Front & Center (Book 2 of the Back-Up Series)

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Front & Center (Book 2 of the Back-Up Series) Page 10

by A. m Madden

  Our show that night in Cleveland was perfect. Jack introduced me by singing Brown Eyed Girl. He told the crowd it was a personal favorite. Once done, he sat on his stool center stage with his guitar. While strumming the chords, he asked the crowd for silence.

  “So I have something to tell you guys.” They responded with cheers and screams.

  Chuckling, he asked, “Can you guys let me talk?” The crowd ignored him, the decibels only increasing with his request.

  “Please?” Their response was to add whistling and hooting.

  “No? Well I’m going to talk anyway. Have you heard my new song?” The noise level in the arena increased to a fever pitch. He waited for them to settle down and then asked, “Do you like it?” I actually felt the stage beneath my feet vibrating from their response.

  He chuckled again at their enthusiasm. “Oh, good. I’m glad you like it. I was worried. I lied, though. I didn’t write it for Trey.”

  Laughter filled the stadium. Jack laughed with them. “Seriously…I wrote it for someone very special to me. I wrote it for an amazing girl who changed my life and rocked my world.” Jack paused briefly, still strumming chords on his guitar. While smiling wide, he continued. “So, I love her.” The crowd went crazy.

  “This one is for my brown-eyed girl.” My heart pounded frantically from watching his performance and to the amount of emotion he stirred within me from his song. It was even better than the first time he sang it. This time, he allowed his own emotions to come through. He glanced over to where I was standing and searched my eyes, sending bolt after bolt of electricity through the air straight into my heart.

  The crowd loved it. This set the tone for the rest of our show. Jack was ecstatic and it showed on stage. This sexy, talented, romantic, perfect specimen was declaring his feelings for me. It touched me more than anything ever had in my entire life.

  He held my hand during our encore, confirming to the masses in attendance that we were together. The applause became thunderous.

  He leaned over and said, “See, there was no need to freak out.”

  He was right.

  As I scanned the hoards of faceless bodies, watching from the stage while they all applauded and screamed for us, while his hand tightly gripped mine, I decided I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else at that moment. It felt perfect.

  Our next stops were Grand Rapids, Indianapolis, then Detroit, all back-to-back nights. All three shows pretty much went the same way as our Cleveland show did. The only difference was Jack’s flirting increased each night.

  Once on the bus, I sat on the laptop scouring posts and comments and searching for any evil wishers that were tainting our success. We have officially been out-ed as a couple to our fans, and so far I haven’t found any to be concerned about. The Leila haters were still out there, but their numbers weren’t increasing all that much. If at all possible, their posts were getting more hurtful. Krista and Jen were constantly on top of the situation, interjecting happy thoughts wherever and whenever they could.

  After our Detroit show, we all got rip roaring drunk. There wasn’t a rush to pull out, so we all hit the closest bar and drank our asses off. Even Dylan and some of the roadies joined us. The redhead, who I suspect has a crush on Jack, came along as well. His name is Kyle and he’s painfully shy. It was funny watching him watch Jack all night.

  A few patrons recognized us, taking the opportunity to join our loud, obnoxious gathering. It was just what we all needed.

  It was four a.m. once we stumbled back to the bus. The guys immediately crashed. Jack and I stayed out front, laughing and making out. At times we were so loud, they threatened to kick us off the bus while we were moving if we didn’t shut up. Their crankiness fueled our antics even more. By five a.m., Jack and I took our party to our room and had drunk-induced, raunchy sex. He took me from behind as my naked breasts pressed up against the darkened window. It was so erotic. Even though no one could see me, the illusion was enough to enhance my already mind-blowing orgasm.

  “Ok, you need to fess up.”

  “Huh?” I respond sleepily. My eyes drift closed again just as I feel Jack pulling a taut nipple in between his lips. I’m so conflicted. I’m exhausted, but I’m also now aroused…again.

  “Jack…What are you doing? I need sleep.” Swirling his tongue around my nipple, he sucks hard until my eyes fly open. “Jack, it’s so early. You’re killing me.”

  “No, it’s not, it’s late.”

  “Can’t be.” I am so tired. It feels like I’ve been asleep for minutes and not hours.

  “It is. Actually it’s like ten. We need to get up.” Kissing my other breast he asks, “Do I have your attention?”


  “Good. You need to fess up.”

  “About what?”

  “My ringtone.”

  Oh crap.

  I was hoping it didn’t register with him that his ringtone is a song about tying me up and fucking me senseless. Absolutely nothing gets past him. I meant to change it. I totally forgot. This is almost as bad as me confessing his dimples make my crotch clench.


  “Um…I think it’s pretty self-explanatory.”

  “That it is. I can’t wait to get you into a proper bedroom to fulfill your fantasy.”

  “I promise once we get to a proper bedroom, you can fulfill my fantasy.”

  “Good. Especially since that will be in less than an hour.”

  “Then can I sleep?”

  “No. Definitely not.”

  “You’re mean.”

  “I’ll make it up to you. Thank you for choosing that ringtone.”

  “Thank you for reminding me that I need to change it.”

  “What? Why?”

  “It’s embarrassing.”

  “No, it’s not. It’s hot as fuck.”

  “Jack, I was mortified when Evan accidentally heard it. I need to change it.”

  Jack frowns adorably. “What will you change it to?”

  “I don’t know. What do you have as my ringtone?”

  Without missing a beat, he proudly replies, “Layla, of course.”

  “Really? I love that.”

  “Well, I love you. I set it after our first night together. I told you I love Clapton and now more than ever.”

  My heart melts at his admission. I smile warmly. “Oh, I know what I want.”


  “My song. I’ll download it from YouTube.”

  “Really? I love that.” He repeats my words back to me before bending to kiss me softly.

  “Can I go to sleep now?”

  “Nope.” Jack pulls my earlobe in between his teeth, tugging gently. “You need to get up. We’ll be arriving at the hotel soon, and we need to pack and check in. But don’t pack too much. I plan on having you naked most of the next two days.”

  “Can I wear clothes to the radio interview?”

  “Uh, yeah. I don’t want anyone else seeing you naked.”

  “You’re so considerate.”

  “I can be.” He reaches down between my legs, skimming a fingertip over my sensitive skin, over and over and over and over, until I climax.


  We arrived in Chicago mid-morning and we have the entire day to ourselves. Sure, we have rehearsals and our show to perform tonight and an early radio interview in the morning, but who cares…we have two nights in a hotel.


  Patti and Mandy flew out to meet us. They were originally only going to spend the two days with us in Chicago, but they decided to move on to Des Moines and fly home from there. I’m really looking forward to having some female company on the bus. Lori was not able to make it. I was disappointed, but simultaneously relieved that she took my advice not to string Trey along. Trey pretended he didn’t care in the least. I’m not buying it, though.

  As we walk through the lobby, it is hard not to spot Hunter and Mandy, Scott and Patty sucking faces. They are literally blocking the walkway, f
orcing people to walk around them to get to the elevator banks. Some mothers are giving them dirty looks, but most of the dads are enjoying the show, as well as a few teenage boys.

  “We need to get them to their rooms or they’re going to get arrested.”

  “That could be kinda fun.”


  Laughing, he pulls me over to the love fest, breaking them up long enough to convince them to check in and get out of the lobby. We agree to meet at rehearsal, all wanting to spend every minute locked behind closed doors. Trey takes off in the opposite direction, out into the parking lot.

  “I feel bad for Trey. We’re all paired off.” I voice my concern while waiting for the elevator.

  Jack looks down at me. “That’s what he does. Even before you joined us, we would all go out to a bar, and Trey would disappear minutes later.”

  “I still feel bad.”

  “He’s fine, babe.”

  Hunter and Scott are down the hall fiddling with their room keys as their girlfriends do a-hurry-up-and-open-the-damn-door jig behind them. The more they bounce, the more their boyfriends can’t get the doors open.

  Jack laughs out loud at the sight. Our room is right between theirs and these walls better be soundproof. I’m not very concerned, though. I’m sure I won’t hear a thing. I am so excited. Two whole nights to sleep in a real bed. I hope there are big fluffy pillows.

  After using the bathroom, I walk in to see Jack lying across the bed, holding a belt in his hands. He’s removed his shirt, shoes and socks, making him look like he’s shooting a designer jean commercial. With a look that could melt my panties, he says, “Time to fulfill your fantasy.”

  “Really? We are in this room ninety seconds.”

  “I know. We wasted ninety seconds already.”

  He stands slowly, stalking towards me like he’s about to have me for dinner. It’s so sexy. “Baby, I need you naked.”

  “Then can I sleep?” He nods devilishly.

  I raise my arms and respond, “Ok, go at it.”

  He shakes his head. “Nope. We are going to fulfill my fantasy today as well. And my fantasy is to watch you strip.”

  “Nuh uh…no way,” I shake my head stubbornly.

  Jack nods just as stubbornly. “Oh yes. I’ve been dreaming about it since the night you stripped after your farewell party. Even as drunk as you were, it was one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen. I need a repeat.” He sits on the end of the bed. “Come on, baby. Make my dreams come true,” he pouts adorably.

  I release a very heavy sigh as embarrassment takes over. “Jack, I’m not that brave without tequila.”

  “Come on, for me?”

  “I hate you.”

  “I’ll make it up to you.”

  “So you keep sayin’.”

  Kicking off my shoes first, I then slowly pull off my t-shirt, dropping it to the floor. Jack sits riveted, as if he’s never seen my body before. I unbutton my jeans, sliding the zipper down with much ceremony. Actually, this is kind of fun. I’m turned on just from the look on his face. I would even entertain some stripper music right about now.

  I turn my back and peel my jeans off of my legs, wiggling my ass in the process. I then step out of them and toss them onto Jack’s lap. While looking over my shoulder, I unhook my bra allowing the straps to hang free. I hold the bra to my breasts and slowly turn to face him. Jack pins me with his smoldering gaze. The intensity in which he watches me causes every cell in my body to respond. He licks his lips and leans forward with his elbows on his knees. His reaction is completely spurring me on.

  I pull the bra away one cup at a time and dangle it from my fingertips. As I drop it to the floor, I slowly slip my other hand inside my panties, leveling him with my stare.

  Jack is on me instantly.

  “You didn’t let me fin...” He muffles my words with his lips. His kiss turns me inside out, leaving me breathless.

  He lifts and centers me on the bed.

  “Your turn. Raise your arms.” Clasping my hands together, he loosely wraps the belt around my wrists, then around the headboard. “Ready, baby?”

  When I nod, he pulls one of my scarves out of his pocket. “This will make it even better.” Jack gently ties the scarf around my eyes. “Can you see anything?”

  Shaking my head, he responds with a kiss on my lips.

  He places a trail of kisses to my ear, down my neck and back up to my lips. He stops there for a few minutes, kissing me deeply. Being blindfolded heightens my senses. His lips feel softer against my own, his stubble burns against my face in a good way, and his scent is clean and masculine.

  Pulling away, he moves lower and lower until I feel his breath on my left breast. He doesn’t move, except for the puffs of air I feel against my hardened nipple. He runs his nose over it, and then his lips pull it forcibly into his mouth. Jack has sucked on my nipples plenty of times, but this time feels incredible.

  I feel like I’m about to literally implode, the heat centered in my groin. “Jack, make love to me.” He doesn’t respond. Instead he starts the process on my right breast. By the time he moves further down, I’m panting uncontrollably.

  He hooks two fingers into the side elastic of my panties and slowly drags them down my legs. He still hasn’t uttered one word. It’s doing unbelievable things to my arousal. Warm lips find me, while his fingers explore me. The combination brings me to an immediate orgasm. It takes hold and doesn’t let go, rolling on and on.

  As I’m trying to control my breathing, his lips are suddenly on mine, and his erection is pressing against my entrance. “I love you.” He finally says, as he slowly slides into me. He releases my hands, but keeps the scarf securely tied around my head.

  He snakes his hands behind my back, holding me tightly against his body. There isn’t a sliver of space between us. Still being blindfolded, I can feel each of his hard muscles pressing against me. I can feel his fingers gripping my back, his abs against my belly, his breath on my neck, and his pants in my ear.

  I reach orgasm first, and it’s even more intense than the first one. Jack continues, quickening his pace until he shudders inside me.

  “Holy fuck.” He rasps out, as the shudders continue to move through him into me. I move my face to the left until my lips find his chin. I run them over his stubble before pulling his bottom lip in between my teeth. His groan rumbles right through me. I love that I can do this to him. I love he reacts that way towards me.

  Jack pulls the scarf off, but doesn’t pull out from inside of me. He looks so serious as he stares into my eyes,

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I’ve never felt this way before. It’s overwhelming.”

  I know exactly what he means. “I know. Sometimes it scares me.”

  Jack gently pulls out, pulling me into his arms. “I can stay here forever.”

  “Me too.” The lack of sleep from last night, and the two orgasms he just gifted me with take control of my body. Fighting desperately to stay awake, I lose the battle pathetically.

  The last thing I hear is, “Sleep, baby.”

  I’m startled awake from a cursing Jack. “Damn it.” Grabbing his jeans off the floor, he retrieves his phone. “Jen, you’re on speaker. I’m with Leila.”

  “Great. I hope I’m not interrupting anything?”

  “I wouldn’t have answered the phone if you were.”

  “Ugh. I’m sorry I asked. Listen up. Dylan spoke to you about the security tapes?”

  “Yeah.” He stops for a second and continues. “I told him I still want security.”

  “Jack, there really isn’t any reason for you to…”

  “Jen. I want security.”

  “Whatever…I’m trying. So I’m flying in and I will be at the show tonight with Krista. We will also be joining you tomorrow at the radio station. I predict a lot of questions about you two. I want to be there to defuse them. Did I mention you have to be there at six-thirty and go live at seven?”

bsp; “Damn that’s early. I’ll need help to get Trey there.”

  “I’ll get him there. See you tomorrow.”

  Jen hangs up and I immediately ask, “What happened on those tapes?”

  “There was a guy hanging around the buses. From the description Dylan gave me, it couldn’t have been Danny, too short. It was probably a roadie. But I still want security.”

  “I feel better about the tapes though, don’t you?”



  As I look around our pitiable crew, I’m grateful we are doing a radio interview this morning and not a TV interview. We are one sorry sight for sore eyes. Trey has on his shades, so there is no way of knowing how tired he looks. But the rest of us look downright pathetic, except for Jen and Krista. They both look as fresh as daisies.

  After our show last night, Jen had arranged for a small after-party. She invited about a dozen of our fans, as well as the band, Patti, Mandy, Krista from the label, our roadies, our drivers, Dylan, Will, our equipment manager, and some arbitrary chick that Trey picked up. This is the first time we’ve met Krista face to face, and I adore her. She is sweet and funny. I love that she has been assigned to Devil’s Lair.

  Jen had the brilliant idea of presenting backstage passes to random people in the audience. She really is a good agent. She had drinks and food set up for us and turned it into an intimate meet-and-greet. They took photos and autographs. Jen gifted them with Devil’s Lair t-shirts and CD’s.

  It was really fun interacting with our fans so casually. They became real to us, to me. No longer the faceless people who did nothing but spew lies on the Internet. These fans were truly into Devil’s Lair and loved everything we presented to them.

  A few of the girls in the bunch flirted shamelessly with Jack and not being able to help himself, he flirted back. He would watch me give him the evil eye from across the room and wink. It was truly harmless and I was really just busting his chops, but it did leave me wondering which one of them he would have ended up with if we weren’t together. That is one dangerous game to play in your mind, especially when a little tipsy.


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