756.
Maian'dros: River of Asia Minor emptying near Miletos (2), 2.869.
Mai'malos: Father of Peisandros (3), 16.194.
Mai'on: Kadmeian who led an ambuscade against Tydeus, 4.393-98.
Maio'nians: People from around the lake of Gyge, 2.864.
Mai'ra: A Nereïd, 18.48.
Makar: Lord of Lesbos, 24.544.
Mantinei'a: City in Arkadia, 2.607.
Maris: Lykian killed by Thrasymedes, 16.319-29.
Marpes'sa: Daughter of Euenos, wife of Idas, 9.557.
Ma'ses: City in the domain of Diomedes, 2.562.
Mastor: Father of Lykophron, 15.430.
Med'eon: City in Boiotia, 2.501.
Medesikas'te: Daughter of Priam, wife of Imbrios, 13.173.
Medon: (1) Bastard son of Oïleus (1), 13.694-97; killed by Aineias, 15.332. (2) A captain on the Trojan side, 17.216.
Megas: Father of Perimos, 16.695.
Me'ges: Leader of the men from Doulichion, son of Phyleus, 2.627; leader of the Epeians, 13.692.
Mekis'teus: (1) Father of Euryalos, 2.566 (and one of the Seven against Thebes); a great boxer in his youth, 23.678-80. (2) Achaian killed by Poulydamas, 15.339.
Melanip'pos: (1) Trojan killed by Teukros, 8.276. (2) Trojan, son of Hiketaon, killed by Antilochos, 15.576. (3) Trojan killed by Patroklos, 16.695. (4) A younger Achaian chief, 19.240.
Melan'thios: Trojan killed by Eurypylos, 6.36.
Melas: Son of Portheus, brother of Oineus, 14.117.
Melea'gros: Son of Oineus and prince of Kalydon, 9.529-99.
Meliboi'a: Thessalian city in the domain of Philoktetes, 2.717.
Mel'itē: A Nereïd, 18.42.
Menela'os: Son of Atre
us, brother of Agamemnon, first husband of Helen, lord of Lakedaimon, 2.581-90, etc.
Menes'thes: Achaian killed by Hektor, 5.609.
Menes'theus: Leader of the Athenians, 2.552-56.
Menes'thios: (1) Achaian from Arne killed by Paris, 7.9. (2) Myrmidon leader under Achilleus, 16.173-78.
Menoi'tios: Son of Aktor (3) and father of Patroklos, 1.307, etc.
Menon: Trojan killed by Leonteus, 12.193.
Men'tes: Leader of the Kikones impersonated by Apollo, 17.73.
Mentor: Father of Imbrios, 13.171.
Meri'ones: Companion in arms of Idomeneus, one of the most prominent of the younger Achaian warriors, charioteer and archer, 2.651, 13.244-329, etc.
Mer'meros: Trojan killed by Antilochos, 14.513.
Merops: Augur in Perkote, father of Adrestos (2) and Amphios (1), 2.831.
Mes'se: City in Lakedaimon, 2.582.
Messe'is: Wellspring in Greece, exact location unknown, 6.457.
Mesth'les: Leader of the Maionians, 2.864.
Mestor: Son of Priam, 24.257.
Metho'ne: Thessalian city in the domain of Philoktetes, 2.716.
Midei'a: City in Boiotia, 2.507.
Mile'tos: (1) City in Krete, 2.647. (2) City of the Karians, 2.868.
Minos: Son of Zeus and Europa, father of Deukalion, king of Krete, 13.450-54, 14.321-22.
Min'yai: People of Orchomenos (1) led by Askalaphos and Ialmenos, 2.511.
Minyei'os: River on the border of Nestor’s domain, 11.722.
Mnesos: Paionian killed by Achilleus, 21.210.
Moli'on: Follower of Thymbraios, killed by Odysseus, 11.322.
Moli'ones: Eurytos (2) and Kteatos (qq.v.), 11.709.
Molos: Father of Meriones, 10.270.
Morys: Trojan killed by Meriones, 14.513.
Mou'lios: (1) Epeian hero killed by Nestor in his youth, 11.739. (2) Trojan killed by Patroklos, 16.696. (3) Trojan killed by Achilleus, 20.472.
Mydon: (1) Charioteer of Pylaimenes, killed by Antilochos, 5.580. (2) Paionian killed by Achilleus, 21.209.
Mygdon: King of Phrygia, 3.186.
My'kalē: Promontory across the bay from Miletos (2), 2.869.
Mykales'sos: City in Boiotia, 2.498.
Myke'nai: Agamemnon’s capital, a few miles north of the city of Argos, 2.569, etc.
My'nes: King of Lyrnessos, 19.296.
Myri'ne: Heroine after whom a hill before Troy was named, 2.814.
Myr'midons: The people of Phthia, subjects of Peleus and led by Achilleus, 2.684, etc.
Myr'sinos: City in Elis, 2.616.
My'sians: A people living to the east of Troy and allied to the Trojans, 2.858.
Nai'ad: A well-nymph, 6.21.
Nas'tes: Leader of the Karians, killed by Achilleus, 2.867-75.
Nau'bolos: Phokian hero, father of Iphitos, 2.518.
Ne'leus: King of Pylos, father of Nestor, 11.692, etc.
Nemer'tes: A Nereïd, 18.46.
Neopto'lemos: Son of Achilleus, 19.327.
Ne'reïds: The daughters of Nereus, nymphs of the sea, 18.36-49.
Ne'reus: Aged god of the sea, father of Thetis, 1.556; and of the other Nereïds, 18.36.
Ne'ritos or Ne'riton: Mountain on Ithaka, 2.632.
Nesai'e: A Nereïd, 18.40.
Nestor: Leader of the Pylians, once a great warrior and still active as a commander and counselor, 1.247-84, etc.; father of Antilochos, 5.565; of Thrasymedes, 9.81.
Ni'obē: Heroine of Asia, whose six daughters and six sons were killed by Apollo and Artemis, 24.602-17.
Ni'reus: Leader from Syme, handsomest (next to Achilleus) of the Achaians, 2.671.
Ni'sa: City in Boiotia, 2.508.
Nisy'ros: Island near Kos, 2.676.
Noë'mon: (1) Lykian killed by Odysseus, 5.678. (2) Henchman of Antilochos, 23.612.
Nomi'on: Father of Amphimachos (2) and Nastes, 2.871.
Nysei'an: Of a mountain sacred to Dionysos, 6.133.
Ocean or Oke'anos: The waters surrounding the world and the god of those waters, 1.423, 14.201, etc.
Oche'sios: Father of Periphas, 5.843.
Odys'seus: Son of Laërtes, lord of Ithaka and the neighboring islands, great fighter and counselor, close friend of Agamemnon, 2.631, etc.
Oicha'lia: Thessalian city of Eurytos (1) in the domain of Podaleirios and Machaon, 2.730.
Oid'ipous: Hero of Thebes (1), 23.679. (In Homer, strictly, Oidipodes.)
Oï'leus: (1) Lokrian hero, father of Aias (2), 2.527. (2) Trojan killed by Agamemnon, 11.93.
Oi'neus: Hero of Kalydon, son of Portheus, 14.117; father of Tydeus, 5.813; of Meleagros, 5.981.
Oino'maos: (1) Achaian killed by Hektor, 5.706. (2) Trojan killed by Idomeneus, 13.506.
Oi'nops: Father of Helenos (1), 5.707.
Oi'tylos: City in Lakedaimon, 2.585.
Okal'ea: City in Boiotia, 2.501.
Olen'ian Rock: Landmark on the borders of Elis, 2.617.
O'lenos: City in Aitolia, 2.639.
Oli'zon: Thessalian city in the domain of Philoktetes, 2.717.
Oloös'son: Thessalian city in the domain of Polypoites, 2.739.
Olym'pos: Mountain north of Thessaly, the home of the gods, 1.499, etc.
Onches'tos: City of Boiotia, 2.506.
One'tor: Father of Laogonos (1), 16.604.
Opheles'tes: (1) Trojan killed by Teukros, 8.274. (2) Paionian killed by Achilleus, 21.210.
Ophel'tios: (1) Trojan killed by Euryalos, 6.20. (2) Achaian killed by Hektor, 11.302.
Opi'tes: Achaian killed by Hektor, 11.301.
Op'oeis or O'pous: City in Lokris, 2.531.
Orcho'menos: (1) City of the Minyai, adjoining the territory of the Boiotians, 2.511. (2) City in Arkadia, 2.605.
Oreithy'ia: A Nereïd, 18.48.
Ores'bios: Boiotian killed by Hektor, 5.707-10.
Ores'tes: (1) Achaian killed by Hektor, 5.705. (2) Son of Agamemnon, 9.142. (3) Trojan killed by Leonteus, 12.193.
Ori'on: The constellation, 18.486.
Orme'nion: Thessalian city in the domain of Eurypylos, 2.734.
Or'menos: (1) Trojan killed by Teukros, 8.274. (2) Father of Amyntor, 9.448. (3) Trojan killed by Polypoites, 12.187.
Orne'ai: City in the domain of Agamemnon, 2.571.
Oros: Achaian killed by Hektor, 11.303.
Orsi'lochos: (1) Achaian killed by Aineias, 5.542-60. (2) Trojan killed by Teukros, 8.274.
Orthai'os: A Trojan captain, 13.791.
Or'the: Thessalian city in the domain of Polypoites, 2.739.
Orti'lochos: Father of Diokles, 5.546.
Othry'oneus: Suitor of Kassandra, killed by Idomeneus, 13.363-82.
Otos: (1) Giant who with his brother Ephialtes imprisoned Ares, 5.385. (2) Achaian from Kyllene, killed by Poulydamas, 15.518.
Ot'reus: Lord of Phrygia, 3.186.
Otryn'teus: Father of Iphition, 20.382-84.
Ouka'legon: An elder in Troy, 3.148.
Paië'on: The healing god, 5.899.
Paio'nia: A district, its people allied to the Trojans, in what was later Macedonia, 17.350.
Pai'sos: Apparently the same as Apaisos (q.v.), 5.612.
Pallas: Epithet of Athene, 1.200, etc.
Pal'mys: A Trojan captain, 13.792.
Pammon: Son of Priam, 24.250.
Pan'daros: Son of Lykaon (1), leader of the Trojans from Zeleia, 2.824-27; but spoken of as being from Lykia, 5.173; breaks the truce by treacherously wounding Menelaos, 4.85-140; wounds Diomedes, 5.95-105; killed by him, 5.280-96.
Pandi'on: Henchman of Teukros, 12.372.
Pan'dokos: Trojan killed by Aias, 11.490.
Pan'opē: A Nereïd, 18.45.
Pan'opeus: (1) City in Phokis, 2.520. (2) Father of Epeios, 23.665.
Pan'thoös: An elder of Troy, 3.147; father of Poulydamas, 13.756; of Euphorbos, 16.808; of Hyperenor, 17.19-35.
Paphla'gonēs: People of Paphlagonia on the southern shore of the Black Sea, allied to the Trojans, 2.851.
Paris: Son
of Priam and Hekabē, who carried Helen from Lakedaimon, 3.15, etc. (in the Iliad more frequently called by his other name, Alexandros).
Parrha'sia: City in Arkadia, 2.608.
Parthe'nios: River in Paphlagonia, 2.854.
Pasi'thea: One of the Graces, 14.269.
Patro'klos: Son of Menoitios, henchman and close friend of Achilleus, killed by Hektor, 1.307, etc.
Pedai'on or Pedai'os: City in the Troad, 13.172.
Pedai'os: Trojan, son of Antenor, killed by Meges, 5.69-75.
Pe'dasos: (1) Trojan killed by Euryalos, 6.21. (2) City on the river Satnioeis, 6.35. (3) Town near Pylos, 9.152. (4) One of the horses of Achilleus, 16.152.
Peirai'os: Father of Ptolemaios, 4.228.
Pei'res: Father of Rhigmos, 20.484.
Peiri'thoös: Son of Zeus, father of Polypoites, 2.741.
Pei'ros: Thracian killed by Thoas, 4.517-38.
Peisan'dros: (1) Trojan killed by Agamemnon, 11.122-44. (2) Trojan killed by Menelaos, 13.601-19. (3) One of the leaders of the Myrmidons, 16.193.
Peise'nor: Father of Kleitos, 15.445.
Pel'agon: (1) Follower of Nestor, 4.295. (2) Follower of Sarpedon, 5.694.
Pelas'gian: A term of disputed and apparently variable significance. Applied to Argos (2), the home of Achilleus, 2.681; but the Pelasgians of Larissa are allied with the Trojans, 2.840-43.
Pel'egon: Father of Asteropaios, 21.141.
Pel'eus: Son of Aiakos, 21.189; father of Achilleus, 1.1, etc.; husband of Thetis, 18.85, etc.
Pel'ian: Of the spear of Achilleus, cut from Mount Pelion, 16.143.
Pel'ias: Father of Alkestis, 2.715.
Pelle'ne: Achaian city in the domain of Agamemnon, 2.574.
Pelops: Lord of Argos, father of Atreus, 2.104.
Penei'os: The chief river of Thessaly, 2.752.
Pene'leos: Leader, with Leïtos, of the Boiotians, 2.494.
Perei'a: Place where Apollo had bred the mares of Eumelos, 2.766.
Per'gamos or Per'gamon: The citadel of Troy, 4.508, etc.
Per'gasos: Father of Deïkoön, 5.535.
Periboi'a: Mother, by the river Axios, of Pelegon, 21.142.
Perie'res: Father of Boros, 16.177.
Perime'des: Father of Schedios (2), 15.515.
Per'imos: Trojan killed by Patroklos, 16.695.
Per'iphas: (1) Aitolian killed by Ares, 5.842. (2) Herald of Anchises, 17.324.
Periphe'tes: (1) Trojan killed by Teukros, 14.515. (2) Achaian from Mykenai, killed by Hektor, 15.638-52.
Perko'te: City in the Troad, 2.835.
Perrhai'bians: People from the region of Dodona, led by Gouneus, 2.749.
The Iliad of Homer Page 81